Chapter 60 The Elders Meeting at the Dinner Party

Soon, the time came to night.

More than [-] senior officials of Wuhun Hall gathered together, including the Pope, priests, and elders, all gathered in the Elder Hall.At this time, a banquet was being held in the Elder's Hall.

Although most of the 10-year-old soul beasts that Bibi Dong killed were contaminated with highly poisonous poisons that were difficult to purify, but Qian Daoliu was the owner of the ultimate sacred martial spirit after all, and it took a lot of effort to purify those poisonous poisons. 10-year-old soul beast meat, such rare treasures are worth his effort.

At that time, Porcupine Dolphin Douluo was watching, that kind of poison, even with his blood-piercing puffer fish martial spirit, it was impossible to absorb it, it was a peerless and deadly poison, if he dared to absorb it, he would probably die on the spot Dazed.I am afraid that apart from Qian Daoliu, there is no other person in this world who can solve it.

This was the first time in their lives that the Pope personally captured the ingredients and offered the finest delicacies that he personally participated in the processing.

Especially the Devil Bear Douluo and the Wild Rhinoceros Douluo, their eyes stared straight at the chili fried pork from the Titan Giant Ape.And that spicy rabbit head meat, sky blue beef python tendons...

Many elders looked shocked, and a few greedy ones even wiped the moved tears from the corners of their mouths.

Soon the dinner ended in a pleasant atmosphere, and then came the formal meeting of elders.

"Everyone should have heard that this is not only a simple dinner, but also a meeting of elders. I hope that at this dinner table, everyone can know everything and talk endlessly, all for the vigorous development of Wuhundian. make an effort!"

Pope Bibi Dong took the lead in speaking.

"The Pope is right. Over the past year, we have summed up and piloted many plans. This meeting of the elders, where all the elders gathered, it is time to decide to implement it."

The great priest Qian Daoliu nodded.

Qian Daoliu projected information directly with mental power, and threw several proposals into the sky.In the realm of Peerless Douluo, this level of spiritual skills is already at hand. If it is put in later generations, it is at least at the level of the spiritual realm, so it is not difficult for Qian Daoliu to do this.

"We adhere to a strategy. We want what other forces in the soul master world don't want. We also want to fight for what other forces in the soul master world want."

Qian Daoliu manipulated the light and shadow above to change, which also showed the content of the first proposal.

"First of all, the establishment of the Wuhun Pavilion and the policy of accepting the world's best skills, the current pilot is relatively successful, there are indeed many talents who are willing to devote themselves to our Wuhun Palace, and there are also talents in our Wuhun Palace who are willing to actively study. But—— "

Qian Daoliu looked solemn.

"There are quite a few people who make up numbers and plagiarize. Therefore, we need to establish a more robust screening and review system. And I noticed that some soul masters are very concerned about their intellectual property rights, so they propose to retain some of their intellectual property rights. Do you have any advice on this?" suggestion?"

"I think we can set up a knowledge classification review and conduct unified knowledge management. This will also prevent some people from using common sense to bluff. In addition, if we want to retain intellectual property rights, then we should only provide them with limited rewards, but we can create special files. , when others obtain the authorization of the contributor through purchase or consent, they can use the content in the file, and if someone misappropriates it, they can file a complaint. In addition, the specific grading standards are preset as follows..."

Starry Sky Douluo Tianyu said.She is an intellectual female title, dressed in a cheongsam, and has been spending time in the Wuhun City library, with extensive knowledge. She is also the implementer and witness of the Wuhun Pavilion pilot project. She has the deepest experience and the most opinion.

"Well, Elder Xingkong's statement is reasonable. Everyone, do you have any opinions? If you don't have an opinion, just vote to decide."

After listening to Qian Daoliu, he also felt that this plan was quite appropriate. It not only solved the needs of many soul masters who were unwilling to fully disclose their knowledge, but also only half-disclosed their own knowledge, and also solved the difficulty of knowledge screening and grading, but the specific criteria are certain. Further improvement and implementation is required.

A group of elders heard the words, and everyone voted unanimously.Although some people may not understand at all, um... After all, there are always some elders who are pure force members, and their heads are full of muscles, but when they saw that the great priest agreed, they didn't object and voted for it.

Seeing this, Qian Daoliu nodded with satisfaction:
"Very well, during this period of time, the pilot project of Wuhun Pavilion is also being carried out by Elder Xingkong. Then Wuhun Pavilion will be managed by Elder Xingkong. You are responsible for protecting the knowledge of our Wuhun Palace and those who entrust their knowledge to us. the intellectual property of such people.”

"As ordered, I will make a great offering." Starry Sky Douluo Tianyu bowed slightly, accepting the appointment.

"Hmm... so what's going on with the Martial Soul Research Institute?"

Qian Daoliu asked again.

"Reporting to the great enshrinement, at present, more soul masters still tend to cultivate soul power, and very few people start theoretical research. Although it is true that some amazingly talented people have made achievements, this is compared to our Spirit Hall today. It's still too small."

