Chapter 118

But when Zhao Ya stopped in his tracks and raised his bamboo hat to look at her, the woman backed away in great disappointment.

Because whether it is appearance or temperament, Zhao Ya cannot be her customer.

At this moment, Zhao Ya suddenly said, "Where is it?"

Hearing this, the woman was taken aback for a moment, and then said in great surprise: "It's in the next room."

"Take me there."


Along this dirty and muddy street stood many crooked houses that seemed to collapse at any moment.

And the woman's room was the most dilapidated of these.

Zhao Ya even suspected that if he used a little force when closing the door, this shack-like room would fall apart.

The woman didn't think so much, she was very happy at this time.

Because this was the only customer she had gotten in the past two days, which meant that she hadn't eaten for two days.

And with the increase of age, this situation has become more and more common.

The woman pushed open the door, and Zhao Ya then walked in.

The room was dark and filled with a stale stench.

But what surprised Zhao Ya the most was that there was actually another person in the room, a boy around eight or nine years old.

When he saw Zhao Ya coming in, the boy looked at him with a strange look.

There is hatred and vigilance in it, but there is also a trace of longing mixed in.

The woman quickly pushed the boy away.

"Bao, go out quickly, and mother will buy you noodles later."

The boy stood up and staggered out, obviously already too hungry to walk.

Zhao Ya sighed inwardly, and said, "No need, let him stay too."

Hearing this, a look of vigilance immediately appeared on the woman's face, and she blocked the boy behind her.

She heard people say that many rich people have special tastes and don't like women but like children. She didn't expect this handsome young man to do the same.

"Master, please go out, I won't do your business anymore." The woman said with a trembling voice.

Zhao Ya saw the woman's mind and couldn't help laughing.

"Don't worry, I have no malicious intentions, I just want you to do something for me."

As he spoke, Zhao Ya took out a piece of broken silver and put it on the table.

The woman's eyes are a little straight.

Living here for so many years, she only saw silver a few times when she was young, and as she got older, the price gradually dropped, and she never saw it again.

And this piece of silver seems to be at least four or five taels.

Even her first time was not worth the price.

The woman's breathing was a little rough, "What do you want me to do for you? As long as it doesn't hurt my son, I'm willing to do anything else."

"Don't get me wrong, I just want you to find someone for me."

"Find someone?"


Then Zhao Ya expressed the guess in his heart.

"This person is about 50 to [-] years old. He looks ugly and doesn't talk much. The most obvious feature is that his right foot is lame and he is left-handed."

The woman looked confused.

She thought she was looking for someone with a specific name and surname, but she didn't expect Zhao Ya to make so many vague guesses.

"I... I've never seen such a person." The woman asked falteringly.

"I know you haven't seen it, but you can pay more attention to these characteristics on weekdays, and at the same time ask your friends. As long as you can find clues, I will give you another rich reward."

The reason why Zhao Ya chose this woman was mainly because she was the oldest and the most ordinary-looking.

No one would pay attention to such a wandering warbler, and it was perfect for inquiring about news and observing passers-by.

But the woman is still a little confused.

For her who doesn't know a single big character, this is a bit too complicated.

A look of disappointment appeared in Zhao Ya's eyes when he saw this, and he was about to turn around and leave.

At this moment, the boy who had been hiding behind her suddenly poked his head out and said, "Does it mean that as long as you see such a person and tell you, you will give me money?"

Zhao Ya stopped in his tracks, and looked at the serious boy with a little surprise.


"Okay, I can help you find out the news, where do you live?"

"Can you help me find out?" Zhao Ya became interested.

"Of course, all the children around my age are my little brothers, and they all listen to me." The boy said proudly.

"What's your name?" Zhao Ya asked.

A gloomy look appeared on the boy's face, he shook his head and said, "I don't have a name, because I don't know who my father is, and people call me Big Eyed Lamp."

In fact, not only did he not know, even this woman didn't know who his father was.

And Zhao Ya looked at the boy's big eyes and couldn't help laughing.

It would be great if it was as the boy said, after all, no one would care about a bunch of children.

"Okay, little brother, then I'll leave this matter to you. As long as you can find clues, you can come to Ping'anfang to find me immediately. My name is Zhao Ya."

