Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 108 I want your eyes this time, and your head next time

Chapter 108 I want your eyes this time, and your head next time

Zhao Ya galloped rapidly over the row upon row of roofs in the Elephant Dance City.

Except for occasionally tapping the roof tiles with your feet to borrow strength, it is almost like a flying swallow.

Zhan Feng followed closely, but no matter how hard he chased, there was always a distance of four to five feet.

Zhan Feng couldn't help feeling a little shocked.

Although this kid only has three levels of cultivation, his movement skills are simply ridiculously fast.

Just relying on his own strength, he couldn't catch up for a while.

At this time, the two of them had left the Elephant Dance City, and they could see the vast mountains and forests in front of them.

After arriving here, Zhan Feng suddenly hesitated.

Because he had heard several village owners mention it more than once, saying that what Zhao Ya is best at is ambushing sneak attacks in the mountains.

He brought himself here, so there must be some fraud in it.

Thinking of this, Zhan Feng couldn't help slowing down.

At this moment, Zhao Ya, who was in front of him, also stopped running, stood on top of a big tree and gave Zhan Feng a cold smile.

"Why, didn't you just say you wanted to take my head? But you're scared when you get here?"

Zhan Feng laughed a few times, "Afraid? What a joke! Don't run away if you have the ability, and fight me head-to-head to see who is afraid."

"If you don't let me run, I won't run? Why do I listen to you so much!" Zhao Ya sneered, and said immediately.

"It's still the same sentence, if you want to kill me, let the horse come over, I'm afraid you won't dare to enter this forest."

After saying that, Zhao Ya turned around and went into the forest.

Zhan Feng stood there for a moment, and finally followed after gritting his teeth.

What if there is an ambush?

Zhan Feng was confident that relying on his own strength, ordinary ambushes and sneak attacks would not be able to break through his own defenses.

And as long as I get close to Zhao Ya's body, I will be able to slap him to death with one palm.

Besides, before he chased him out, he boasted to Miss San that he wanted to take off the boy's head.

If you just go back empty-handed like this, wouldn't your face be dull?
After entering the mountain forest, the speed of the two of them inevitably dropped a lot.

Zhan Feng looked at the figure that appeared and disappeared at that time in front of him, thinking secretly.

As long as the distance can be shortened by another three zhang, my palm wind can touch him.

So Zhan Feng used all his strength secretly, and no longer dodged the trees, relying on his strong strength to run rampant like a bulldozer.

This method really works, getting closer to what is visible to the naked eye.

One foot, two feet....

Finally within the range of the palm wind, Zhan Feng was overjoyed, and just as he raised his palm and was about to strike it down, Zhao Ya hit something without looking back.

"With hidden weapons."


The lime bag exploded in mid-air, and white mist filled the air instantly.

"Tips for carving insects."

Zhan Feng sneered, and with a wave of his palm, the strong palm wind directly scattered the lime fog.

But at this moment, a sleeve arrow flew across the sky, pointing directly at Zhan Feng's throat.

Zhao Ya's timing of this shot was very good, it was just when Zhan Feng slapped his palm and opened his own door.

But Zhan Feng didn't dodge this, and the skin around his throat suddenly swelled up and turned scarlet.

After the sleeve arrow was nailed to the throat, it fell to the ground without even piercing the skin.

The defense of the skin-moulding realm is so terrifying, at such a short distance, ordinary sleeve arrows can't break through the defense at all.

Zhan Feng laughed triumphantly, "Just use any other tricks."

There is a huge gap in strength between the three realms and the four realms.

Even Zhao Ya couldn't easily cross this gap.

Zhao Ya was mentally prepared for this, so he didn't feel discouraged in the slightest, instead he dodged and went into the forest again.

Zhan Feng finally felt relieved, and laughed secretly that he was a little too cautious before.

This is also because Huo Tianxiao and others have said all day long that this guy is extremely powerful and full of tricks, especially in the mountains and forests.

But it was only now that Zhan Feng realized that it was nothing more than that.

In addition to the really good lightness kungfu and body skills, there will be little tricks that are not on the table.

With a firm mind, Zhan Feng chased after him, vowing to kill Zhao Ya immediately.

After a full quarter of an hour, they had already entered the depths of the mountain forest.

A cliff appeared ahead.

Zhao Ya suddenly stopped, turned around and stopped.

Zhan Feng soon caught up and said with a grinning smile, "Run, why don't you run?"

Zhao Ya was unmoved, but looked at Zhan Feng coldly, and then slowly drew out the knife.

Seeing this scene, Zhan Feng couldn't help but sneered.

"What? Knowing that you can't run away, you plan to fight to the death with me? Okay, then I'll give you this chance."

Speaking of which, Zhan Feng stood there casually, posing casually.

