Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 134 Reaction of the Parties

Chapter 134 Reaction of the Parties
After entering the Four Realms, the remaining life span suddenly increased by more than 80 years.

This is still the second, the unlocking progress of the key kidney and spleen all exceeded 50.00%.

Zhao Ya felt it carefully, and found that in addition to boosting his spirits, his hair and teeth seemed to have become very fine and firm.

Zhao Ya looked in the mirror, and found that the teeth that were not so neat were now arranged very neatly, and at the same time, they were as white as jade.

Zhao Ya even had a feeling that even if it was a piece of iron, he could bite off a piece now.

Not only that, but the bones that had already been forged grew and evolved again, becoming harder and harder, and even the gaps between the ribs were covered by a layer of periosteum to protect the internal organs inside.

In addition, the stomach, which had been in a vigorous state, became much more stable at this time, and became less irritable.

Zhao Ya knew that these changes all came from the talent of the kidney and spleen.

Teeth and bones originate from the kidneys, and gastrointestinal changes originate from the spleen.

All this made Zhao Ya curious about the talents after the two organs were fully unlocked.

And what should be unlocked after the kidney and spleen are unlocked?
Six internal organs?

Or meridians?

The next day, Zhao Ya arrived at the martial arts hall early.

When Lu Dingtai saw him, he was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Breakthrough?"

"Well, living up to the master's expectations, just last night, the disciple successfully broke through."

"How long did the skin grinding process last?" Lu Dingtai asked.

"About half an hour."

Zhao Ya didn't dare to say that he had been dermabrasion for an entire hour, after all, that was too shocking, so he made a compromise.

But he still underestimated the shock of this time.

"How long did you say?" Lu Dingtai's voice raised an octave, attracting the attention of the surrounding disciples.

"I haven't calculated it specifically, but it should take about half an hour!" Zhao Ya said bravely.

"Stretch out your hand, let me see!"

Zhao Ya stretched out his hands, Lu Dingtai grabbed them and felt them carefully.

Lu Dingtai couldn't help laughing when he confirmed that Zhao Ya's skin was as flexible as iron skin, and the qi and blood contained inside was extremely pure.

"Okay, it seems that my Dingtai Martial Arts Academy is really about to produce a peerless genius."

Soon, the news that Zhao Ya broke through to the four realms spread throughout the martial arts hall.

Shen Dao, Miao Shaocheng, Xu De, and even the elder sister Meng Shiwen rushed over.

And when they heard that Zhao Ya's skin grinding process lasted for half an hour, they couldn't help being shocked.

"Fuck, little brother, you can do it. I remember that the second senior brother only lasted for a quarter of an hour when his skin was polished. Even so, he was already called a genius. You did it for more than half an hour, which is amazing. !" Miao Shaocheng was amazed.

Shen Dao smiled wryly when he heard the words, "Stop talking about a genius, compared to my junior brother, what kind of genius am I?"

Even so, Shen Dao's face was full of relief.

Because the stronger Zhao Ya is, the stronger the strength of Dingtai Martial Arts.

As a big brother, he feels even more honored.

Meng Shiwen looked at Zhao Ya with a complicated expression.

She has worked so hard for so long, but she is always close to failing to break through, so she has been stuck in the half-step four realm.

If only before.

After all, there are not many young masters of the four realms in the entire county.

But now, the little junior brother who has only been a teacher for only a year has succeeded in skin resurfacing, and the process lasted for a full half an hour, which is very rare.

This made Meng Shiwen feel deeply frustrated.

As a senior sister, she is becoming more and more unworthy of her name.

Just when Meng Shiwen was feeling very disappointed, she heard Xu De laughing and said: "Master, junior brother breaks through the four realms, should we inform the other martial arts schools in the city about such a happy event?"

"Of course you have to notify, and you have to notify with great fanfare. In this way, you send a few people to Chenfeng, Renyong, and Guangrui respectively."

"Shaocheng, you go and inform other martial arts gyms that can be said, and say that my Dingtai martial arts hall will hold a reception in three days to celebrate the addition of a master of the four realms,"


Miao Shaocheng and Xu De promised, and they all left happily.

Soon, the news that Dingtai Martial Arts had gained another master from the four realms spread throughout the county.

Chenfeng Martial Arts Hall.

Since being defeated by Zhao Ya some time ago, Xia Cunyi has become a lot more low-key, living in seclusion every day, and rarely showing his face in front of his brothers.

Although the injury was not serious that day, Xia Cunyi brought him a great shame.

After all, he is a half-step fourth-level warrior, and Zhao Ya is only the peak of the third level.

Moreover, this incident was provoked by himself, but he was defeated in public and lost a thousand taels of gold, which further deepened Xia Cunyi's shame.

After recovering from his injury, Xia Cunyi threw away all distracting thoughts and practiced desperately every day, with only one thought in his mind

That is to advance to the fourth realm as soon as possible, then defeat Zhao Ya, and win back the face he lost.

Yuan Chenfeng naturally supported his change.

He was ridiculed by Lu Dingtai that day, and when he came back, Yuan Chenfeng was so angry that he slapped his favorite Eight Immortals table into pieces.

