Chapter 341 Burn Out, My Everything!
In the sky, the holy light and the black mist kept colliding, but the angel god was obviously out of shape, and was blasted out by the turbulent flow of the raging energy, like the sun falling, crashing into several high mountains before stopping!
Looking at the appearance of the angel god, the erosion of the unknown divine power has passed more than half, but because of the distortion of the information, he can't see the color clearly, and he can't feel the accurate breath. It seems like garbled characters in the picture.

She spat out golden blood, and her whole body seemed to be approaching the end.

On the earth, countless human beings watched this scene, and there was a trace of despair in their hearts. Could it be that even the angels and gods were unable to defeat such opponents?

"Angel God, I admit that you are very strong, but from the moment you come here, your end is doomed!" The Demon Lord holding a two-pronged fork slowly approached, as if he had seen that the entire plane was about to fall into him. The scene in the hand.

"Hehe... is that right? It's not over yet!" Angel God said with a light smile regardless of his injuries.

In an instant, her whole body began to burn again. The violent energy on her body was as blazing as a corona, and the flow of the sun's divine power was like an arc of prominence. The ultimate holiness burst out from her chest, instantly purifying the erosion of the entire world!
The sun's brilliance pierced through the pitch-black cloudtops again, and the eroded plane is beginning to melt and evaporate!It seemed to be reduced to ashes in a raging fire and quickly dissipated!
The Demon Lord panicked immediately, he could clearly feel the divine power of the Angel God rising sharply, instantly surpassing the level that a first-level god should have, he hurriedly scolded: "What are you doing! You don't know the result of doing this, Could it be that you yourself are completely annihilated!"

How could he fail to see that the Angel God was actually planning to burn his soul and die with him completely!If this continues, let alone him, the plane he brought will be completely annihilated by the sun's holy brilliance!

"Since you dare to do it, why don't you dare to bear the consequences? To love me and the people I love, and for the future of all human beings, even if I burn everything in me, I will kill you completely!" The holy sword of the angel was raised above the head, and the violent power of the sun was detonated again in an instant.

She ignited her divine body and soul, detonated her sacred heart, and put all of these into the reaction of the star-like furnace, turning all of her divine power into fuel for the holy fire.With your purest heart, light up the real sun's holy brilliance.

"You're crazy! You do this! Humans will have no shelter! The abyss will come to this world again!" The Demon Lord trembled, but he still did not forget to make a final resistance. He mobilized the power of the entire plane, half the world The deep black mist poured into the two-pronged fork, causing time and space to start to collapse in chains, and he tried to fight back desperately!

He is well aware of the nature of the law enforcement team in the God Realm. They obey God Shura. As long as God Shura allows him, he still has the opportunity to come to this plane again to devour him!

"As long as my will is passed on, then the human beings in this world will certainly be able to protect themselves!" Angel God put all his will, beliefs, awareness and determination into this sword, "And you, just Confess the sins you have committed in the holy light!"

At that moment, she seemed to have completely turned into the sun, and the radiant sacred light and the brilliant real fire of the sun were constantly gushing out, and the most primitive energy fusion occurred.The Angel God's power is constantly multiplying and skyrocketing, but the price is - she will detonate everything in herself.

All human beings watched this scene, some were praying, some were blessing, and some were looking forward to it.But there are also strong human beings who saw the situation of the Angel God, and tears flowed from the corners of their eyes. They could clearly see that the Angel God was detonating all his power, just to protect the people she loved deeply!

"Eternal Blazing Sun——!"

Like the sun expanding into a red giant star, but far more solid and violent than that, the infinite light and heat burst out instantly, completely engulfing the demon king.At this moment, the Angel God Realm has completely fixed the Demon Lord, so that he can only be completely refined and wiped out by the power of the holy sun!
Can't resist!There is no exemption!Can't dodge!That is the swan song of the angels, and it is also the last light that the gods can burst out for their people!Use the will as fuel, if the will is not extinguished, the fire will burn forever!At this moment, her strength is even comparable to that of a god king!

"No—I'm not reconciled!!"

The demon king's divine body began to be dismembered and incinerated under the terrifying divine power of burning the sky and boiling the sea, and his divine soul was also completely ignited.The invading plane was also transpired in an instant, and the dirty and corrosive power was purified and dissipated, and finally turned into pure energy, which was fed back to the world that had suffered great trauma to repair the world's pain.

Incandescent light covered the entire sky, and the light that could not be seen directly spread all over the earth.It continued to burn like this for a long time, until all the blackness receded, and the sun filled the land again.

In the flames of war, many survivors without arms and legs were lying on the corpse ground, laughing and laughing at each other.

"We won, right?" asked a soldier hiding in the trenches.

"Nonsense...nonsense, we are still alive, of course we have won!" The knight on the side responded excitedly.

"Yeah, I won... I won." Some people were trembling, as if they hadn't recovered from the impression of the doomsday disaster.

Then, they saw the most beautiful scenery in their lives.

The glory is calling, summoning the horn of victory; the sun is singing, singing the epic of heroes; the flowing clouds are telling, telling interesting stories about the people.

However, the flying feathers all over the sky seem to be crying. They cry about the cruelty of mothers and abandon their children; they cry about the cruelty of angels and abandon humans; they cry about the cruelty of gods and abandon believers.

The looming sky feathers, like little babies, fall to the earth with the cradle made by the wind, some fall to the gaps of the disabled, making them complete again, this is a miracle; some fall to the sick It is a miracle to revive the sickly plants and trees; it is also a miracle that more of them fall into the soil and cleanse the dirty soil.

Miracles appeared, but the gods were no longer seen.

"That was the last miracle."

An old man dressed in the costume of an angel high priest showed a painful expression, a tear dripped from the corner of his eye, and he began to sob like a child.

Looking at this shocking scene, Qian Renxue forgot to speak for a long time.Burning everything in oneself, just to protect mankind... Is this the last will that the Angel God Ancestor wanted to convey?
The end of the soul-guided actually in such an unimaginable way, but why, why did such a big thing happen, but no history has been passed down?It's as if... was deliberately erased.

But she is also puzzled, why the angel god is willing to do this for human beings.Abandoning oneself to save everyone, but is human being really worth it?Now even on the mainland, there are various forces that are hostile to the Spirit Hall. Are they worth saving?

After thinking about it, Qian Renxue still couldn't come up with a reason. After all, she was not an angel god ancestor, and she didn't know why the god ancestor made such a choice in that situation.Perhaps all of this needs to be found in the subsequent memory of inheritance.

It took a long time for Qian Renxue to recover from it, and before her eyes, the scene of inheriting memories had already begun to disintegrate.

She looked back at the place where the Angel God had burned herself, and thought to herself:
[God Ancestor, although I don't know why you made such a choice, I will definitely inherit your will and recast your glory. 】

【must. 】

(End of this chapter)

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