Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 240 Killing and opening the pulse, showing the power of the 2 breakthrough talents!

Chapter 240 Killing and opening the veins, the two great breakthrough talents show their power!

Outside Yandu City, it was raining heavily.

There is mud on the official road.

Naturally, no one would come out for a walk in such weather.

But at this moment, two figures rushed out of the rain curtain one after the other and rushed forward.

The speed was so fast that it rushed out of a passage wrapped in rain, and it took a long time to calm down.

Jin Cunyue, who ran at the front, became more and more surprised as he ran.

He thought that even if he couldn't beat Zhao Ya, he would be fine if he wanted to run.

But he never expected that this Zhao Ya was not only outstanding in sword skills, but also so tyrannical in body skills.

Jin Cunyue accelerated and changed direction several times, trying to get rid of Zhao Ya, but all failed.

Seeing that Zhao Ya behind her was getting closer and closer to her, Jin Cunyue gritted her teeth and suddenly turned around and rushed into the forest next to the official road, intending to use the complex terrain in the forest to escape Zhao Ya's pursuit.

But I didn't expect Zhao Ya to be happy when he saw his action.

This is what is called suicide.

If this Jin Cunyue had been running along the main road, he would really be unable to catch up with him in a while.

After all, no matter how you say it, he is still a master at the Pulse Opening Realm, so he still has some strength.

But he lost his head and ran into the forest by himself.

Isn't this an obvious way to give away someone's head?

After all, for Zhao Ya, this dense forest is just like his own home.

Without hesitation, Zhao Ya turned around and rushed into the forest.

Entering the mountains and forests, the rainwater becomes sparse due to the cover of branches and leaves.

It's doable but getting harder.

The roots of the trees on the ground are intertwined, and the branches and leaves in the sky are intertwined. Coupled with the dark rainy night, ordinary people can easily lose their way when entering it.

Jin Cunyue's figure was as agile as a civet cat, and he quickly shuttled through the gaps between trees and branches.

This is the movement technique he is most proud of, relying on this skill, many famous pulse opening masters can't catch up with him.

But today is an exception.

Because Jin Cunyue was horrified to find that after entering the woods, the distance between herself and Zhao Ya was not widened, but was getting closer.

His own movement is fast, but Zhao Ya's movement behind him is even faster.

In desperation, he had no choice but to suddenly land on a big tree, and then looked at Zhao Ya viciously.

"Boy, don't bully people too much, do you really think I can't beat you?"

Zhao Ya also stopped in his tracks, then raised his knife and smiled at Jin Cunyue.

"You can't beat it, you have to try it to know!"

After the words fell, Zhao Ya's figure flashed, and he rushed towards Jin Cunyue.

People are in the air, but the knife has arrived first.

The faint light of the knife pierced through the rain curtain, and slashed towards Jin Cunyue's chest at a frightening speed.

Jin Cunyue didn't dare to take it hard.

In fact, the strength of Mingyue in his dantian has not yet recovered, even if he wanted to force it, he couldn't.

So he can only hide.

But at the moment when he was about to fly up, he suddenly heard a click.

Then the big tree under his feet broke down.

Caught off guard, Jin Cunyue staggered, although he adjusted very quickly, ready to fly up again.

But because of this delay, Zhao Ya's saber had already arrived.

There was a squeak.

The meteorite knife cut through Jin Cunyue's skirt and left a long scratch on his chest.

Blood gushed out instantly.

Jin Cunyue grunted in pain, but didn't dare to stay at all, and submerged into the vast rain again at an extremely fast speed.

Zhao Ya secretly thought it was a pity.

Just a little bit close, he was able to cut through Jin Cunyue's chest and abdomen.

At the critical moment, Jin Cunyue moved sideways for a distance of more than an inch, as if he had exerted an extra force out of thin air.

It was this distance of more than an inch that saved his life.

Otherwise, he would have been dead on the spot by now.

But that's not surprising.

After all, this Jin Cunyue is also a martial artist at the Vein Opening Realm, if it is so easy to kill, it would be strange.

To be honest, this was the first time Zhao Ya had encountered a master of the Opening Vein Realm, so Zhao Ya was full of curiosity about Jin Cunyue.

