Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 258 The fog tide strikes, flying into the mountains

Chapter 258 The fog tide strikes, flying into the mountains

"It's called Giant Python Peak, and it's the place where our mountain travelers often rest after entering Wanshou Mountain. After passing here, it will be the real hinterland of Wanshou Mountain." Ma Yufei explained.

Zhao Ya raised his head and took a look, and sure enough, he found that this Shifeng looked a bit like a giant python standing upright.

"Wait here, I'll go up and have a look."

Having said that, Zhao Ya flew up, jumped into the thin clouds and mist after a few vertical leaps, and disappeared.

Ma Yufei stood below and watched, his face full of astonishment.

Because the agility shown by Zhao Ya was so shocking that even the well-informed Ma Yufei had never seen it before, so he was naturally shocked by it.

After a while, Zhao Ya turned back and shook his head, "At least there is no place similar to the one on the map within a radius of ten miles."

This is the most feasible way to find out where the treasure is hidden as soon as possible.

By looking for the commanding heights and then looking around for similar terrain, this can greatly speed up the search process.

Otherwise, relying on Zhao Ya and Ma Yufei to determine the location of a certain mountain in this vast mountain of beasts is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

But this method is only suitable for Zhao Ya who has top-level body skills.

If it were an ordinary person, he would not be able to go up to the Giant Python Peak alone, let alone observe the surroundings.

Ma Yufei admired him, and his confidence in the next search also greatly increased.

The two rested for a while, and then continued on their way.

Knowing that there is no similar mountain peak within a radius of ten miles, the two of them walked quickly through the forest without any hesitation.

Although the road is rough and difficult, but one has the blessing of lightness kung fu and the other is an experienced veteran, so the speed of travel is not slow at all.

Soon, under the leadership of Ma Yufei, the two came to another peak.

"This peak doesn't have a name, but it's the tallest mountain in the vicinity, but you should pay attention if you go up, because I have seen flying beasts on the top of the mountain."

This is the benefit of having a guide.

Because of Ma Yufei's understanding of the Wanshou Mountain, he can provide Zhao Ya with a lot of useful information to prevent problems before they happen.

Zhao Ya nodded, then pulled out the Meteorite Iron Knife, and disappeared into the verdant forest after a few ups and downs.

After watching Zhao Ya's figure disappear, Ma Yufei chose a clean and flat high ground to sit down, then took out a piece of jerky and ate it slowly.

But just after eating half of it, Ma Yufei suddenly noticed that the sky had darkened.

It was still sunny just now, and suddenly it seemed to be cloudy.

When he looked up again, what he could still see just now, the trees in the distance had been shrouded in a gray mist.

"No, it's gray mist." Ma Yufei's heart skipped a beat.

What he was most worried about really happened.

In this vast and vast mountain of beasts, what scares the mountain visitors the most is not the powerful and strange beasts, but the mist that comes and goes suddenly.

You can't figure out its law at all. Often it was fine just now, but suddenly the sky changes.

Especially in this season, when the grass is lush and the forest is dense, once it fogs up, it will be extremely dangerous.

Ma Yufei immediately stood up.

In just such a short while, the surroundings are already completely invisible.

Moreover, the gray fog not only obscured the sight, but also seemed to have the effect of blocking the sound.

Just now, the insects and birds were singing, and the forest was really lively, but now it is surprisingly quiet.

Ma Yufei realized the seriousness of the situation.

The gray fog encountered this time was the kind with the highest level of danger, and even he, who was experienced, had never encountered it a few times.

He didn't dare to walk around, because in such a situation where the line of sight was completely blocked, people's sense of direction would also be greatly disturbed.

Once you leave your original location, it is almost impossible to go back.

The only thing he could do was to quickly take out a pre-prepared second kicker from his backpack and ignite it.


The originally loud artillery sound became extremely dull at this moment, and then Er Ti kick flew into the sky, making a loud noise.

Although the sound was not loud, it at least caused some disturbance to the silent gray mist.

This is the secret signal agreed upon by Ma Yufei and Zhao Ya before coming in.

In case of special circumstances, fire a cannon to warn.

One is that it can remind you of your location, and the other is that the sound of cannons can also deter some strange beasts.

At this time, Ma Yufei only hoped that Zhao Ya could hear the sound of the cannon and stay on the mountain and not come down for the time being.

Because of Ma Yufei's experience, the height of these fogs is generally very low, and the overall area is the same as a hemp ball, and the range is not large.

If you are at a high place at this time, it is very possible to avoid the cover of the fog.

After finishing the warning, Ma Yufei also took out his personal weapon, ready to deal with the danger.

Although ordinary beasts would not dare to move around in foggy conditions, this is the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain where strange beasts infested, and anything could happen, so we had to prepare for the worst.

At the same time, Zhao Ya was standing on the top of the peak looking around,
After hearing the faint sound of cannons, Zhao Ya leaned over and saw that the halfway up the mountain had been shrouded in gray mist, and the mist was still spreading upwards. It's like a flood is coming.

