Chapter 327 The Red Dust Refines the Heart
"Humanity's exploration of spiritual power is still barren. You have a good talent in the spiritual field. I hope you can cooperate with Elder Nightmare to promote human beings' exploration of spiritual power—this is beneficial to the entire world. Yes, its significance is no less than the position of a saint, and it is also respected by others. Do you accept it?" Pope Bibidong asked.

When Hu Liena heard this, she became excited again, and she also knelt on one knee and said, "Thank you for the gift from the Pope!"

We should be grateful for the educational atmosphere created by Wuhundian today.Although this did not meet Hu Liena's initial expectations, being able to become a pioneer in a certain field is something worth writing in the history books. If she does well enough, her future status in history will definitely not be as a saint. Women can compare.

Yan who was on the side looked at it and let out a sigh of relief.During this period of time, he has been following Xie Yue's instructions. Although the relationship has not been significantly closer, at least he has treated them as equals.

According to Xie Yue, what he needs now is to use his strength to conquer Hu Liena's heart, and finally prove that he is worth relying on.But never act lowly.

I have to say that it is good to have a big brother to help!
Seeing this, Pope Bibi Dong also said: "You can also be regarded as a spirit-type soul master, and a soul master who specializes in illusion. In this case, I will give you a chance to let you experience the real illusion. When you wake up, how much you can understand from it all depends on your own understanding.

But this is both an opportunity and a test.I hope you can see your true heart clearly and clarify your position in this trial.You still have a chance to refuse now, if you agree, there is no way out, have you thought about it. "

【Your Majesty the Pope, are you going to teach me my unique skills? ] Hu Liena thought excitedly.

"This junior is willing to accept the trial!" Hu Liena responded.She has already lost her position as a saint, and she must not lose this opportunity of trial again!How many people haven't had this opportunity for the unique knowledge taught by the Pope himself!

"That's good. Elder Abyss, Xiaoxue, come and help me." Pope Bibidong said.Although it feels weird to operate the avatar to talk to the main body, sometimes it is really necessary.

Then, in a burst of pink-gold moonlight, Hu Liena felt that her consciousness gradually entered a special state, and after another wave of golden light poured in, her cognition also began to temporarily go blank like a tide.

Like a dream, this is the fantasy created by the other side of the dream and the angel Shenghuang.From Bibi Dong's point of view, Hu Liena still has some background, but her mentality is not right. If so, let her help Hu Liena see the world clearly.


Hu Liena felt that she was in love.

She met the most ideal person in her mind. She looks so good-looking, as if growing on her heart, every detail pokes her point!The point is - he is full of wisdom!
Unlike Yan, who is honest and has a wooden head.

The only pity is that that person is not from the Wuhun Palace, but a descendant from the original three sects, and the Wuhun still has flaws, but... so what?
Soon, Hu Liena fell in love.As the saint of Wuhundian, for her sweetheart, she will provide him with various theoretical knowledge and cheats of Wuhundian, just to help him grow.

Yan reminded her not to get too deep into it, and wanted to continue pursuing her, but Hu Liena simply ignored it.

Soon, after obtaining the secret method of Wuhun Erjue, the defect of the Wuhun of the sweetheart was remedied, but he seemed to have achieved his goal and was about to leave the Wuhun Palace.

The sweetheart told her that he didn't like Wuhundian, saying that Wuhundian was a place where filth was hidden, and he would leave here sooner or later.

Hu Liena responded, saying that she could go with him.

But later Yan came over and told her that that person was not trustworthy and that he was the enemy of Wuhundian.His purpose of coming to Wuhun Palace was to use her to solve his own Wuhun flaws, and finally to come back to revenge Wuhun Palace for the sake of his family.However, how could a person who treats her so well be an enemy?


In the end, that person left her behind.She couldn't understand, and couldn't understand, why this kind of thing happened, as if a dream suddenly shattered.

Yan tried to comfort her, but Hu Liena didn't listen at all. Now she only has one person in her heart.

Finally, the previous pope passed and she became the new pope.Under her leadership, Wuhundian flourished, but hidden dangers and seeds of division were left behind.

Hu Liena also learned that that man already had a sweetheart of her own, and he was an existence with sensitive identities, even if it was to be with such a person, he would not want to get together with Hu Liena.

It's as if Wuhundian is the original sin.

For this reason, she began to hate Wuhundian.

Later, that man came back, but not for the sake of getting back together, but for asking for his own secret method of spiritual cultivation.

Out of past feelings, Hu Liena handed over such things.She tried to ask if it was possible to restore the relationship, but the reply she got was that they were not the same after all.

This made her mood more extreme.

Hu Liena destroyed the sect that had humiliated her sweetheart to show her sincerity, but what she got in return was endless revenge from her sweetheart.

At the end of this life, that man took his apprentice and overthrew the Wuhun Temple.And his apprentice used his own spirit to cultivate the secret method to become stronger step by step. According to the man, this is also a part of revenge against the Spirit Hall.

Her dream was completely shattered, shattered so thoroughly.

From the very beginning, that so-called sweetheart never treated her sincerely, but only used her as a tool.

At the very end, when she was about to die, a figure stood in front of her.

【Live on. 】

Yan died, but in the end she narrowly escaped death.

Yan's departure made Hu Liena feel empty in her heart, as if she had lost something.She felt that her heart was full of guilt, but she didn't know how to respond.

Later, Hu Liena learned that everyone in Wuhundian was wiped out by the alliance led by that man, and her only relative, Xie Yue, also died in that man's revenge.

Ha ha ha ha.

Sure enough, I shouldn't judge people by their appearance from the very beginning.

The face of the devil is always beautiful, precisely because it wants to seduce human beings.

In the end, those who treat themselves sincerely and try to redeem themselves are never cherished by themselves, and they don't start to regret until they lose them.

But it's too late to regret it now.

【Then, if you are given a chance to choose again, what will you do? 】

How to do it?
I will let that waste be a waste for the rest of my life.Crush his hopes with your own hands, and let him stay in the sewer forever like a mouse!

As soon as the screen turned, Hu Liena found herself back to the beginning.

She saw the ideal man again.

roll!Hu Liena reprimanded sharply.

In the end, the man left full of resentment.

Hu Liena saw Yan again, and Yan greeted her as usual.

She didn't know why, all the emotions came out, and she threw herself into Yan's arms, crying loudly.

Countless people outside the Hall of Spirits are wishing for the Hall of Spirits to be destroyed, because the very existence of Hall of Spirits itself has touched the interests of those vampires.

Hu Liena began to secretly observe the man, and finally discovered that he was still planning to use the Pope's decree obtained from nowhere to try to obtain knowledge from the previous Pope.

All those who tried to destroy Wuhundian were her enemies.Here in Wuhundian, there are her teachers, her relatives, and her friends.

This time, he must not be allowed to succeed again.

She personally slashed her thoughts and killed his apprentice, but was hunted down by the family behind that man.

But at this time, Yan rescued them in time again, and finally they escaped from that family's pursuit and returned to Wuhun City.

The Pope personally rewarded them, and told them about the history of Wuhundian and the glory of the previous era.The story is not long, but it is very impressive.

At this moment, she was finally able to understand the mission of Wuhundian.

Why is only Wuhundian worthy of her trust?

Because everyone here will fight for everything they hold dear.

Everyone here is working hard together for a common ideal. What they have to do is to make this world a better place and become what everyone expects.

And those sects and families, for their own power, will never allow this kind of thing to happen.

In the end, she and Yan sat in the sunset.

The sun is going to set, aren't you afraid?Hu Liena asked.

Fear not, for it will rise again.Yan replied.

As the sun sets, so does the illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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