Zhao Ya rushed forward with a stride, the knife in his hand turned into a flash of light, and slashed down obliquely.

Whether it is speed or strength, this knife has reached Zhao Ya's current peak.

Even Zhan Feng couldn't help being a little startled, he gave up his previous idea of ​​grabbing the knife empty-handed, dodged the knife, and then waved his palm to slap Zhao Ya's head.

If this palm is real, even if it is the iron head skill, it will be smashed to pieces.

Zhao Ya dodged sideways, and at the same time the knife in his hand fell again, fighting with Zhan Feng.

Zhao Ya pushed the wind saber technique to the extreme, but seeing the light of the saber lingering, he slashed at Zhan Feng like a gust of wind and rain.

But Zhan Feng sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, even though sometimes it seemed that the knife could not be avoided, but Zhan Feng could tear a hole in the wind-like knife net with just one slap.

In just a moment, Zhao Ya was already in a state of desperation and was completely suppressed.

Zhan Feng laughed strangely.

"Boy, you can be proud of being able to walk so many times under my grandfather's hands. Practice hard in your next life!"

Said Zhan Feng waved his palms, and wanted to end Zhao Ya's life as soon as possible.

But at this moment, Zhan Feng suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes and a sharp pain in his chest.

Not only that, but along with this tingling pain, the originally unobstructed Qi and blood seemed to be blocked by something, and the strength of the palm that had been mobilized also withered.

How is this going?

Zhan Feng was horrified.

But Zhao Ya saw the right moment, and the Meteorite Sword slashed at Zhan Feng's neck again.

In desperation, Zhan Feng had no choice but to back away quickly, and then looked at Zhao Ya with a livid face.

"What the hell did you just do?"

Zhan Feng's hands trembled uncontrollably while speaking, because he really felt scared.

If Zhao Ya could really inject some kind of strange poison on himself without anyone noticing, then it is really possible for him to confess here today.

Zhao Ya secretly let out a sigh of relief.

Zhao Ya had already planned to give up just now. After all, he couldn't fight for a long time and was completely suppressed by Zhan Feng. That feeling was not good.

But just when Zhao Ya was about to get out and escape, the long-awaited "surprise" finally appeared.

And it all comes from that meat field.

Song Linqing knew that the main purpose of the three coalition forces was the Song family's meat fields, so he left one on purpose and made some manipulations on it.

Of course not poisoning.

In fact, it is extremely rare to be able to poison a martial artist of the four realms without anyone noticing.

Neither did the Song family.

What Song Linqing did was very simple, he just catalyzed the eggs in the meat field in advance.

In this way, it won't be long before the eggs in the meat field will be ready to move, waiting to hatch.

If it is a normal process, it is time to arrange the meat bed at this time, then place the meat field in it, and start hatching.

But the problem is that there is no meat bed now, so this meat field has been in this state of waiting to hatch, and the eggs inside are waiting to be nourished by blood.

And this is exactly what Song Linqing wanted to achieve.

Because in this state, as long as a martial arts master touches this meat field, the eggs inside will be stimulated by the smell of blood, and then penetrate into the body of the person who touched it.

You must know that the meat fields cultivated by the Song family have their own characteristics.

And the strange beasts cultivated by this meat field can parasitize in the human body when they are young, and live by absorbing energy and blood.

Don't underestimate this point. Song Linqing had done experiments back then. This kind of strange beast could even parasitize warriors of the three realms when it was in its juvenile form, and its power was terrifying.

If it weren't for the Song family's special secret medicine, that Three Realms warrior would even be parasitized by this thing for life.

In order to neutralize this toxicity, the hatched meat bed needs special settings, and many kinds of secret medicines are added, which is extremely troublesome.

In addition, the value of this meat field is not too high even if it hatches successfully, so Song Linqing put it aside and did not use it.

Unexpectedly, now this meat field has become a big killer.

Song Linqing left it on purpose, in order to plot against Hong Shouchang or Yang Sansi.

Unexpectedly, it was Zhan Feng who got the trick.

Although he didn't know if it would be useful to warriors of the four realms, Zhao Ya decided to give it a try after learning that Zhan Feng was responsible for keeping the meat field.

Before Zhao Ya threw the lime bag and shot the sleeve arrow, they were all intentional in order to reduce Zhan Feng's vigilance.

Taking Zhan Feng to walk around in the mountains and forests is to let the parasitic beasts in his body grow as soon as possible.

But Zhao Ya still underestimated Zhan Feng's strong strength. After waiting for a long time, there was no attack, so much so that Zhao Ya wanted to give up. Only then did the effect appear.

Naturally, Zhao Ya would not reveal the secret.

