Chapter 141

After leaving the Shang mansion, Meng Shiwen was still a little dazed, obviously the conversation between Zhao Ya and Shang Luoluo just now had greatly shocked her.

It wasn't until she was about to return to the martial arts hall that Meng Shiwen couldn't help but said: "Could it be that the government really just sit back and watch?"

"Guan will definitely take care of it, but they will not take action until the warriors are almost dead. In this way, not only can they weaken the power of the warriors, but they can also buy people's hearts. It can be said to kill multiple people with one stroke." Zhao Ya said.

Meng Shiwen was silent again, and said after a long time: "Is it so dirty?"

Zhao Ya stopped in his tracks, sighed and said, "Actually, people's hearts are like this. Shang Luoluo sees things more clearly than I do. I was too naive before."

"Then let's just leave it alone!" Meng Shiwen said angrily.

"It can't be done." Zhao Ya said quietly: "Let's not say that the teacher will not sit idly by, even the warriors in the city will not stand idly by, after all, they are the ones who will be most affected by the coming of the beast horde."

Meng Shiwen was speechless.

"Let's go, go back to the martial arts hall first and report this matter to Master, we can't control what others do, as long as we can manage the martial arts hall well."

After speaking, Zhao Ya strode towards the martial arts hall.

Meng Shiwen looked at his back with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

Why is it that the junior brother is obviously younger than me, but he is much more mature and experienced in dealing with people?
As far as the incident just now is concerned, it seems that he is a junior junior sister who is ignorant of the world, while Zhao Ya has become a weather-beaten senior brother.

Meng Shiwen shook her head, tried her best to put this strange thought behind her, and followed quickly.

After returning to the martial arts hall, Zhao Ya told him what happened when he went to the Shang mansion to meet Shang Luoluo.

After listening to it, Lu Dingtai was not surprised at all, but just smiled lightly.

"It's not surprising that Shang Jingchuan did this. This guy was born as a traditional civil servant. He is full of thoughts of being loyal to the emperor and serving the country. He always thinks about restoring Dayan's former glory. But how did he know that the current Dayan is no longer Back then, the dynasty that looked down on the world was unparalleled."

"On the contrary, although Shang Luoluo is a woman, she has some good sense. She can tell you frankly, which shows that she also knows that things are not as simple as her father thought."

"Actually, I never thought of borrowing the power of the government from the very beginning. You still have little contact with them. If you get involved with them, you will mess up many things. After all, they don't have much ability to do things, but bad things are a lot of things. Wait a minute."

When he said these words, Lu Dingtai's face was full of mockery.

"Just now I have notified all the major martial arts schools about this matter, telling them that the beast tide outside the city will gradually escalate, let them take precautions in advance, it is best not to let the disciples of the sect go outside the city. , As for whether they listen or not, that is beyond our control.”

After listening to Lu Dingtai's words, Zhao Ya was also full of admiration.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being an old Jianghu who has stood in the county for many years and has not fallen down. His vision of judging people and things is so vicious.

So he cupped his fists and said, "Understood Master!"

Lu Dingtai stood up, walked to Zhao Ya, and patted his shoulder.

"You've done a good job in this matter, but you have to remember that it's good to be able to take care of yourself these days. If you have the ability to take care of the people around you, then you are a first-class person. As for the others..."

"You can't control it!"

Zhao Ya was deeply convinced.

Soon, with Lu Dingtai's appearance, news about the beast horde outside the city spread rapidly, causing quite a commotion.

Regarding Lu Dingtai's reminder and warning, everyone has different opinions.

Some people think that Lu Dingtai deserves to be the top martial artist in the county, and he did it very grandly.

But some people dismissed it, and even thought that Lu Dingtai was playing tricks, maybe he wanted to scare other people in this way, and then he would monopolize the proceeds of this beast tide.

For a while, the martial arts school in the county city was divided into two factions.

People who think that what Lu Dingtai said are right are basically friends with Dingtai Martial Arts, such as Renyong Martial Arts, such as Baibu Martial Arts that was rescued by Zhao Ya before.

These martial arts schools immediately expressed their support for Ding Tai martial arts.

And those who feel that Lu Dingtai's words are wrong, or even harbor evil intentions, basically have a gap with Dingtai Martial Arts.

For example, Chenfeng Wuguan.

Yuan Chenfeng even directly stated that this beast swarm is an opportunity from heaven, and Chenfeng Martial Arts will never give up, let alone listen to some people's alarmist words.

