Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 143 Alien beasts besieged the city with strong walls and cleared the wild

Chapter 143 Alien beasts besieged the city with strong walls and cleared the wild
Hearing this shout, Zhao Ya reacted almost instantly.

"Zi'er, take the things you prepared earlier, and immediately go to the martial arts hall to find your master."

At the same time as he spoke, Zhao Ya had already returned to the house and took out all the useful things such as the poison hand crossbow.

"Brother Xiaoya, where are you going?" Zui'er asked anxiously.

"Go to the edge of the city to see what's going on!" Zhao Ya said calmly.

"Then...be careful with everything!" Zui'er was full of worry.

Zhao Ya smiled when he saw this, "Don't worry, if I want to run away, no one in the county can keep me!"

After saying that, Zhao Ya jumped up to the roof, and then disappeared after a few dodges.

According to Zhao Ya's instructions, Zui'er picked up the baggage that had been prepared in advance and went to Dingtai Martial Arts Hall.

Although they lived only a stone's throw away from the Dingtai martial arts hall, Zhao Ya let Zui'er go to the martial arts hall just to be on the safe side.

There is Lu Dingtai's township, and it is the safest place in the entire county.

At the same time, Zhao Ya had already rushed to the edge of the city wall, and flew to the top of the city tower.

After entering the tower, it was empty inside.

The dozen or so soldiers in charge of guarding the city were hiding in a corner and shivering.

In fact, this is no wonder to them. You must know that among the dozen or so soldiers, the youngest must be more than 50.

It is okay to open and close the city gates and maintain order on weekdays. Naturally, there is no hope at all in such emergencies.

Zhao Ya ignored them, went straight to the lookout and looked out, and saw shadows shaking in the darkness, and the mountains in the distance kept shaking.

At the same time, many strange beasts have gathered under the city wall, and they are cruising back and forth at this time, as if they are waiting for something.

"Who discovered it first?" Zhao Ya asked in a deep voice without turning his head.

At this time, there were still a few people at the lookout, all young warriors, Zhao Ya was asking them.

"Back to Master Zhao, I was the first to discover it." One of the men said very respectfully.

"Oh?" Zhao Ya turned his head and glanced at the man, feeling familiar, but couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

"You recognize me?" Zhao Ya asked.

"Master Zhao is really a noble person who forgets things too much. Didn't you save me and Senior Brother Pan in the forest before?"

Zhao Ya suddenly said, "You are from the Baibu Martial Arts School..."

"Yang Ping, this is my junior brother Jiang Zhong!" The man pulled the person next to him, and they both clasped fists at Zhao Ya and saluted.

Zhao Ya waved his hand, "You don't need to be too polite, why did you come to the top of the tower and found traces of strange beasts?"

"Back to Master Zhao, our Baibu Martial Arts Gym is the closest to the city gate, and since the incident in the mountains and forests last time, Brother Pan has always been worried, so he will send people to watch on the tower every night, and it happens to be my turn tonight With Jiang Zhong." Yang Ping said.

Hearing this, Zhao Ya couldn't help sighing secretly.

Unexpectedly, a person who was rescued at that time played a big role at this time.

At the same time, some martial arts schools that were closer to the city wall also rushed over upon hearing the sound.

The Baibu Martial Arts Hall is naturally among them.

Pan Xuexian carried the longbow on his back and climbed up the tower, seeing Zhao Ya was there, he couldn't help but feel happy.

But this is not the time to exchange pleasantries, so he just nodded at Zhao Ya, and then came to the lookout to observe carefully.

After watching for a while, he frowned slightly.

"See anything?" Zhao Ya asked.

He knew that archery masters like Pan Xuexian generally had extremely sharp eyesight, and could see details that ordinary people couldn't see.

"These alien beasts under the city wall have always been just cruising. Although the mountains in the distance can't be seen clearly, there should be a large number of alien beasts hidden. Such a large group of beasts gather together but do not attack. What do you want to do?" Pan Xuexian asked doubtfully.

"Are you waiting for an opportunity?" someone said.

"Don't be ridiculous, this is a strange beast and not a human. How could it have such a high IQ? Waiting for the opportunity, you can just say that they are forming an army." Someone refuted.

But Zhao Ya's complexion became more serious.

Because he has always had this guess in his mind.

If these strange beasts launched attacks in disorder, then Zhao Ya felt relieved.

What I am afraid of is the current situation of forbearance.

"It's a pity that I can't see clearly what's going on in the mountains and forests in the distance." Zhao Ya sighed.

He had thought about making a simple telescope before, but found that there were no usable crystals near Yunxiao County.

As for glassware….

This world does not have such a high glass smelting technology at all, and the glass produced is very poor in transparency and cannot be used at all.

In desperation had to give up.

After hearing Zhao Ya's words, Pan Xuexian took off the long bow on his back, and then pulled out a special arrow from the quiver. The arrow was round and filled with liquid.

After ignited with a torch, the arrow will burn like a huge torch.

Then Pan Xuexian raised his bow and set an arrow, aiming at the distant forest and shooting it out.

With a whoosh, the arrow shot out like a shooting star, broke through the darkness, and flew across the forest.

The mountains and forests they passed by became much clearer under the light of the arrow torches.

Although it is still very vague, it is enough for a master of Zhao Ya's level.

At a glance, he saw many ferocious beasts hidden in the forest.

Jackals, tigers, leopards, and so on.

But at this time, these strange beasts were all obediently dormant in the mountains and forests, without moving.

At this moment, a sharp cry suddenly came from the night sky, and then a huge bird flew past at an extremely fast speed, its wings flapping just above the arrow.

With a bang, the arrow was smashed into the forest, and everything returned to darkness.

