Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 157 Retreat and hard training, 5 Tiger Fist breakthroughs!

Chapter 157 Retreat and hard training, Five Tiger Fist breakthrough!

Looking at these data, Zhao Ya fell into deep thought.

In addition to the breakthrough of Kuangfeng Saber Technique to return to basics, Wuhuquan and Qingruyan are both on the verge of breakthrough.

In addition, the kidney can be unlocked with only [-]% left.

And after the kidneys are unlocked, even if all the five internal organs are successfully unlocked, I don't know what will happen at that time.

Now the situation in the city is unpredictable, Master Lu Dingtai is unconscious, Wei Hongbin, Yuan Chenfeng and others are watching.

Zhao Ya understands that if he wants to get through this crisis safely, the only way to improve his own strength is fundamental.

He let out a breath slowly, with a decision in his heart.

Early the next morning, Zhao Ya called senior brother Shen Dao and senior sister Meng Shiwen and others, and told everyone what was in his heart.

"You want to use all the jerky stored in the martial arts hall to practice?" Shen Dao was very surprised when he heard this.

"Yes." Zhao Ya nodded,
"These jerky are shared by all the disciples in the martial arts hall, so I want to ask for your opinions. If you disagree, just pretend I didn't say it."

Zhao Ya spoke very frankly.

Meng Shiwen, Shen Dao and others looked at each other, then Shen Dao said with a smile.

"Junior Brother, what you said is off the mark. We are brothers and sisters, so why would we care about this mere dried meat? You just need to know."

Shen Dao looked serious, "Cultivation needs to be done step by step. Only one step at a time can you practice solidly. If you are greedy for quick work, or even try to take shortcuts, it will only be counterproductive. It is a trivial matter to waste some dried meat. If it hurts the foundation, it will ruin your life." If you ruin your future in martial arts, then you will be in trouble."

Miao Shaocheng on the side also said: "Yes, Junior Brother, I know you are worried about the current situation and want to become stronger quickly, but this kind of thing cannot be solved in a hurry."

Meng Shiwen didn't speak, but quietly looked at the young man with a back like a sword in front of him.

Zhao Ya smiled, "What the two senior brothers said is very true, and I understand these reasons very well, but since I said so, naturally I have my reasons, and I will not make fun of my own martial arts future."

Hearing what Zhao Ya said, they were relieved.

They all knew that Zhao Ya was prudent, and definitely not the kind of person who would act impulsively, so they all nodded in agreement.

Not only that, both Shen Dao and Xu De said that they still had some leftover dried meat on hand, and they also gave it to Zhao Ya.

In this way, all the dried meat in stock in the entire Dingtai Martial Art Museum, including the extra funding from Shen Dao and others, all went to Zhao Ya.

The vast majority of them are the commonly used Seven Star Blood Eel Dried, and there are also a small amount of higher-grade dried meat and a few Vajra Power Pills.

Zhao Ya was not too polite, and took these things back to the small courtyard where he lived, and then told Zui'er that he had to practice behind closed doors, and unless there was something important in the martial arts hall or the master woke up, he should not be disturbed by anything.

Zui'er naturally agreed.

Zhao Ya cleared out a spacious room, leaving only a futon for temporary rest, then closed the door, first took out the eggs laid by the mother insect, and ate them one by one. Relying on his heaven-defying gastrointestinal talent, he took out a handful and put it in his mouth.

Since feeding the black bee eggs of the female worm, the quality of the eggs produced by the female worm has been greatly improved compared to before.

With the handful of eggs down, the pure and surging Qi and blood quickly filled the whole body.

Zhao Ya immediately started to practice.

When the qi and blood of these eggs were absorbed and exhausted, Zhao Ya put all the remaining eggs into his mouth and ate two dried seven-star blood eels at the same time.

From practicing to now, this is the first time Zhao Ya has practiced in such an almost extravagant way.

A piece of jerky was swallowed non-stop, as if they didn't want money.

And Zhao Ya's intestines and stomach are like a bottomless pit. The two talents of Shuigu Jingwei and Shengqing Jingwei work together to transform the spleen and stomach into a meat grinder, squeezing out every trace of qi and blood contained in the jerky to supplement the body's nutrition.

Except for going to the toilet to excrete the impurities and waste of dried meat, Zhao Ya never went out at all, and he seemed to be crazy, practicing martial arts non-stop.

