Chapter 507 The final is imminent
Since Tang San's blue and silver inheritance was robbed, he reselected a 4-year-old "evil" bamboo spirit beast for his fifth spirit ring. soul skills.

Although not as handy as the original soul ability, Tang San verified it and found that this soul ability was enough to withstand him displaying the Seagod's ability, even the least powerful Seagod's ability was enough for him to perform in the soul master competition. !

【Wait, if you dare to snatch my blue and silver throne, I will make you pay the price!I will take back my blue and silver throne with my own hands!You just submit to the indeterminate turmoil that I have honed for 4 to [-] years! 】 Tang San thought solemnly.

Because Dashi hadn't come back yet, it was Dean Flender who explained the rules of the competition to the Shrek Seven Monsters this time.

"Dashi also told you that this soul master competition is different from the past. It will compete for the final champion among the teams that have successfully advanced. Among them, except for the Platinum team that advanced with you, the three The first seed team is selected by the two empires and the Wuhundian respectively. The most threatening to you is undoubtedly the team selected by the Wuhundian Academy. They are also the biggest stumbling block to your final victory.

There are only three rounds of duels in this final round. There is no doubt that you may encounter any strong opponent in the first round, whether it is the representative teams of the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, or the two advanced teams of the Star Luo Empire. They are all opponents that should not be underestimated, but just because they are not as good as Wuhundian, you can't be careless easily.Because at this time, all the hidden abilities of the team will be released, and there will be no reservations.

Because of the fierce competition, there will be one day of rest and adjustment between each round and the next round.Before the final third round, there were three days of adjustments.In the first round, one of the seven teams will draw a playoff lottery, conduct a mandatory playoff, and then forcibly eliminate four teams.In the second round, there will be a cruel random duel among three teams.The third round is the final championship finals.Determine the final championship.Do you all understand? "

"Yes, I understand." Everyone's memory is very good, and now it's really the final time, so their attention is naturally extremely concentrated.

But Tang San sensed that behind this competition restructuring, there might be some kind of deeper plan hidden, but he couldn't figure out what it was for a while.

Flender nodded and said: "It's impossible to guess who our opponent will be in the first round. Then the Shrek Seven Monsters will play the battle, and this first round will be used for you to warm up. The specific tactics are still the same. Xiao San will arrange it."

"Understood." Tang San agreed.

In order to keep Xiao Wu from being exposed, he purposely used the medicinal herbs provided by Ning Fengzhi to make a sachet that could cover up his breath. In this way, there shouldn't be any major problems, as long as it wasn't affected by Ning Fengzhi's soul skills If you pop it...

But Tang San didn't care about this, at worst, he asked Xiao Wu to sacrifice to himself, so that he could break through the sixth ring in one fell swoop, so that he could also have some ability to protect himself.Anyway, I can resurrect him after becoming a god, and go directly back to the God Realm for reunion, which is simply killing two birds with one stone.

In his opinion, no one can take away what belongs to him.The sacrifice of the soul beast cannot be interrupted, unless it is a god-level shot, so he is not worried that the Wuhun Temple can interfere with the process of the ceremony.

"Wait, Spirit Hall, let's see how I can defeat you and crush your pride!" Tang San said angrily.

For the finals of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, Wuhun City specially opened up a special venue.This site is located in the center of Wuhun City.The huge arena is also a hundred meters in diameter, and it is completely repaired from granite.

On this huge competition stage, a large number of soul guides were also used to reinforce it to prevent damage.According to the information given by Wuhundian, this site is strong enough to withstand any attack from the Soul Sage without being destroyed.

Compared with Tang San's previous life, the strength of the arena has also increased.Those soul guides used to strengthen the arena do not seem to be the products of imitating ancient relics, but really show the shadow of some emerging soul guide technology.But Tang San couldn't be sure, whether this was just a conventional technological advancement like the video screen soul guide.

There are also various photographic soul guides around, which are used to broadcast the game screen in real time, and broadcast it to all the main cities in the whole continent. Everyone can see the broadcast screen in front of the martial soul branch halls in those cities.

Directly in front of this competition platform is the Pope's Palace.From here, it is less than a kilometer away from the hill where the Pope's Palace is located.Wuhundian has already announced in the posted notice that the final three finalists will compete in front of the Pope's Palace.

At that time, the Pope will appear in person and crown the final champion.For any soul master, this is an unparalleled honor.

Early in the morning, all participating academies arrived at the competition venue under the guidance of special personnel from the Spirit Hall.Each academy has a separately built rest area built around the playing field.On the opposite side of the Pope's Palace, there is the VIP jury seat, where people representing the two empires come to watch the battle, and of course, there are also people from the Wuhun Palace.

As soon as he arrived here, before he settled down, Flender was called away to draw lots.

The draw in the first round is undoubtedly very important. If a relatively weak opponent can be drawn, it will be quite beneficial to any team.

Flender came back soon, his face was obviously a little ugly, with a sad expression on his face.You don't need to ask to know that the lottery is naturally worrying.

Flender's face was serious, and he said to everyone: "One piece of bad news, one piece of good news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, Dai Mubai said: "Then let's tell the bad news first."

Flender said in a deep voice: "The bad news is that your opponents in the first round will directly face the ace team of the Star Luo Empire. That is, the seed team of the Star Luo Royal Academy."

"What!" Dai Mubai stayed in Bengbu directly, and gave him this hard work when he came up, wouldn't this make him suffer from a heart attack.He didn't expect that he would face the life-and-death battle of his own life so soon.

Flender glanced at Dai Mubai, and continued: "And the good news, of course, is that we didn't get the lottery. Not only that, the Golden Team, the main team of the Spirit Palace, will also face the Heaven Dou Empire's seeded team soon. "

Hearing these words, the Shrek Seven Devils all realized something. They still don't know what the golden team has become in this life, so they can just take this opportunity to try and observe.

"Speaking of which, the Tiandou Empire's seed team seems to be the Blue Silver team brought over by Huo Zhanji, right?" Ma Hongjun tried to ask Tang San.

Tang San thought for a moment, and replied: "That's right, I don't know what their situation is now, if they can help us, that would be great. I'm afraid they have already joined the side of the Spirit Hall and become the driving force behind all this .”

Although Tang San had already let go of his vigilance against Huo Zhanji, he still couldn't let go of his vigilance against all traversers in the face of the many changes in the Spirit Hall.

After all, people's hearts are unpredictable, and he can't guarantee that those who have just entered the Shrek branch in his time will have absolute support for Shrek.Especially after seeing their current performance and the current situation of Wuhundian, they can still support them without hesitation.

[If they don't know the current affairs...then get rid of them. 】A cold light flashed in Tang San's eyes, thinking coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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