Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 169 Appearing late at night, 3 cases, 2 courtyards and 1 villa!

Chapter 169 Appearing late at night, three sects, two courtyards and one villa!

Wei Hongbin sat on the main seat, his face sank like water, and he didn't say a word.

He didn't speak, and the generals and captains under him also lowered their heads and dared not make a sound.

The atmosphere in the hall can be described as extremely depressing.


Wei Hongbin said: "Has Lin Shiguo's body been hung in front of the Dingtai Martial Arts Hall?"

A person took a step forward and said with cupped hands.

"Yes, Commander. The spies came to report just now. Two poles were erected in front of Dingtai Martial Arts Hall. The corpses of Vice General Lin and Yuan Chenfeng were hung on the poles."

There was a slight commotion in the crowd.

Many people showed shock and panic on their faces.

As colleagues for many years, they naturally know Lin Shiguo's family background, and also know that he and the commander Wei Hongbin have been friends since they were young.

But now he was killed, and even the corpse was not spared, and was hung on a pole for public display.

This was no longer provocation, it was simply slapping Wei Hongbin in the face.

Commander-in-Chief will definitely not let it go, and it is estimated that the army will be launched to destroy Dingtai Martial Arts Hall soon.

This idea popped up in everyone's mind.

But unexpectedly, there was not much anger on Wei Hongbin's face, but he nodded calmly.

"Okay, I see, you go down first."

Everyone couldn't believe their ears.

So... go down?

At this moment, shouldn't the army be dispatched immediately to wipe out these lawless warrior forces?

But the military order was like a mountain, and since Wei Hongbin had spoken, the people did not dare to disobey, they clasped their fists and saluted, and then left.

After they left, only Wei Hongbin and a few confidantes were left in the hall. They were all people who served him by his side when he was in the capital, and they were absolutely reliable.

In front of these people, Wei Hongbin finally took off his disguise, and suddenly overturned the table in front of him.


The four treasures of the study and teacups and utensils above were all broken.

Even so, Wei Hongbin was still angry.

"I'm so angry, these warriors rely on their own strength, but they are so ruthless. They even dare to kill the sons of aristocratic families. I will punish them."

These servants are no longer surprised by this, only one of them, an older servant, said: "Commander, calm down, don't get angry because of these trivial matters."

Wei Hongbin was quite persuasive. Hearing this, he took a deep breath, and the anger on his face slowly receded. After he calmed down completely, he said, "Has the master sent by the family arrived?"

"Return to Commander, not yet, but I received a message from the post station this morning saying that these two masters have arrived in Fengyan County, which is only a few hundred miles away from our Yunxiao County. The day after tomorrow at the latest, tomorrow as soon as possible." arrival."

"Okay." Wei Hongbin lifted his spirits, "As soon as these two masters sent by the family arrive, we will immediately wipe out this gang of warriors, without leaving any behind, and kill them all."

At the end, Wei Hongbin's eyes were full of undisguised killing intent.

The reason why he forbears and hasn't done anything until now is that he is always worried about his own safety.

Although there are no five-level warriors in the city, and the most powerful ones are only half-step five-level warriors, the son of a thousand gold can't sit still.

For his own safety, Wei Hongbin wrote a letter to the family in the capital as early as the beginning of entering the city.

In addition to introducing the situation in Yunxiao County, the letter is to ask for help, hoping that the family can send a few experts from the five realms to protect their safety and suppress the situation.

Due to the long distance, Wei Hongbin did not receive a reply until half a month ago.

The content of the letter was very short. Apart from reminding Wei Hongbin to defend the county, it just told him that the family had sent two masters to him and they had already set off.

Since then, Wei Hongbin has been looking forward to it day and night, hoping that the master sent by the family will arrive sooner.

This is also the reason why he has been standing still.

Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, something happened to Lin Shiguo.

Although emotionally, he wanted to send troops to attack Dingtai Martial Arts now, but reason told Wei Hongbin not to act rashly.

In particular, the news of Zhao Ya's promotion to the half-step fifth realm had spread, which made Wei Hongbin even more nervous.

After all, although Lu Dingtai was in a coma, his apprentice had become a half-step five-level martial artist at this moment, which could be regarded as taking his place.

Calculated in this way, there are at least three half-step fifth-level people in the city. If they target themselves with all their strength, unless they hide in the government office and don't go anywhere, they will be in danger.

