Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 153 Escalating Contradictions

Chapter 153 Escalating Contradictions
At this time, Zhao Ya naturally saw the Dayan iron cavalry that suddenly appeared.

Their large troops were collectively stationed under the city wall, looking from a distance, it really looked like a black cloud, and its power was overwhelming.

Looking at this scene, Zhao Ya's face was calm, neither sad nor happy.

But just because he can hold his breath doesn't mean others can too.

"Brother, what should we do?"

"That's right, senior brother, we managed to repel the beast horde, but these cavalrymen rushed over. What do they mean?"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and there was a commotion in the team.

Because any fool can see that this cavalry appears at this time, and it has absolutely no good intentions.

"Don't panic, the other side has already sent someone over, don't get confused." Zhao Ya said in a deep voice.

The crowd gradually quieted down.

Seeing the small troop of cavalry galloping towards them, Zhao Ya whispered to Shang Tiefeng and Jin Zhenming beside him.

"Seniors, it seems that someone can't hold back anymore and plans to take advantage of the opportunity to make a profit."

Shang Tiefeng didn't speak, but Jin Zhenming sneered with a gloomy expression.

"The timing is really just right. They came just as soon as the beast horde was repelled by us. But it's not so easy to make a profit. Let's go through my Guangrui martial arts level first."

Even though he was seriously injured, Jin Zhenming still showed a tough attitude.

Just like the horizontal training method he practiced, it was bang bang hard.

At this moment, Shang Tiefeng suddenly sighed quietly.

"It's Yuan Chenfeng!"

In fact, he didn't need to say it, Zhao Ya and everyone had already seen it.

Among the galloping cavalry, the tall, middle-aged man rushing forward was none other than Yuan Chenfeng, the owner of Chenfeng Martial Arts.

As soon as I saw him, many doubts were easily solved.

For example, why was he not seen in the Chenfeng Martial Arts Hall from the beginning to the end of this battle to defend the county city?

For example, Shang Jingchuan had already understood the stakes and would never dare to provoke this cavalry again, so who tipped off the news and brought them here?

Undoubtedly, the answer all fell on Yuan Chenfeng.

Thinking of this, many people looked at Yuan Chenfeng with extremely unkind eyes.

If it is said that although Yuan Chenfeng had this or that flaw before, he was still a martial artist, and he was regarded as a comrade in the same trench, so no one cares too much about it.

Now what Yuan Chenfeng did has touched the bottom line.

It is equivalent to openly betraying all the martial arts colleagues in the county and town.

This nature can be bad.

In this hostile gaze, this small group of cavalry suddenly reined in and barely stopped in front of everyone.

Then I saw Yuan Chenfeng sitting on the horse, bowing his hands to everyone with a smile on his face.

"Master Shang, Master Jin, and all of you have worked hard!"

No one responded.

Only Jin Zhenming snorted coldly from his nostrils.

The atmosphere seemed very awkward.

But Yuan Chenfeng didn't take it seriously at all, even the smile on his face didn't change, and then turned his gaze to Zhao Ya, pretending to be surprised.

"Oh, isn't this Brother Lu? What happened to him? Was he injured?"

Zhao Ya said indifferently: "Don't bother Master Yuan, my master is only temporarily out of strength, and he is not injured."

"Oh, so that's the case." Yuan Chenfeng sighed pretendingly, "It seems that this battle was really tragic, but fortunately, from today onwards, the county has the iron cavalry guards led by Commander Wei, so you can sleep peacefully Got it."

Hearing his words, many people showed anger on their faces.

Jin Zhenming sneered even more.

"Yuan Chenfeng, I just thought you were small-minded and narrow-minded before, but now I realize that I was blind and didn't see that you are such a wolf-hearted person."

This angry rebuke can be said to be merciless, but Yuan Chenfeng not only was not annoyed, but showed a smug smile on the contrary.

In his opinion, the angrier Shang Tiefeng, Jin Zhenming and others were, the more they proved that they were right in taking this step.

But he didn't forget to be good when he got a bargain.