"It's a flying beast!" Someone exclaimed.

Flying beasts are very rare, and they are extremely difficult and terrifying. If they are encountered in the wild, they can be described as extremely dangerous.

"Fortunately, there are not many such flying beasts, and they all have a strong sense of territory, so they won't appear in groups!" Someone said happily.

At this time, more and more people gathered on the tower.

Shen Dao and Miao Shaocheng also came.

"What's the situation?" Shen Dao asked when they met.

"Siege the city without attacking, that's the situation." Zhao Ya said.

While talking, someone suddenly shouted: "Back off, back off, they back off."

Everyone looked at it one after another, as expected.

The herd of beasts that had been cruising under the city wall gradually retreated into the forest and disappeared.

And as the herd of beasts dissipated, the originally tense atmosphere in the tower also relaxed a lot.

Many people were relieved.

Someone even laughed and said, "I don't think these strange beasts are stupid. I guess they saw that we have so many people here and knew they couldn't beat them, so they were scared away."

But Zhao Ya didn't feel relaxed at all, instead his complexion became more dignified.

Of course he would not think that these strange beasts were scared away.

Moreover, when the group of strange beasts retreated in an orderly manner, there was even a faint shadow of an army.

This made Zhao Ya even more worried.

Shen Dao naturally saw Zhao Ya's worry, and couldn't help asking: "Is there any way?"

Zhao Ya shook his head.

He is not a fairy.

These strange beasts were obviously waiting for an opportunity, and they would attack aggressively after they had accumulated enough power.

This situation cannot be changed by an individual at all.

Unless there is an expert from the five realms, then it is possible to influence the situation of the battle.

Seeing this, Shen Dao couldn't help but fell silent.

It may be that the dignified breath of their senior brothers infected others, and all the warriors in the tower gradually closed their mouths and stopped talking.

Pan Xuexian at the side heard the conversation between Zhao Ya and Shen Dao just now. At this moment, he finally couldn't help it, and asked.

"Master Zhao, what do you think? Can you tell us as a reference for everyone?"

"Yes, Master Zhao, you have a quick mind, so if you have any ideas, let everyone listen!" Someone echoed.

"We all listen to you!" Someone simply expressed support.

Now as Zhao Ya's reputation is growing, his status in the hearts of all warriors is also rising.

Many people looked at him expectantly.

Zhao Ya pondered for a moment, and then said: "The retreat of this wave of alien beasts is by no means the end. I speculate that they are also waiting for an opportunity, so we must not take it lightly."

"In my opinion, starting from today, each of our martial arts schools should send people to guard the towers. This is the most important thing. After all, if the juniors from the Baibu martial arts school didn't discover the situation in time, we might all suffer. "

Everyone had no objection to this point, and they suddenly agreed.

"it is good!"

"It should be so!"

"Our Zhenshan Boxing Gym will have the first vigil tomorrow!"

Amidst the shout, Zhao Ya continued, "Secondly, outside the city, with the cover of this mountain forest, strange beasts can easily hide in their bodies, so they must be eliminated."

"When it's daytime, I'll lead the team, and the martial arts gyms will send more people. Let's clear out the mountains and forests within two miles outside the city wall, so as not to give the strange beasts a place to hide."

Naturally, everyone has no opinion on this.

So after discussing for a while, they left first.

Zhao Ya also returned to Dingtai Martial Arts Hall after speaking a few words with Pan Xuexian and the others.

After seeing Lu Dingtai, Zhao Ya told what happened, and Lu Dingtai frowned slightly.

"These beasts still have such discipline. It can be seen that there must be some powerful and intelligent beasts commanding them."

Zhao Ya nodded, "This is what my disciple guessed, so I decided to fortify the walls and clear the fields first, cut down the forests outside the city, and try to force out the figure of the commander beast as much as possible, as long as it is eliminated, the pressure will be greatly relieved. "

"Okay, just do what you want."

With Lu Dingtai's support, after dawn, Zhao Ya brought dozens of Dingtai Martial Arts disciples to the city gate.

At this time, people from the major martial arts halls also arrived.

All parties gathered at one place, then opened the heavy city gate, and began to cut down the trees outside the city.

For these martial artists, cutting down trees couldn't be easier.

Sometimes without a knife or axe, the tree can be split with a single palm strike.

Everyone talked and laughed, and the progress was extremely fast.

But at this moment, a martial arts student suddenly felt itchy on his face.

He grabbed it with his hands indifferently, and then howled miserably the next second.

By the time Zhao Ya arrived, the disciple had already rolled on the ground, his cheeks swollen like watermelons, and howling terribly.

At the same time, he exuded a sweet and greasy smell.

The martial artist's brother pressed his hands and feet hard, controlling him not to scratch.

Zhao Ya walked quickly and found a small inconspicuous wound on the young warrior's cheek.

But it was this small wound that made his face swell up, and there seemed to be something faintly wriggling inside.

Zhao Ya was startled, and just about to say something, he saw the young warrior suddenly let out a snarl, broke free from his arms, and grabbed his face with all his might.


The transparent skin was scratched, and dozens of black bees flew out from it.

Zhao Ya's complexion changed drastically, "Get out of the way!"

But it was too late, the closest brothers were instantly surrounded by black bees, and then they howled miserably like this young warrior.

The rest of the black bees rushed towards the crowd, and some of them even rushed towards Zhao Ya.

But as soon as they got close, these black bees fell to the ground.

At the same time, Zhao Ya's figure flashed continuously, secretly transported the poison, and finally managed to poison all the dozens of black bees to the ground.

Looking at these people on the ground at this moment, their skins have already festered, and they died of exhaustion.

(End of this chapter)

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