Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 121 The liver is successfully unlocked and the hidden talent is obtained

Chapter 121 The liver is successfully unlocked and the hidden talent is obtained

"Hey, Xiaoya, why are you doing this? People like Lu Jicheng are vicious and cunning like a fox. If he was caught by you, he must have a grudge against you, so he went away..."

Zhao Ya smiled when he heard the words, "Don't worry, Lord Sheriff, he was no match for me when he was not injured, let alone now that he is in jail, and I want to see what he has to say to me."

After Zhao Ya said that, Shang Jingchuan couldn't persuade him anymore, so he had to order someone to lead Zhao Ya to the cell.

Heinous criminals like Lu Jicheng were imprisoned in the most heavily guarded death row.

When Zhao Ya entered the death row, he was greeted by a suffocating stench.

Although the torches were lit inside, it was very dark. The long-term lack of air circulation caused the ground to be damp and moldy, and it was sticky to step on, which was very disgusting.

And in such an environment, a man covered in injuries was lying quietly on the ground.

When Zhao Ya came in, the man suddenly opened his eyes, raised his head vigorously, his face was full of madness.

"Zhao, you actually came. I thought you were afraid to come."

"Why didn't I dare to come?" Zhao Ya walked to the cell, looked at Lu Jicheng inside, and asked calmly.

Lu Jicheng let out an extremely ugly laugh, "Okay, so courageous, no wonder you can catch me, and I'm convinced that I'm defeated by you."

"If you came to me just to talk nonsense, then forget it." Zhao Ya turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Lu Jicheng shouted hastily.

Zhao Ya stopped and turned to look at him.

"Let them all retreat!" Lu Jicheng glanced at the prison guard next to him.

"This..." The head catcher who brought Zhao Ya hesitated.

"Everyone, please avoid it for a while, I want to see what he has to say." Zhao Ya said.

"Okay, Zhao Shaoxia must be careful, this kind of person is very cunning."

The head catcher reminded him, and then retreated with all the prisoners.

In an instant, Zhao Ya and Lu Jicheng were left in the huge death row.

"Come on, you've racked your brains to see me, what's the matter?" Zhao Ya asked.

"Hehe, don't you want to know where the gold I hid is?" Lu Jicheng smiled strangely.

"Think!" Zhao Ya said very calmly.

"In that case, then you find a way to get me out, and I'll tell you where I'm hiding." Lu Jicheng said eagerly.

Zhao Ya didn't speak, but just looked at Lu Jicheng with the eyes of a fool.

Lu Jicheng naturally also noticed the sarcasm in Zhao Ya's eyes, but he didn't want to give up this last hope, and still said in a seductive tone.

"I don't need you to take me out, as long as you can quietly leave me a way out, so that I have nothing to do with you after I escape."

"I broke your tendons and hamstrings, how do you get out?"

"Hey, you don't need to worry about this, I have my own way. How about it? That's a whole 2000 taels of gold."

Unexpectedly, Zhao Ya laughed.

"I'm very puzzled. It stands to reason that a person like you should have thought of such a day when he committed a crime for the first time, but why are you more afraid than anyone else when you die?"

Lu Jicheng was taken aback for a moment, and soon realized that he was being tricked by Zhao Ya, and couldn't help becoming angry from embarrassment.

"You don't need to tell me this hypocritically here, aren't you afraid of death?"

"Scared!" Zhao Ya nodded, "That's why I won't do such outrageous things."

"Hehe!" Lu Jicheng already knew that his last hope was also shattered, and he couldn't help showing a look of madness on his face.

"It's nice to say, but do you know why I did this kind of thing? Do you know what happened to me back then, I..."

"There's no need to continue." Zhao Ya directly interrupted Lu Jicheng's words.

"I'm not interested in what happened to you, and I don't even want to know why you started to harm other people, and you don't want to gain sympathy by selling misery at this time."

Zhao Ya stood up and looked down at Lu Jicheng who looked down with astonishment.

"I will never sympathize with you, because if I sympathize with someone like you, then who will sympathize with those souls who died tragically at your hands?"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Ya turned around and left, ignoring Lu Jicheng's wailing and howling.

After he got out of the cell, Zhao Ya said to the head catcher: "This head catcher, put him in handcuffs and shackles so that he can be guarded. I think this guy still doesn't give up and wants to run away."

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhao, I must have watched him to death."

After returning to the front hall, Zhao Ya told Shang Jingchuan about the conversation between Lu Jicheng and himself, and of course concealed the matter about the 2000 taels of gold.