Reported by Ninth Elder Thunder Beast Douluo Hui.He is small in stature, like a little boy who can't grow up.

"Well... as expected, after all, studying the theory of soul masters means delaying the cultivation of soul power. But I have a solution."

Qian Daoliu took out a book and hung it in mid-air, the contents of which were reflected by spiritual power, making it easier for the elders to read.That book is, Holy Spirit Judgment.

However, this is not an improved version, nor is it the first edition, but a special edition.There is a secret door designed in this Holy Spirit Jue, if you practice according to it, the function is indeed the same as the normal Holy Spirit Jue.

But it can strengthen the role of the Wuhun oath. Once the oath is violated, not only the Wuhun will be shattered, but also the cultivation base cultivated by it will be lost, and the soul master will be unconscious on the spot.Its effect is named [Commandment], which is the result of joint research by two peerless people.

"For important theoretical research, participating soul masters must have the consciousness of losing their freedom, and no information can be passed on to the outside world.

For general research, restrictions can be relaxed, but intellectual property rights are protected by the Wuhun Pavilion. If the rules are violated, the internal will be punished according to the rules, and the outside world will dispatch the Knights Templar to pursue responsibility. If there is resistance, senior law enforcement personnel are allowed to be dispatched. "

Qian Daoliu explained.

Thunder Beast Douluo thought for a moment, and he also felt that it was feasible.After all, it is popular in the world of soul masters to swear an oath with a martial spirit, which can be regarded as a fine tradition handed down from ancient times. If it can be made to have authentic and credible effects, and everyone can consciously abide by it, then it can indeed guarantee loyalty.

As for why it was a coma instead of a sudden death... Naturally, it was for the convenience of subsequent interrogation, and he died for no reason, so how to trace the motive and purpose?
If there are still people trying to pry into the top-secret knowledge... Hehe, learn from the lessons learned from Haotianzong.Don't say that Wuhundian is overbearing, even if the police catch a thief, it is through violence, not love.

"In that case, let's vote."

After Qian Daoliu spoke, there was another unanimous vote.

"Okay, then the Elder Thunder Beast will be in charge of the Wuhun Research Institute. If the situation permits, we can connect with the Wuhundian Academy to establish a related inner courtyard, and the inner courtyard students will cooperate with the research."

"Yes, a big offering."

Ninth Elder Thunder Beast Douluo also nodded, and accepted the order.

"The next thing is the issue of the Wuhun Chamber of Commerce. The two empires have set up many barriers to our Wuhun Hall, and the tariffs have been exploited layer by layer. This is very detrimental to our development."

Qian Daoliu frowned, this was also the most troublesome thing for him recently.

"I think we can use our greatest resource."

Bibi Dong supported her with both hands, and Si Lin raised it for a moment.

"Soul master resources?"

Qian Daoliu asked suspiciously.

"That's right, our Martial Soul Chamber of Commerce can provide various services such as soul master hunting, soul master employment, and soul master logistics. Therefore, we can first open our business to those small kingdoms that have been won over by us, and provide stationed soul masters to help them. Free from the oppression of the two empires.

At the same time, they actively signed a tariff-free agreement with them to provide a wider service space, such as establishing a money bank in combination with soul master subsidies, so as to put pressure on the two empires in reverse—they don’t want to see these small countries rise, do they? "

Bibi Dong spread her hands.The issue of soul master subsidies is an advantage that no other force has.

"Then what if the two empires realize this, reduce or cut off the subsidies for soul masters, and organize soul masters to fight against each other?"

Qian Daoliu thought deeply.

"That would be great. If the two empires refuse to send money, then we will guide the soul masters to ask the two empires to make trouble, completely destroy the prestige of the two empires, and make the entire soul master world know it. People, who is bringing them these benefits.

Hehe, since the two great empires have no registration of soul masters, and there is no established system at the grassroots level, even if they want to send money, there is no way at all.If they dare to say it, there will definitely be countless soul masters who will pretend to be or take more than one, and procrastination can drag them down. "

Bibi Dong secretly smiled.

Teacher, although I hate you, you are right in saying that imperial power and empire should not exist.

 Chihiro Ji really said outside the battle that the world does not need empires and imperial power.

  (Although Sanshui may just want to portray Qian Xunji as a rebellious person, it does not prevent readers from agreeing with his ideas. After all, Wuhundian is indeed better than the Empire. This actually sets off Tang San as a feudal Restorationists...)
  In addition, with regard to the issue of unique skills, it will definitely not be divorced from Douluo's worldview. Kung fu will be closely related to the soul master's cultivation system and improve all aspects of soul master training, while the unique skills will mostly be physical skills and skills in shaping energy , used to improve the soul master's combat system in all aspects.

  After all, if you take too many steps, you won’t look like a Douluo)

(End of this chapter)

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