Zhao Ya told the boy his address in Ping'an Square.

The boy wrote it down very carefully, and repeated it again. After confirming that it was correct, Zhao Ya turned and left.

After he left, the woman stared at the piece of silver on the table in bewilderment, and asked in disbelief.

"Baby, I'm not dreaming."

Big Eyed Lamp picked up the silver and took a hard bite.

"No mother, the money is real."

Then he cut off a small piece of silver with scissors and gave it to the woman, asking her to buy something to eat, especially more sesame seed cakes.

After buying them back, the mother and son ate a hearty meal, and then Big Eyed Lamp packed the remaining biscuits and went out to find his little friends.

Under the lure of the biscuits, soon, these children, from eleven to twelve to five or six years old, began to look around for the 50-year-old left-handed old man with a disabled right leg.

Zhao Ya was not idle either, he searched almost all the slums in the county, but still found nothing.

Zhao Ya had expected this, so he was not disappointed.

If you can find that jade butterfly by walking around the street, then the 1000 taels of gold are too easy to earn.

Now Zhao Ya only hopes that the net he cast before will be reaped as soon as possible.

"Old Lu, why did you come back so early today?" Someone laughed.

Lu Jicheng responded with a smile: "Isn't it raining today? The manager of the martial arts hall felt sorry for my inconvenient legs and feet, so he asked me to come back early."

"Tsk tsk, if you don't talk about Lao Lu, you are blessed. You can actually work as a concierge in a big martial arts gym like Chenfeng. Not to mention the salary every month, the treatment is so good. I really envy the dead." The man looked envious. road.

Lu Jicheng smiled very honestly, "It's because the person in charge saw that I was disabled, so he showed kindness and rewarded me with this mouthful of food. Let alone, the rain is getting heavier and heavier, I have to go home quickly. "

After chatting with the neighbors for a few words, Lu Jicheng limped home.

Passing by a wine shop on the road, he went in and bought a jug of the cheapest wine, and took two side dishes with him.

When we came out, the rain was getting heavier.

The thick rain curtain seemed to cover the whole world, and the bustling brothels in the distance had disappeared, leaving only the sound of rain in the sky.

Lu Jicheng was wearing a coir raincoat and limped along the muddy street.

If someone pays attention at this time, they will find that the muddy road, which is very difficult even for people with normal legs and feet, looks flat under the feet of this cripple.

It's just that when it's raining heavily, people are rushing home, so who would pay attention to a cripple?

Lu Jicheng hid the bottle of wine and appetizers under his cape, planning to drink a few sips to warm himself up when he gets home later.

But at this moment, a thin figure rushed over diagonally and bumped into him.

Caught off guard, Lu Jicheng didn't have time to dodge. Although he was not knocked down, the wine and vegetables under the coir raincoat fell to the ground.

Only then did Lu Jicheng realize that it was a seven or eight year old boy who bumped into him.

Even though it was late autumn, the boy was barefoot, his clothes were in tatters, and there were two big snots hanging from his nose. He was clearly a child of a poor family.

Lu Jicheng was in a state of shock, and immediately flew into a rage, raised his left hand and slapped the boy.

"Damn it, you still come out to run around in such heavy rain, don't you have eyes?"

The slap was so hard that the boy staggered and fell to the ground, with blood dripping from his mouth and nose.

But even so, the boy didn't cry, but spat on Lu Jicheng viciously.


Then he turned around and ran away.

Lu Jicheng didn't chase him, although the boy would never run away if he wanted to, but he didn't want to expose his secret in public.

So he just cursed a few words, then bent down to pick up the food and wine on the ground.

The wine was fine because it was tightly sealed, but the two appetizers were soaked in muddy water and could not be ordered.

Lu Jicheng didn't bother to go back to buy it, so he walked away slowly.

But he didn't know that when he came home, the boy who bumped into him had already run to an abandoned earth temple and told Big Eyed Lamp what had happened.

Big Eyed Lamp asked after listening, "Can you see clearly?"

"I can see clearly, my right foot is lame, I'm 50 or [-] years old, and I'm still left-handed." The boy said, pointing to his right cheek with the palm print.

