Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 256 In front of Wanshou Mountain, Danfeng Town

Chapter 256 In front of Wanshou Mountain, Danfeng Town

"Master Song!"

"Master Lizheng!"

Shouts like these kept coming one after another, and Song Linqing also responded with a smile, and even stopped to talk enthusiastically when he met the familiar merchant.

Just walking around like this, it took more than a quarter of an hour to arrive at the home in the middle of the town.

This is a majestic house with about five entrances, which is considered luxurious even in this bustling town.

Not only that, Song Linqing recently purchased a new piece of land behind, planning to break ground and build a yard after the weather gets cooler.

All in all, although this small town is not as large and prosperous as the county town of Wanshou County, Song Linqing feels that it is more relaxed and comfortable to stay here, and he can do whatever he wants without being supervised by anyone, which is very nourishing.

But it wasn't like that when I first came.

At the beginning, Song Linqing brought his younger sister and a group of family members all the way to Wanshou County to join the Song clan.

The time when I first arrived was okay, not only the old patriarch greeted me personally, but the rest of the people were also very enthusiastic.

But after living there for a while, Song Linqing always felt very awkward.

Because there is always a hypocrisy in the enthusiasm of these people.

To put it bluntly, they didn't treat them as real family members at all.

And as time went by, this feeling became more and more intense.

Especially in the big and small affairs of the clan, let alone intervene, he didn't even have a part in it.

There was nothing to do all day long, although Song Linqing felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles, even though he ate, drank and entertained every day.

Under such circumstances, Song Linqing waited for an opportunity.

Lizheng of Danfeng Town under the jurisdiction of the Song family returned home after returning home due to old age.

That is to say, Danfeng Town was in an unmanaged state at that time.

And the rest of the Song family were unwilling to leave the bustling county town and come to this remote mountainous place, so they couldn't find a suitable successor for a while.

Under such circumstances, Song Linqing, who heard the news, immediately recommended himself, and finally got the position as he wished.

It's just that when Song Linqing brought his sister and a group of men to Danfeng Town, it was far from the prosperity it is now.

Because the previous Li Zheng was incompetent, the commercial trade here was very sluggish, and even the medicine fields belonging to the Song family were losing money year after year.

You must know that the fields near Danfeng Town are very fertile, and the climate is very suitable for the growth of medicinal materials. In addition, it is backed by such a big tree as the Song family, so it stands to reason that it should not lose money anyway.

But it was a loss.

So as soon as Song Linqing took office, he immediately started drastic reforms, abolished and cleaned up a large number of moths, and sorted out the accounts over the years.

This trick had an immediate effect, and soon these medicine fields turned losses into profits.

At the same time, Song Linqing also strongly supported commercial trade, formulated many preferential policies, and even subsidized money to reduce taxes.

This move has attracted many merchants to Danfeng Town. When there are more merchants, there will naturally be more mountain visitors. Under the virtuous circle, the volume of commercial trade is also rising steadily.

So in just two years, Danfeng Town became prosperous at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As Lizheng, Song Linqing also received unanimous support and love from top to bottom because of these measures.

At this moment, Song Linqing returned home, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw Tan Ziwang who was watering flowers under the eaves.

After these two years, Tan Ziwang has become much older now.

As an old man who had followed Song Linqing's father back then, even Song Linqing respected him very much.

"Uncle Tan, how about watering the flowers?"

"Well, Patriarch, look, the soil here really nourishes people. These flowers bloom so well." Tan Ziwang said with a smile.

"Yes, this is indeed a treasure land." Song Linqing also said with a smile.

At this moment, he saw Tan Dong striding into the courtyard from the outside, and seeing Song Linqing and his father standing under the eaves, he was so frightened that he hurriedly stood still, and then said out of breath.

"Patriarch, father!"

Tan Ziwang glared at Tan Dong angrily.

"I'm not young anymore, how can I still be so frizzy?"

Tan Dong was a little aggrieved, "I have something important to do, Patriarch, this is the letterhead I just got from the letter car, it's for you."

"For me?"

Song Linqing took the letter, opened it, and a look of anger appeared on his face.

"Patriarch, what's the matter?" Tan Dong hurriedly asked upon seeing this.

"It's nothing, it's just that some toads are delusional and always plan to eat swan meat."

After saying this nonsense, Song Linqing turned around and left.

