Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 151 Take advantage of the present and kill it!

Chapter 151 Take advantage of the present and kill it!

Hearing this voice, Lu Dingtai laughed out loud.

"Old Shang, don't worry, even if you die, I won't die."

After hearing Lu Dingtai's confident voice on the other side, he was obviously relieved.

"Your mouth!"

Following the voice, a group of people rushed into the woods quickly, the leader was Shang Tiefeng, the owner of the Renyong Martial Arts Academy, and a burly man.

Seeing this man, Lu Dingtai couldn't help but look serious, and then lightly clasped his fists.

"I didn't expect Brother Jin to come too."

This burly man is the owner of Guangrui Martial Arts Academy, Jiao Yousong's master, Jin Zhenming.

Hearing Lu Dingtai's words, Jin Zhenming grinned.

"Such a lively event, how can I miss it?"

As he spoke, he looked at the mandrill and the ghost doll on its back.

"Is this the man behind the attack on our county town by driving the alien beast?"

Lu Dingtai nodded, "It should be it."

"Okay, then let me try how much you are capable of!"

While speaking, Jin Zhenming stepped on the ground suddenly, and a deep hole was instantly created under his feet, and then he took advantage of this counter-shock force to soar into the sky, and rushed towards the mandrill like a cannonball.

Zhao Ya looked helpless.

These old gangsters talk about keeping a low profile and cultivating one's morality all day long, but as a result, their tempers are getting hotter and hotter, and they will strike at the slightest disagreement.

In the past, Jin Zhenming and his Guangrui martial arts gym were considered the most low-key among the four major martial arts gyms in the county, but the temperament was so irritable, which can be called a sharp contrast.

Just as Jin Zhenming was rushing towards the mandrill, several lynxes jumped down from the tree and attacked Jin Zhenming in mid-air at an extremely fast speed.

These lynxes were extremely fast, like streaks of black light, they rushed to the front in the blink of an eye, and then raised their claws to swipe.

But Jin Zhenming didn't look at them at all, he just waved his hand.


Accompanied by this roar, the lynx in the air let out a whine, and then flew upside down.

After landing, I saw that two of their claws were broken.

Looking at Jin Zhenming again, although the jacket was torn several times by the lynx's sharp claws, the skin inside was intact, not even a red mark.

At the same time, Jin Zhenming had already rushed to the mandrill, and without any nonsense, he just raised his fist and punched.

A loud bang.

Jin Zhenming snorted and took several steps back, but a look of excitement appeared on his face.

"Fun, come again!"

As he said that, he simply tore off his jacket, revealing his body that seemed to be made of fine iron, and then threw himself on it again.

Boom boom boom!
One person and one monster fought one after another, and the huge collision sound shook the leaves to rustle.

At this time, Tie Feng had already led his men to break up the herd and came to Lu Dingtai.

The two chatted while watching Jin Zhenming, who was in a one-on-one duel with a mandrill.

"Why didn't you stick to the city gate and came here suddenly?" Lu Dingtai asked.

"We were fighting fiercely with the herd of beasts outside the city, but who knew that these strange beasts suddenly retreated. After I reunited with Lao Jin, I found that the other city gates had temporarily lifted the crisis. Only you have no news. So he rushed over."

It turned out that both Shang Tiefeng and Jin Zhenming were dispatched, Shang Tiefeng went to the east gate, and Jin Zhenming went to the south gate.

At that time, the killings at the two city gates were extremely tragic. Fortunately, they arrived in time and stabilized the situation.

But when the strange beasts retreated suddenly, both Shang Tiefeng and Jin Zhenming sensed that something was wrong, and they didn't see Lu Dingtai's figure, so they rushed over.

After listening, Lu Dingtai couldn't help but nodded.

"It seems that these strange beasts are all under the command of this mandrill and the monster behind it. Once it is threatened, it will order other strange beasts to come."

"So if we want to solve this beast horde, the most important thing is to get rid of this monster." Shang Tiefeng concluded.


At this moment, Jin Zhenming was repelled again, and then screamed violently.

"Stop watching the excitement, you two, this thing is so powerful and evil, hurry up and play with me, let's work together to deal with it."

Lu Dingtai laughed loudly when he heard the words, "Who knows that you can't beat it, I thought you were going to deal with it alone just now."

Having said that, Lu Dingtai and Monk Tie Feng rushed up immediately, forming horns with Jin Zhenming, and surrounded the mandrill.