"Not only that, I also know this old man, his name is Lu Jicheng, he lives in Tongyifang near my house, and I heard that he works in Chenfeng Martial Arts Hall."

"Okay, well done." Big Eyed Lamp gave the boy three meat pancakes.

The boy started to eat voraciously, and said vaguely while eating: "Boss, if you really punish that old man later, remember to tell me, I have to take back this slap."

As he chewed, blood was still dripping from the corner of the boy's mouth.

"No problem, but is the wound on your face okay?"

"Small point, this little injury is nothing serious at all. If someone gives me meat biscuits every day, I'm willing to be beaten like this every day." The boy said nonchalantly.

Big Eyed Lamp nodded and asked the boy to guard here, while he ran into the rain curtain to report to Ping'an Square.

Arriving at Ping'an Square, following the address Zhao Ya gave him, Big Eye Lamp quickly found Zhao Ya's home.

After knocking on the door, the person who opened the door turned out to be a very beautiful and beautiful woman, and the usually bold eyes suddenly became very reserved.

"Who are you looking for?" Zui'er asked strangely.

"I... I'm looking for Zhao Ya." Big Eyed Lamp tried hard to keep calm, but the trembling voice still betrayed him.

Hearing this, Zui'er couldn't help but understand, and said with a smile: "You are the big-eyed brother, come in quickly, Brother Xiaoya is not at home now, but he should be back soon!"

As he spoke, he let in the big eyelights.

But Big Eyed Lamp refused to enter the house, but waited at the door.

Just at this time, Zhao Ya also came back from the outside.

He still went outside to inquire about news today, but he still found nothing.

But when he got home and saw the big eye lamp waiting in the doorway, Zhao Ya couldn't help but feel refreshed.

"You got news?"

Big Eyed Lamp nodded vigorously, "Yeah!"

But then he didn't speak, just looked at Zhao Ya with his eyes.

Zhao Ya smiled, reached out and took out a bank note.

"This is a 100 taels of silver note issued by Shengyuan Bank, and it can be exchanged at the counter at any time."

Big Eyed Lamp had never seen a silver bill before, but he still took it and inspected it carefully before putting it in his arms very carefully.

"His name is Lu Jicheng, he lives in Tongyifang, and works in Chenfeng Wuguan."

Work in Chenfeng Martial Arts!
Zhao Ya captured the key information very keenly, and then he was a little stunned.

No wonder I couldn't find him no matter how hard I searched before.

It turned out that he had this identity as a cover.

You must know that Chenfeng is a big martial arts gym as famous as Dingtai, and its owner Yuan Chenfeng is also a strong man who has half-stepped into the five realms.

Naturally, such an existence should not be underestimated, even the government has to be careful.

But these thoughts just flashed by, and then Zhao Ya asked in a deep voice: "Do you know the exact location?"

Big Eyed Lamp nodded vigorously, "I know."

"Okay, take me there now."


Although Big Eyed Lamp thought he was running fast, it was still far behind Zhao Ya.

Zhao Ya simply pinched him under his armpit, used his lightness kung fu and body skills to gallop in the rain, and soon arrived at Tongyifang.

This Tongyifang is next to the Yudai River. With the heavy rain at this time, the water of the Yudai River surged, and some nearby shacks were already flooded.

However, Lu Jicheng lived in a very high place, so he was not affected.

Hearing the sound of rain outside and the faint cries, Lu Jicheng felt that the wine in his glass seemed to have become more delicious.

Although there was no food and drink, only a piece of old cucumber could be served with the wine, but Lu Jicheng didn't care.

He has never been particular about eating and drinking, and the only picky thing is women.

Thinking of women, he couldn't help but think of the Aunt Xue who died under him two days ago, and he couldn't help feeling hot in his stomach.

It seems that it is time to find a suitable target to vent.

This time I have to find someone younger, preferably a big girl who hasn't been out of the court, and see Hong, so that I can get rid of my bad luck.

There was the sound of rolling thunder in the sky.

Lu Jicheng suddenly felt uneasy.

what happened?

As soon as this thought came to his mind, the closed door suddenly opened, and then a sword-like light came straight towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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