Chapter 148
The aged Feixian Niang tastes sweet, and it tastes great when paired with a good banquet.

Especially after Feixianju learned that this banquet was prepared for Zhao Ya and others, the master chef who cooked the dishes was even more attentive, so everyone ate very comfortably.

After three glasses of wine, Lu Dingtai put down his glass, looked at Zhao Ya and said, "I've seen the corpse of that giant ape. Judging from the wound, your saber technique seems to have improved again."

Zhao Ya admired it in his heart.

As expected, he is worthy of being an old Jianghu, his vision is really vicious, and he can see that his sword skills have advanced just by a little trace on the corpse.

He didn't hide anything, just nodded and said, "Yes, Master, when he was fighting in the woods, he suddenly realized something, and then he killed this giant ape."

"Yes, if you want to improve your martial arts at the end, you must go through actual combat. You can do this, which proves that your talent is really strong enough."

When he said these words, Lu Dingtai's heart was full of relief.

To be honest, since Zhao Ya joined the martial arts school, I actually didn't teach him anything.

Except for the most important Vajra Fist, Lu Dingtai did not teach any other martial arts.

It's not that he wants to hide anything, it's just that Lu Dingtai feels that these martial arts are not worth Zhao Ya's wasting energy.

This young man's talent is definitely not limited to the four realms, so his main task now is to hit the five realms as soon as possible while he is young.

If he can successfully exchange blood before the age of 30 and step into the five realms, then even if he saves his face, he has to do everything possible to make him join the teacher.

If the pulse can be opened successfully, the future can be described as limitless.

Compared to these, mere martial arts are nothing more than trivial matters.

But I didn't expect that I still underestimated this boy.

He was actually able to sense the opportunity during the battle and make a further step in the way of swordsmanship.

This also proves that Lu Dingtai's thinking is correct.

For a genius like Zhao Ya, he couldn't interfere too much.

Thinking of this, Lu Dingtai liked Zhao Ya more and more, and couldn't help pouring another glass of wine.

"Come on, master respect you."

When the master toasts, the disciples naturally dare not refuse to drink.

Zhao Ya stood up hastily, "Master, you are being polite, I respect you by doing first."

He drank the wine in the glass with one sip.

Lu Dingtai laughed.

He once heard people talk about the drinking capacity of his little apprentice, claiming that he would never get drunk after a thousand cups.

But Lu Dingtai thought it was all nonsense.

No one can really drink a thousand cups without getting drunk, it is nothing more than relying on their own strength and being able to drink more than ordinary people.

So he also drank the wine in the cup.

"Come on, you've worked hard today too, our master and apprentice will not return tonight if we don't get drunk."


Lu Dingtai staggered back.

After all, it was the master, and he didn't get drunk like Miao Shaocheng did when he drank until the end.

Even so, Lu Dingtai was still quite drunk.

As much as he tried to hide it, the wobbly way he walked gave him away.

This also made him finally understand Zhao Ya's drinking capacity.

That's the real way to stay drunk for a thousand glasses, and it has nothing to do with the amount of alcohol.

Zhao Ya watched the master leave, and then returned home.

At this time, Zui'er had packed up the leftover seats and was about to clean the yard.

Zhao Ya urged her to go back to her room and go to sleep, while she picked up the broom and swept the yard while thinking about what happened recently.

Of course he wouldn't think that killing a ghost-faced giant ape meant that this beast tide was over.

It is very likely that this is just the vanguard who came to test.

But the effect of this battle is also impressive, at least dispelling the fear in many people's hearts.

I just don't know, what kind of beast tide should I face next?

In the next few days, Zhao Ya went to inspect the tower every day, but he found no trace of the strange beast.

Not only the east gate, but also the other three city gates.

Everything seems to be back to how it was before, except for the absence of businessmen.

And this also made many people in the county city overjoyed.

From their point of view, the death of the ghost-faced giant ape means that the crisis is over.

As a result, the heart that had been suppressed for a long time was about to move, and the major brothels and Chu houses that had been closed for business also reopened.

All of a sudden, the whole county was singing and dancing, and the bustle of the past was restored.

But Zhao Ya did not relax in the slightest.

Taking advantage of this gap, Zhao Ya led his men to clear the woods outside the other three city gates out of the two-mile buffer zone.

At the same time, Zhao Ya also raised a large amount of materials, produced a lot of fire oil, and then ambushed outside the various city gates.

Now it is midsummer, the branches and leaves are lush, and the water content of the trees is very high. If you want to ignite the fire, you can only rely on the kerosene to support the combustion.

In this way, the preparations were done step by step for a few days, but there was still no change.

Now even these martial arts disciples are a little slack.

I think this beast tide might end like this.

So although there are still people watching the night on the tower every night, people's moods are quite different from before, talking and laughing, chatting and drinking, and even secretly playing cards for money.

Zhao Ya noticed this, but he didn't say anything.

If you focus on this kind of thing too closely and talk too much, it will often have a counterproductive effect.

After all, not everyone is like Zhao Ya, who firmly believes that there will definitely be a second wave of beasts coming.