Shang Jingchuan couldn't help being furious when he heard that Lu Jicheng, who was about to die, didn't know how to repent and even wanted to escape.

"It's really a guy who can be hacked into pieces. I'm going to write an article, and I will kill this guy in public immediately."

But these have nothing to do with Zhao Ya, he declined Shang Jingchuan's kind invitation, left the government office and returned home.

Not long after arriving home, Gu Mingdong came.

"Little Martial Uncle, Master is calling you over." While talking about Gu Mingdong, he looked at Zhao Ya with adoring eyes.

Now he has the capital to brag. If he told anyone, he was the first to receive the little uncle when he first came.

"it is good!"

Zhao Ya agreed, got up and came to Dingtai Martial Arts Hall, and met Lu Dingtai in the backyard study.

At this moment, Lu Dingtai was writing. When Zhao Ya came in, he didn't lift his head, but said, "Shang Jingchuan invited you over?"


"What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything, I just exchanged the bounty for me, and gave me an extra 100 taels of gold, saying it was a little bit of his personal kindness."

"Hehe, this old fox!" Lu Dingtai put down his pen, picked up the towel on the table, wiped his hands, and looked up at Zhao Ya.

"But since he is willing to give it, then you can accept it. Otherwise, he probably won't even be able to sleep. These scribes usually think too much."

"Yes, but besides him, the other five families also gave an extra 100 taels."

"Of course they have to give more, otherwise do you think the signboard of our Dingtai Martial Arts Hall is just a decoration?" Lu Dingtai said lightly.

Zhao Ya naturally understood this too.

The reason why receiving the bounty this time is so smooth is largely due to the fact that he has the golden signboard of Dingtai Martial Arts as his backer.

Otherwise, not to mention giving too much, even the part that should be received by oneself is estimated to be greatly reduced.

Although it is said that the prisoner was caught by himself, if after being sent to the government, it is said that the prisoner has been unwilling to confess, what can you do?
Even if everything goes well, if they don’t have that much money in the end, they will give you half first, and the remaining half will be given next year, so what can you do?

If you want to make a fuss, there are too many twists and turns.

"You did a good job this time. Although that Jade Butterfly is not very capable, what he did was really outrageous, and you are doing harm to the people by getting rid of him." It is rare for Lu Dingtai to praise someone so kindly.

Zhao Ya quickly lowered his head, "This is all taught by you, Master."

"Haha, don't give me these ecstasy soups in front of me. How is your kung fu practice recently? Don't just lose your career just to get famous and receive rewards." Lu Dingtai said seriously.

"Apprentice dare not, now I am practicing every day, and I dare not slack off in the slightest."

"Okay, then practice it for me, and I'll see how it goes."


Zhao Ya came to the courtyard, opened his posture and practiced the Great Vajra Fist.

Now Zhao Ya's Great Vajra Fist has reached a point of success. Although it is far inferior to Lu Dingtai's, it is still quite good after practice.

Lu Dingtai stood on the steps and watched, nodding secretly.

Zhao Ya was indeed not lying, this Great Vajra Fist was really advanced.

Now Lu Dingtai is more and more satisfied with Zhao Ya.

Of the five apprentices he accepted, Meng Shiwen, who ranked first, was only average in talent, coupled with his withdrawn personality, it was difficult to get along with others.

But for her, Lu Dingtai has always regarded her as his daughter, so Lu Dingtai didn't care too much about whether her cultivation was good or bad.

Although the second child, Shen Dao, was very talented and had entered the fourth realm early, but he was born with a passionate seed, and sooner or later he would be hurt by love.

The third child, Miao Shaocheng, is rough but meticulous, with good temperament and talent, but he has always been short of luck, and he can't break through the four barriers.

The fourth son, Xu De, is good in all aspects, but his family is rich, and he will have to go back to inherit the family business sooner or later, so he can't be counted.

Only this Zhao Ya, not only has excellent talent, but also reached the peak of the third realm before the age of 19, and if nothing else happens, he will definitely be able to step into the fourth realm before the age of 20.

For a person who has only practiced martial arts for three or four years, this is already considered extremely fast.

And through the capture of Jade Butterfly this time, it can be seen that he is clever and alert.

What's more rare is that his personality is still very calm and sophisticated, sometimes Lu Dingtai even thinks that he doesn't look like a boy of eighteen or nineteen.

All in all, the more Lu Dingtai looked at Zhao Ya, the more satisfied he became.

Brother Meng, you really found me a good apprentice.Lu Dingtai sighed silently in his heart.

