Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 125 Merchant Cocktail Party, Yongsheng Cloth Shop Stolen

Chapter 125 Merchant Cocktail Party, Yongsheng Cloth Shop Stolen

All of a sudden, everyone stood up and greeted Shang Luoluo.

"Miss Shang!"

"La Luo girl!"

Shang Luoluo nodded in response one by one, then smiled.

"Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend this reception, and I hope you don't dislike it."

"Miss Luoluo is too polite. If this is all thin wine and side dishes, then I really don't know what is considered rich." Someone laughed.

"That's right, Miss Shang is too kind."

"As long as you are satisfied!"

Saying this, Shang Luoluo picked up the wine glass, toasted everyone, and then chatted.

Zhao Ya watched from the side, and saw that this Shang Luoluo was so successful, he could chat with anyone, and it would not make people feel abrupt, so he couldn't help but nodded secretly.

Not to mention anything else, this communication skill alone is enough to prove that Shang Luoluo is not an ordinary person.

At this time, Xu De came over with a drink, "Do you think this Shang girl is not an ordinary person?"

Zhao Ya nodded, "A little bit indeed."

Xu De sighed and said, "I also had this feeling when I first met her."

"This cocktail party has existed for four or five years. You must know that this Shang girl is only 20 years old this year, which means that she began to consciously gather many martial arts rookies when she was 15 years old."

"Although at the beginning, many people came because of her father's reputation as the governor of a county, but gradually, as the influence of this reception grew, people gradually changed their attitude. concept."

"Nowadays, many people come for this reception for nothing else. After all, being able to participate in the reception of the Shangfu proves that your strength and reputation have been recognized, and this only requires paying some negligible money for food and drinks. It's really scary. means."

At the end, Xu De couldn't help but drank the wine in the glass, then patted Zhao Ya on the shoulder, and pointed to the distance.

"Did you see, Senior Brother Miao is usually an open-minded person, but now he is reserved like a student when chatting with this Shang girl."

Zhao Ya naturally noticed this scene long ago.

Just now Miao Shaocheng encouraged himself here for a long time before he dared to go up and talk to Shang Luoluo.

But before we had a few words, sweat appeared on his forehead, and his whole body was as stiff as a piece of wood.

Even Zhao Ya wanted to laugh when he saw it.

"Don't think that Senior Brother Miao is the only one like this. In fact, as far as I know, there are at least a few young and promising young people who are interested in this Shang girl, but they don't dare to strike up a conversation casually. Do you know why?"


"Because the eyes of this Shang girl seem to be able to speak, no matter what you say, she just looks at you with a smile, and she feels guilty when she looks at you," Xu De said.

"It seems that Senior Brother Xu knows this Shang girl very well, could it be that he is also interested in her?" Zhao Ya rarely gossips once.

Xu De smiled wryly and shook his head, "I don't dare to be interested in such a woman, because she is so smart that it is difficult for ordinary people to control."

"I like the kind of girl who is gentle and virtuous, and it is better to be a little stupid. Look, Senior Brother Miao can't hold it anymore."

as predicted.

Without talking for a few words, this Miao Shaocheng was defeated and came back with a depressed face.

"How was it? What did you talk about with Miss Shang?" Xu De asked with a smile.

"Oh, don't mention it, I thought about a lot of interesting things before I came, but when I really saw her, my mind went blank and I couldn't remember anything." Miao Shaocheng said helplessly.

Xu De patted him on the shoulder, "Don't be discouraged, compared to the previous few times, this time there is still improvement, at least you chat a few more words."

Miao Shaocheng was extremely depressed and went to the side to drink.

At this moment, I saw this Shang Luoluo walking over with a wine glass.

"Brother Xu, what are you talking about with Brother Zhao? You are so happy to talk?"

Xu De laughed, "I didn't talk about anything, I was just praising you."

"Praise me? What do I have to boast about? Compared to you guys who are brave and diligent in martial arts, I am just a weak woman with no strength to restrain a chicken."

As he said that, Shang Luoluo raised his glass to Zhao Ya.