The strength of the three of them is basically the same, they are all half-step five-level existences, although they are still a little short of the ability to complete the blood exchange, they are not considered true five-level warriors.

But after so many years of polishing, the strength of the three of them has reached the peak of their own realm.

Therefore, when the three of them teamed up, they managed to suppress the mandrill's attack, and approached steadily, gradually narrowing the encirclement.

The three people on the hilltop in the distance couldn't help being a little surprised when they saw this.

"Although these fighters haven't broken through the fifth realm, with their current strength, they are considered good fighters even in the capital." The young scholar said in surprise.

"Yeah, I really didn't expect that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in this remote place." The honest man nodded and said.

The woman didn't say a word, but carefully observed the situation on the battlefield.

The three of them traveled thousands of miles to Yunxiao County this time, and of course they didn't come to observe the battle.

In fact, they all have other plans.

For example, this woman, her purpose of coming here is to see if there is any bargain.

If the Beast Controlling Sect is powerful enough to break through this county, then she will follow behind the Beast Controlling Sect to fish in troubled waters before the Dayan iron cavalry arrives.

Anyway, all the responsibilities have been taken by the Beast Controlling Sect, and he only needs to use his hands to obtain huge benefits that are difficult to obtain in the capital, so why not do it?
And if the Beast Controlling Sect fails, then she will find a way to get some benefits from these strange beasts.

In any case, she is not at a loss.

So she doesn't care about who wins and who loses.

It was at this moment that the situation on the battlefield suddenly changed again.

Pressed by Lu Dingtai and the others step by step, the mandrill who had little room to turn around suddenly let out a sharp roar.

Immediately afterwards, countless strange beasts rushed towards the three of them as if they were crazy.

Although the strength of these strange beasts is mostly in the three realms, they are not the opponents of Lu Dingtai and the others at all.

But it can't stand the number of them.

The so-called ants kill elephants, especially when the three of them are still distracted by mandrills, and it is extremely difficult to deal with this raging beast horde with the remaining energy.

At the critical moment, the team following Shang Tiefeng and Jin Zhenming stepped forward.

These people are all disciples of the three martial arts schools, and they are all carefully selected elites.

Seeing Master being threatened, disciples naturally have to stand up.

They formed a human wall, supporting each other to cope with the surging tide of beasts.

Bang bang bang!
This loud noise was the sound of the alien beast colliding head-on with the human wall.

Accompanied by the wailing of the beast being beheaded, and the muffled groan of the injured person.

A lynx suddenly rushed out from the shadows and grabbed a disciple by the neck.

This disciple had no time to react and could only wait to die.

But at this moment, a knife flashed, and then the lynx's body was splashed with blood.

It roared in pain, and just as it was about to turn back and escape, Zhao Ya's knife had changed from a downward slash to a horizontal slash, directly cutting off its spine.

With a plop, the lynx fell to the ground, trembling violently, and wanted to get up from the ground, but since the nerves in its spine had been severed, all its efforts could only become meaningless struggles.


Zhao Ya cut off its head with a single knife, which ended its suffering.

At this moment, the stunned disciple thanked Zhao Ya.

"Thank you, Brother Zhao."

"You're welcome, just be careful."

Saying that Zhao Ya submerged into the herd of beasts again, the light of the knife was like the scythe of death, mercilessly harvesting the lives of these strange beasts.

But there are too many of these strange beasts.

The light of Zhao Ya's saber is like the foam stirred up by the waves, spinning up and down, as if it is in danger of overturning at any time.

Just when these disciples were barely maintaining their positions, the battle between Lu Dingtai and the others had also reached a fever pitch.

All three of them knew that there was only one way to solve the crisis in front of them, and that was to kill the mandrill in front of them and the monster behind it.

For every second of delay, one more student would be injured or even die.

So the three of them were all red-eyed, and they didn't hide their secrets anymore, and took out all the stunts they had under the box.

For a while, the pressure on the mandrill increased sharply, and several wounds appeared on his body.

But at this moment, the ghost doll behind the mandrill suddenly let out a shrill cry.

Then, it opened its mouth.

The seemingly small mouth opened like a bloody mouth, full of sharp fangs, and then bit the mandrill with one bite.

The mandrill let out a roar of pain, and then its eyes turned red and black, and at the same time, its figure swelled again as if blown by air.

Seeing this, the three people on the hill couldn't help but gasp.