"Master Jin's words are wrong. I know that you and everyone present have misunderstood me, but in fact, I am also doing it for the people of the city. After all, if the time comes, if the beasts cannot resist and the herds of beasts enter the city , isn’t it ordinary people who suffer the charcoal?”

Yuan Chenfeng said with a look of concern for the country and the people.

"Well said!" Jin Zhenming sneered, and then asked: "Then let me ask you, since you still have Wei Hongbin who is so concerned about the country and the people, where were you when the beasts besieged the city?"

"Where were you when the birds attacked the tower?"

"Where were you when we besieged the leader of this beast tide?"

"Now that the giant beast is dead and the tide of beasts has receded, you jumped out and kept saying that it is for the sake of the people of the city. Yuan Chenfeng, don't you feel ashamed and flustered when you say this?"

Zhao Ya was delighted when he heard it, and couldn't help but secretly praised, scolding well.

This Jin Zhenming's temper is obviously different from that of his master Lu Dingtai and Shang Tiefeng.

Although Lu Dingtai's temper is also very hot, he is arrogant. When encountering such dirty things, he will only do it, and he doesn't bother to swear at others.

Not to mention Shang Tiefeng, he is the most easy-going one among the masters of the four major martial arts gyms, and in the words of his apprentice Nie Jingnian, he is too indecisive.

Jin Zhenming has a straightforward temper, and he is jealous of evil. He never hides what he has to say, and says it on the spot.


No matter how thick-skinned Yuan Chenfeng is, after being pointed at his nose and scolded by Jin Zhenming like this, he still can't hold back.

"Jin Zhenming, don't push yourself too hard. To tell you the truth, Commander Wei really came here to protect the people in the city. Now that he has moved into the prefect's office, you can go to him and ask him if you have anything to say. He is here to speak to me." What's the point of yelling?"

"What the hell is going on with me? You, a dog slave who cheated and betrayed his martial arts colleagues, how could Wei Hongbin bring someone here if you hadn't tipped off the news? I feel ashamed to be as famous as something like you!" Jin Zhenming said. Hearing it became even more anxious, and he jumped up and down and cursed.

Now Yuan Chenfeng couldn't hold his face anymore.

After all, the cavalrymen behind them were all staring at him.

He sneered and said: "Jin Zhenming, don't ask for trouble, you are seriously injured now, I only need two moves to kill you."

"Hehe, okay, then let your horse come here, I want to see if your sky-turning palm can turn the sky!" Jin Zhenming was not afraid at all.

Yuan Chenfeng's face was gloomy, he raised his whip and was about to speak.

At this moment, Lu Dingtai, who had been lying on Zhao Ya's back, woke up at some point, and said in a deep voice: "Yuan Chenfeng, believe it or not, if you pull this whip, I will prevent you from seeing the sun tomorrow."

The words were full of anger, and there was no sign of injury at all.

Not only that, but while speaking, Lu Dingtai jumped off Zhao Ya's back and looked at Yuan Chenfeng with an unfriendly expression.

Yuan Chenfeng trembled slightly, and a flash of fear flashed in his eyes.

In the entire county, he was most afraid of Lu Dingtai.

Although Jin Zhenming's temper is also very hot, but this person is brave and foolhardy. The key point is that he has a sharp mouth and a bean curd heart, and he can speak harshly.

But Lu Dingtai is different.

This person has a kind face and a cruel heart. Don't look at the smile on the surface, but if you really want to provoke him, he will really dare to kill him.

In addition, this person's cultivation base and state are considered to be the highest among the masters of the four major martial arts halls, so Yuan Chenfeng has always been quite afraid of this Lu Dingtai.

This is also the reason why Zhao Ya didn't dare to retaliate in private after beating two of his disciples.

Because that would be deadly.

Today is no exception.

After hearing Lu Dingtai's words, Yuan Chenfeng's complexion was uncertain, and he finally let out a cold snort.

"Lu Dingtai, I will let you be arrogant again today. After entering the city, Commander Wei will be in charge. Let me see if you dare to do this."

After speaking, he turned his horse's head and led the small group of cavalry away.