"Forget it, bear with it for another two days at most, and when the reinforcements arrive, I will definitely blow you to pieces." Wei Hongbin thought through gritted teeth.

At the same time, in the Dingtai Martial Arts Hall, Zhao Ya finished his daily homework and wiped the sweat off his face.


He muttered silently in his heart, and immediately a light curtain appeared in front of him.

Name: Zhao Ya.Age: 19 years old.Remaining lifespan: 388 (+347 days) years

Skills: Babu King Kong Longevity Kung Fu (Peak 54%)

Five Tiger Fist (Back to Basics 8%)

Blast Sword Technique (13% back to basics)

Light as a swallow (reaching the peak 99%)

Containing Breath (Peak 99%)

Big Smashing Steleman (Peak 4%)

Great Vajra Fist (Peak 7%)

Golden Body Jue (Perfect 4979/5000)

[Lung unlocking progress: 9%]

Looking at the dazzling data, Zhao Ya couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief.

After passing two levels in a row and being promoted to the half-step fifth realm, his lifespan suddenly increased by nearly a hundred years.

Zhao Ya knew that this should have something to do with purifying the foul air in his blood.

Now Zhao Ya's qi and blood are as pure as a baby's, and his internal organs are even more pure and flawless. Except for some turbid and evil qi remaining in the bone marrow, Zhao Ya's body has reached the acquired extreme.

In this case, it is not surprising that life expectancy has skyrocketed.

The second is that except for the Golden Body Art, all other martial arts skills have been promoted to the peak or higher.

In this way, Zhao Ya's strength has reached the extreme that he can achieve in his current state.

In addition to the blessings of the talents of the major viscera, Zhao Ya even has the confidence to fight head-on with the five-level warriors.

It is estimated that many people would not believe it.

After all, although it is only half a step away, the gap between the five realms and the half-step five realms is huge, not to mention cloudy and muddy.

But Zhao Ya has this kind of self-confidence.

The only thing that is lacking now is that the body lightness like a swallow's lightness kung fu has been stuck at the peak for a long time, and the 1% is like a natural moat, which is difficult to overcome.

Even during this period of time, Zhao Ya communicated frequently with his colleagues in various martial arts halls in order to improve himself, and paid special attention to absorbing the essence of light kung fu and body skills of various schools. As a result, except for a slight increase in the speed of body skills, he still failed to break through.

In desperation, Zhao Ya had to temporarily give up the idea of ​​breakthrough.

He had a premonition that he should have encountered a bottleneck in lightness kung fu, and if he wanted to break through, unless he had a higher level of lightness kung fu for reference, it would be extremely difficult to overcome.

Fortunately, this movement technique is enough now, so Zhao Ya didn't care too much about it, but secretly made up his mind that he must find a way to get this high-level lightness technique and movement technique.

Unexpectedly, the Breath Containment Technique has reached the peak of 99% without a sound.

However, this method of restraining one's breath and hiding one's body shape is of little use to Zhao Ya today.

Because after reaching the half-step fifth stage, Zhao Ya can already control the opening of the pores all over his body.

After closing the pores of the whole body, the effect of abstaining breath is almost the same under the condition that no breath is leaked.

It is nothing more than the blessing of the breath restraint technique, it may be easier to enter this state.

But it has little effect on one's own strength, especially the actual combat ability that is urgently needed now, so Zhao Ya didn't pay too much attention to it.

In addition, the most worth breaking through is this golden body formula.

This horizontal exercise method obtained from the five masters of Qingzhuling can greatly enhance one's own defense ability.

The reason why Zhao Ya broke through the skin grinding realm so quickly was largely due to it.

But now its progress has also become slow, and no matter how much Zhao Ya cultivates, it has little effect, and has been stuck at the last ten points of proficiency, unable to enter the peak-climbing state.

However, the exchange with Jin Zhenming today gave Zhao Ya a lot of inspiration.

He cultivated the method of horizontal cultivation purely by his own groping, even his master Lu Dingtai couldn't help him much.

But Jin Zhenming was different.

He is a master of body training, and his kung fu training is extremely powerful, so he has naturally rich experience.

In this case, even though it was just a few brief exchanges, it gave Zhao Ya the feeling that it was like enlightenment.

Now he is confident that within a day or two, he will break through the Golden Body Art to the peak.

When he was thinking about how to go on the road of cultivation in the future, Zhao Ya suddenly had a feeling in his heart and looked up to the door.

Immediately afterwards, he said something to Zui'er.

