Chapter 266: Unraveling the Cocoon
Pu Jujian didn't notice at all that there was someone watching him from afar.

Zhao Ya was far behind, but not particularly close.

Because to Zhao Ya, the smell of the zerg fragrance on Pu Jujian was like a torch in the night, it couldn't be more obvious, so naturally he didn't have to worry about losing it.

In this way, Zhao Ya followed Pu Jujian across most of the city, and finally came to a medical clinic called Tzu Chi Tang.

The scale of this medical center is not too big, but there are many people coming in and out, making it very busy.

At the same time, Zhao Ya also noticed that almost all the people who came to this clinic were women, and they were all women with their hair in buns.

Could it be that this is a hospital specializing in gynecological diseases?
Seeing Pu Jujian walk into the hospital, Zhao Ya stood across the street and did not rush in.

Now he is almost certain that this Tzu Chi Tang medical hall should be a stronghold of the Five Poison Sect, and it may even be related to the Beast Control Sect.

Now the Five Poison Sect is becoming more and more powerful in Wanshou County. It claims to be the Five Immortals Orthodox Sect and has attracted many gangs to join them.

But Zhao Ya inquired carefully, and found that the altars put on the bright side by the Five Poison Sect were just decorations.

There are no serious members of the Five Poison Sect at all, at most they are disciples of believers who have been deceived by fools.

Zhao Ya knew that this should be a suspicious array deliberately set up by the Five Poison Sect, in order to attract the attention of hostile forces through these open altars, but the real power is lurking underwater.

In this way, not only can it preserve its own strength to the greatest extent, but it can also lure the snake out of its hole.

If there is really a force that does not have long-sightedness targeting him, the power lurking in the dark can immediately take action, destroying the enemy invisible, and the means are not unskilled.

This is also the reason why Zhao Ya valued Pu Jujian so much, because only through him can he find the hidden Five Poison Sect.

Now that the goal has been determined, but if you just go in so rashly, it is very likely to scare the snake.

To be on the safe side, Zhao Ya had to prepare a little bit.

At the same time, in a pharmacy behind the Tzu Chi Hall, an old man with white hair and childlike face, with a bit of fairy air, was feeling the pulse of the patient.

The patient is a young woman who still has charm, but her frown is frowning, giving people a charming feeling.

"Ma'am, do you often feel a dull pain in the left rib, and at the same time, the Gui water is not adjusted?"

"That's right doctor, I do often feel pain in my left rib, especially at night, the pain is worse." The woman said hurriedly.

"Well, you are caused by qi stagnation, blood stasis and stagnation of liver qi. I will prescribe you a few medicines to transform qi and blood. Don't get angry while taking the medicine. Also, don't close the doors and windows completely when you sleep at night, keep the air circulation."

After finishing speaking, the old man tapped his pen, wrote a prescription and handed it to the woman.

The woman took it with gratitude and left.

After she left, the old man with a serious face suddenly raised his hand and sniffed lightly under his nose, then smiled and silently recorded the situation of this woman.

He only prescribed the medicine for the woman for three days, and she will definitely come back three days later, and if he uses some tricks, he will probably be able to get her on the bed soon.

Just as the old man was thinking about something beautiful, Pu Jujian opened the door and walked in. When he saw the old man, he immediately fell to his knees.

"Brother, I'm here to beg you."

Although there is a big difference in age, the old man does not allow Pu Jujian to call him anything else, only allows him to call him big brother.

"Oh, it's Ju Jian! Why are you in such a hurry?" the old man said lazily.

"Brother, didn't I tell you before that I fell in love with a woman from the Song family, and I was going to propose a marriage today, but I didn't expect that not only failed, but also humiliated by her, please give me some advice, See what I should do next." Pu Jujian said.

"Oh, so that's the case, tell me what's going on." The old man said lightly.

Pu Ju Jianjian told the story of the incident, especially what Song Peiwan said.

Speaking of excitement, Pu Jujian burst into tears.

The old man was happy.

"What's the big deal for me? So that's all. To put it bluntly, it's because this woman didn't like you?"

"Yes!" Pu Jujian said with a depressed face.

"This is easy to handle. I have a kind of fairy medicine here. Even a chaste and strong woman will turn into a slut if she eats it."

"You take 100 taels of silver, and I'll give you this medicine. You find a way to feed that girl, so that after the raw rice is cooked, she will follow you if she doesn't follow you." The old man said very naturally .

Pu Jujian originally resisted this kind of behavior, but today it hit him too hard, so after hearing the old man's idea, Pu Jujian nodded immediately.

"Okay, I have money with me."

For today's matter, Pu Jujian took all the money in the family with her, but she didn't expect to use it now.

Pu Jujian took out a bank note from her pocket and handed it to the old man.

After the old man took it, he reached out and took out a small pink medicine bottle from the drawer.