"In terms of age, I'm actually older than you, but those who are masters come first, so I'd better call you senior brother. Thank you for your honor to participate in this reception."

"You're welcome!"

Zhao Ya responded, then naturally raised his glass and took a sip.

A strange color flashed in Shang Luoluo's eyes.

I don't know how many young Junyan are at a loss when facing himself.

Of course, there are also some people who will pretend to try to get their attention.

But no one has ever acted so calmly like the young man in front of him.

So calm that even if he was looking at himself, there was no wave in his eyes.

He is indeed an interesting person!
This thought flashed across Shang Luoluo's mind, but instead of leaving, he talked to Zhao Ya with a charming smile.

"I heard that Senior Brother Zhao is from Wuxiang City?"


"Dancing Elephant City is very far away from this road, it must have been a very hard journey."


"Are you still used to living in the county town?"


Zhao Ya responded casually, but his eyes stayed in the distance.

There are women sitting there.

Although most of the people who practice martial arts are men, the atmosphere of martial arts in Yunxiao County is very strong, so some wealthy families or families with some wealth will let their daughters learn martial arts from teachers.

There are many such cases in the Dingtai martial arts hall alone.

So it is not surprising that there are so many women at this reception.

But the focus of Zhao Ya's attention was not on these, he noticed that his senior sister Meng Shiwen had also come at some time, and she was sitting at the woman's table right now.

Not only that, but there was also a tall woman sitting beside her, and the two of them seemed to be chatting happily.

This woman looks very beautiful, especially tall.

But Zhao Ya always felt that the aura of this woman was a bit uncomfortable, so he frowned slightly.

At this time, Shang Luoluo also noticed Zhao Ya's gaze, and couldn't help smiling after following along.

"I have a very good relationship with Senior Sister Meng, and she often comes to my reception."

"Oh, who is that woman talking to my senior sister?"

"Her, her name is Han Suyun, and she is also a woman who practices martial arts. She is quite capable. What's the matter? Senior Brother Zhao is interested?" Shang Luoluo joked.

After listening to Shang Luoluo's introduction, Zhao Ya couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. Could it be his own illusion just now?
"No, just asking casually."

Shang Luoluo rolled her eyes when she heard the words, she smiled and said nothing.

At the same time, many people noticed Shang Luoluo and Zhao Ya's side, especially when they saw that they seemed to be having a happy conversation, many people couldn't help but gritted their teeth secretly.

This Zhao Ya has really been in the limelight recently.

Even Miss Shang seemed to treat him differently.

How can this not be enviable.

Fortunately, at this moment, Shang Luoluo charged Zhao Ya with a crime, then turned and left.

After she left, Xu De, who had been hiding aside, popped up and asked with a smile: "Junior Brother Zhao, Miss Shang seems to value you very much."

"Have it?"

"Of course, you know she seldom talks with someone for so long."

"Oh." Zhao Ya was not moved by it.

In his opinion, whether he values ​​it or not, it has nothing to do with him.

He just wanted to know the origin of Han Suyun who was chatting with Meng Shiwen.

Also, are there any surprising treasures in the major trading houses this time?

At this moment, Shang Luoluo clapped his hands lightly, then walked to the front of the stage and said.

"Everyone, people from seven commercial firms have also come to the scene today. They have already written out their needs and prices. If you are interested, you can contact them yourself."


There were seven people sitting on a table next to them, and there was a wooden sign in front of each of them, on which was written what needed to be entrusted and the price after it was completed.

People can choose according to their own strength and needs.

This model is very new.

Zhao Ya temporarily suppressed his doubts about Han Suyun, and watched with interest.

[Yunji Tea Shop has a batch of valuable goods to be sent to the city wall three hundred miles away, and at least three three-realm warriors are needed to escort them, and the reward will be 500 taels after the matter is completed. 】

Zhao Ya is all too familiar with this activity, isn't it just betting on darts?

It's a pity that it takes too much time to go back and forth, and 500 taels has to be divided among three people, which is not suitable.

Zhao Ya looked down again, only to find that he was either asking someone to escort the things or settling the dispute.

