Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 17: Lightness Kungfu and Movement Technique

Chapter 17: Lightness Kungfu and Movement Technique

There are several silver bills, as well as some scattered silver and gold and silver jewelry in the dark compartment.

Wearing gloves, Zhao Ya picked up the banknotes and looked at them.

These banknotes all come from the largest bank in Yunxiao County, Baotong Bureau.

The largest denomination is 100 taels, and the rest are mostly 30 taels. All of them add up to about 300 taels.

Naturally, Zhao Ya would not be polite, and accepted all the bank notes with a smile, and put the remaining scattered silver and gold and silver jewelry into the deerskin pouch prepared in advance.

"Is that all?"

"My good man, that's really all. The Black Snake Gang is just an inconspicuous little gang. It doesn't have any financial resources on weekdays. It's just these bank notes that have been accumulated over the years." Fan Hao said with a bitter face.

But Zhao Ya observed the words and expressions, and found that Fan Hao's eyes were erratic when he spoke, obviously he was hiding something.

He was not polite, he raised his hand and stuck the dagger in Fan Hao's thigh.

Blood spattered, and Fan Hao howled loudly in pain.

"Are you still unwilling to tell the truth?" Zhao Ya said coldly, while holding the handle of the knife in his hand, he twisted it slowly.

Fan Hao's fat face turned pale from the pain, and he was trembling all over.

"Grandpa hero, spare me, I say, I say!"

Fan Hao knew that the person he met today was an out-and-out killing god, if he dared to hide it again, he would really dare to chop himself off, so he had no choice but to tell the truth.

It turned out that there was a movable floor tile next to the hidden compartment at the bottom of the bed. After the floor tile was pulled out, there was an oilcloth package inside.

"Open it." Zhao Ya said, and at the same time stood sideways behind Fan Hao, in case there were traps inside the oilcloth package.

Seeing Zhao Ya being so cautious, Fan Hao secretly groaned in his heart, so he could only bear the pain and honestly opened the oilcloth package, which turned out to be a book.

By the light in the room, Zhao Ya saw a few words on the cover.

Fly on the grass with light work.

This is actually a secret book of lightness kung fu.

Zhao Ya suppressed the excitement in his heart, took the cheat book through his glove, flipped through it a bit, and found that there were indeed some secrets of lightness kung fu recorded in it.

However, it is different from the light kungfu that can fly over the roof and walk on the wall without a trace in the imagination.

This is more like a secret book of law.

After learning it, although you can't fly with a touch of your toes, you can greatly enhance your agility and running speed.

This is exactly what Zhao Ya urgently needs now.

He also put away the cheats, and then looked at Fan Hao in front of him.

Fan Hao shuddered, waved his hands hastily and said: "My good man, I really don't have any more. This cheat book is my treasure at the bottom of the box. I rely on it to gain a foothold in the east of this city and create a small Black Snake Gang."

"Now it is yours. I have nothing else to ask but to spare my life. I will be grateful to Dade. I will do good deeds in the future and never do bad things again."

At the end, Fan Hao burst into tears.

If it was someone else, they might really feel compassion.

But Zhao Ya has already figured out the details of the Black Snake Gang after several days of investigation.

Although this Fan Hao is not very capable, he has committed a lot of crimes.

In particular, he is the best womanizer, but few of the women he likes can escape his clutches.

In the past few years, there have been no fewer than twenty or thirty women from good families who have been forced to death by him.

So Zhao Ya just smiled coldly when he heard the words.

"These things are mine, what have they got to do with you?"

"Yes, yes, the hero grandpa is right..."

Fan Hao nodded frantically, but at this moment, he suddenly saw a knife light from the corner of his eye.

Immediately afterwards, Fan Hao felt his head lighten, and unexpectedly saw the ceiling above his head and a glowing red cavity.

Damn, no credit!

This was the last thought in Fan Hao's mind, and then he sank into darkness.

Blood spurted out, and dead bodies fell to the ground.

Zhao Ya checked again, and after confirming that he did not leave any traces, he turned and came to the front yard.

At this moment the watchdogs in the front yard were still sleeping.

Zhao Ya originally wanted to burn down the headquarters of the Black Snake Gang, but the low shanty towns around dispelled Zhao Ya's idea.

If this fire goes down, the people around will suffer along with it.

Anyway, the members of the Black Snake Gang are all dead, and Zhao Ya is sure that there is no trace of himself left behind, so let others worry about the rest.

Zhao Ya climbed over the wall and disappeared into the night.

By the time they passed through the Elephant Dancing City and returned home, it was almost four o'clock.

Zhao Ya tidied up briefly, put away the bulging deerskin bag, and then lay down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

This sleep was extremely sweet, Zhao Ya didn't wake up until Zui'er came over to call him after cooking.

After breakfast, Zhao Ya told Zui'er that he might come back late tonight, and asked her to eat early and lock the door without waiting for him.

Then he took something out of the buckskin bag and went to the escort agency.

Escort everything is as usual.

But in the afternoon, an explosive news spread quickly.

"What? The Black Snake Gang in the east of the city was wiped out overnight? That's great, those bastards should have died long ago."

"Retribution, retribution, I don't know which expert passing by has given us poor people such bad breath!"

For a moment, the people who had been oppressed by the Black Snake Gang couldn't help applauding.

However, when the news spread to Changlong Escort, people's reaction was somewhat flat.

After all, the Black Snake Gang is nothing more than a gang of mobs, and the members of the Changlong Escort Bureau can be regarded as half-jianghu people anyway, so naturally they look down on these guys.

Zhao Ya secretly observed and found that few people were interested in the destruction of the Black Snake Gang.

The Six Doors only sent a few people, and it was over when the corpses of Fan Hao and the others were contained.

After all, in this world, vendettas and murders emerge in endlessly, and it is completely normal for people to die.

Especially this time it was a bunch of low-level hooligans with no identity or background who died, so no one cared.

Only then did Zhao Ya feel relieved.

In the evening, Tan Dong really called Zhao Ya, and the two of them ate some food outside first, then disguised themselves, put on a black scarf, and headed to the ghost city in the south of the city.

It was still early when we got here, and there were only a few stalls, all of which were some strange animal meat.

"These are all fake. They are basically made of pheasant or wild dog meat. They are made of inexperienced sticks. Eating them will cause diarrhea and have no effect at all." Tan Dong explained.

Zhao Ya nodded, and then turned his gaze away from the dragon-like corpse placed on a booth.

These guys have a lot of imagination!
How dare dragon meat be sold in such an open manner?
The night is getting deeper and deeper, and finally there are more stalls.

Tan Dong led Zhao Ya to stroll around inside, and then came to a stall.

What was displayed in this stall was the kind of earthworm jerky that Tan Dong once gave to Zhao Ya.

Stall vendors wear masks and do not greet customers when they see them.

"What's the price today?" Tan Dong asked.

The stall owner held out three fingers.

Tan Dong frowned, "The price has increased again?"

(End of this chapter)

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