Douluo: enlighten the wisdom of the whole people, revive the glory of angels

Chapter 499 Daoliu's Soul Power Ascension Method

Chapter 499 Qian Daoliu's Soul Power Ascension Method

Qian Renxue observed the new version of the Holy Spirit Art, and the soul power in her body was also circulating in the meridians according to the rules indicated in the exercise.Now the new version of the Holy Spirit Art not only involves soul power, but also the power of blood and spirit, so there are more changes that can be derived.

Now on the mainland, other forces have also researched exercises, but apart from some free soul masters, most of them specialize in the exclusive exercises that match the martial soul.For example, the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect developed a method of thunder body forging breathing, but the improvement is not as obvious as that of Longhua, so it has not received much attention.

As for the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, there is naturally related research, but Ning Rongrong thinks that it is not as good as the Xuantian Kungfu of the Three Cuts, so he didn't study it specifically.

"I don't know what grandpa is doing now. He usually spends his time in the worship hall staring at the statue in a daze, so he won't do it this time..." Qian Renxue was thinking, and before she knew it, she had arrived in the worship hall.

Here, she saw Qian Daoliu as expected, but Qian Daoliu seemed to be playing with several video screen soul guides in front of her.

"Grandpa?" Qian Renxue was a little puzzled, did her own grandfather sometimes not stare at the statue in a daze.

Qian Daoliu had already sensed Qian Renxue's aura, and immediately turned around, and responded with a smile: "Xiaoxue, I have sensed that you are back, come and have a look, Grandpa hasn't been doing nothing recently."

Qian Renxue rushed over after hearing the words, and as expected, she saw what Qian Daoliu was operating. It turned out to be... a network system?
"After you proposed the idea of ​​Blue Silver Internet, I have already started to operate it. When you can turn on the network, I can directly install this system. It is estimated that in less than a few years, two The Great Empire and the original three sects will not be able to sit still at all, and when the time comes, the time will come." Qian Daoliu stroked his beard and said quite complacently.

Looking at her grandfather's graying hair, Qian Renxue felt a little sad, but after hearing her grandfather's announcement, she smiled and nodded, "Well, when the soul master competition is over, we can start to deal with it." The entire continent has been arranged. This world should restore its proper order and not go astray again."

Thinking of the Tang family's future full of thoughts and fears, Qian Renxue couldn't help but feel horrified. She would never allow Douluo's future to become that kind of thing, let alone allow Spirit Hall to become a tragedy again.

"That's good." Qian Daoliu said with a smile, and then he seemed to remember something, so he said: "By the way, I discovered some interesting things recently, and I haven't spread them easily. Xiaoxue, I'm currently keeping this secret." Just telling you, it may be of great use to you in the future."

When Qian Renxue heard it, she became interested, "Huh? What is it, so mysterious."

Qian Daoliu took out a cheat book from his storage ring, which was obviously his summary of his recent discoveries, Qian Renxue noticed the words on the cover, and suddenly mentioned the "Soul Power Ascension Method" ".

Soul Power Ascension Technique?Could it be a mystery related to becoming a god?

"This is what I discovered recently. After taking the Taixu God Pill, I felt a kind of Qi in my body. This kind of Qi seems to be extremely high, even surpassing all the powers I have. , almost comparable to the divine power of an angel in my body." Qian Daoliu said.

gas?Qian Renxue recalled Tang Shenwang's memory, she also seemed to have this kind of thing in her body, should it be the Primal Chaos Qi?This thing seems to be the power of a god-level personality, but I don't know how to use it yet. Has grandpa discovered how to use it?

"It should be the Qi of Primal Chaos, the power that was born when the heavens and the earth first opened. It can only be formed in the combination and collision of the most yin and the yang. Hmm... Its own personality seems to be at the same level as divine power, but there is no A further layered feature like a god position." Qian Renxue recalled thinking.

"The Qi of Chaos? It's quite appropriate." Qian Daoliu felt it carefully and said, "I didn't expect it to be at the same level as the divine power, no wonder it can do this."

Qian Renxue became puzzled again after hearing the words: "Grandpa, what exactly did you find?"

Qian Daoliu smiled kindly, "I found that I seem to be able to feed this chaotic energy with my soul power, and then use the increased chaotic energy to supplement the angel power in my body. In other words, I will use the angel power to There is no need to stay in Wuhun City for divine power, or worry about not being able to replenish it."

