Chapter 586 Blue Silver World Net
Mu Xin naturally knows about this plan. The Blue Silver Network is different from the ordinary soul guide network, but a network that gathers life energy. It is not only good for the Ice and Fire Yangyi Eye, but also has great significance for the entire Douluo plane.

If one day it is useful to obtain these places of life energy, it can also be used to shape many areas rich in life energy.Or it may be used to open up small planes in the future, improve the environment, strengthen and repair the space of the small planes.

Moreover, the fully activated Blue Silver Network is also of great benefit to the Blue Silver Clan. It can promote the evolution of the whole clan, and it is a win-win situation.

All in all, Blue Silver Network will definitely be an epoch-making feat.

"Shall we start now?" Mu Xin asked.

Qian Renxue nodded, "Well, sooner rather than later, let's do it as soon as possible. Expand your blue silver domain, and I will pass on the light of the angel to you."

When Mu Xin heard this, she immediately launched her Blue Silver Domain, as a talent domain, she could use it at any time.

The blue glare gradually burst out, brushing across the grass like a wave, and the torrent of life was rippling, constantly converging and circling towards Mu Xin.At this moment, she seemed to be the origin of life.

The other fairy grass spirits and the younger generation who were still establishing contracts stopped to watch, even Tian Crocodile and Dugu Bo also stopped, watching this magnificent scene.

The Blue Silver Domain resonated with the Black Jade Blue Silver Spear standing beside the Ice and Fire Liangyiyan Spring, and then began to radiate rapidly, expanding outward along the Blue Silver Grass and extending continuously.

Whenever the power of the domain reaches the edge, it will touch another black jade blue silver gun in the distance, and continue to pass on, like a network structure, spreading out to the whole continent.

"It's a bit... strenuous!" Mu Xin was bearing a huge load. Even with the Blue Silver Clan sharing the pressure, it was still a bit difficult for her with her current sixth-ring cultivation.

"It's okay, I'll help you." A platinum-gold long sword appeared in Qian Renxue's hand, emitting a platinum-gold radiance, which was pure holy power.Shaved off the golden exterior, pure white power surged.

She unfolded the angel domain, and gradually overlapped with Mu Xin's blue silver domain, and the angel's light gradually passed through this superimposed area, turning into wisps of white light and pouring into the blue silver grass.

The white and pure power spread along the blue silver grass, and every blue silver grass that felt the light of the angel gave out cheers, and the cultivation base began to climb slowly.They are filled with cheerful emotions, absorbing the brilliance from the sun, and the life energy turns into a torrent.

Although the life energy of each Blue Silver Grass is small, countless Blue Silver Grass gather together to form rivers and lakes of life, which start to flow between the earth along the network path transformed into the Blue Silver Domain, running through it like a leyline. Plains, mountains and forests.

From the inaccessible countryside to the bustling downtown, every place is affected by this invisible ripple of life.The angel's light is like an introduction, activating the entire blue-silver network, radiating the vitality of life.

"Are you okay?" Qian Renxue asked.

Mu Xin felt it for a while, and found that the pressure suddenly dropped, as if the Blue Silver Clan had suddenly gained a majestic vitality, and the load on the transmission field was greatly reduced as a result.

"Well, let's finish it!" Mu Xin said happily.

Under the blessing of the power of the second daughter, the rich life energy began to erupt from the Ice and Fire Yangyi Eye, like a monsoon sweeping across the continent, sweeping thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

Countless people have experienced an "illusion", as if their thoughts are clearer, their brains are more energetic, their bodies are stronger, and they are in a healthier state.

But then the ripples were appeased by another force, and then the whole world began to shine brightly as if absorbing sunlight.

"What's going on?" Mu Xin asked suspiciously.

Looking at this scene, Qian Renxue probably guessed it.This is the will of the plane Gaia is using their blue silver network plan to cover up the fact that she has absorbed the power of the sun.Relying on the negative changes of sacrificing super artifacts, the overly intense fluctuations in life energy were smoothed out.

Balance, this is the opportunity she is looking for.