"Stay in the house and don't go anywhere."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Ya stepped out of the door, and then saw a person standing on the wall in the distance.

When he saw Zhao Ya going out, the man turned around and left, disappearing into the night.

Zhao Ya didn't hesitate, and immediately followed.

With his current strength, he left the scope of Dingtai Martial Arts Hall in just a few vertical leaps, and came to a remote corner.

Then I saw a man with a simple and honest face standing on the wasteland waiting for him.

There were two people standing behind him.

One is a young scribe who brought him here, and the other is a beautiful woman.

After seeing these three people, Zhao Ya narrowed his eyes slightly and his heart was shaken.

Five realms!

All three of them are genuine warriors of the five realms!
Not only that, Zhao Ya once again smelled the vague fragrance of powder in the air.

Don't ask.

They were the ones who were spying on themselves in the dark.

Zhao Ya remained calm, holding a medicine bag in his hand.

It contained the poison he had recently improved and formulated based on the inspiration of Yuan Chenfeng's package of medicine.

Although it has not been tested against five-level warriors, since half-step five-level warriors cannot be immune at all, it can at least interfere with the vitality of five-level warriors.

And as long as he can stop it a little bit, he can take the opportunity to slip away.

However, this was Zhao Ya's worst plan out of caution.

The reason why he followed was because he didn't feel any killing intent, but only a trace of curiosity.

Even now, none of the three had murderous intent.

Even so, Zhao Ya still stood at a safe enough distance, and said in a deep voice, "I never thought that there would be three martial artists of the five realms, who are rarely seen by ordinary people, at this moment."

The simple and honest man in the lead smiled when he heard this, "Don't be so nervous, we have no ill intentions towards you."

Zhao Ya always felt that this simple and honest man looked at him strangely, so he couldn't help frowning slightly.

"As the three top fighters, time must be precious, so they brought me here this big night, so they can't just chat, just say what you have to say."

The simple and honest man is Wang Tiancheng from the Golden Knife Academy. At this moment, he is looking at Zhao Ya with admiration, as if looking at a piece of uncut jade. After hearing Zhao Ya's words, he smile slightly.

"That's right. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Wang Tiancheng, and I'm from Golden Knife Academy in the capital city. These two are Gu Chaoyue from Jingyue Sect and Xu Nianran from Wunian Academy."

Capital City, Golden Sword Academy, Mirror Moon Sect, and Wunian Academy.

Zhao Ya was taken aback by the familiar names, and couldn't help but say, "Three sects, two courts, and one villa?"

As soon as these words came out, the three of Wang Tiancheng were surprised.

They also didn't expect Zhao Ya to know the name of their sect.

You must know that although the three sects, two courts and one villa are well-known in the capital, the territory of Dayan is too vast, and now there are many wars and roads are impassable, so the news from all over the place has been isolated.

It's okay if it's close, but Yunxiao County is thousands of miles away from the capital, so many people have never heard of the name of Three Schools, Two Courts and One Villa.

Zhao Ya knew, which naturally surprised them.

It was Wang Tiancheng who took the lead and said with a smile: "That's right, it seems that Your Excellency is very well informed."

Zhao Ya didn't say anything.

The reason why he knew the sect of these people was entirely due to Shang Luoluo's introduction.

This Shang Luoluo didn't know where he got the information, and he knew the situation in the capital thousands of miles away.

But knowing that Gui knew, Zhao Ya didn't think he had anything to do with these people, so he kept silent, waiting for the three to speak first.

"Presumably you should have guessed it too. It was the three of us who were spying on you in the dark before." Wang Tiancheng said.

"And the reason we spy on you is because I'm interested in you."

Zhao Yan's face darkened instantly, and she almost threw the medicine bag in her hand.

"Don't get me wrong, what I said about being interested is not malicious, but I think your talent and aptitude are very good." Wang Tiancheng quickly explained.

"But at that time you were only in the fourth realm, which was a bit too low for us, so I didn't contact you directly until two days ago, when you broke through to the half-step fifth realm."

A gleam of light flashed in Wang Tiancheng's eyes, "This cultivation progress is second to none even in the capital, so I decided to show up and talk to you."

"Having said so much, what do you mean?" Zhao Ya asked coldly.

"It's very simple. I hope you can join the Golden Knife Academy. As long as you agree, I can make the decision for my master and accept you. From now on, you will be my junior brother. How about it?" Wang Tiancheng said sincerely .

(End of this chapter)

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