Chapter 532 This Is Your Last Chance
Shrek Academy lost, lost completely.The other party didn't even use all their strength, and didn't even use a few soul skills, so they completely destroyed them by relying on their unique knowledge and fusion secrets.

Perhaps in the future, multiple bodies will be banned from being used in the soul master competition, but there is no doubt that it is the first time in history that the power of the Title Douluo level will appear in the soul master competition.

And Shrek Academy has become the object to be stepped on and make history for others.

If it was a normal situation, Shrek Academy would have lost the qualification to continue competing at this time, but due to the special circumstances of this competition system, or because of some purpose of Wuhun Temple, Shrek Academy will have another competition, which is the top three qualifying competition.

If Shrek Academy beats the opponent, then there is still hope of resurrection, in other words, this is a resurrection match.

The drama has not yet ended, and the clown is still on stage.

Da Shi looked at the devastated Shrek Seven Monsters, his heart was bleeding, but he still said heavily: "I know, you feel bad after being defeated. But you have to understand that there is one last hope now, as long as we can defeat the Platinum team, we still have a chance to successfully resurrect."

Oscar said badly: "And then? Was he beaten up again?"

The dignity of the reincarnation of the gods has disappeared at this moment, and now he feels that he is a strange uncle who can only sell sausages!
"Impossible... Impossible... It is impossible for us to lose..." Ma Hongjun was a little dazed, he couldn't accept the various changes brought about by this soul master contest, and he was already somewhat insane.

This is the failure of the Shrek-style education, in order to win, no matter what the cost, even willing to cheat.When it really fails, there is absolutely no ability to bear it.

Tang San was also squatting in the corner alone, his face was ugly.In his previous life, he relied on his almost unique knowledge foundation, which was a blow to the local residents of Douluo Continent. However, after these natives all mastered the same knowledge background, he did not expect that he would lose so thoroughly.

Why, why even Unfixed Storm would be defeated?Could it be that his 4 or [-] years of polishing are meaningless!

Da Shi looked at the depressed faces of the crowd, and roared angrily: "Cheer up!"

The Seven Shrek Monsters all turned their gazes over after being yelled at, and Yu Dashi also cleared his throat, ready to have some impassioned chicken soup for the soul.

"Don't forget, the opponent only has the advantage of age and cultivation! If it's a competition of the same age, the outcome is still unknown! Your real opponent is not the gold team, but the platinum team! Show your confidence and remember - you are the Shrek Seven Monsters, proud monsters!" Yu Dashi said excitedly.

Only then did Tang San and the others realize, yes, they are still young, the other party just took advantage of their age, what's the arrogance?What are you proud of?They are still good!

At this time, the Shrek Seven Devils completely forgot that they should have tens of thousands of years more experience than others, and they all threw the problem on age.Little did they know that the Golden Team didn't even use half of their strength against them.

"And don't you forget that besides Dai Mubai, the oldest of you is only fifteen or sixteen years old! Even in the next soul master competition in five years time, you are still at the age to participate! You can still take back your own glory! What will your cultivation be at that time? Soul king is not difficult, and soul emperor can be expected!" Yu Dashi continued.

When everyone heard Yu Dashi's words, they gradually cheered up, and Dai Mubai even said immediately: "That's right! We are the strongest among our peers, and the Spirit Hall is nothing! In this resurrection match, we will smash the heads of the Platinum team and prove that we are the peerless talents of the Wannian generation!"

"Yes!" The others followed suit.

Seeing that his chicken soup had an effect, Yu Dashi was immediately relieved.What he was most afraid of was that the Shrek Seven Devils would lose their minds. If Shrek lost his invincibility, it would undoubtedly mean that the team's soul would be wiped out.

But this is not enough, they have to work harder, they must ensure that they can win the Platinum team, so that they can hope to rebuild their invincibility.Even if you can't win the championship, at least you can't lose to your peers.

Yu Dashi nodded, and said: "Very well, the next three-strong qualifying match, or the resurgence match, is your last chance. I hope you can use [-] points of energy to deal with this game. Next, I will personally participate in the formulation of tactics. Tang San, you must also come up with a perfect plan for me."