Zhao Ya just silently increased the number of times he patrolled the city to prevent omissions.

But for this huge capital city, his power alone is too limited.

Even with the help of several senior brothers and Nie Jingnian, they were still unable to do so.

In this way, several days passed, and the day began to be gloomy from the morning, and in the evening, a strong wind blew up, dark clouds covered the stars and the moon, and the sky and the earth were dark.

Faced with such bad weather, Zhao Ya naturally couldn't sit still.

What he was most afraid of during this time was rain, because once it rained, even if the kerosene could be used, the effect would be greatly reduced.

So he shuttled between the major towers non-stop.

At the same time, notify the major martial arts schools so that they can prepare in advance.

Some people took this seriously, but some still felt that Zhao Ya was making a fuss out of a molehill.

When the first raindrops fell, Zhao Ya stood under the eaves of a city tower, silently watching the endlessly rolling dark clouds in the distant sky.

"It looks like it will be a torrential rain." Meng Shiwen, who was on the side, sighed.

While speaking, dense raindrops had already fallen, and soon gathered countless small puddles on the ground.

The noise of the rain can easily make people feel lonely, especially in the dark of night.

And hiding under this small eaves corner, looking at the serious face of her junior brother Zhao Ya, somehow, Meng Shiwen always felt that there was an inexplicable warmth in this atmosphere.

"It was indeed heavy rain." Zhao Ya's tone was calm, but a hint of worry flashed in his eyes.

The heavy rain was far more violent than expected.

And under such rain, no matter how intense the kerosene is, it is difficult to fully burn it.

This was what Zhao Ya was most worried about.

Sensing Zhao Ya's worry, Meng Shiwen hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Actually, the situation shouldn't be that bad. Master already informed several other martial arts schools in the afternoon, and the government also sent troops to stand ready."

"Right now, Shen Dao and Shaocheng, together with the disciples of the major martial arts schools, are stationed at several city gates. We have done our best, so even if something happens, it is not something we can change. .”

Hearing Meng Shiwen's words, Zhao Ya turned his head and looked at her in surprise.

Because in his impression, Meng Shiwen would never say such a long sentence, let alone comfort others.

Meng Shiwen's cheeks were slightly red when Zhao Ya looked at her, and she quickly turned her head to cover up the strangeness.

"The master told me to tell you these words, don't think too much about it."

Zhao Ya smiled when he heard the words, "Thank you, Senior Sister, too."

As he spoke, he turned his eyes to the rain curtain ahead again, and said in a calm tone: "Actually, I'm not too worried. As you said, we have done everything we can, and any changes are beyond our control. It's gone."

"I'm just thinking, if something happens tonight, a lot of people will never see the sun again."

Meng Shiwen was about to say something.

At this moment, a sharp flash across the sky, followed by deafening thunder.

Meng Shiwen was startled, and from the corner of her eyes, she seemed to catch a faint flicker of fire in the distance.

"It's the South City Gate."

Zhao Ya and Meng Shiwen shouted in unison.

Before, Zhao Ya, Shen Dao and the others had made an agreement, whichever party had a situation, which one would be convenient to immediately ignite the warning fire on the tower to remind others.

But who would have thought that the first warning would be the usually unremarkable Nancheng Gate.

You must know that the most important part of the county city is the east and west gates. The north and south face the mountains and forests respectively.

"Who is at the South City Gate?" Zhao Ya asked.

"It's Nie Jingnian from the Renyong Martial Arts Academy!" Meng Shiwen replied immediately.

"You guard here, I'll go and see!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Ya didn't wait for Meng Shiwen to reply, he dodged and disappeared into the rain.

Meng Shiwen opened her mouth to speak, but Zhao Ya was nowhere to be seen in just a moment.

In desperation, she had no choice but to cheer up and look at the night sky outside the city.

There seemed to be countless giant beasts hiding in the dark night, even Meng Shiwen, who usually prided herself on being brave, felt a little shuddering at this moment.

I hope my brother is safe!
She prayed silently in her heart.

At the same time, Zhao Ya was rapidly shuttling through the rain.

The clothes on his body were already soaked, but he didn't care about that much at this time.

Because he knew Nie Jingnian very well.

Unless there is something big that he can't solve by himself, he will never light a fire to warn.

But there is a long way to go from the east side where he is to the south gate, no matter how anxious he is, it will take a while.

When he was burning with anxiety, he suddenly saw that the city gate to the north was also on fire.

Zhao Ya's heart sank all of a sudden.

What he was most worried about really happened.

The last time the beast horde only targeted the east gate, but this time it brazenly attacked both gates.

But the matter has come to this point, Zhao Ya has nothing to say.

Because just like what Meng Shiwen said, they have achieved the ultimate, and the next step depends on their own fate.

Turn the time back to 3 minutes ago.

In the South City Gate.

Nie Jingnian stood at the lookout and looked out.

The lights were brightly lit behind him, and several martial arts disciples got two roast chickens and a jar of old wine from nowhere, and they were sitting around eating, drinking and laughing.