Zhao Ya immediately thought of what Ma Yufei had told him before about the fog.

He didn't act rashly, because once he rushed into the mist, even Zhao Ya would inevitably lose his way.

He came to the highest point of the peak and looked around with a slightly dignified expression.

Because as far as the eye can see, this gray mist is everywhere, only these towering peaks can poke their heads out, like reefs on the sea.

Didn't Ma Yufei say that the area of ​​fog in the Wanshou Mountain would not be too large? What's going on here?

Zhao Ya was puzzled.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of piercing through the air above his head, Zhao Ya didn't even hesitate, and raised his hand to strike.

After a piercing cry, several hard bird feathers scattered down one after another.

Looking up, he saw a giant crane with a body length of at least seven or eight meters hovering in the air.

It's just that this giant crane didn't have the slightest air of elegance, but instead had red eyes and an ominous aura all over its body.

But just now Zhao Ya's saber left only a shallow mark on the top of its head, not even blood.

Zhao Ya knew that this should be the flying beast that Ma Yufei said was entrenched on this peak.

It seems that the strength is not weak, at least half-step five-level.

But Zhao Ya is not most concerned about this.

He saw at a glance that there was a huge copper ring on the giant crane's leg.

A giant crane with a master?
Zhao Ya immediately became interested.

There is only one possibility to have such a giant crane in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

That is the Beast Controlling Sect who has been hiding in the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain.

If so.

That was a worthwhile trip today.

At least traces of the Beast Controlling Sect were found.

At this moment, after hovering in the air for a while, the giant crane swooped down again, waving its wings, its jagged feathers aimed at Zhao Ya's body and cut it head and face.

The fight was actually quite methodical.

This further confirmed Zhao Ya's previous speculation.

Because that's how Zhao Ya felt when he dealt with the mandrill and the ghost doll in Yunxiao County before.

Zhao Ya dodged the blow, but instead of using the saber, he put the saber back in its sheath and punched with a raised fist.


After a muffled sound, the giant crane was sent flying several feet sideways, almost falling to the bottom of the peak.

But its wings flickered, and its figure rose again, and it circled Zhao Ya non-stop.

At the same time, the gray mist has also reached its peak, almost level with the peak.

Looking at the turbulent fog tide like the sea level, Zhao Ya made up his mind and stretched out his hand to write a line on the ground.

Then he stood up and hooked his fingers at the giant crane in the air.

"Come on, let's see how I will deal with you today, young master."

The giant crane seemed to understand Zhao Ya's provocation, let out an angry cry, and then swooped down again.

Zhao Ya didn't dodge or dodge, and waited quietly.

It wasn't until the giant crane rushed forward that Zhao Ya could even see the anger in its two eyes clearly, so he jumped forward suddenly.

The giant crane couldn't hold back, and rushed forward like a bullet.

At this critical moment, Zhao Ya stretched out his hand suddenly, just in time to grab the giant crane's neck.

In the next moment, Zhao Ya was carried away by the huge impact force.

The giant crane also seemed to be aware of Zhao Ya's intentions, deliberately speeding up and rushing towards the sky, twisting its neck constantly, trying to throw Zhao Ya out and throw him to death.

But Zhao Ya had expected this hand a long time ago. The moment he was taken away, he also stretched out his other hand, and grabbed the giant crane's neck in the same way.

Using both hands together, the giant crane let out a cry of pain, and the flying posture that was originally rushing to the sky finally eased.

But it still struggled desperately, trying to get rid of Zhao Ya.

Zhao Ya didn't give it this chance at all, as soon as he stretched his arms, he crawled onto the giant crane's back.

A smell of fishy smell came over his nostrils, but he didn't care about it at this time, Zhao Ya firmly grasped the giant crane's neck with one hand, and freed the other hand to make a fist, and smashed it with each punch. go down.

Bang bang bang!
Every punch would make the giant crane tremble and scream in pain, and its flying posture in the air was even more distorted, and it almost hit the mountain peak several times.

But the effect was also immediate. After just a few punches, the giant crane became much more honest.

At least he didn't dare to swing his body anymore, trying to throw Zhao Ya down.

Zhao Ya stopped when he saw this.

He couldn't really beat this giant crane to death, otherwise all his plans would come to nothing.

He lay on the back of the giant crane and looked down at his feet.

Seeing the clouds and mist shrouded below, all the towering peaks turned into small black dots one by one, which shows the high flying speed.

Although Zhao Ya's body skills are good, he can't fly so high.

But Zhao Ya was not afraid of this at all, on the contrary he was very excited.

At this time, the giant crane also seemed to know that it was impossible to get rid of Zhao Ya by itself, so it turned around and flew towards the depths of Wanshou Mountain.

Zhao Ya let out a sigh of relief, knowing that his plan was more than half completed.

Then it depends on your luck.

If you're lucky, you might be able to find the treasure location on the giant crane and solve the problem quickly.

It's okay to be unlucky, at least I can use it to find the residence of the Beast Taming Sect.