Tan Dong was a little confused, so he turned his head and asked, "Father, what's wrong with Patriarch?"

Tan Ziwang shook his head with a wry smile, "I don't know, you'd better not inquire about things you shouldn't inquire about."

Then Tan Ziwang asked again.

"Why did you go to the letter car again today? Did you go to see if there is any letter from Xiaoya?"

"En." Tan Dong nodded, and then said with some disappointment.

"In the end, there is still no news, father, do you think Brother Zhao has forgotten us?"

"Of course there is no news. The world is in chaos these years, and the communication between the counties has been cut off, let alone Yunxiao County is so far away from us."

"Don't worry, Xiaoya is a caring person and will never forget us. Maybe we will meet again soon." Tan Ziwang said.

In fact, he had no idea what he said.

Because Dayan is actually torn apart now, unless it is a huge caravan or you are strong, otherwise, it is almost impossible to travel between the counties.

The consequence of this is the complete demise of the station system, and the counties have become independent kingdoms.

In this case, the separation of ordinary people is almost forever.

Although Tan Ziwang knew that Zhao Ya was by no means an ordinary person, it was unimaginable for him to cross such a long distance to Wanshou County alone.

Tan Dong also knew that his father was comforting him, but he still felt better.

It's good to be anywhere in Danfeng Town, but it's too boring.

Although there is also a Goulan tile shop in the town that specializes in serving merchants, but after all, it is too small, and there are only a few faces tossed and turned. After going there a few times, Tan Dong feels boring.

Therefore, he missed the days when he walked darts with Zhao Ya.

Even if his strength was low at that time and he didn't have much money in his hands, his life was wonderful at that time.

It's not like now, when I open my eyes every day, I just stay bored.

At the same time, Song Linqing had already arrived at the gate of the backyard.

This is a courtyard opened up separately, and there are layers of barriers between the courtyard gates, and idlers are not allowed to enter at all.

It was Song Linqing's younger sister Song Peiwan who lived here.

Standing in front of the door, Song Linqing adjusted his mentality first, and then walked into the courtyard with a smile on his face.

As soon as I entered the courtyard, I heard the melodious sound of the piano coming from the house.

Song Linqing was not in a hurry to go in, but stood in the courtyard and listened quietly until the end of the song.

Song Linqing clapped his hands lightly, "Okay, sister, your piano skills are getting better and better."

Said and stepped into the house.

"Brother, why are you free today?" Song Peiwan raised her head from behind the desk, her beautiful and refined face did not use any makeup, but it had a special temperament.

"Haha, I have nothing to do today, so I came to take a look." Song Linqing smiled.

But soon he was defeated by Song Peiwan's cold eyes.

"Actually, it's something to do. A letter came from the county today."

"What letter?"

"It was written by an elder in the family. He said that you are not too young. He happened to have a relative who was about the same age as you. He asked if he was interested. If so, he would like to talk about this..."

Before Song Linqing finished speaking, Song Peiwan said decisively: "Go back to this so-called elder directly. He doesn't have to worry about my affairs, and it's not his turn to introduce a man to me."

Although this result had been expected, Song Linqing secretly heaved a sigh of relief after hearing Song Peiwan's categorical rejection.

In fact, he wanted to tear up the letter directly, and pretend that this incident never happened.

But after thinking about it, I still ask.

After all, there will be more and more such things in the future. If I don't find out what my sister thinks in advance, it will be difficult to face and solve them in the future.

In fact, Song Linqing understood better than anyone else that this letter was just a temptation.

Under the guise of proclaiming a marriage for his sister, he actually coveted the increasingly prosperous Danfeng Town.

In fact, Song Linqing had already expected this point.

After all, I came back from another place. Although I am indeed from the Song clan, I don't have much relationship with them.

Now that I have such a small town that can generate huge profits in my hands, it is inevitable that some people will be jealous.

It's just because they belong to the same clan, it's not easy for these people to do everything right, so they set their minds on Song Peiwan, planning to get both personal and financial.

"Okay, I see. If there is such a thing in the future, I will directly refuse it for you." Song Linqing said.

After that, the siblings chatted for a few more words, and then Song Linqing left.

After he left, Song Peiwan sat behind the desk in a daze.

She didn't even notice that the servant girl Xiaoman brought tea.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Man asked worriedly.