There is no doubt that this is a deceitful move for the Shura gods in the God Realm.But as long as he draws all his attention to his side, the existence of Gaia, the will of the plane, will not be noticed by God Shura.

"Don't worry about it, continue to finish." Qian Renxue warned, and then said nothing.

Gradually, the network path constructed by the Blue Silver Domain and the Angel Light gradually took shape, turning into a real river of life.Moreover, the Blue Silver Clan can already rely on the life energy obtained by absorbing the power of the sun to maintain the network way, so the Blue Silver Network can be regarded as completed.

The will of the plane has faintly blessed, as Gaia said, she equally encourages all positive behaviors that promote the evolution of the plane.

At this moment, perhaps it should be called the Blue Silver World Net.

And at that moment, Mu Xin also obtained the whole-hearted approval of all the blue silver grasses in the whole continent, and her blue silver domain also completed the final evolution, evolving from the omnipotent to the level of being inclusive of all rivers.

The angel's light in Qian Renxue's hand gradually subsided, converged in the angel's sword, and retracted the sword.She also consumed a lot of power for this. Although most of them were borne by the Angelic Holy Sword, as the hub, she was also under a lot of pressure.

"If I can plant another tree of life, it would be perfect... With the tree of life as the origin, connect with the life network of the mainland, and build a brand new life network. Hey, it seems that there is indeed a tree in the Douluo plane. A tree?" Qian Renxue seemed to have thought of something.

After the original ten thousand years in the Douluo plane, didn't Shrek Academy plant a golden tree?Later, it officially evolved into the tree of life.And that tree seems to be found by God King Tang somewhere in the Douluo plane.

Logically speaking, the life core that originally gathered the life energy of the Douluo plane is located at the lake of life in the center of the Star Dou Forest.The life crystals, life gold and life ivy there are the result of gathering the life energy of the plane, but most of them are used to heal the Silver Dragon King.

Later, I don't know what trick Tang Shenwang used to transfer the position of the life core of the plane from the lake of life to the tree of life, and let his mother Ayin replace the wisdom of the tree of life, and took the position of the tree of life. The core authority of the face.

But this tree of life does seem to be useful.Speaking of which, Zhang Daling's martial spirit is still of the same origin, and I don't know what it has to do with the Goddess of Life in the God Realm.It is said that the main body of the Goddess of Life is the ancient tree of life in the God Realm, and it seems to be her super artifact... It's strange that the main body is a super artifact.

I didn't pay attention at the time, and I almost forgot when I thought about it.Hmm...maybe you can ask Gaia where the tree of life is.

Seeing the completion of the Blue Silver Network, everyone around them recalled the previous scene of surging life energy, and they were all deeply moved—so this is the great power and miracle of nature!

"Okay, with this, the Blue Silver Network will be considered complete. Senior Lou Gao will use the soul tool to activate this network by then, and the information age will soon be here!" Qian Renxue said excitedly.

"In this way, my promise to the Blue Silver Clan has been fulfilled. By the way, will we be recorded in the annals of history in the future?" Mu Xin was also a little excited at this meeting.

"Don't worry, we will. We will protect the history we created ourselves!" Qian Renxue hugged Mu Xin, the airbag squeezed Mu Xin almost out of breath.

"Hmm! The name of the wine (suppressed)! It's not a thick bird! Huh!" Mu Xin struggled to escape from Qian Renxue's big bread, and she finally broke free, her pretty face was already flushed, I don't know words.

Qian Renxue sent Mu Xin, wiped her nose, and realized that she was a little too excited.

"Ahem, I won't tease you anymore. After this contract ends, we will see each other in a long time." Qian Renxue sighed.

Mu Xin was puzzled, "Where is Sister Xue going?"

"Hmm... go to a dangerous place to perform a mission, but that's where I have to go. Only in this way can our Spirit Hall gain a safe and peaceful time, so as to develop steadily." Qian Renxue thought for a while Said.

Mu Xin smiled, "Then Sister Xue must be careful! Our Spirit Hall needs you."

"Well, definitely." Qian Renxue said with a smile.

As the one who has inherited the glorious mission of the Angel of Rejuvenation, of course we must protect our common best Spirit Hall!

(End of this chapter)

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