Chapter 488 Double Eyes of Destiny
After blending the eye of destiny into the center of her brow, Qian Ningqiu felt a strange feeling, as if she had crossed time and space and saw everything that happened in another future.

Like a bystander, she watched the destiny woven, the love shaped by others, and the life stolen by others.Similarly, she also saw the person who is closely related to her destiny in another future.

"Sure enough, from that point on, you are no longer you." Qian Ningqiu looked at the clip of Qiankun asking about the Valley of Love, and said with a complicated expression, "If I can meet you in the future, I will definitely end your relationship with you." The distorted life will free you from the pain."

People are shaped by social experiences, and everyone has their own unique life.It's a pity that Qian Ningqiu is not the auspicious beast who spent half her life with Huo Yuhao, she has her own future.

All she can do is to wake up the guy who has forgotten the truth for another future self, if she has the opportunity to go to that time and space.

With the coexistence of the two eyes of destiny, Qian Ningqiu's eyebrows also showed a special change.The posture of the Eye of Destiny seems to have become a pair of yin and yang fish that interact with each other, and the pupils are exactly the eyes of the fish.

It's like double pupils.

"Completing the impossible destiny it a miracle that can happen?" Qian Ningqiu murmured, she seemed to feel the intersection of two time and space here, and she was the center of that intersection, the reward of karma and fate Contact here.

Qian Ningqiu thought, "Since it has changed, let's change it to a more appropriate name, let's call it—Double Eyes of Destiny."

Fate has double pupils, with the disappearance of a destiny, a new destiny is created.Now Qian Ningqiu can't quite understand the mystery, but she can feel that her original ability related to fate has been significantly improved.

It seems that even the soul bone attached to the Yinying's eye that has been integrated into it has also been sublimated.The soul skills copied by soul rubbings will no longer be consumed just because they are used up. As long as they are not replaced, they don't need to be copied to replenish them.

Then Qian Ningqiu looked at Huo Zhanji, and said indifferently: "Your mental appraisal ability is a threat to my sister. Since you choose to stand in Tang San's camp, then don't blame me for treating you as an enemy."

Said, black and white two colors flowed in the double pupil of fate, Qian Ningqiu completely disintegrated all the resistance ability of Huo Zhanji with the deprivation of soul and the death of fate, and then a mental explosion blasted the martial arts of the spirit eye that he was proud of. The soul—that is, his eyes, was completely shattered!
Qian Ningqiu's mastery of spiritual power is extremely subtle, saying that it only hurts the material level, and will not affect the spirit.She faked this scene as Huo Zhanji's spirit and soul skills were backlashed, resulting in the shattering of his martial soul, which is also a necessary means to eliminate potential threats.

Huo Zhanji had already fallen into a coma due to the loss of the Eye of Destiny, so even if he lost his eyes at this moment, apart from his body twitching and instinctively curling up in pain, he still didn't make a sound.

"Then, it's time to deal with the after-sales service." Qian Ningqiu smiled lightly, then nodded to the teammates behind her.

Although the members of Team Platinum were a little dazed watching the scene just now, they didn't ask any more questions. After all, Qian Renxue had also revealed something to them, such as about the Great God King Tang.

"Oh, it's really a bloody scene, and I need to help repair it." Zhang Daling looked at the miserable Huo Zhanji, and couldn't help feeling emotional.

Huo Zhanji has been controlled by the Great God King Tang since his birth. If it wasn't for accidents, he might have become a pawn sent by the Great God Tang to further control the Falan plane. He thought he was in the virtual world all his life and worked hard for the Great God Tang Work hard.

Even if he traveled to this era by accident, Huo Zhanji still did not escape the use of the reborn God King Tang. The tool man is his established destiny, and the so-called person who controls the power of fate is just being played by the God King Tang.

However, Zhang Daling's attitude is also very simple. She takes a spectatorial attitude towards this, abandons the plot of helping others, and respects the fate of others.Since you are my enemy, I shall destroy you.

Zhang Daling looked at Huo Zhanji, and said softly, "Go to sleep well, Sister Ningqiu's dream is still very comfortable."

The demon-eyed magic vine slowly stretched out, caressing the center of Huo Zhanji's brow, the blood-colored hole gradually repaired the surface skin, and the flesh and blood in it also gradually grew, and gradually no traces of being dug away from the eye of fate were visible. .

But she didn't fix the injuries on both eyes, because the broken eyes are an undeniable fact, they just need to grit their teeth and say that they didn't do it on purpose——Tang San deliberately made the seven members of Canghui Academy mentally disabled in his previous life , is also done in the same way.

There is still no resistance in their hearts to treating others in the same way.After all, this is just the retribution Shrek deserves.

Seeing that Huo Zhanji was properly placed, Qian Ningqiu smiled slightly: "In this way, let's end this playful battle."

Saying that, the seven members of Platinum Team faked the result of the battle. They all pretended to faint on the ground, only Qian Ningqiu stood on the field.

They have not forgotten that this soul master competition is far from reaching its final moment, and what is really waiting for these monsters is the final in Wuhun City.

At this time, Qian Ningqiu also snapped her fingers, and said with a crooked smile: "Then, let's welcome your wonderful fantasy dreams, Shrek monsters, and look forward to the next meeting in Wuhun City!"

With a bang, the moonlight formed by the other side of the dream gradually dissipated, and the scene of the seven members of Shrek and the six members of Platinum Team falling to the ground appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and everyone could clearly see the miserable scene of Huo Zhanji Chu.

And Qian Ningqiu, as if she had just experienced a hard battle, pretended to be physically exhausted, soul power exhausted, and mental power exhausted, and fell to the ground with a thump.So far, there is no one standing player in the arena.

Everyone present didn't see what happened in the game, they only saw the pink-gold moonlight enveloping everything, and then the moonlight turned into a illusory color, and after the lifting of the covering ring, it became the current result.

"This..." The referee looked at this scene, and seemed to think that Qian Ningqiu was the last to fall before announcing: "I declare, this match, Platinum Team wins!"

This time it is not as controversial as the result of the match between the Shrek team and the Extreme team, but a real fact, so the result of this announcement is beyond doubt.

No one noticed that the slightly raised corners of Qian Ningqiu's mouth was a smile of success.

(End of this chapter)

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