As soon as he walked on his front foot, Lu Dingtai's spirit collapsed on his back foot.

His face was as pale as white paper, and his figure even shook a bit, almost falling down.

Zhao Ya hurried forward to support him.

"Go, go back to the martial arts hall first!" Lu Dingtai ordered in a deep voice.


Everyone hurried back to the city.

As soon as I entered the city, I found something strange.

I saw several cavalry squads patrolling the streets.

Many martial arts disciples stood by the street, glaring at these cavalrymen, but dared not speak out, the atmosphere seemed very depressed.

When they saw Zhao Ya and the others, these martial arts disciples rushed up one after another as if they had seen the backbone.

"Master Lu!"

"Uncle Shang!"

"Brother Zhao!"

There was an endless stream of greetings.

Lu Dingtai nodded slightly, but did not speak, and Zhao Ya greeted him for him.

"Brother Zhao, what do you think we can do? These cavalrymen actually entered the city when the beast tide had just receded and the defense was empty. What are they planning to do?" Someone asked in a low voice.

Zhao Ya's expression remained unchanged, but he said coldly, "Which gate did they enter the city from?"

Many people looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one knew which city gate these cavalrymen came in from.

At this moment, a small man squeezed out of the crowd, clasped his fist at Zhao Ya and said.

"I know, it's the South Gate! At that time, the South Gate was guarded by Brother Nie from the Renyong Martial Arts Academy, but later he was injured, and several warriors from the Baibu Martial Arts Academy took care of it."

"Later, the beast horde was so fierce that the senior brothers from Baibu Martial Arts School couldn't resist it. At this moment, Yu Guizhi from Chenfeng Martial Arts Hall suddenly appeared and kept saying that he would help defend the city. At that time, people believed him without doubting him. This bitch actually quietly opened the gate of the city while the tide of beasts receded, and let these cavalry enter the city."

This person introduced the situation in detail.

Zhao Ya nodded after listening, "Thank you for letting me know, what's your name?"

"Brother Zhao is too polite, we are all fellow martial artists, my name is Bai Shilai, and I am a disciple of Zhenshan Boxing Gym."

Bai Shilai.

Zhao Ya secretly wrote down the name.

Because this little man can remember these inconspicuous situations so clearly in this chaotic situation, and he can even explain the ins and outs of them clearly, which shows that he is a talent.

Bai Shilai was very excited and just wanted to say something more.

At this moment, a group of cavalry came over on horseback, and the leader waved his whip and said, "You are not allowed to gather and stay on the street, and disperse quickly, or the whip will serve you."

All the warriors showed anger on their faces when they heard this.

You must know that almost all of these warriors participated in the battle against the beast tide just now. They should have returned with honor as heroes, but they did not expect to be treated like criminals by these cavalrymen.

"What are you guys? Why didn't I see you waving your horsewhip to show off your power when I was fighting those strange beasts on the tower?" A grumpy warrior cursed angrily.

The cavalryman's face sank when he heard this, and he didn't answer, the whip in his hand was rounded and he whipped towards the speaker.

Many people's complexions changed after this move.

Because judging by the skill of this cavalryman, it is at least three realms.

The horsewhip came whistling, if the whip hits the target, the speaker will lose a piece of meat no matter what.

At this moment, a hand suddenly stretched out, and grabbed the whip in the air within no time.

"Huh?" The cavalryman was taken aback for a moment, apparently not expecting someone to be able to grab the whip.

Then he wanted to grab the whip.

Just at this moment, the hand holding the whip was slightly stronger, and the cavalryman felt a huge force coming, and fell off the horse with a plop.


The cavalry just wanted to roar, and at the same time, the cavalry under him also drew their weapons one after another, wanting to strike.

At the same time, a foot was stepping on his head, and Zhao Ya said indifferently.

"Don't move, anyone who dares to move, I will crush his head."

 Thanks to Zheng Nengliang for the reward of 100 book coins, book friend 20181212150148680 for 20210301106527455902 book coins, book friend 100 for [-] book coins, and Dark Night Star Morning for [-] book coins

(End of this chapter)

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