At this time, Zhao Ya finished practicing a set of boxing techniques, stopped his moves, and stood there waiting for Lu Dingtai's comment.

Lu Dingtai nodded.

"Yes, I have never slacked off, but some places are still too rough. For example, in this Vajra palms together, you have become a little impatient."

Lu Dingtai simply went off the stage and made some gestures himself, and he didn't let him go until Zhao Ya fully comprehended it.

In the next few days, Zhao Ya returned to his previous life, practicing martial arts in the martial arts hall during the day, and practicing at home at night. His days were peaceful and fulfilling.

But he didn't know that there was already a commotion outside because of the Jade Butterfly incident.

On the second day after Zhao Ya received the reward in the government office, Shang Jingchuan, the prefect, issued a document announcing Lu Jicheng's major crimes, and then dragged him to the door of the government office to be publicly executed by the victim's family.

At the time of the execution, there was a sea of ​​people at the gate of the government office, and the spectators were crowded and motionless.

When Lu Jicheng was dragged out, the victim's family members rushed forward, and began to cut his flesh with scissors and knives.

At the beginning, Lu Jicheng could still scream, but soon the red-eyed family members cut off his tongue abruptly.

Within an hour, this Lu Jicheng was hacked into pieces and executed Ling Chi.

The sensation caused by this incident also led to Zhao Ya's rise to fame.

For a while, the streets and alleys were talking about his name.

Many people know that Dingtai Martial Arts has produced another great character.

Zhao Ya didn't know about these, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

At this time, he has reached the critical stage of cultivation and is sprinting with all his strength.

Because of the abundance of money, the jerky of exotic animals that used to be eaten carefully is now available.

Zhao Ya simply ate dried meat for three meals a day, and truly experienced what luxury is.

But the effect is also remarkable.

Various martial arts advanced rapidly, and the precious light contained in the skin became more and more obvious.

But the biggest improvement is the liver unlocking progress.

Every day, it will increase at a rate of one percent.

at last.

On this day, after Zhao Ya ate jerky and practiced a set of eight-part Vajra Kung Fu, he suddenly felt a shock all over his body, and then a warm current flowed through his whole body.

[Liver unlocking progress: 100%]

[The liver is successfully unlocked, and the talent is obtained: invulnerable to all poisons. 】

Following these two lines of reminders, Zhao Ya felt that the blood in his whole body had been purified, and his whole body became transparent.

Not only that, Zhao Ya also felt that Qi and blood were continuously pouring into the liver.

The liver, on the other hand, turns into a sea of ​​blood from the abyss, absorbing all the energy and blood without rejecting anyone who comes.

The whole process lasted for more than a minute before it stopped.

At this time, Zhao Ya discovered that the energy and blood absorbed and stored by the liver was basically the same as that possessed by the body.

Zhao Ya's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly thought of a sentence from the medical book he had read before.

The liver is a sea of ​​blood.

Could it be that this is the hidden talent of the liver besides being invulnerable to all poisons?
Zhao Ya closed his eyes and felt something silently.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes with joy on his face.

Because he found that the qi and blood in the liver can be used.

This is so useful!
Just imagine, if you run out of qi and blood during a battle, others can only admit defeat and surrender, but you can use the qi and blood stored in your liver to continue fighting.

This is like adding an auxiliary fuel tank to a car, and the battery life is directly doubled.

The effect is comparable to hanging.

Zhao Ya was quite excited. Unlike the previously unlocked stomach and heart, the talent of the liver can be directly used in battle.

This sea of ​​blood alone is worth the fare, not to mention the ability of being invulnerable to all poisons.

Zhao Ya opened the attribute panel again.

Name: Zhao Ya.Age: 18 years old.Remaining lifespan: 87 (+210 days) years

Skills: Eight Vajra Kung Fu (Perfect 4732/5000)

Five Tiger Fist (Peak 51%)

Wind Knife Technique (Peak 58%)

Light as a swallow (Peak: 79%)

Containing Breath (Peak 34%)

The Striking Monument (Comprehensive 1876/2000)

Great Vajra Fist (Small Success 938/1000)

Golden Body Tactics (Comprehensiveness 43/2000)

[Liver unlocking progress: 100%]

His lifespan has finally broken through the hundred-year mark, and his martial arts skills have also made considerable progress.

The Eight Parts Vajra Kung Fu is only a hair away from being able to break through to reach the pinnacle.

And when the human body outline map is opened, the position of the liver is already clear, and then the positions of the kidneys are gradually brightened.

[The kidney is unlocked, current progress: 0%]

(End of this chapter)

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