The two factions quarreled endlessly because of this.

However, Lu Dingtai, who was the initiator, never expressed his opinion publicly again.

The same is true for Zhao Ya.

He is very busy these days.

Busy developing poison, busy training drunk children.

At the same time, the affairs of the martial arts hall cannot be left behind.

After being promoted to the fourth realm, Zhao Ya also shouldered part of the responsibility of teaching martial arts disciples.

Taking this opportunity, Zhao Ya practiced this group of martial arts disciples every day, especially focusing on the coordination between each other, in order to let them form combat effectiveness as soon as possible, so as to prepare for what may happen in the future.

He is so dedicated.

Shen Dao, Miao Shaocheng and the others naturally couldn't be idle.

Everyone began to step up their training, and for a while, the entire Dingtai Martial Arts Hall became busy like a wind-up clockwork.

In this case, the situation in the county has gradually changed.

Because of Lu Dingtai's reminder and warning, the number of teams going out of the city to hunt exotic animals was significantly reduced.

Many martial arts halls also secretly began to prepare.

Especially some martial arts halls near the city wall are even more worried, wishing to move out now.

Under the commotion, more than ten days passed in the blink of an eye, and everything outside the city was safe.

Even the businessmen did not stop.

As a result, doubts arose in many people's hearts, thinking that maybe it was Lu Dingtai who was making alarmist remarks.

Just when these people were about to move, something happened suddenly, like a catalyst, directly igniting the desire in these people's hearts.

A group of teams who ventured out of the city successfully hunted down a Three-Realm Alien Beast and dug up a usable meat field.

When the news spread, many people's eyes were red.

That is the meat field of the Three Realms Alien Beasts.

It simply cannot be measured by money.

The people who are equivalent to this team can earn enough money for the rest of their lives at once.

Stimulated by this incident, the hunting team that had been silent for a while became rampant again.

And with almost all of these people coming back with something to gain, few people cared about Lu Dingtai's warning anymore.

Even some people from the big martial arts gym began to enter the arena, organizing their disciples to go hunting outside the city.

Chenfeng Wuguan is the one that works hardest, and the rewards are quite rich.

Yuan Chenfeng even said that as long as this continues for another month, they will be able to gather enough meat for everyone in the martial arts hall. By then, the strength of Chenfeng martial arts hall will usher in a qualitative leap.

People had mixed reactions to this news, and some people questioned Yuan Chenfeng's intentional statement.

But soon these voices of doubt were drowned in envious eyes.

Ren Yong Martial Arts Hall.

Shang Tiefeng smiled wryly and said: "Today I heard that even the most low-key Guangrui martial arts school has organized a team to hunt exotic beasts outside the city. What do you think?"

Several disciples of Shang Tiefeng looked at each other, and then one of them said: "Master, you mean...."

"If all the martial arts gyms go out to hunt, and our Renyong martial arts gym stays put, the strength will be gradually pulled apart, and it will not be obvious in a short time, but after a long time, I'm afraid..."

At the end, Shang Tiefeng sighed.

Recently, he has been worrying about this matter.

Let's organize a team too. Back then, Lu Dingtai came to the door and told him about it.

At that time, he also promised not to act rashly.

But if you don't go, you are afraid that your own martial arts will fall behind in strength, and you will never be able to catch up again.

While struggling, Nie Jingnian suddenly said, "Master, did the Dingtai Martial Arts Academy ever organize a team?"


"Isn't that enough? Since even the Dingtai Martial Arts Hall has not moved, why are we in a hurry?"

"But Yuan Chenfeng and the others..."

"What they want to do at Chenfeng Martial Arts is their business, we don't have to worry about it, and I believe that sooner or later they will have to pay the price for their greed." Nie Jingnian said firmly

After hearing this, Shang Tiefeng sighed, "Okay, that's it."

After speaking, he left worriedly.

Nie Jingnian looked at his master's back and shook his head secretly.

Master is good at everything, but this indecisive character needs to be changed.

Xia Cunyi can be said to be proud of the spring breeze recently.

As one of the three hunting teams in Chenfeng Martial Arts Hall, the team he led had the most harvest, and thus won Yuan Chenfeng's award.

You must know that Xia Cunyi has never been so proud since he was defeated by Zhao Ya.

And there is another advantage of going out to hunt in the city, that is, you can fill your own pockets, and you can secretly keep part of the income you get.

