Chapter 339 Angel Divine Skill Eternal Blazing Sun
Angel magic?Why did I seem to have never heard that angel gods have magical skills?Qian Renxue was puzzled.

At this time, the voice of the kind god king appeared in time again:

[The angel god back then, even among all the main gods, was the one with the strongest explosive power, and his frontal attack was far stronger than any of the seven elemental gods and the seven original sin gods.It is the same existence as the Sea God who is good at control, the Rakshasa God who is proficient in erosion, the mysterious and treacherous God of Time, and the physically powerful God of Destruction, and was even called the head of the main god at one time.Hmm... It's not easy to compare with the new God of Emotions.

It can be seen that Sea God does not want you to inherit the perfect angel inheritance, he is afraid, afraid of the existence that unified the Douluo plane for an entire era.Fortunately, I found out the inheritance she left behind, so I can make do with it for you.But remember one thing, the inheritance of divine skills is not your own after all, only the divine skills you have achieved are the most important. 】

"What are the divine skills inherited from the Angel God Patriarch...?" Qian Renxue asked suspiciously.

【What you need to master now is only the core common divine skills, other divine skills can be completely evolved by your own soul skills.I can see that the Holy Fusion Art inherited by your angel family has the potential to evolve into divine skills, and it should be one of the most precious heritages you have preserved. 】The Kind God King replied softly.

[Assessment content: In the Accelerated Secret Realm, independently acquire the three angelic skills and master them perfectly, which means passing the assessment.

Tip: In the accelerated secret realm, one year in the secret realm is one day in reality, and you can leave halfway.Mastering the angelic skill [Eternal Blazing Sun] can complete the preliminary stage, and the time limit is one year. After completion, the third test can be started in advance. Please pay attention to the time allocation of the divine test. 】

"Then let's start." Qian Renxue said.

Before Qian Renxue could react, she had already been sucked into a strange time and space from the clouds, but she had already entered the arena of life and death many times, and she quickly adapted to this change of time and space.

When Qian Renxue sensed the surroundings again, she found that the surroundings were a completely empty time and space, nothingness, silence, nothing.

"It's so dark, it would be great if there was light." Qian Renxue muttered.

Thus, this dull world has light.Passive radiance filled the whole world, which seemed a bit dizzying.

"Wow! It really appeared!" Qian Renxue was startled immediately, and then reacted, saying: "The light is too bright, let's dim it a bit, gather them together, and gather them into a point like the sun."

As a result, all the light in this world converges and turns into a small sun. Under the light of the sun, one can clearly see that there is really nothing in this world.And Qian Renxue was suspended in the middle of this gravity-free world.

Is this the secret realm of acceleration?It looks more like the independent space seen in the ruins before, this should also be a kind of demiplane?

[Secret Realm: Acceleration Secret Realm

A demiplane left behind by the Angel God, transformed by the Kind God King.You can use the environment here to simulate any phenomenon you want to help you realize the magic skills.But the simulation is just a simulation after all, it will not bring you any real impact, and you cannot be taken away from the secret realm. 】

"Is it really a demiplane? That's right... the remnants of the soul guide era have shown such technology, and it's normal for the angel gods to have this kind of means... But the time acceleration effect should be the design of the kind god king, right? "Qian Renxue thought about it.

[Inheritance of Angelic Skills - Eternal Blazing Sun

Everything in the universe came from the original big bang.All the energy spouted by the big bang spun into clusters and became the first stars. The stars possessed the energy of destruction, but all the elements were conceived in the creation of the stellar furnace.

The Angel God discovered the mystery, peeped out the mystery of using the power of the sun to create and annihilate elements, and thus this magical skill was born.Detonate everything that you can detonate, and burst out the most powerful holy brilliance of the sun, this is the essence of [Eternal Blazing Sun]. 】

[Is this the essence of seeing those rare metals being "burned out" in the ruins before?The primitive melting furnace can create god-level metals, and can also burn them up and turn them into pure energy...] Qian Renxue has been completely immersed in contemplation, and the process of comprehension has already begun.

Qian Renxue can see that [Eternal Blazing Sun] is very similar to the angelic skill [Sacrifice] mastered by grandpa. The igniting vitality, but it is already strong enough.

But if everything can be detonated in the same controllable way, including blood, soul power, spiritual power, and all the elements that can be called around... What kind of terrifying power will it be?Even the bomb ring can't compare with it!

Taking the eternal blazing sun as the foundation of power, and using the holy fusion technique to evolve various powerful divine skills... It is no wonder that the ancestor of the angel god was able to become the head of the main god for a time. This is not unreasonable.