After the flight was stable, Zhao Ya grabbed the giant crane by the neck with one hand to prevent it from making any more moths. While looking at the scenery below, he wondered whether he would find a way to subdue a high-level flying beast after this time.

Because this travel is too convenient and labor-saving.

But Zhao Ya also knew that his idea was a bit unrealistic.

Because no matter how high-level the alien beast is, even if it can understand some meanings of people, it is almost impossible to communicate.
Coupled with the fact that it is wild and difficult to tame, and the cost of breeding is high, it is doomed that this can only be an idea.

Only when flying on the back of the giant crane did Zhao Ya finally realize how vast and boundless the Myriad Beasts Mountain System is.

Because even if it has been flying for more than a quarter of an hour, there are still large mountains in front of it, and it seems that there will never be an end in sight.

But Zhao Ya was not in a hurry, he was identifying the mountain below while thinking about his next plan.

If he really went to the Beast Controlling Sect's residence through this giant crane, what should he do?
Doing it with great fanfare is definitely not enough.

After all, the strength displayed by the Beast Control Sect is already amazing enough.

The key point is that they also master the mysterious and unpredictable beast transformation technique, as well as all kinds of weird things.

If I accidentally fall into the Tao, I will be wronged.

So I had to think of another way.

Just as Zhao Ya was deep in thought, the giant crane below him suddenly began to lower the flying height.

Zhao Ya immediately lowered his head to look, and then his whole body was shocked, and the color of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Surprisingly, there is a large manor hidden among several mountain peaks.

The joy is that according to the direction of the surrounding mountains and the traces of several rivers nearby, Zhao Ya can conclude that this is the place recorded on the treasure map.

But soon there was a glimmer of gloom in Zhao Ya's heart.

If the East King's legacy is in this place, does that mean that the treasure has been given away by the Beast Taming Sect?

If that's the case, I will be at a big loss.

But the matter has come to this point, Zhao Ya can't care about that much anymore.

When the giant crane fell to a certain height, Zhao Ya looked at the time, let go of his hand suddenly, and then jumped towards a towering mountain forest.

The giant crane turned around and croaked, and continued on its way.

As early as when he was in the air, Zhao Ya had already raised his body skills to the limit.

Thanks to carrying Zui'er on his back along the way, Zhao Ya's body skills improved again.

Even if he fell from a height of tens of meters, Zhao Ya's body was still as light as a feather. He only stepped on two branches and stood firm.

Then Zhao Ya didn't stay, and immediately cast the spirit turtle dormancy technique, and disappeared into the depths of the forest after a few dodges.

Although the giant crane can't speak, it's hard to guarantee that those who control the Beast Sect won't find any clues.

So Zhao Ya decided to hide himself first before making further plans.

Anyway, the Beast Taming Sect is right in front of us, and now that the enemy is out in the open and we are in the dark, Zhao Ya has the confidence to deal with any troubles.

And just when Zhao Ya came to the Beast Controlling Sect's residence in the depths of Wanshou Mountain through the load of this giant crane.

Before the nameless peak, the gray fog receded like a tide.

This kind of fog came and went quickly, and in just a few breaths, Ma Yufei in the forest saw the shadows of the surrounding forest.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

I knew the fog had receded.


One minute later, the light of the sky reappeared, and the chirping of insects and birds also reappeared in the mountains and forests.

Ma Yufei wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and secretly rejoiced that he was lucky this time, even in the gray mist, he didn't encounter any attacks from strange beasts.

But the strange thing is that after waiting for a while, Ma Yufei didn't find Zhao Ya coming down from the mountain.

Ma Yufei immediately had a sense of foreboding.

It stands to reason that Zhao Ya should come down from the peak immediately after seeing the fog recede.

Why hasn't there been any news yet?

After waiting for a while, seeing that there was still no news, Ma Yufei didn't care if he would disturb the wild beasts around him.

He took out another two kicker and ignited the fuse.

A moment later, the cannons boomed.

But there was no response from the peak.

Ma Yufei was in a hurry.

Although I made it very clear when I took on the task, when encountering an unsolvable danger, I would leave on my own.

But now I haven't encountered that kind of situation, and I was introduced by Song Lizheng, how could I just leave?

He glanced at the towering mountain, gritted his teeth, and began to climb up.

Under normal circumstances, mountain visitors who enter the mountain rarely climb the mountain.

In most cases, they will only walk along the path in the mountains, at most they will climb halfway up the mountain.

Because mountaineering consumes too much energy, it will not take long to be exhausted.

In that case, the danger of oneself may be greatly increased.

But Ma Yufei can't just leave alone.

Fortunately, it was still early at this time, so Ma Yufei decided to give it a try.

Naturally, his climbing speed couldn't be compared with Zhao Ya's. After half an hour, Ma Yufei finally reached the top of the mountain with difficulty.

There is no one on the top of the mountain, only a line of writing on the ground.

I take a giant bird to go to the deep mountains to have a look, don't worry.

(End of this chapter)

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