Jiang Zhong from Baibu Martial Arts Gym came to Nie Jingnian with a bowl of wine.

"Senior Brother Nie, take a sip of wine to drive away the cold. I'll come and watch."

Nie Jingnian nodded, took the bowl and drank slowly aside.

"It's really rare to see such heavy rain." Jiang Zhong chatted with Nie Jingnian intermittently.

Nie Jingnian didn't speak, but just sipped his wine silently.

Jiang Zhong didn't take it seriously either.

Compared to his cultivation base, a master like Nie Jingnian had nothing to do with him.

It is already a surprise to be able to make friends with each other now.

At this moment, a martial artist got up and walked out.

"Niu Zhen, why are you going?" Jiang Zhong couldn't help asking when he saw this.

"I drank a little too much, go out and release some water." Niu Zhen said cheerfully.

He is from the Zhenshan Boxing Gym, his strength is between the second and third realms, not very strong, but he is bold, so he is very easy to mix.

Jiang Zhong frowned, "Pay attention, be careful not to slide down the city wall and fall to your death!"

"Hahahaha, you kid really knows how to joke."

Niu Zhen laughed and cursed, opened the door and went out without his shirt on.

The strong wind brought rainwater into the house.

A muttering warrior near the door was about to close the door.

At this moment, a sharp piercing sound came.

In the next moment, Nie Jingnian, who was drinking slowly, rushed out like an arrow from the string.

Then he saw a huge black shadow hovering in mid-air, holding a head above its sharp claws, it was Niu Zhen who had just left.

Nie Jingnian's complexion changed wildly.

Because with his eyesight, he could already see that this huge black shadow was clearly a weird flying bird.

And after Nie Jingnian came out, suddenly a black shadow rushed out from under the city wall, and stabbed obliquely, a pair of sharp claws went straight to his head, making a sharp sound of piercing through the air.

Nie Jingnian dodged the blow within a short period of time, and then drew out his two sabers to protect his whole body.

But then he saw a scene that made him terrified.

I saw countless black shadows shaking in the sky above the city tower, and I don't know how many giant birds are circling.

"Quick, light the fire as a warning!" Nie Jingnian shouted.

At the same time, the two knives danced like flying, constantly slashing at the giant birds that were rushing towards him.

With the sound of gold and iron clanging, Nie Jingnian's double knives were held by the claws of a giant bird. Sparks flew everywhere, Nie Jingnian let out a muffled grunt, and was almost thrown off the city wall by a huge force.

At this moment, an iron bullet suddenly flew through the air and hit the giant bird's head.

Although he couldn't hurt it, he managed to solve Nie Jingnian's predicament.

The giant bird uttered a sharp cry, flapped its wings, and flew up.

Nie Jingnian was still in shock, and when he looked back, he saw Jiang Zhong holding a huge slingshot and shouting at him.

"Senior Brother Nie, come in!"

Nie Jingnian stepped into the room, someone closed and bolted the door, and said in horror.

"Just... just what is that?"

"I don't know, but it should be a flying beast."

Nie Jingnian's heart was heavy.

He didn't say that there are countless giant birds hovering above everyone's heads at this time.

Such words will only disturb people's hearts.

"Is the fire on?" he asked.

Jiang Zhong nodded, "It's lit!"

Then he forced a smile and said, "No matter how powerful that flat-haired beast is, it probably won't be able to break through this thick city wall."

As soon as the words fell, there was a loud noise above the head.

It turned out that the roof tiles were picked off by the giant bird's claws.

The expressions of everyone in the room changed suddenly.

"Don't panic, these giant birds need to charge up before attacking."

Nie Jingnian had noticed just now that these giant birds were constantly circling in the air, and would only swoop down to attack when necessary.

Everyone managed to calm down, took out their weapons, and prepared to fight these giant birds to the death.

At this moment, a mournful bird song suddenly came from outside.

Someone saw a knife light passing through the night sky through the crack of the door, and then a giant bird fell to the ground in response.

And when the person landed on the city wall, someone shouted in great surprise: "It's Master Zhao!"

"Master Zhao is here!"

Unknowingly, Zhao Ya has become the backbone of many people.

When he walked into the house, many people's spirits were lifted.

Holding the Meteorite Iron Saber, Zhao Ya walked quickly to the lookout and looked out.

But at this time, the night was as dark as ink, and with the rain covering it, it was impossible to see the situation in the distance.

Zhao Ya's face was serious, and he took a deep breath.

"Listen well, these giant birds can fly, but they don't fly very fast, and they will circle with power before attacking. As long as you know this point and attack, the three realms can kill them."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Ya looked at Nie Jingnian who was at the side.

"Can you keep it?"

Nie Jingnian nodded without hesitation, "If I can't hold back, I'll come to see you!"

"No need to be like this, tonight will be a fierce battle, just play by ear!"

After saying that, Zhao Ya rushed into the rain again.

A giant bird attacked immediately, and saw a few saber lights, and the corpse fell to the ground.

And Zhao Ya has disappeared.

 Finally wrote about the war
(End of this chapter)

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