So when he knew Xia Cunyi's thoughts, Yuan Chenfeng immediately expressed his opinion, just speak up if you lack anything, as long as you can advance to the four realms and defeat Zhao Ya, then you can say anything.

With Master's confession, Xia Cunyi's heart became stronger, and he had to practice every day until he had no more strength in his body before he would give up.

On this day, he was practicing in his residence when Yuan Chenfeng opened the door and walked in.

"Master!" Xia Cunyi hurriedly saluted.

But Yuan Chenfeng didn't say a word, and his face was even more gloomy and terrifying.

Seeing this, Xia Cunyi's heart skipped a beat, not knowing what happened again.

When I was feeling uneasy, I heard Yuan Chenfeng say: "How long do you think it will take to advance to the fourth realm?"

Xia Cunyi hurriedly said: "I feel that I have made progress in the past two days, and I will be able to improve my skin in about a year and enter the fourth realm."

"Hehe, one year!" Yuan Chenfeng suddenly sneered, and then said.

"Do you know what cultivation level Zhao Ya is now?"

"What cultivation base?"

"I just got the news that he has already improved his skin and entered the fourth realm!"


Xia Cunyi couldn't believe his ears.

"The last time I fought with him, he was at the peak of the third realm. How long has it been since then? How could he be promoted to the fourth realm?"

"I also think it's impossible, but it was Lu Dingtai's third apprentice Miao Shaocheng who sent me the letter. He made it clear that three days later, a reception will be held at Dingtai Martial Arts Hall to celebrate Zhao Ya's success in promotion."

Xia Cunyi's complexion instantly turned pale.

If this is the case, it proves that the news is very likely to be true.

But he was still stuck at the checkpoint and couldn't make an inch. Why was he able to advance all the way and successfully advanced so easily?

Xia Cunyi suddenly thought of a possibility and said immediately.

"Master, I think this Zhao Ya must have used some opportunistic methods, even a secret medicine that can forcibly elevate his realm. Otherwise, how could he have advanced to the fourth realm in such a short period of time, and if this is the case, he will be regarded as a It is also a piece of rubbish after entering the four realms."

"I also have this guess, so I decided to take you there with me when the time comes. If Zhao Ya really used a trick, then you should fight him again and try to defeat him, so as to defeat Lu Dingtai's prestige." Yuan Chenfeng gritted his teeth and said.

Xia Cunyi felt terrified in his heart, knowing that this was Yuan Chenfeng's last chance for him.

If he fails again this time, then he will have no future at all.

So he could only bite the bullet and answer: "Yes!"

At the same time, in the Renyong Martial Arts Hall, Nie Jingnian, who also received the news, was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed.

"Senior brother Nie, what are you laughing at?" A junior brother asked.

"Nothing, just happy for a friend!"

In Nie Jingnian's view, it was a matter of course for Zhao Ya to break through to the four realms, and it would be strange if he didn't break through.

So he decided to prepare a gift and come to congratulate him in person when the time comes.

After all, he has seen Zhao Ya's performance before, so naturally such a talent should be treated well.

After hearing the news, other martial arts gymnasiums and martial arts practitioners in the entire county had different reactions.

Some were surprised, some were disdainful, but more were still puzzled.

After all, everyone knew Zhao Ya's previous strength, so how did he break through to the Four Realms in such a short period of time?

Could it be that some opportunistic methods were used?
This suspicion surged in the dark.

So many people who didn't want to come also decided that they must come to see for themselves when the time comes.

If this Zhao Ya really used opportunistic methods to smooth his skin, then Lu Dingtai could be said to be late.

And at this time, Zhao Ya, who was in the center of the storm, was talking to Big Eyed Lamp and Er Qiangzi at home.

"How is the situation outside the city?"

"Returning to you, Master Zhao, there are more and more strange beasts outside the city now, and there are even traces of strange beasts in the small forest not far from the city gate. Although the level is very low, there are quite a few of them." Big Eyed Lamp Said.

Zhao Ya couldn't help frowning slightly upon hearing this.

This is what worries him the most.

Ever since he discovered this incident, Zhao Ya has always felt uneasy, so he has been quietly inquiring about the news, and asked someone to find the history of the county, hoping to see if this situation had ever happened.

As a result, he really found some clues.

Fifty years ago, this situation also occurred in the county city, and finally formed a beast tide.

But this time the incident did not attract much attention, because the beast horde was put out by the garrison and people from the major martial arts halls as soon as it took shape.

He even got a lot out of it.

So when there was another beast tide this time, no one paid much attention to it, and some people were even eager to try it, thinking that the opportunity to make a fortune had come.

But Zhao Ya didn't think so.

He recalled the giant-winged blood bat with five-level strength in the crypt, and his heart suddenly felt heavy.

The strongest ones that appeared in the last beast tide were only in the fourth realm, and the number was very small.

That's why it's so easy for all parties to clean up.

But if there are five-realm alien beasts, or even stronger ones, in this beast tide, what should we do?
(End of this chapter)

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