Since Zhan Feng believed that he had secretly poisoned him, Zhao Ya simply admitted it.

"That's right, I put the poison on your body. Do you feel sore all over now, and you can't concentrate your palm strength?" Zhao Ya said coldly.

Zhan's face changed again, because Zhao Ya was right.

He tried several times to gather his palm strength just now, but at the critical moment, he felt a stabbing pain in his chest, and then the energy and blood that had been pumped up with great difficulty dissipated like a deflated ball.

Now that Zhao Ya is telling the truth, it seems that he is really poisonous.

Thinking of this, Zhan Feng couldn't help but feel colder, and he didn't care about the shame, so he turned and ran away.

Zhao Ya couldn't let him escape, so he chased after him.

The scene this time is like a replica of the previous one, except that the person chasing behind has become Zhao Ya.

After running a few steps, Zhan Feng felt the tingling pain in his chest became more and more obvious, and even his legs became sore and weak.

He thought to himself that this should be due to the onset of "toxicity", and if he continued running like this, he would definitely be caught up.

So he was ruthless, turned around to face Zhao Ya who was chasing him, and managed to muster his palm strength to fight with him.

This time Zhao Ya could be said to have the upper hand, and Zhan Feng, who was already dizzy, was even more dazzled when he used the wind saber technique.

With a sound of stabbing, Zhan Feng couldn't dodge in time, and Zhao Ya's knife pulled a big hole in his clothes at the shoulder.

If it weren't for Zhan Feng's rich experience and quick dodge, this knife would have removed his arm.

Zhan Feng secretly groaned in his heart, thinking that he was going to die at the hands of this young man in the end after being rampant all his life.

But at this moment, Zhan Feng suddenly felt that the tingling pain in his chest was relieved a lot, and the blocked Qi and blood became smoother.

what happened?

Could it be that the toxicity has weakened?

Although surprised, Zhan Feng couldn't control that much at this time. He tried to gather his palm strength and found that he had recovered a lot.

Zhao Ya naturally felt this change, and couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Sure enough, there is still a gap in strength.

At that time, Song Linqing had told himself that the state of alien beast parasitism would not last for too long, and would gradually dissipate with the degree of vitality of the blood, until the next sudden attack.

To put it bluntly, the parasitic beast will enter a dormant state after eating enough.

And this Zhan Feng, as a martial artist of the four realms, was extremely vigorous, so it only took a few minutes to get rid of this weak state.

Now, with the gradual recovery of Zhan Feng's energy and blood, Zhao Ya's pressure has also increased.

The most correct way at this time is to escape from here, but Zhao Ya is a little unwilling.

After spending so much effort and making so many preparations, the result is that Zhan Feng's sleeve was cut, which is really unreasonable.

He gritted his teeth secretly, and after slashing Zhan Feng back with a knife, he suddenly took out a small bag from his arms and threw it at Zhan Feng.

"Look at the poison!"

Hearing this sentence, Zhan Feng's scalp felt a little numb.

He was really afraid of Zhao Ya's method of poisoning that came and went without a trace.

So I didn't dare to touch it at all, and kept hiding back.

But the small packet of paper was very thin, and after Zhao Ya threw it forcefully, it exploded in the air.

A strange aroma came to the nostrils.

Zhan Feng's face changed drastically with fright, he quickly covered his mouth and nose, and held his breath.

And at this moment, Zhao Ya raised his hand to Zhan Feng's eyes and shot an arrow.

The crossbow in the sleeve vibrated, and the sleeve arrow flew towards it at an extremely fast speed.

Zhan Feng, who was busy avoiding the poison, was not prepared for this move at all, and it was too late when he found out.


The arrow pierced directly into Zhan Feng's left eye.

No matter how good the skin is, it is impossible to train the eyes to be indestructible.

I saw Zhan Feng roar in pain and covered his injured eyes, but the blood continued to flow from his fingers.

"Ahhhh my eyes, I'm going to kill you!"

Zhan Feng looked like a crazy tiger, swaying his palms non-stop, and the wind passed by, even the big trees as thick as buckets were directly broken.

Zhao Ya knew that Zhan Feng's qi and blood had fully recovered, and he had entered a berserk state. It would be too risky to take the opportunity to attack at this time.

Being able to blind Zhan Feng's eye was already an unexpected joy, so Zhao Ya didn't take credit for it, but just hid behind a tree and smiled coldly.

"This time it's a good deal for you. I won't ask for one of your eyes when I see you next time. When the time comes, I will ask for your head!"

After saying that, Zhao Ya drifted away, leaving Zhan Feng roaring hysterically.

Half an hour later, Zhao Ya returned to the refuge, and smiled at Zui'er.

"It's over, let's go!"


"Yunxiao County!"

(End of this chapter)

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