"Yes, teacher." Tang San was at his wit's end now, all they could do at the moment was fight with their backs.

In fact, he thought about running away with Xiao Wu, but this is simply not realistic.Unless he used Ba Ba as a shield, he would have no chance of escaping with Xiao Wu in Wuhun City.

At this moment Tang San was still full of confidence in Ba Ba, and even if he couldn't escape, at worst Xiao Wu could sacrifice to him, anyway, he would just become a god and be resurrected later, Xiao Wu wouldn't blame him.

"Okay, then let's start the tactical analysis. The seven members of the Platinum team have already demonstrated their abilities, so let's analyze them one by one." Yu Dashi began to arrange the tactics, and the Seven Shrek Monsters listened more seriously than ever before.

There is no way, even if Dashi is not very reliable, they can only be dead horses as living horse doctors at this moment.


The final battle is about to begin.At least for the Shrek Seven Monsters, this is the decisive battle.

Early the next morning, the Shrek Seven Devils appeared at the door of their residence in good spirits.After breakfast, the seven of them stood in front of Da Shi in full spirit.

Tang San purposely ate two pieces of Longzhi leaves before training last night, and his spirit power has been fully recovered at this time. He never shy away from taking various herbs during the Soul Master Competition. In his opinion, as long as no one finds out, there is no problem.

Da Shi's eyes swept over the seven people, "The competition is proceeding according to the plan. Do your best, and if you can't do anything, your own safety is the most important thing. As long as you get out of the body, you will have a chance for the next round, remember."

"Yes." The Shrek Seven Devils replied.

"Okay, let's go." Da Shi waved to everyone.

At this moment, a voice suddenly stopped them, "Wait a minute."

Da Shi was taken aback, and looked in the direction of the voice, "Flender, do you have anything else to say?"

Today's Flender has a surprisingly serious expression.Since the Seven Shrek Monsters made him miserable in this competition, he rarely showed up.

Walking in front of Weird, he tidied up the front of Dai Mubai's clothes first, and then said to the seven of them: "Children, for you, this will be the last battle before graduation. Frankly speaking, I feel very honored and extremely proud to be able to train you geniuses. There is always a banquet in the world, and Shrek Academy can't help you grow forever. The future path depends on you to go.

I said before that if you don't win the championship, you won't be allowed to graduate. That's just a joke, you don't have to take it seriously.Now what I want to say to you is.Whether you win or lose, you are all my pride and my children.I will not allow any of you to be injured or injured in this last game.The championship is not important, what is important is yourself.What I want is not the result of victory, but your safe return.Well, that's all for me. "

Ma Hongjun said: "Teacher, why are your eyes red?"

"Huh? There's sand." Flender quickly turned around.The commander of the Shrek Academy team is Da Shi, but as the dean, he clearly sees the efforts of these children every day.

Of course he knew that the Shrek Seven Devils competed so hard not just to train themselves, but also to bring honor to Shrek Academy before graduation.Although the final result was unsatisfactory, he could still see everyone's hard work.

As he himself said, each of the Shrek Seven Monsters is like his child.At this final final, Flender couldn't help but speak out what was in his heart.

What he didn't know was that this might be the last thing he could say.

Tang San smiled slightly, "Principal Flender, everyone is cheering for the participating students, aren't you trying to discourage us? Don't worry. We are still reluctant to die. What's more, there are three 10-year spirit bones that make us salivate."

Da Shi patted Flender on the shoulder, his usually lazy eyes suddenly became sharp, "Let's go."

Strutting forward, the Seven Shrek Monsters walked out of their residence. On the street, many soul masters watched them silently from both sides of the road.For soul masters who don't know, their determination to challenge the Wuhundian team is terrifying.But for soul masters who know the truth, most of them are just watching the clown's joke.

The Pope's Palace was right in front of him, Tang San suddenly found that when he stepped on every stone step, his feet became extremely firm.He has never wanted a victory more than he does now.He knew that if he lost this game today, he would definitely regret it for the rest of his life.

This was a crucial battle to reverse the outcome, and it was also their Shrek's last chance.

(End of this chapter)

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