In the past, Zhao Ya had to accurately calculate the amount of energy and blood to practice, so as not to waste it.

But now all this is gone.

Zhao Ya has only one goal left, and that is to become stronger, and to become stronger as soon as possible.

In order to achieve this goal, a little waste is allowed, and everything has to give way to efficiency.

In this way, under the supply of massive energy and blood, Zhao Ya's strength in all aspects is also growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

During the period, Shen Dao, Miao Shaocheng, Xu De, and Meng Shiwen all came to visit, but when they heard Zhao Ya's shouts of martial arts training from inside through the door, they didn't come in to disturb, but is quietly left.

For all of this, Zhao Ya didn't know about it. At this time, he was completely immersed in the ocean of martial arts, turning a deaf ear to everything outside.

Time passes day by day.

The situation in the city is becoming more and more tense.

The friction between these cavalry entering the city and the warriors in the county became more and more intense. Although a sensible captain like Sun Yingkui tried his best to mediate, after all, there were very few people like him.

Therefore, the contradiction between the two sides has become more and more acute.

Not only that, but after entering the city for a long time, after gaining a firm foothold, the ruffian nature of these cavalrymen gradually became apparent.

Blackmailing shops and extorting money are just side dishes, what's more, they even directly rob men and women.

For a time, the people in the whole city complained incessantly.

But he wanted to run but had no place to run. After all, the beast tide had just receded and the trade route had not yet recovered, so he could only swallow his breath and endure.

But ordinary people can bear it, but these merchants and wealthy families in the city can't bear it.

After all, compared to ordinary people who don't have much oil and water, in the eyes of these cavalry, these wealthy families are all fat sheep.

Come to the door to play the autumn wind in various names, not to mention those who ask for money or goods.

Some cavalry even lived directly in the homes of these wealthy families, and asked for any female family members they liked.

These rich families dare not refuse.

After all, just relying on these Zhuang Ding guards under their hands, it is not enough to give these cavalrymen their teeth.

For a while, these wealthy families were in bad luck.

Several of them were a bit bloody and tried to resist.

As a result, after being defeated, not only the family property was confiscated, but also the whole family was taken away and confiscated. The man was charged with various crimes and sent to prison. He died within two days.

Such tragedies frightened the rest of the powerful clans so that they no longer dared to resist. They unconditionally satisfied the requirements of these cavalry masters, and completely became lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Zhu family.

Zhu Zihao, the patriarch of the Zhu family who was once potbellied and very wealthy, has long since lost his former prestige.

The belly is also deflated, the oily shine on the face is gone, and even the bags under the eyes are drooping.

At this moment, he sat slumped on a chair, listening to his butler report the latest situation to himself.

"Yesterday, the government sent people again, saying that winter is approaching, and the soldiers haven't bought clothes to keep out the cold, so let's spend 5000 taels of gold to buy cotton clothes." The housekeeper said cautiously.

Before Zhu Zihao could speak, a young man next to him couldn't sit still.

"5000 taels of gold! Is this cotton coat made of gold?"

The voice was sharp and full of resentment.

"Be careful with your words, young master, be careful with your words!" The butler was taken aback, looked around and saw that no one was present, he was slightly relieved, and then tried hard to persuade.

"How can this make me cautious? Two days ago, I said that I would renovate the government office, and I would have to spend 1 taels of gold. Today I want to buy cotton clothes, and I need another 5000 taels. Stay like this!"

The young man was furious and yelled loudly.

The housekeeper was so frightened that he was sweating profusely and his face turned pale.

After all, the situation in the city is very tense now, and everyone is acting with their tails between their legs.

Today, if the words of the young master of the Zhu family are spread, it is very likely to cause a catastrophe.

But he didn't dare to persuade him, he could only look at Zhu Zihao with pleading eyes.

At this time, Zhu Zihao finally woke up from the dazed state just now, and said softly, "Cheng Wan, stop talking."

"But Dad..." Zhu Chengwan was still full of dissatisfaction.

Zhu Zihao ignored him, but looked at the housekeeper, "Old Cheng, go to the library to pay 5000 taels of gold, and send it to the government office now."

"Yes!" The Butler Cheng wiped the sweat off his forehead and left in a hurry.

