Chapter 350

After Qian Renxue left the Mirror Mirror Secret Realm, she was in a daze.

Is this kind of opponent made by humans?Even if the gods come over, they won't be able to fight!How could this be someone calling!

"What a hell of a difficulty this is!" Qian Renxue complained.

【Hey, the little angel has encountered a problem.Um?He actually passed the preliminary stage of the fourth test in the first battle, which is quite capable.It is possible to stagger the collision of the same moves in the way of the second hand, so as to avoid falling into a war of attrition.

Then set a trap for your own thinking inertia, and finally defeat your opponent in one fell swoop. This kind of thinking, even some gods, may not be able to do it. 】The kind god king is not stingy with words of praise.

"It's okay in the initial stage... But is there a problem with the difficulty of the advanced stage? This outrageous difficulty, no matter how strong the strength is, it is impossible to pass the level!" Qian Renxue was a little frustrated.

【 are right.However, the mirror image test is not a match of strength on paper.Of course, I can't remind you too much, I can only repeat your findings, and ultimately you have to discover it yourself.Xiaoxue, you have to think more. 】The King of Kindness smiled softly.

Qian Renxue said distressedly: "Of course I know... Competing with a mirror image body with infinite soul power, you will definitely lose only yourself, so I was able to figure out a way to pass the preliminary stage.

But this advanced mirror image, she has everything I know. She can think and grow. She is not an inherent thinking that imitates me, and her hard power is stronger than mine. How can I pass it? "

The King of Kindness seemed to be silent for a moment, and then he said: [Xiaoxue, you can only defeat yourself if you understand yourself deeply.Since you can notice the sameness of the mirror image, you should also notice the difference of the mirror image.In fact, in that battle just now, you had already explored to the edge of the clue, but you didn't have time to think and look for opportunities. 】

"Have I fumbled to the edge of the clue?" Qian Renxue recalled: "Does it mean that she can't surpass me in the true sense? All her experience and cognition come from me, even her ability to grow and learn. Equal to me, so she must be limited to me, but... yeah! I get it!"

The Kind God King chuckled lightly, but smiled without saying a word.From Qian Renxue's ears, this was the default.

Yes, the dark Qian Renxue has everything that Qian Renxue has, and the hard power is even stronger.But at the same time, the dark Qian Renxue can't surpass everything Qian Renxue has mastered, this is a limitation.

"She is not exactly the same as my abilities. She is said to be a mirror image, but she is closer to my dark side. She has everything I have, but she has become a version of herself——

Her path is degenerate freedom, so it is absolutely impossible to completely copy my comprehension... I get it!I get it all! "Qian Renxue jumped up in joy.

Darkness Qian Renxue has no real experience of her own, so even if she alienates Qian Renxue's comprehension into the path of degenerate freedom, it is absolutely impossible to copy it mechanically, otherwise it will inevitably lead to self-conflict.

She is both same and different.And this difference is the key to his breakthrough.It seems to be a battle of strength, but in fact it is a trial of heart questioning.Only by taking a key step on the road can we overcome the gap in hard power.

However, Qian Renxue still had doubts in her heart, she hadn't completely settled her mind yet, so she wasn't sure that she would be able to take this step.

"I want to continue the divine skill inheritance of the second test, and I want to get more inspiration." Qian Renxue said.

Then a soft female voice responded to her will:

[Inheritance of Angel Divine Skills——Sanctuary of Divine Grace

Domain is the extension of power and the embodiment of power.And the original angel domain is the self domain achieved by the angel god after condensing the sacred heart.The mysteries of the domain involve the world, and it is the key to allowing a person to exert strength beyond the limit.

The domain is not just a covering halo, but a field composed of power. Continuously optimizing the use of domain power can make the domain exert a power far beyond the normal and gain an overwhelming advantage.

Even if it's just an extreme compression of the internal domain, it can also make the power on the contact surface increase several times when one's own domain collides with another's domain, and even enable the lower domain to counter the upper domain.This is the essence of [Divine Grace Sanctuary]. 】

Domain skills?It does not seem to be a skill that can only be used in the angel domain, but it should be called an angel's magic skill because it has its own unique features.