He wanted to see what the real combat power of this pulse-opening expert from the land outside Hua was, so that he could give himself a rough reference.

So after seeing him fleeing, Zhao Ya chased him down again.

But this time, after chasing after only three or five miles, Jin Cunyue in front suddenly disappeared.

Even though he could vaguely see his back just now, Jin Cunyue disappeared out of thin air just after turning around a boulder.

Zhao Ya was not in a hurry, he jumped on the boulder, looked around, and at the same time carefully discerned Jin Cunyue's aura.

But no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find any trace of Jin Cunyue.

It was as if he had evaporated with the rain.

Zhao Ya frowned slightly.

Of course, it was impossible for Jin Cunyue to know the teleportation method, so there must be a reason for his sudden disappearance.

The biggest possibility is that he used a method similar to the breath restraint technique to restrain all his breath, and then hid somewhere.

If this is the case, things are really a little tricky.

After all, Zhao Ya doesn't know how strong Jin Cunyue's breath-holding technique is, if he can really keep it secret.

One can imagine the difficulty of finding him in this vast rainy mountain forest.

But Zhao Ya didn't intend to give up. He circled the boulder first, and then gradually expanded the search area.

He concluded that the injured Jin Cunyue must not be able to run too far.

Since he disappeared near this boulder, we can definitely find him by searching around the boulder a little bit.

So Zhao Ya didn't let go of every tree, and searched for each tree.

At the same time, in a puddle not far from the boulder, Jin Cunyue crouched in it, letting the icy rain completely soak her, only poking her head out slightly, hiding in the meadow, quietly Watching.

At this time, the wound between the chest and abdomen had begun to heal. Although it had not completely healed, at least it was not bleeding.

However, under the stimulation of the cold rain, the wound was still painful, which made Jin Cunyue full of anger.

I was really careless this time.

But who would have thought that Dayan, who seemed to be in a barren place, would have such a monstrous existence?

After escaping this time, he must find the place back.

Jin Cunyue thought fiercely.

But when he saw that after losing his trace, Zhao Ya still did not give up, but began to search for him tree by tree, his heart still trembled.

This guy is not only powerful, but also cautious and terrifying.

This is definitely a formidable opponent.

Jin Cunyue didn't dare to make any noise, even the flow of Qi and blood in the body slowed down, and the heartbeat also weakened accordingly, the sense of existence of the whole person was reduced to the minimum, and he was perfectly integrated with the surrounding environment.

This is Jin Cunyue's unique technique of restraining breath that Jin Cunyue is proud of.

Relying on this unique skill, before he joined Mingyue Valley and became a martial artist of the Opening Pulse, he did not know how many times he escaped from the pursuit and siege of masters.

I believe this time there will be no exception.

Jin Cunyue is very confident about this.

as predicted.

After searching for an entire hour, Zhao Ya finally stopped this meaningless search.

This mountain forest is too big, coupled with the heavy rain, which seriously obscures the perception, so the search efficiency is really not high.

He stood on top of a big tree, looked around for a while, and finally sighed slightly.

If it wasn't for the heavy rain, he could still force Jin Cunyue who was hiding somewhere to come out by setting fire.

But now the heavy rain has extinguished all his thoughts.

In the end, he could only say coldly: "Looks like, so what if it's at the Vein Opening Realm of the Outer Transformation Land, why don't you just keep shrinking your head like a turtle?"

"I'll let you go this time, and when I see you next time, I'll kill you."

After saying that, Zhao Ya flew up and ran down in the direction of Yandu City.

After he left, Jin Cunyue still didn't move.

Because he was not sure whether Zhao Ya had really left.

What if he also hid in a corner, waiting for himself to show up?
For the sake of safety, Jin Cunyue soaked in the water for another half an hour, and did not start to increase the frequency of breathing until he was sure that Zhao Ya had really left.

Soon, the blood flowed again, and the heartbeat returned to normal.

Jin Cunyue slowly crawled out of the puddle, feeling a little numb in his hands and feet, and his whole body was already drenched.

He became more and more annoyed.

The dignified pulse opening state has ended up in such a mess.

