Chapter 576 Shura's Rage

Spirit world.

boom--! !

God Shura was furious, he had never been so angry like now.After searching several planes with great difficulty, I finally picked out the perfect successor whose personality fits my needs, who can meet the conditions for righteous killing, and who kills wantonly while boasting of justice.As a result, the luck on the heir's body is gone if it is gone!
How can it be repaired!It's too much!

For God Shura, the qualifications of the inheritors are not important, he only depends on whether the personality suits his appetite.What's more, this guy named Tang San seems to have inherited wisdom from the future, which makes him have to care.

But according to the procedures, after all he didn't publicly hook up with Tang San, which means that his divine sense has no reason to attack from the lower realms, and this is the most troublesome thing!
"Damn it, what went wrong! Could it be that I really want to launch that desperate plan?" God Shura never imagined that he would be forced into such a situation by a group of mortals!
One day in the God Realm, one year in the Lower Realm.

It's only been a few days?Is there three days?The luck of his inheritors was almost completely wiped out!Only the basic luck that belongs to Shenkao and the mainland is left!And those lucks that he managed to steal away from the Wuhun Palace by various means, all of them were returned!
What's even worse is that just a few minutes after his fortune fell to the bottom, and only a few days in the lower realm, the protector he chose for the inheritor also completely fell!

Even if he tried his best to convey Shura's divine power to the limit that Tang Hao's physical body could carry, he still couldn't prevent the final outcome!Damn it!

"Tang Hao, this trash, has already completed the second martial arts awakening, his cultivation is close to the peerless realm, he has obtained a demigod body, and can almost carry the divine power of Shura without any load. I didn't expect to lose to mortals in the end! You stupid pig!"

God Shura was furious, the blood on his body seemed to reflect the scene of the end, the endless blood burst into a mournful cry, the will to kill wiped out everything, and at the same time suppressed his emotions.

Originally, he was supposed to be emotionless, but unexpectedly he broke his defenses in front of mortals.Simply because he doesn't want to accept that there are things beyond his layout.

Originally, he had already calculated that the person who could withstand Tang Hao's full-strength ring blasting blow with the blessing of Shura's divine power, should be at the god level anyway, and he should also take this opportunity to send the killer god Shupros .

But that Bibi Dong didn't play his cards according to the routine at all, and broke out with god-level strength at the non-god level, directly giving him the calculated dead end and forcibly creating a gap!
"Is the fate of this plane so strong? Even me, a god king, can't shake it?" God Shura looked puzzled and fell into deep doubts.

"Oh, what's wrong with Shura? You've always been as calm as you, yet you sometimes get angry?"

Hearing his voice before seeing him, that sinister and soft voice came from Rakshasa God.

The Rakshasa with a turbid and evil aura came to the side and sat down, lying on his side in an enchanting posture, found a glass of fairy wine and began to pour it, and said while pouring: "At first, I thought it was just us and Poseidon. The arrangement went wrong, and I didn't expect you to make omissions."

God Shura ignored the ridicule of God Rakshasa, and said indifferently: "I can feel that our opponent this time is unusual. The opponent seems to know our layout, and it is very likely that he has counted us into the chessboard."

Rakshasa had just poured half of the wine, and was so startled that he forgot what he was doing, as if he had heard some shocking joke, "You mean, there are mortals trying to plot against the gods? Who is so bold."

God Shura remained silent and did not reply directly.

Tang Hao's final death was in the secret realm left by the evil god king. Obviously, the other party was very aware of Tang Hao's divine power of Shura.Using the shield of the secret realm, they completely killed Tang Hao when they couldn't stop him, leaving no soul behind.

It's a pity that he only kept Tang San's soul backup, not others, after all he didn't think those people were worthy.Instead of backing up these insignificant people, it would be more enjoyable to train new defenders.

"Is Sea God still in confinement?" God Shura asked.

Rakshasa drank the immortal wine with a nonchalant expression, and said in a carefree manner: "Forget about him, that trash even lost the agency rights of the Angel God Test, and now he is still thinking about how to get his Sea God Island to take revenge on the mainland." .”

The sea god Poseidon has been unable to come out since he was punished and confinement in the Sea God Temple. Shura Rakshasa quietly came to the Sea God Temple to discuss things.This also led to Seagod being unable to participate in any layout other than commanding Seagod Island.

"Hmph, he has turned into an outsider." God Shura snorted, "I have to guide Tang San into the Slaughter City as soon as possible, and get the domain of the God of Death, so that I can directly add the Divine Sense of Shura to him, so that he can become a god without hindrance.

I don't believe it, my divine sense can do it myself, and a temporary god level can deal with it!At that time, just slaughter a few ferocious beasts for Tang San in the Star Dou Great Forest, and sacrifice to Tang San with the secret method, the result will be the same! "

Rakshasa God finished drinking a bottle of fairy wine and joked: "You are good, like a nanny. You remember quite clearly the loopholes in the rules that the inheritor was killed and the divine mind can be shot. But I have to remind you, then Bibi Dong's current strength is more poisonous than my Rakshasa power."

In the original future black hole battlefield, level one God Zhou Weiqing could rely on the evil poison of the Dark Demon God Tiger to leapfrog the level to kill God King Tianhen.Bibi Dong's current strange poison, which is a mixture of Death Spider Emperor, Soul Eater Spider Emperor, Dark Demon Tiger, Snowy Swan Kiss, etc., is really a nightmare that can poison even divine thoughts, and poison immunity is not good. .

Death, soul, evil, and the property of infinite proliferation.Even Rakshasa could feel scalp numb when looking at it. She is naturally not afraid, but Bibi Dong's thing is definitely the nemesis of divine sense, and it is absolutely difficult to defend against a body without full resistance. It really is a stalemate.

"You don't have to worry about it so much, just take care of your own affairs. Tell Poseidon when you have time, let him stop playing games there, and quickly put his strength into the mainland. I know that his group of sea soul masters will go to the mainland. Even if he empowers me with a new Holy Pillar Douluo, he has to restrain me from the Wuhun Palace!" God Shura's eyes showed a fierce light, and he obviously moved Kill heart.

Rakshasa God raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, "Okay, okay, you are the biggest here. Then I'll go and create a little chaos on the mainland. The more chaotic the situation, the more distracted the Spirit Hall will be, your baby The successor's development will be much smoother. But then again, why can't you just arrange a divine test for him like Seagod?"

God Shura glanced at her, and said in a deep voice: "How can it be so easy to pass the test of the God King? I don't rely on Tang Chen to take the test, and Tang San still wants to take the opportunity to improve the level? It's not bad if you don't die! The test of the God King It needs a test from the God Realm Committee, and I won’t rely on the method of passing the test to take advantage of the loopholes, he doesn’t even have the qualifications to inherit the God King!”

God Shura actually knew very well what kind of person Tang San was, that's why he was so relieved to give Tang San the throne, and behind all this, it was just to satisfy his ulterior secret.

Without qualifications, it is not a problem for the God King at all, because qualifications can be reversed the day after tomorrow.It's just that on the side of the God Realm Committee, he can only rely on acting with Luo Sha to bypass the test on the grounds of taking the exam.

God Shura secretly said: "Remember—"

"I know, I know." God Rakshasa interrupted, "For the future of the God Realm, I will recite it all."

"..." God Shura didn't pay attention to God Raksha any more, but remained silent by himself.He was thinking, if Tang San still couldn't develop smoothly, then should he abandon the stop loss in time, or fight with his back.

No, you have to be prepared.The plan for the final death battle also had to be prepared in advance.

Thinking of this, the fierce light in God Shura's eyes became stronger and stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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