But it's the same as before... There is still no inheritance, you can only rely on your own perception.

"Then let's get started."

Qian Renxue sighed secretly, then opened the Acceleration Secret Realm again, trying to understand it.She released her angel domain and tried to change the form of the domain, but the result seemed to be somewhat unsatisfactory.

The shape of the domain itself is easy to change, it can be flattened or rounded, but it is not so easy to compress the inner strength of the domain.

Qian Renxue quickly grasped the trick of the inner domain, and could easily make the angel domain inner in her holy sword.But this didn't seem to produce that kind of leap-like improvement, let alone the exaggerated qualitative change that made the lower-level domain reverse the upper-level domain.

[Did I overlook something? ] Qian Renxue was puzzled.

She tried to use the simulation function of the accelerated secret realm to simulate changes in the domain, but just like before, it seemed that there was always a critical condition missing, and it was impossible to truly change the power of the domain in essence.

Just like the stubborn speed of light, it cannot be changed by any means you use.

After trying thousands of times and failing each time, Qian Renxue realized that there might be a problem with her thinking, so she decided to stop and review.

[No, I always try to change the result, but the domain power has already taken shape at this time, no matter how I change it, I can only change the form.If you really want to change the power of the domain itself, perhaps you should start from the source. 】 Qian Renxue thought about it.

But what is the source of domain power?
In the Wuhun Division of the Wuhun Research Institute, there is such a research.The will of the soul master will be affected by the martial soul, but the will of the soul master will also affect the martial soul-the two sides interfere with each other.

This is easy to understand. A soul master with an evil spirit can easily be driven by the instinct to do evil.And the degeneration of the soul master's mind can also easily lead to the evil of the martial soul.

However, it is easy to transform Wuhun into evil, but it is extremely difficult to change it positively. Even after ten thousand years in the future, there is only Ji Juechen as an example.

And when the will of the soul master and the martial soul converge, there will be another change, which is the martial soul mimicry at the spiritual level.That's why, even if Tang San's spirit ring is stronger, his use of the Clear Sky Hammer is far less domineering than Tang Hao's.

Will can affect the martial soul, and for the martial soul domain, the source of domain power is the soul master's martial soul.

Qian Renxue understood the general idea, so she began to calm down and feel the meaning of being an angel.She tried to resonate with the will of the angel, and thereby change the way the power of the realm operates.

Facts have proved that her thinking is correct.The Martial Soul is a part of the soul master's body. If you want to fundamentally influence the Martial Soul, you still need to use your will to deeply resonate with it and reach a consensus.

Gradually, Qian Renxue figured out how to enrich the power of the domain, how to change the power of the domain, and how to change the power of the domain according to her own wishes.

"This time, it should be right!"

Qian Renxue grasped it with her right hand, and the Angel Domain unfolded again.But this time, all the energies in the angelic domain gathered together and turned into twenty golden crosses, which were suppressed.

At that moment, the purification and ablation power of the entire angelic domain skyrocketed in an instant, and all the energy in the simulated environment was instantly consumed, as if it was completely suppressed.

And this time the comprehension was far less than the time it took to comprehend the eternal blazing sun before.

 The prototype is the enchantment of divine grace, but the source of inspiration refers to the throne of the seal of God:
  【Light God Domain can be said to be the nemesis of all Light Attribute Domains, in Long Haochen's view.Develop your own field.Coupled with the increase of the God Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation to itself, it should have the upper hand no matter what.At least he can force Xiao Huo to use some powerful abilities, only then can he turn the situation around.

  but.He found out he was wrong.When the Light God Domain collided with Xiao Huo's body, what Long Haochen almost exclaimed was that his domain had failed.

  Yes.The Light God Domain completely lost its effect in front of Xiao Huo.Seeing the golden light flowing, Xiao Huo remained motionless like a solid boulder in the torrent.However, the power of Long Haochen's Light God Realm slid away along the sides of his body like water waves. 】

  【Long Haochen said: "It's the domain. You used the power of the domain to break my domain. It's not that my domain is too weak, but because you made your own domain stronger."]

  As long as the use of domains is strong enough, it is not impossible for lower domains to outperform upper domains.

(End of this chapter)

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