As soon as he walked away, Zhu Chengwan said angrily: "Father, when is this a big deal? If this continues, our Zhu family will be ruined in a short time."

Zhu Zihao sighed quietly.

"Then what can we do? Don't give it? Do you believe it or not? If you fail to deliver the golden ticket today, our Zhu family will be trampled down by cavalry tomorrow. By then, your mother, your newly married wife, including your sister, They all have to become camp prostitutes, have you thought about the consequences?"

Zhu Chengwan was speechless because this result was not threatened by Zhu Zihao, but actually happened.

As far as he knew, there were several rich families that ended up in this way.

"But it's not a problem if it goes on like this!" Zhu Chengwan muttered, suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Father, don't you know some adults in the capital? Can you ask them for help?"

"Help, how can I help?" Zhu Zihao sneered.

"Let's not talk about how long it will take to send a letter to the capital and come back since the commercial roads have not been opened yet, let's say that Wei Hongbin is a direct descendant of the Wei family, and he is considered a top family member in the capital. Those adults probably don't count as farts in front of him, how can you ask them to help?"

"Then our Zhu family can only be slaughtered?" Zhu Chengwan said in despair.

"It's not as pessimistic as you think." Zhu Zihao said quietly.

"Huh? Is there any turning point?" Zhu Chengwan immediately felt hopeful.

"Now the warriors in the city and Wei Hongbin's cavalry are in the same situation. The contradiction between the two sides is getting deeper and deeper. I believe it will explode completely in a short time. At that time, it will be the only hope for our Zhu family to make a comeback."

"Those warriors?" Zhu Chengwan was taken aback for a moment, and then asked hesitantly, "Father, do you have such high expectations for these gangsters?"

"Boss?" Zhu Zihao glanced at his only son, then shook his head helplessly.

"With you like this, how can I rest assured that I will hand over such a huge family business to you?"

Zhu Chengwan blushed, and quickly lowered his head, "I know my mistake, please tell my father clearly."

"It is true that most of these warriors are rough men who only know how to wield knives and guns, but there are still some of them who have been hit by dragons and phoenixes."

Speaking of this, Zhu Zihao couldn't help but recall the young man who berated Fang Qiu in front of him.

At that time, the boy also came to fight the autumn wind, and finally took away five hundred cloth armors.

At that time Zhu Zihao was still quite heartbroken.

But now that I think about it, if I knew it would be such a result, it would be better to be more generous and support these warriors more.

After all, although these warriors are sometimes a bit of a headache, at least they are people from this county, and they have a bottom line in doing things, and they will not be greedy like Wei Hongbin.

Unfortunately, it's too late to say anything now.

Naturally, Zhu Chengwan didn't know this. Seeing that his father was silent, he didn't dare to ask, so he just waited obediently.

It was not until a long time later that Zhu Zihao said in a deep voice: "During this period of time, you and I have to endure it first. I believe it won't be long before there will be great changes in the city."

"When the time comes...you have to put aside all your prejudices and cooperate fully. You must not act impulsively, you know?"

At the end, Zhu Zihao raised his voice and said with a serious expression on his face.

"Yes, the child obeys his father's instruction."

Zhao Ya didn't know about these things that happened in the city.

At this time, he was standing in the room, frowning and thinking about something.

Although it has entered autumn, it is still a little hot in the house.

Zhao Ya simply took off his shirt, revealing the strong muscles underneath.

At this time, his body was covered with sweat, and his skin was faintly red, which was the trace left by the circulation of Qi and blood.

After several days of hard training, Zhao Ya's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, but Zhao Ya is still somewhat dissatisfied with it.

Because some places are still stuck at the pass, and there has been no breakthrough for a long time.

For example, the Five Tiger Fist.

Speaking of which, this boxing method is the martial art that Zhao Ya has practiced for the longest time, and he has practiced it since he first started.

It has reached the pinnacle until now, but Zhao Ya still feels that it is not enough.

Because the Blastering Wind Saber Skills learned later have already broken through the barriers and reached the state of returning to nature.

Moreover, after reaching this level, Zhao Ya felt that his attainments in saber techniques were more than just refinement, it was as if he had been completely reborn.

It was this change that made Zhao Ya re-examine the Five Tiger Fist.


Compared with the Great Vajra Fist, this boxing method is indeed a bit rough, even among beginner boxing methods, it can be regarded as a common product.