"Oh, it's okay, just now my brother said that someone in the clan wanted to marry me." Song Peiwan said.

"What? These bad guys actually set their minds on you, Miss?" Xiao Man said angrily.

Don't look at Xiaoman as just a little maid, but she still has a little heart, and she can understand what's going on once she hears it.

"Miss, you don't have to be too angry because of this, the Patriarch loves you so much, he will definitely not let those guys succeed in their tricks." Xiao Man comforted.

Song Peiwan smiled, "I'm not angry, I'm just wondering what he's doing now."

Although he didn't mention his name, Xiaoman has followed Song Peiwan since he was a child, how could he not know who he was referring to.

"Miss, I guess Commander Zhao must have achieved success in cultivation by now, and he might be rushing to our place!"

Song Peiwan didn't say anything, but a lonely expression appeared on her face.

Xiaoman was a little anxious.

She knows too well what kind of temper her young lady has.

It's fine no matter what, but once you encounter a knot in your heart that you can't solve, you won't cry or make a fuss, just sit there with a lonely face, which is very distressing.

"What I said is true, miss, I have a good mouth. When my mother was still alive, she said that I was poor and had a noble mouth. Not only did I pick and choose food, but I was also very effective in speaking."

Song Peiwan was amused, and then spat.

"Bah, there's nothing in shape."

Xiao Man laughed, but his heart finally relaxed a little.

What she was most afraid of was that Song Peiwan sat there in a daze like a log.

At the same time, Song Linqing came to the courtyard at the core.

The defense here is heavily guarded. Almost all of the only surviving Black Armored Army who followed Song Linqing to Wanshou County were stationed here.

Of course, the number of these black armored troops is much smaller now than when they first came to Wanshou County.

This is because after many people arrived in Wanshou County, some of them lost their fighting spirit because of the death of their colleagues and chose to leave on their own.

Others were drawn away by other forces.

But no matter what the reason was, Song Linqing didn't stop them, but let them go.

This is because Song Linqing understands a truth, a twisted melon is not sweet, especially in this team that most needs loyalty.

If someone has a different heart but does not leave, the hidden danger will be even greater.

At least after this training, the remaining Black Armored Army is now the best of the best, and they are absolutely loyal to Song Linqing.


The black armor guarding in front of the gate stood upright and saluted.

Song Linqing nodded amiably, then walked into the courtyard.

There is a hole in the sky here, there is a pergola above the yard that can shelter from the wind and rain, and under the pergola are small meat fields that have been opened up one by one.

At this time, someone was busy inside.

This is Song Linqing's greatest confidence, and it is also an important reason why he was able to develop Danfeng Town so prosperously in a short period of time.

Meat farming.

"Patriarch." Song Renqiang, who was in charge of the meat field, hurried up to greet Song Linqing when he saw Song Linqing coming.

"Well, how is the output today?"

"It's very good, especially the newly purchased exotic meat farms have cultivated high-grade jerky." Song Renqiang said.

Because it is backed by the incomparably vast Ten Thousand Beast Mountain, there are so many different kinds of different beast meat fields.

Relying on this convenient condition, coupled with his unique breeding technology, Song Linqing has accumulated a lot of wealth in the past two years.

"Okay, remember to reward those who cultivated those heterogeneous meat fields."

"I understand." Song Renqiang nodded.

It can be said that apart from the Black Armor Army, these meat farmers are Song Linqing's greatest wealth.

For such talents, Song Linqing has never been stingy with rewarding them.

And just as Song Linqing was inspecting his family's meat farming field, two people walked up the mountain road leading to Danfeng Town.

The one walking in front is a heroic man, followed by a delicate girl.

When they came to Danfeng Town, the two stopped, and then Zui'er couldn't help but leaned forward and asked excitedly, "Brother Xiaoya, is this here?"

Zhao Ya nodded, "It should be here."

That's right.

It was Zhao Ya and Zui'er who came.

After solving the matter of the Five Poison Sect, they traveled eastward without encountering any obstacles.

Finally arrived in Wanshou County yesterday, but after entering the county, they found that Song Linqing and the others were not here at all, but in Danfeng Town, a hundred miles away.

So after a night's rest, Zhao Ya led Zui'er here again without stopping.

 Some Kawen, the update is late, I am really sorry

(End of this chapter)

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