But then again...

"Is there only an introduction and a description? Not even a demonstration?" Qian Renxue asked with a bewildered expression.

[Ahem, sorry.That's all the inheritance I can get back, but it doesn't matter, the key clues have been given to you, you can try to use the secret realm to understand it yourself. 】The Kind God King responded in embarrassment.

If you take a certain Blue Star as an example, it is like giving you a mass-energy formula and a virtual platform that can be simulated infinitely, allowing you to create a nuclear bomb with only one theoretical conception.

It's outrageous!
[However, this is not entirely a bad thing for you—at least this magical skill is completely comprehended by yourself, and it is completely in line with your own, rather than the product of someone else's empowerment.Now there are some gods in the God Realm. Inheriting the god position is to directly empower the inheritor with divine skills, and eventually become a waste without the god position... I hope you will not become that kind of existence. 】The King of Kindness suddenly called again at this time.

...Should I still thank you?
Qian Renxue put aside these complicated thoughts, since she wants to comprehend from the beginning, then make good use of everything in the secret realm!

So Qian Renxue started the process of her own comprehension. Time was racing against time. She began to try to simulate the process of the formation of the sun in this accelerated secret realm. After a few attempts, she quickly found the balance point needed for the sun to condense and form.

Qian Renxue has condensed the sun soul core, and she can be regarded as relatively proficient in this process.

Then Qian Renxue began to observe the changes of the elements in the sun, and began to change the state of the sun, so as to spy on the evolution of the elements in more detail.With the help of the Eye of Destiny, she can easily see the changing process of elements, how they are created and how they are annihilated.

In this secret realm of acceleration, many things that Qian Renxue wanted to do and dare not do can be realized. She can carry out experiments without worrying about resources until she succeeds.

Qian Renxue began to experiment with the simulation process she observed, and the object she chose was the element.By invoking the inexhaustible power of the sun.

She tried to "crush" and "crush" the power of the sun over and over again, but the nature of the power did not change, let alone explode, as if there was still a lack of certain conditions, a condition for a critical qualitative change.

"Is it because the power is not enough? Or the purity is not enough?" Qian Renxue thought repeatedly.

She tried to purify the power of the sun and continuously compress and condense it, but it seemed that she still couldn't achieve the effect of simulating the sun.The balance of gravity and explosive power at the celestial level is not something she can easily touch.

Is there no other way to achieve this kind of critical qualitative change?
Qian Renxue began to look back at the gesture of sacrificing his skills that his grandfather used when he regained the authority of the Angel God.Qian Daoliu didn't teach her this unique knowledge out of concern, but she remembered that scene deeply through the eyes of fate.

She repeatedly imitated, reviewed and imitated the way the soul power works, and gradually finally reproduced the unique art of sacrifice.

The first step is done!

Sacrificial Juxtaposition is a simplified variant of Eternal Blazing Sun, as long as you deduce it from it, you can find the key points and dig out the core mystery of Eternal Blazing Sun!
Qian Renxue doesn't know how many times she has experimented, how many simulated suns have been blown up in this secret realm, how many thousands?tens of thousands?Or hundreds of thousands?She traversed almost every structure of stellar objects.

Qian Renxue also repeated the reverse deduction of the unique art of sacrifice countless times, and finally, gradually, she noticed the hidden details.The key is not the path of soul power, but the process of breaking the old balance and evolving a new one.

This is the key to critical qualitative change!

Then Qian Renxue started to try again. She did not detonate one sun every time, but detonated dozens, hundreds of suns at the same time!At the same time, keep observing and comparing, repeatedly comparing, and looking for the key, and I am also trying to trigger the process of critical qualitative change.

10086th attempt.

An ever-expanding supernova flared up, approaching the terrifying power of the creation level, the endless light could not be seen directly, and the endless heat could melt everything in an instant.It was just a simulated celestial body, but Qian Renxue really felt the mighty power shaking the universe and starry sky.

And in her hands, she also successfully ignited that touch of the sun's holy brilliance!
 About Angel Skills:

  Some people may ask me, Angel God does not have this magical skill...

  Is there a possibility that this magical skill was realized by Qian Renxue herself? (Hey?)

  It has nothing to do with whether the angel god will or not, because Qian Renxue deduced it by herself.The Shenkao only provides an overview and a simulated environment.

  Just like the saying, "What are you without Iron Armor?".Self-enlightenment is more real than anything else.

  Of course, another reason is to complement some background settings.

(End of this chapter)

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