But Zhao Ya knew that if he could break through this boxing technique, his understanding of boxing techniques would reach a whole new level, and it would even be of great benefit to him practicing Da Vajra Fist.

After all, after martial arts reaches a certain height, the principles are all the same.

And once he breaks through, his actual combat ability will also be greatly enhanced.

So in the past few days, apart from hard training other martial arts, Zhao Ya spent most of his time studying this Five Tiger Fist.

But after these few days of hard training, except for a little more understanding of Wuhuquan, there is no progress in other aspects. The 1% progress is like a natural moat, which cannot be surpassed at all.

After thinking for a long time, Zhao Ya couldn't help feeling a little discouraged after still getting nothing.

He sighed.

Martial arts journey is really not that simple.

Especially when breaking through the barriers, there is often a little bit of comprehension.

But just this poor understanding will make you miserable.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ya was no longer impatient.

The more anxious you are at this time, the more often it will backfire.

He pushed open the door, took a deep breath of fresh air outside, and then stepped into the yard.

Zui'er is still thinking about the juice in the kitchen.

Many dead leaves fell in the yard, showing that autumn was approaching.

Zhao Ya stood under the tree, staring at the big tree planted in unknown years, silent.

"Huh? Brother Xiaoya, you came out so early today?"

After Zui'er came out of the kitchen and saw Zhao Ya standing under the tree, she couldn't help saying in surprise.

"Well, I encountered some problems, so I came out to get some air." Zhao Ya said.

"Yeah, brother Xiaoya, what do you want for lunch? I'll make it for you." Zui'er said happily.


"Then stew the fish? Brother Xu just sent some fresh fish this morning, and I kept them in the pond."


"Okay, I'll go clean up."

With that said, Zui'er turned and went into the kitchen, took out a kitchen knife and went to the sink.

Sure enough, there were several big fish swimming in the pool.

Zui'er stood by the pool and looked at it for a while, then suddenly stretched out his palm, grabbed a big fish, and lifted it out of the water.

"Hee hee, how's it going? I've been practicing the white crane palm you taught me lately." Zui'er asked happily.

Zhao Ya couldn't help smiling, but still nodded, "Well, you practiced well, and you have a bit of the charm of a white crane."

"Well, I think so too. Let me tell you, brother Xiaoya, when I practice this palm technique, I always feel like a big white crane, and the kind that rattles fiercely... Brother Xiaoya, what's wrong with you?"

Zui'er saw Zhao Ya's eyes suddenly brighten frighteningly, and couldn't help asking with a little fear.

"Hahaha it's okay, Zui'er, you are really my lucky star."

Speaking of which, Zhao Ya rushed forward, hugged Zui'er and kissed him hard, then turned around and entered the room, leaving Zui'er standing there with a dazed expression.

At this moment, Zhao Ya was very excited.


Since he has achieved the ultimate in boxing, why not start with Shen Yun?

You must know that when he first started, Meng Lei, who taught him how to box, said that he wanted to imagine himself as a tiger descending the mountain.

But now that I have come into contact with so many more powerful beasts, can I imagine myself as a tiger beast that is more powerful than the downhill tiger?

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this method is feasible.

After returning to the house, Zhao Ya immediately started to practice.

When the beast tide attacked the city, Zhao Ya had encountered several tiger beasts at the peak of the three realms, so he was no stranger to them.

After meditating for a while, Zhao Ya suddenly raised his eyes, took a step forward, and then punched.

The fist wind was like the howling of a tiger, stirring up dust on the ground.

But Zhao Ya felt an inexplicable extra feeling in his heart. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhao Ya immediately practiced the following routines.

Ding Babu double-pressed punches followed by the black tiger leaping over the ravine, the white tiger squatting, and the colorful tiger cutting its tail....

Fist moves were presented in Zhao Ya's hands like flowing clouds and flowing water.

At this time, Zhao Ya seemed to have turned into a powerful tiger beast, looking down at the mountains and forests, making all beasts bow their heads.

Finally, after the last move, Zhao Ya only felt that the feeling in his heart was completely full, and his whole body was hearty.

At the same time, a line of prompts appeared in front of him.

[The proficiency of Wuhu Fist increases by 4%, and the promotion is successful]

【Current Level: Back to Basics】

 An hour late, sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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