Don't look down on it, but in the long run, it will be a lot of wealth after accumulating a little.

So Xia Cunyi is the most supportive of going out of the city to hunt, and he never tires of it.

Today is no exception.

He was leading a team through the mountains and forests.

Everyone carries a few bags on their backs, which are filled with today's harvest.

Xia Cunyi planned to cut open the stomachs of a few strange beasts before going back later, to find out if there were any meat fields.

If there is one, I will secretly keep one.

In this way, there will be no shortage of jerky for self-cultivation in the future.

Just as he was thinking happily, the person in front of him made a gesture suddenly.

That means there is a situation.

The team stopped immediately.

Xia Cunyi walked quickly to the front of the team, looked along the gap in the forest, and then his eyes lit up.

I saw a huge pheasant on the open space ahead.

This pheasant has bright feathers, red eyes, and gleaming chicken feet. It is obviously a strange beast.

And this type of beast is the easiest to get out of the meat field. If you are lucky, you can even get a beast egg, which is a treasure.

Xia Cunyi gave the people behind him a wink, and the disciples of the Chenfeng Martial Arts School quietly separated into two teams and surrounded them from both sides to prevent the pheasant beast from escaping.

At the same time, Xia Cunyi asked his subordinates to pick up the net rope, while he made preparations himself.

When the two outflanking teams were all in position, Xia Cunyi rushed over with one stride, and slapped the pheasant.

The pheasant screamed and flapped its wings to fight back, but it was no match for Xia Cunyi, and was knocked unconscious by a palm.

The subordinates rushed forward and tied the pheasant tightly with net ropes.

Xia Cunyi was extremely proud and felt that his kung fu had improved again during this period of time.

But at this moment, a scream came from the forest.

It was sent by the two teams responsible for outflanking.

Xia Cunyi was taken aback, but before he could react, he saw several corpses being thrown out of the forest.

Then at least seven or eight ghost-faced giant apes appeared on the left and right sides of this mountain forest.

This was the first time Xia Cunyi saw the ghost-faced giant ape. He had only heard about it before. He knew that this strange beast was extremely powerful, and the key was that it was also very smart.

I didn't expect to encounter as many as seven or eight this time.

And every giant ape has at least the strength of the peak of the three realms.

Xia Cunyi felt his blood go cold.

He is like this, let alone his subordinates.

Those who followed him were all the disciples of Chenfeng Wuguan, and their strengths were basically around the second level.

Now encountering strange beasts at the peak of the three realms, and there are seven or eight of them, it is natural to be very scared.

Some people turned their heads and wanted to run, but just two steps away, a giant ape reached out and grabbed it, crushed its head, and then licked the brains that flowed onto its hands.

The group of people who watched this scene were simply heartbroken.

"Help!" Someone yelled frantically.

Then these people began to flee in all directions.

But how could they outrun this ghost-faced giant ape.

I saw that they were not in a hurry, they were chasing unhurriedly like a cat playing with a mouse, and every time they caught up with one, they would crush their heads.

The sounds of head bursting one after another made Xia Cunyi tremble with fear.

Although with his strength, he can fight this ghost-faced giant ape.

But he didn't do that.

Because there are too many of these ghost-faced giant apes.

Even if he manages to defeat one of them, the rest will kill him.

So he took advantage of the situation where these ghost-faced giant apes were rounding up his group of juniors, he jumped into the forest and fled quickly.

His speed was very fast, and he ran more than a mile in the blink of an eye.

Hearing the screams behind him gradually become indistinct, Xia Cunyi heaved a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt the ground tremble, and then a huge figure appeared in the forest in front of him.

His eyes widened instantly.

Because this figure is an even bigger ghost-faced ape.

I saw that it was four meters tall, with muscles all over its body, and the mark around its mouth was not white, but light yellow.

Xia Cunyi couldn't stop trembling.

Because he clearly felt the oppression from this giant ape.

Four realms!

Even the beasts at the peak of the four realms!

He covered his mouth and didn't dare to make a sound, lurking behind the tree trembling, praying in his heart, don't find me.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a noise above his head, and when he looked up, Xia Cunyi was paralyzed to the ground in fright.

He saw a huge ghost-faced ape looking down at him from the treetops.

And the corners of its mouth raised slightly, as if it was laughing at Xia Cunyi's timidity and stupidity.

(End of this chapter)

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