The prices given were not considered high, so Zhao Ya rejected them one by one.

When he reached the last person, he couldn't help but stop.

[Thousands of precious fabrics in Yongsheng Cloth Shop disappeared mysteriously overnight, and now I sincerely ask someone with clever means to find out the whereabouts of the fabrics, and reward a family heirloom after the matter is completed. 】

A family heirloom.

These four words firmly attracted Zhao Ya.

It's not that Zhao Ya has never thought about getting a set of self-defense armor over the years, but he has never been able to do so.

Because armor is extremely precious these days, and high-quality armor is even more expensive than gold of the same weight.

Back then, the black armor worn by the Song family's black armor was so bulky that it was worth a lot of money, not to mention the precious armor that could be worn under clothes.

But now this cloth shop is willing to give out the family heirloom armor as a reward, which naturally makes Zhao Ya very interested.

He looked at the person who issued the task, and found that it was actually a woman.

The woman is not very old, only about 20 years old, and she looks pretty, but her complexion is bleak, her eyes are dull, it is obvious that there is a heavy heart in her heart.

Ning Shan was really anxious right now.

It has been seven days since the warehouse was stolen at home, and now Yongsheng cloth shop is in a semi-paralyzed state, and his father also fell ill due to a sudden fire.

You must know that this large batch of goods was ordered by the Zhu family, one of the few wealthy families in the city.

Now suddenly stolen, how to explain to others.

Seeing that the agreed delivery date will be reached in three or four days, if the goods cannot be delivered by then, the huge compensation payment alone will be enough to bankrupt the Ning family.

In desperation, Ning Shan had to rack her brains to seek help.

First, a reward mission was issued, and some warriors did indeed come.

But this is different from other escort or fighting missions, the people who came looked at it for a long time and didn't see why they came, so they all gave up.

Just when Ning Shan fell into despair, someone suggested to her that she should try her luck at the reception in the business house.

Because those who can participate in this commercial banquet are all dragons and phoenixes, maybe they can find a way, but the premise is that they are willing to pay the price.

With the attitude of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, Ning Shan bit the bullet and found Shang Luoluo, and after paying a fee, she finally came to the reception.

At this time, Yongsheng Cloth Village didn't have much working capital, so Ning Shan gritted her teeth and wrote the price tag of the family heirloom.

Although this precious armor was passed down from the ancestors, but at this time, I don't care about that much, let's get over the sadness in front of me first.

But after waiting for a long time, she found that no one took up her tasks. She saw that the tasks of other firms were taken one by one, but she was the only one left.

Ning Shan couldn't help feeling sad.

Could it be said that the foundation passed down from generation to generation is really going to be destroyed in his own hands?
When she was in despair, a teenager came up to her and reached out to pick up the wooden sign in front of her.

Ning Shan looked up, and saw the young man smiling at her.

"I'll take this order."

Ning Shan was in a daze.

Because she looked at this boy and felt that he was a little too young.

So young... can it really work?

At this moment, Shang Luoluo walked up to him, smiled and said, "Miss Ning, I was thinking before that if anyone can solve your problem, it is only him."

"Let me introduce to you, this is Senior Brother Zhao Ya Zhao, he was the one who caught the Jade Butterfly that caused a commotion some time ago."

Ning Shan finally had an impression, and her eyes lit up.

She also knew about the capture of Jade Butterfly, and she heard that Zhao Ya, who caught Jade Butterfly, was very clever, and it only took a few days to get him out.

She stood up so excited that she couldn't even speak.

"Master Zhao, I..."

"You can just call me Xiaoya, where is your warehouse, can you take me there to have a look?"

"Of course!" Ning Shan nodded vigorously.

Then Zhao Ya sued Shang Luoluo.

"Sorry Miss Shang, I have to go first."

"Brother Zhao, please go ahead, if you need my help, you can come to me at any time." Shang Luoluo said with a smile.

"it is good."

Zhao Ya spoke to Xu De and Miao Shaocheng again, and then left with Ning Shan.

