Chapter 581 Strange Soul Ring
Several people came to a special room, which was very spacious, and even had a huge mimic environment, which was full of life energy and pleasant environment.

"Oh my god, I didn't even know that there is such a big place hidden in our Spirit Hall." Yan looked at this scene in amazement, unbelievable.

"This is the place where the Pope expanded with the power of space. She intends to build this place into an independent small plane in the future, but because the resources are not in place, this process has not yet been officially carried out." Qingluan Douluo explained .

In fact, if it weren't for the lack of the most critical creative power, Bibi Dong could indeed try to open up such a small plane, but the source of the creative power is the most difficult to find.Originally, she planned to imitate the facility in the church ruins, but found that it required a lot of god-level metal consumption.

Only by using the god-level metal as fuel to detonate the creative power in it, at the moment of transformation between creation and destruction, can she open up a small plane.The total amount of god-level metal consumed determines the size of the final development, but if there are some special god-level materials, it is probably not impossible to give it a try.

In that environment, everyone could see a sturdy creature with golden fur that looked like an orangutan. It was eating the sub-dragon meat with great joy.

"That's the golden Beamon. It stands to reason that it should eat real dragon meat, but it's a pity that there are not many real dragons in this era. But there are quite a lot of sub-dragons. Yalong." Qian Renxue pointed at the little guy and said.

Don't look at that gold is smaller than Meng, it seems that it is still in its infancy, in fact, this is related to the technology used when it was captured in the church period.

At the beginning, the church found the last golden Beamon left in the world, and in order to preserve it, it used special technology to lock its state.And even if it is the last era of the Beamon clan, it is at least tens of thousands of years ago.

That is to say, although this Golden Behemoth looks younger than Qian Ningqiu, it is actually much bigger than Qian Ningqiu.

"Tianyao, go and try it. Don't worry, it is very docile under our care." Qian Renxue said with a smile.

Under the protection of Qingluan Douluo, Tianyao approached the golden Behemoth, she approached slowly, for fear of alarming him.

But Golden Behemoth didn't seem to pay attention to her, and was still eating. It seemed to prefer raw meat, and I don't know if this is a habit of appetite.

"Golden Behemoth will go berserk under certain circumstances, but fortunately here he has abundant life energy, which can appease his violent emotions. During such a period of time, he hasn't gone berserk much. So even if you touch it, it won't Lost temper." Qingluan Douluo explained.

Tianyao nodded, stroked the golden Beamon, the golden hair was soft to the touch, but extremely strong.Tian Yao had a premonition that if an extremely strong force hit it, these hairs would harden extremely.

Golden Behemoth did not resist Tianyao's touch, but enjoyed the food on his own, looking like a foodie.

"Phew... It seems to be very docile. Well, what does the contract law need to do? I heard from Sister Xue that this method doesn't seem to require hunting soul beasts." Tianyao asked.

Qingluan Douluo smiled, "You put your hand on Golden Behemoth's brow, and I will guide the contract ceremony. Later you may feel a special connection, accept it, and the ceremony will be completed. "

As he said that, a cyan light glowed in his hands, and those lights gradually formed the appearance of a hexagram.Qian Renxue, who is familiar with it, can see that it is a new type of contract derived from the combination of several contract laws.

Contract, even in the entire Douluo universe, is a very important special technology.But on Douluo Star, the development of contracts is very slow, even close to none, but starting today, this kind of technology will undoubtedly appear in the world.

"Then let's start." Tian Yao put his right hand on Jin Bimeng's forehead according to Qingluan Douluo's intention.Golden Behemoth seemed to feel a sense of blood connection immediately, and rubbed against each other intimately.

The Beamon family no longer exists in this world, and the closest to the Beamon bloodline is the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear.The breath coming from Tianyao's right hand made Jin Behemoth feel the long-lost intimacy.

Its race, after all, is the only one alone.Even if there are Beamon clans in other planes, it has little to do with it.

"Get ready, it's coming." Qingluan Douluo clapped his palms to both sides, and suddenly a strange sense of connection came.At his level, he no longer needs to build a magic circle, and can directly rely on soul power to accomplish this kind of thing.

Magic circles are not a rare thing in Douluo. The most common ones are the magic circles for Wuhun awakening, followed by the core magic circles in various antique soul guides and modern replica soul guides.The contract magic circle is very close to the awakening magic circle, and it can be constructed even without the use of materials.

Tianyao felt a faint sense of connection, and she accepted the connection.At the same time, Golden Behemoth seemed to be touched, and also accepted this connection.

Immediately, Tian Yao only felt a huge energy pouring into his body, that kind of power was violent and powerful, incomparably powerful.Golden Behemoth also seemed to be affected, and the golden hair all over his body stood on end.

Tianyao endured the baptism of this force, and she could feel that her martial soul seemed to have undergone some kind of transformation during this process, becoming more tenacious and powerful.And her right hand seemed to be soaked in heat, five dark golden sharp edges popped out, gradually sublimating in essence.

At the same time, her body trembled slightly, and the soul ring spontaneously emerged from her body.Black, black, black, black, black—then the power condensed and turned into a dark golden soul ring.

Seeing this scene, Qingluan Douluo couldn't help being surprised, "The contract has been fulfilled, the one who broke his promise...cough cough. I didn't expect it to be a different-colored soul ring. My child, your future can be expected!"

Qian Renxue also looked at it in amazement, one must know that apart from million-year or god-level spirit rings, there are only extremely special circumstances where different-colored spirit rings will appear.Like blood spirit rings, vitality spirit rings... These are not spirit rings that can appear under normal circumstances. Could it be said that the Beamon clan is so special?
Speaking of which, if he makes a contract with Qian Ningqiu...will he also produce a different-colored soul ring?
"Try the soul skill." Qingluan Douluo said.

"En." Tianyao responded, subconsciously glanced at Golden Behemoth, and then the dark golden soul ring flickered.

At the same time, her whole body was covered by dark golden light, which was thick and simple, giving people an indestructible feeling.

"Grandpa Qingluan, please use your physical strength to attack this layer of defense, don't need to use all your strength." Tian Yao said after a moment of thought.

Seeing this, Qingluan Douluo directly tried to use the attack power of a normal titled Douluo, and directly slapped the dark golden body guard with his palm.He knew that the little crocodile had rough skin and thick flesh, so he wasn't afraid of causing problems with this blow.

But what happened next surprised him, the attack power didn't invade at all, but was absorbed by the god gang, and then completely reflected back.This sudden change almost knocked him half a step back even though he was not aware of it for a while.

"What kind of soul skill is this?" Qingluan Douluo couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Hey, my sixth soul skill is called the Golden God. It can stimulate my body's protective energy and bring extremely powerful defense. It can absorb external attacks and reflect all the power back.

Unless the damage received in an instant exceeds the upper limit, it will be indestructible.The point is, it can inherit the bonuses of my other defensive spirit skills. " Tianyao grinned, obviously very satisfied with this soul skill.

Qingluan Douluo finally understood, he was dumbfounded, thinking why I'm not so lucky... Sigh.It would be great if only a few generations were born later.

(End of this chapter)

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