If this is sent back to the land outside the transformation, wouldn't his reputation be ruined?
"Damn it, don't let me catch the chance, or I'll kill you first!" Jin Cunyue muttered, and then walked slowly into the depths of the mountain forest.

He planned to find a shelter from the rain to dry his clothes before thinking about what to do next.

But just after he walked not far, he suddenly felt his feet tighten, and then he heard a whistling sound from above his head.

Jin Cunyue dodged it, only to realize that there were a few sharpened logs inserted into the ground.


not good!

Jin Cunyue's heart tightened, and he immediately planned to escape from here, but at this moment, a voice that made him feel cold came from above his head.

"Sure enough, you still showed up. I thought you had to wait until dawn before you would move."

Following the words, Zhao Ya fell lightly from the tree with a cold smile on his face.

Just now he pretended to leave, but in fact he secretly set up many simple traps, not for killing the enemy, but for early warning.

Then Zhao Ya also found a hidden place, held his breath and waited.

He knew that Jin Cunyue would come out sooner or later.

So he was extremely patient, and even prepared to spend a few days with Jin Cunyue.

As a result, Zhao Ya overestimated Jin Cunyue, and after only half an hour, he showed up and stepped into a trap.

Jin Cunyue was shocked and angry, and at the same time there was a trace of fear.

This guy is simply too scary.

But soon he calmed down, and then looked at Zhao Ya quietly.

"It looks like you're going to kill them all?"

Zhao Ya smiled, "It's not like killing them all, but if you are willing to tell me your method of restraining breath, I can't let you live."

Zhao Ya was very envious of Jin Cunyue's method of restraining breath just now.

Because my breath holding technique has been stuck at the bottleneck for a long time.

And if he had Jin Cunyue's method of accumulating interest as a reference, he would have a high probability of getting a breakthrough.

Jin Cunyue sneered for a while, "Actually, I didn't plan to fight you to the death, but it seems that if you don't show some real skills, you don't plan to let me go."

"Alright, today I will let you see what is the power of opening the pulse!"

Zhao Ya became interested.

to be frank.

Before that, he was a little disappointed.

Because the strength shown by Jin Cunyue is too weak.

Except that Mingyue Jin was a little threatening to him, everything else was not worth mentioning.

If the Meridian Opening Realm is capable of this, Zhao Ya doubts why this realm can be called the dividing point between immortals and mortals.

So when Jin Cunyue said that he was going to explode, instead of being afraid, Zhao Ya was very excited.

And it was this attitude that completely angered Jin Cunyue.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm going to tear your corpse into ten thousand pieces!" Jin Cunyue roared angrily, a strong power suddenly erupted from her body.

Much more violent than in its heyday.

Even the height has changed, a full increase of forty or fifty centimeters, turning into a giant close to three meters.

This is a secret trick that Jin Cunyue uses to save his life. By forcibly burning the foundation of his dantian's true strength, his strength can be greatly improved in a short period of time.

But although the effect of this trick is overbearing, it also has great side effects.

In particular, burning the true power foundation of the dantian will greatly consume a person's potential, and even the lifespan will be affected.

Therefore, Jin Cunyue would never use this trick unless he encountered an unsolvable situation.


Jin Cunyue roared half heartbroken and half proud: "Die!"

Then he rushed over suddenly.

Zhao Ya didn't dodge, and chopped it down with one blow.

But the knife technique, which is all-purpose, unexpectedly came to nothing.

After entering this berserk state, Jin Cunyue's body speed skyrocketed, so facing the slashing knife, Jin Cunyue just turned slightly to avoid it, and then raised his palm to slap it.

The brilliant moonlight exploded in the forest, and the brilliance in front of the palm even reached more than ten feet.

Zhao Ya did not hide.

He was delighted to see Lie Xin, and wanted to verify what level his strength was.

So he gave a soft shout, crossed the saber in his left hand, clenched his right hand into a fist, and blasted out with the Great Vajra Fist.

A loud bang.

The rainwater within a radius of several feet, and even the branches and leaves of the trees were all shaken away.

And a figure also flew upside down, and it was not enough to stand still until it smashed several big trees.