"The complete form, this is the complete form of the ghost doll." The young scribe murmured, his eyes full of shock.

Because the devil doll was made by the beast control sect using the most evil and poisonous secret method.

It is sane from birth, and has natural dominance over beasts lower than it.

As one of the old demon sects, the Beast Controlling Sect has been able to survive for thousands of years under the pursuit of all walks of life, thanks to this unique skill.

As for this complete form.

Only ghost dolls of high enough quality have this ability.

Once you enter, not to mention the sudden increase in strength, you don't know fear and pain. Although the duration is short, it can be called terrifying.

At first, the three of them thought that this attack on Yunxiao County was just an attempt by the Beast Controlling Sect.

Now it seems that it is not so simple.

After all, a ghost doll of this level requires countless painstaking efforts and energy.

Just as the three of them were shocked, Lu Dingtai and the others were also so overwhelmed by this soaring devil doll that they couldn't even lift their heads.

Shang Tiefeng was even more careless for a moment. He was touched by the wind of the mandrill's fist, and then he vomited blood.

Zhao Ya naturally noticed these changes.

He was also shocked by the weirdness and power of this monster.

But it's useless to say anything now, he can only deal with this steady stream of beasts while thinking about the way out.

If Zhao Ya wanted to leave, these strange beasts couldn't stop him at all.

The key is that he is a little unwilling.

It's like playing a game. After finally reaching the final level, seeing the final boss, the blood volume is almost worn out. As a result, the boss suddenly entered a berserk state, and his side is about to run out. How can this be reconciled.

But no matter how unwilling it was, it was useless, at this moment Lu Dingtai was also sent flying upside down, and stopped after breaking two big trees.

Seeing this, Zhao Ya's eyes were fixed, and then he chopped a strange beast in front of him with a knife, and rushed towards Lu Dingtai.

If the master was seriously injured, no matter what Lu Dingtai said, Zhao Ya would carry him on his back first and escape from here.

If you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about no firewood. If you can't beat them, why waste your life in vain?
But at this moment, Lu Dingtai's roar came from among the broken branches and leaves.

"Lao Jin, Lao Shang, you hang on to him."

Following the voice, Lu Dingtai stepped out of it, his eyes were shining brightly, and his fists were even more golden.

Although both Shang Tiefeng and Jin Zhenming were exhausted, looking at Lu Dingtai's current appearance, he knew that he must have used some kind of secret method to stimulate his blood to the limit.

And this is the only chance.

The two looked at each other, and rushed towards the mandrill in unison, restraining it regardless of life or death.

At the same time, Lu Dingtai took a step forward, and his whole body was like a cannonball, heading straight for the mandrill.

When the person was in mid-air, the fist had already been blasted out.

"King Kong is born!"

A loud bang.

The nearby branches and leaves were shaken and fell.

Many people's ears were buzzing from the shock, and their faces showed pain.

Zhao Ya didn't care about these, his eyes were fixed on the battlefield all the time.


Seeing a figure flying upside down like a kite with a broken string, the person spat out a mouthful of blood in the air, and then fell to the ground.

It's Lu Dingtai!

Zhao Ya's heart tightened, and he rushed forward with one stride, and hugged Master.

Seeing Lu Dingtai at this time, his face was pale, his eyes were dim and dull, especially his hands drooping limply, obviously seriously injured.

But even so, his eyes were still staring.

"Leave me alone, that beast has been seriously injured by me, take advantage of it now, and kill it."

As soon as these words came out, Shang Tiefeng and Jin Zhenming's figures were blown away, and after falling to the ground, they vomited blood.

Shang Tiefeng smiled bitterly and said, "Old Lu, I'm sorry, I tried my best!"

In contrast, Jin Zhenming couldn't even speak.

It was at this moment that the mandrill in the field let out howls.

I saw blood dripping from its lower abdomen, and a huge wound ran across it.

Moreover, the wound was so deep that the intestines and internal organs leaked out of it.

Accompanied by this serious injury, the mandrill's aura also weakened a lot, and its originally tall figure shrank a lot like a deflated balloon.

Obviously, the mandrill was also seriously injured.

Unfortunately, now Lu Dingtai, Shang Tiefeng, and Jin Zhenming are all powerless to fight again.

The eyes of the three were full of regret.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Ya couldn't help taking a deep breath, and then placed Lu Dingtai beside a big tree.

"Master, wait here for a moment, I'll go up and try to see if I can kill this monster."

(End of this chapter)

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