Chapter 35 Evil God King
"What an interesting human being."

When Bibi Dong heard these words, she was also startled, followed the prestige, and tried to look for the person who spoke, but she couldn't find it.

"Don't look for it, I'm here."

A figure hidden in a black beam of light appeared outside the circular arena of the arena of life and death. Bibi Dong couldn't describe her senses, but felt that the person was huge and exuded a powerful evil power that penetrated deep into the bone marrow. As deep and vast as it can engulf the sun.

Not as chaotic as Rakshasa, but extremely pure evil power, that kind of power is far beyond the reach of even the sacred light of the seraphim, just like evil itself.

It seemed that he could vaguely see the appearance of an evil and charming man, his dark eyes seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts and look directly at them.

A wave of invisible power flowed through, and Bibidong felt that her strength had recovered, her body had returned to a normal state, and her broken arm had also recovered, as if everything she had experienced before was false, but Bibidong knew , the life-and-death struggle itself is absolutely impossible to be illusory.

"Human, you have my attention."

The incomparably tall figure couldn't see the face clearly, but it seemed that there was a sense of playfulness and playfulness in his tone, which made Bibi Dong a little uncertain about the attitude of this god.

Bibidong never imagined that he would be paid attention to by the second god, and this god seemed to be far stronger than the Rakshasa God he was planning to pass on, after all, he could even directly block his perception of the Rakshasa inheritance.

"why me?"

Bibi Dong was a little puzzled and very puzzled.

"You are the first existence to clear this arena of life and death in the past tens of thousands of years. Your talent and achievements are worthy of praise, and you should not be dusted by it. Your attributes seem to match mine. Most importantly, you have my strengths in you." What you fancy—"

"Your ambitions and desires."

The evil god shrouded in the black mist meant something, which made Bibi Dong's eyes widen. Her heart had never been revealed to anyone!Even that trash never cared about and understood his real goal!

"Should I respectfully call... Your Majesty the God of Evil?"

Bibi Dong asked uncertainly.This is the record of the Dark Devilgod Tiger in ancient books. It is recorded in ancient books that the Dark Devilgod Tiger fell only after being possessed by an evil god. That's why she said this.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect my god name to be passed down in this world. It's really strange. That's right, I am the God of Evil, or in other words, the King of Evil God!"

Evil God King!

Bibi Dong was shocked in her heart, she didn't know what a god king was, but she knew that even a Rakshasa god wouldn't dare to call himself a god king, and she also knew from the literal meaning that a god king was the king who ruled the gods!

Seeing that Bibi Dong was puzzled, the evil god king was not stingy in explaining, after all he also had the bearing of a god king:
"The king of gods, as you think, is the king of the gods, but the king of the gods is not one of me, but five. The five kings of the gods are in charge of the gods and the countless planes under their jurisdiction. The Rakshasa God you were going to inherit before is just a first-level god below the god king, but because of her relationship with a certain god king, her position is also special..."

Speaking of this, the Evil God King seemed to be thinking about it, but finally said it:
"The killing god domain on your body comes from one of the god kings——Sura God King."

Bibi Dong's eyes widened, she actually had a relationship with another god king?But this killing god domain is not...

"Shouldn't this killing god domain be bestowed by Rakshasa?"

Although she was puzzled, Bibidong still asked this question, if Rakshasa was deceiving her, what was the purpose?
"Huh? Well... God Shura and God Rakshasa are both gods of suicide. The relationship is a bit complicated. I can't explain it clearly for a while, but God Rakshasa really lied to you in this matter. Hmm... your divine test is a bit interesting."

"Your Majesty the Evil God King?"

What shocked Bibidong wasn't that God Rakshasa deceived her, but that she smelled something wrong behind it. God Shura was against God God Rakshasa. Why did God Rakshasa give me the domain of God Shura?

"Since you obtained the Rakshasa inheritance, have you often felt nameless anger, it is becoming more and more difficult to control your temper, and your thoughts and memories are often disordered, and the display of power is becoming more and more abnormal?"

Every time the Evil God King said something, Bibi Dong's body trembled a little, why, why did he know this, and, besides, he hadn't noticed it all this time?Thinking of this, she felt chills down her spine, like falling into an ice cave.Could it be that Shura and Rakshasa...?
"I also ask the god king to enlighten me."

Bibi Dong immediately leaned over and asked sincerely.

"Your Rakshasa test is not like a test for inheritors, but more like a shackle.