After Zhao Ya landed, a trace of blood appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He wiped it off nonchalantly, then smiled at Jin Cunyue.


Jin Cunyue was startled and frightened.

What surprised me was that this guy took a move from himself in a berserk state, and nothing happened.

The most frightening thing is that he recognized Zhao Ya's punch.

Great Vajra Fist!

Canglong Temple's stunt!

This young man can actually do it. Does that mean that he has a connection with Canglong Temple?
If that's the case, then I'm out of luck.

After all, if he is really the disciple of some important person in Canglong Temple, then his ten lives are not enough to pay.

But after thinking about it, this fear turned into a raging killing intent.

As long as this kid is killed, even if he really has something to do with Canglong Temple, it will be difficult to find him.

Thinking of this, Jin Cunyue didn't delay any longer, after all, what was burning in this state was his martial arts potential and lifespan.

He roared and rushed again.

This time Zhao Ya didn't resist any more, instead he dodged and dodged.

Reluctantly, Jin Cunyue's movement was faster than him, she turned slightly to one side, and then chased after him.

It was another slap with a powerful force, even stronger than the previous move.

But at this moment, Zhao Ya sneered and said, "Do you think you are the only one with a unique skill?"

Following the words, Zhao Ya's figure suddenly began to grow taller and stronger.

The whole process was like being blown by air, and even the clothes on his body were torn apart.

Then Zhao Ya punched out.

After a loud noise, Zhao Ya took a few steps back. Although he was still at a disadvantage, he was much stronger than before.

Jin Cunyue showed doubts on his face, but when he took a closer look, his heart was shocked.

"Boundary breaking talent?"

"You do have vision!" Zhao Ya smiled, then gently moved his fingers and shook his body.


The sound of joints shifting was clearly audible, and Zhao Ya's aura also rose steadily.

It was the five-level talent provided by the mandrill bead to Zhao Ya!

The body of a mandrill.

Jin Cunyue's heart was shaken, and the killing intent was even worse.

It's actually the five realms that are promoted by breaking the realm, no wonder it's so powerful.

But the more this is the case, the more it must be eliminated.

Otherwise, you will suffer endlessly.

With this in mind, Jin Cunyue mustered all his strength and rushed forward again.

After several loud bangs in succession, Zhao Ya was repelled by dozens of steps, as if he could only parry but had no power to fight back.

After all, he had just been promoted to the fifth realm, and he was not able to use this realm-breaking talent very well, so he was at a disadvantage when facing Jin Cunyue.

Jin Cunyue was delighted, and was about to smash Zhao Ya into pieces in one go.

At this moment, Zhao Ya suddenly closed his eyes.

When he opened it again, Zhao Ya's eyes showed a strange pure black color, although it only disappeared in a flash, it still made Jin Cunyue stiff.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the brilliance in Zhao Ya's eyes, and his aura soared, and soon he was no match for Jin Cunyue.

Seeing this scene, Jin Cunyue finally collapsed.

"Another boundary-breaking talent?" He screamed, his voice full of despair and unwillingness.

What kind of evildoer did I provoke!

Just like what Jin Cunyue said, Zhao Ya at this time has just awakened the second talent of breaking the boundary.

From the talent provided by the devil doll's beast bead, ghostly eyes!

"Correct answer, but no reward!"

Saying that, Zhao Ya came straight to Jin Cunyue, so fast that he even dragged out phantoms behind him.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Jin Cunyue still wanted to resist, but with the blessing of the two breakthrough talents, Zhao Ya's strength has far surpassed him now.

Whether it was strength or speed, Jin Cunyue was powerless to fight back.

Therefore, within a dozen or so meetings, Jin Cunyue was beaten and bruised all over, and the berserk state also subsided.

At this moment, Zhao Ya kicked him to the ground, then stepped on his chest and abdomen, and said coldly, "What else do you want to say?"

Jin Cunyue coughed up a mouthful of blood, and then laughed strangely.

"Cough cough cough... kill me, but don't think that you are invincible, someone will teach you how to be a man later!"

"Okay, let's see you on your way!"

Zhao Ya didn't talk nonsense, he slashed through with a knife, and his head fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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