Qian Renxue was shocked when she heard this, did grandpa discover the method to fully control divine power before becoming a god?

"Grandpa, have you found the way to become a god?" Qian Renxue asked uncertainly.

What she didn't know was that in the original timeline, her mother, Bibi Dong, spent 20 years feeding Raksha's divine power little by little with her own soul power, so that she was able to pass through the deceitful ninth Rakshasa. test.As for the Primal Chaos Qi, which is almost at the same level as divine power, although it is slow to improve through soul power feeding, its growth rate is at least comparable to divine power.

The Qi of Chaos can absorb any form of energy in the plane, but the growth produced by this is extremely limited. If it is not counted in ten years, it can even be said to be negligible. Only the power that is truly yin to yang can significantly affect it. to grow.

"I can't say that, I just discovered a way to transform divine power, but my cultivation has not improved or broken through the bottleneck. This is based on the fact that I already have the divine power, and other people should not be able to directly I imitated it. But I think, if this chaotic energy is really a god-level power as you said, can it also replace divine power to a certain extent?" Qian Daoliu thought.

Qian Renxue roughly knows that the energy of chaos can be replenished through the collision of the most yin and the yang.But Qian Renxue understands that she can't tie Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo to the Wuhun Hall all the time, and serve as a power bank for everyone's chaotic energy, right?And that kind of collision from the most yin to the yang must be at the level of gods, which requires almost all the elders of the Wuhun Hall to provide soul power through multiple ones!

As for replacing divine power?Before discovering the method of transforming the energy of chaos into a specific form of power without degrading, it may be difficult in the short term, but at least it can bridge the biggest gap between mortals and gods, that is, the nourishment of the spirit energy .And the aura of chaos itself can evolve into the aura of fairy spirits, which can be seen from the cultivation of celestial grass.

Gods who are nourished by the spirit of the gods can obtain real longevity, and possess the strength to overwhelm no gods and gods.Although this suppression is not absolute, after all, they are both second-level gods, and Lie Yan can kill the killing gods, but it also relied on the home court advantage, and paid the price of their lives, and the slight gap does exist naturally.

To be precise, the so-called godless gods in the original future are all "imitation gods" who only possess a divine body and consciousness, not "complete gods" who also possess divine power.

This has nothing to do with cultivation, but a ternary judgment standard based entirely on divine body, divine power, and divine consciousness. The gap between one and the other is like a realm. Boundary.

But it seems that the divine sense without entity is actually a "imitation god" lacking the elements of the divine body, so sister Bai Zhi can compete with the sea god's divine sense.

(Note: The original gap is the spirit of the fairy, here is the result of re-coordination according to the setting contradiction, and it is also some patches for the original bug)
 The perfection of the god-level setting here is actually an integration. "Imitation God" is not my own design, but a naming of the existing situation in the original book.

  Since the demigod is one of the three elements, and the true god is both, what should be called the second? This is where "mimicry" comes from.

  Here we don't take Doosan's quasi-demigod, demigod, and quasi-god theory, because this realm is a patch made by Sanshui himself to balance Tang Wulin's collapsed combat power.In fact, quasi-gods may not necessarily be able to meet the standard of demigods in the previous work, that is, possessing one of the divine body, divine power and divine consciousness (Halosa does not have one), and even the peak quasi-gods with divine consciousness like Yun Ming and Chen Xinjie can Be a demigod before reaching the standard.

  So this is based on the ternary benchmark. Why is Dou Si's god level not as good as a god with a god position?It is because the nature of their power has not been upgraded, and the soul power is still the soul power, which has not transformed into divine power, and therefore cannot be nourished by the spirit of the fairy, and their strength is naturally weaker.

  Therefore, Dou Si's so-called god level, for the same "imitation god", there is no personality suppression, only the difference in cultivation.Without divine power as a suppression, any strong man who also possesses divine body and spiritual consciousness will have the opportunity to leapfrog the challenge.

  (In fact, Dou Si mentioned that the god level has divine power, but it changes with the soul power, and it depends on the setting, so I reserve the statement here. The actual difference should be the spirit of the fairy instead of the divine power, but this has a setting Contradictions, so considering that Dou Si deliberately elevates the position of God, I have made some coordination here. I will try to supplement the original text in the next chapter)

(End of this chapter)

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