You have also been to Sea God Island when you were young, so you should know about Sea God, but did you know that, as Sea God who is the same first-level god as Rakshasa God, before he tried to create his own god position, he was only 50 years old when he set foot on 99 years old? Peerless, even three years later than the Tang Chen you know.

And you, the first twin title in history, if there is no accident, relying on adding a soul ring to the second martial soul, only in terms of soul power accumulation, you are expected to reach the peerless realm within three years, all you need is follow-up consolidation , Even with your understanding and resources, it is not difficult to create a path to becoming a god.

After all, you created the twin cultivation method with your own understanding, and your cultivation talent is almost twice that of that one, but in the end you will be subject to all kinds of constraints, distortions and drags, and in the end you just become someone else, becoming neither human nor ghost, If this is not a shackle, what is it?

Hehe, I just can't see such a good seed being ruined like this. With your talent, you deserve my attention, and you have something more worthy of my attention. "

The Evil God King directly pointed out the problems hidden in Bibidong's Rakshasa test, but here without the influence of Rakshasa's thoughts, Bibidong's thinking became clear and she discovered the problem.

"Why did God Rakshasa target me like this? He doesn't want me to become a god, so he doesn't want to give me a god test...Could it be?"

"The gods in the God Realm are basically full. Increasing the gods will expand the God Realm, but God Shura disagrees with this matter, and the opinions of the god kings cannot reach an agreement. Therefore, everyone who creates a god himself, For some gods, they are enemies who will potentially divide the spiritual resources of the gods, and they are threats.

You must know that self-created gods are almost necessarily first-level gods, and only gods canonized by higher gods or subsequent gods will be second- and third-level gods. Every newly promoted first-level god will inevitably be divided into the God Realm A lot of thought power resources are used to support themselves, so there are more wolves and less meat.

But the inheritance of the god position is only for replacement, so naturally there will be no such influence. I think it is for this purpose that Rakshasa came to suppress you, but there may be other reasons, but I don’t care about those things. You can explore it by yourself. Can. "

Bibi Dong was terrified when she heard it, because this even touched on the secrets of the God Realm.

"Then what is the plan of His Majesty the God King?"

Although Bibi Dong had basically determined that person's purpose, she still didn't dare to bring it up. It would be too disrespectful to speak out like that.

But the Evil God King also saw what Bibi Dong was thinking:
"Hehe, your ambition is not small, but I just like your spirit. I can help you strip this Rakshasa inheritance. As compensation, I will transform this life and death arena into a secret realm and give it to you. Inherit my throne——

It depends on whether your next performance is worthy of my approval.What I need is an inheritor who can do anything for power, and must implement the essence of the law of the jungle. I hope you will not let me down, let alone be confused by feelings. "

 Some people may not understand what is the situation of Bibi Dong's talent and savvy, I will just give two examples.

  The first point.As mentioned in the original book, the age at which Tang Chen became peerless was three years younger than the sea god Poseidon (Poseidon said it himself), and Tang Chen was only 60 or 44 years old at the earliest when he became peerless. After all, Tang Hao was gifted with 20 titles It is no less than Tang Chen, but after more than 97 years, he is still stuck at [-].

  In Bibidong's original novel, the latest is 35 years old, the peerless world [can be calculated, even if Qian Renxue's maximum age is 35 plus the difference of 20 years between mother and daughter minus the delay of the Raksha Nine Examination for 20 years, it is still around 35 years old (Bibidong mentioned that she is peerless before Shen Kao), this was delayed for at least 4 years by being pregnant, killing the capital, and chasing and killing soul beasts. Excluding the delay time, it can be equivalent to Yun Ming's limit of 31 soul cores] and in my book because of the reason of enlightenment, The second martial spirit will wear red rings continuously, even if one ring is upgraded to one level, as long as it does not take a year to hunt down and kill one like in the original book, and solve it on the spot, then only in terms of soul power cultivation, within one year is enough to directly go from the title to the ring. Skip to Peerless.

  Second point.It is clear that Bibi Dong is the first person in history to create the practice of twins, and she is also the first peerless twin. At least since historical records, she is the only person who has done this independently with her understanding.Even Tang San relied on the almighty Blue Silver Emperor to tolerate everything and Seagod God's Kao to solve it, so it couldn't be summed up as a method for others.

  The savvy of the founding patriarch is twice as talented as the sea god, and Bibi Dong in the original book has inherited the Rakshasa god who controls evil thoughts, so his attributes can naturally fit evil.The point is that something about her really deserves the attention of the fun gods, good and evil.

(End of this chapter)

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