After going out and getting into the carriage, Zhao Ya asked Ning Shan to tell all the situation in detail.

"It happened seven days ago. That night my father inspected the warehouse before going to bed. At that time, everything was normal, but the next day, all the thousands of pieces of fabric stored in the warehouse disappeared."

"Is there no guard in the warehouse at night?"

"Of course they did, but those guards passed out at the time, and they didn't wake up until morning when they were splashed with water."

"When they woke up and asked, they didn't know when they passed out, and they didn't even have the slightest impression."

"How many thousands of pieces of fabric are there?"

"A lot, even if you use a horse-drawn cart, you have to pull three or four carts."

"Then the people around didn't notice such a big movement?" Zhao Ya asked.

Ning Shan smiled wryly, "No, I've asked all the nearby residents, and no one heard any abnormal noise."

Zhao Ya nodded, "I understand, let's go and have a look at the warehouse first."

The carriage passed through most of the county town, and finally came to the warehouse of Yongsheng cloth village.

After getting out of the car, Zhao Ya looked around habitually, and found that the terrain here was open, and the nearest resident was a hundred meters away.

At the same time, there are many large vats on the open space, all of which are filled with water.

"This is to prevent the warehouse from catching fire. After all, for cloth, the most feared thing is to catch fire, but I didn't expect that the fire did not catch up, but all the cloth was lost." Ning Shan said sadly.

At this time, the people guarding the warehouse also came out to welcome them.

There are four of them in total, all around 50 years old, and they all look very mature and prudent.

"Were the four of them here that night?" Zhao Ya asked.

"Yes, these four people are old buddies who have followed my father for many years. They are honest and honest, so they were sent here to guard."

Zhao Ya's eyes flicked across the faces of these people.

The expressions on the faces of these four people included sadness, anger, and timidity.

But this is normal.

Zhao Ya didn't say anything, and walked into the warehouse.

This warehouse is very spacious, and the bluestone slabs on the floor are spotlessly cleaned.

There was a smell of cloth in the air, Zhao Ya walked around here, but found nothing, so he asked.

"Thousands of pieces of cloth, do you usually store so much in your cloth shop?"

Ning Shan shook her head, "Of course not. In fact, there are only about a hundred pieces of cloth here. This time it is because the Zhu family in the city ordered a large number of goods, so there are so many."

"Oh? I ordered thousands of pieces of cloth. Can you tell me what these cloths are for?"

Zhao Ya did not believe that a wealthy family would order so much cloth for no reason.

Ning Shan hesitated for a moment, and then said: "It's the thick Gebu cloth used for cloth armor."

Cloth armor Zhao Ya has also seen it before. Although the defensive power is not as good as real armor, it is enough to deal with ordinary swords.

As for why this Zhu family ordered so many....

This world is getting more and more chaotic, and these wealthy families obviously have a sense of crisis, so they are all making preparations in advance.

"How many days have passed since your batch of cloth entered the warehouse and was stolen?" Zhao Ya asked again.

"Five days." Ning Shan said.

"During the five days, was there anything unusual?"

Ning Shan thought about it carefully, then shook her head, "No."

"Then how many people know that there are so many cloths stored here?"

"There are not many, except for my father and my mother, that is, me and these guys."

Zhao Ya was thoughtful, and after leaving the warehouse, he began to pace around the open space.

Ning Shan didn't dare to ask, and could only watch quietly from the side.


Zhao Ya stopped in his tracks, glanced at the houses in the distance, and then looked back at the warehouse, as if he had thought of something.

"Are all the dwellings in front of us inhabited?"

"There are people living there."

Zhao Ya nodded, "Can you let me meet your father?"

"Of course, please come with me."

Ning Shan's family lived in the small courtyard behind the gate of Yongsheng Buzhuang, not far from here.

It only took three to five minutes for the two of them to walk.

At this moment, Ning Shanfeng, Ning Shan's father, had already fallen asleep, but when Zhao Ya arrived, he still struggled to sit up and asked out of breath.

"Zhao Shaoxia, do you have any clues?"

(End of this chapter)

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