"Here, this is it. Remember that it contains enough for three times. Don't use it all at once, or it will kill you."

"Understood." Pu Jujian happily took the medicine bottle, turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait a moment."

"Brother, is there anything else?" Pu Jujian asked.

"Remember, you haven't been here today, let alone seen me." The old man said in a deep voice.

"Yeah, I know, I will never talk nonsense." Pu Jujian said very seriously.

The old man waved his hand, "Go, go."

Pu Jujian left.

After he left, the old man sat on the chair and pondered for a while before saying, "Next."

He didn't realize that right on the roof at this moment, there was a person crouching on the ridge, silently watching everything in the house through the gap between the tiles and the purlins.

Zhao Ya heard the conversation between Pu Jujian and the old man just now from the roof.

In addition to confirming that this is indeed a stronghold of the Five Poison Sect, Zhao Ya made another more important discovery.

That is, this old man is absolutely abnormal.

Even though his hair was white and his face was wrinkled with vicissitudes, Zhao Ya's first impression of him was that he was a young man.

There is no other reason, but this person's eyes are too young.

Makeup can be changed, posture can be disguised, but eyes cannot be changed.

This is also an important basis for judging a person's age.

And if this old man is really a person pretending to be, then this disguise method can be regarded as very clever.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ya suddenly remembered what Na Li De said when he was suppressing the Five Poison Sect.

He said that their leader, Cong Bo, is very good at words and has a very strong ability to disguise, especially the ability to disguise and disguise is even more lifelike.

Could it be that this old man is the Cong Bo that Li De mentioned?

The more Zhao Ya thought about it, the more he felt that there was such a possibility, and he was faintly excited.

I didn't expect my luck to be so good. I only wanted to find out the details of the Five Poison Sect through Pujujian, but I found such a big fish.

Xiao Yan once said that this Cong Bo's master is the fifth elder of the Beast Controlling Sect. He is a high-ranking and powerful person with real power.

Although Cong Bo's strength is not high, he is extremely valued by the fifth elder.

If I can catch him, I will definitely learn more secrets about the Beast Taming Sect.

But now is not the time to act.

Anyway, I already know the identity of Cong Bo, and he won't be able to escape for a while, so let him play tricks here for a few days.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ya quietly covered the roof tile that had been uncovered, and then used his posture to leave.

By the time Zhao Ya returned to Song Yuanrui's house, it was already noon.

Tan Dong stayed on the roof for a whole half a day, tired and hungry, but he didn't dare to get up, for fear of being discovered again, which can be described as miserable.

So when he saw Zhao Ya coming back, Tan Dong couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief and said in a low voice.

"Brother Zhao, you are back."

"How is it? Is there anything wrong?" Zhao Ya asked.

"What else can I do, just swear at people. I found out that this shrew can really swear. She scolded for a long time, but she didn't say a single word."

"Song Yuanrui didn't say how to deal with this side?"

"No, except for a few words of persuasion to his wife at the beginning, he didn't say a word afterwards."

Zhao Ya nodded, "Let's go, go back first."

"Ah, just go back like this?"

"Otherwise?" Zhao Ya asked.

"I thought I had to beat up this couple anyway." Tan Dong said with some disappointment.

Zhao Ya smiled, "Okay, beating them won't solve the problem, so let's go back first."

In fact, Zhao Ya didn't say a word.

He asked Tan Dong to guard here just to see what Song Yuanrui and his wife were going to do.

If this Song Yuan Ruiming thing is reasonable, everything is easy to talk about.

If the couple really planned to use some poisonous scheme, then Zhao Ya wouldn't mind sending them away.

But now it seems that this Song Yuanrui is quite sensible.

Then let them go for now.

Zhao Ya took Tan Dong away.

Song Pu, who had no idea that he had escaped a catastrophe, was still cursing in the room.

Song Yuanrui was silently thinking about how to deal with this matter.

At the same time, Yan Tingshan, who was thousands of miles away in Yandu City, was also thinking about one thing.

At this time, he was lying alone on the huge dragon bed, with no concubines accompanying him except for a few eunuchs serving him.

Especially his favorite Concubine Rong, who has never been seen.

Yan Tingshan was annoyed by this, and wanted to curse, but found that he didn't even have the strength to get angry now.

Not only that, but he also discovered a terrifying fact.

That is, since I fell ill, I haven't even visited a court minister.

There are only two possibilities, one is that the news of his serious illness has been blocked, and the other is that someone is preventing him from seeing outsiders.

No matter which kind of possibility reveals a strong ominous meaning.

Yan Tingshan is not stupid.

In fact, Yan Tingshan still has some ability to be the emperor and hold the power of the court for so many years.

It was only after seeing the situation that the situation was deteriorating day by day that he became disheartened that he gave up on himself.

Now seeing that he was seriously ill, but there was no one around him, he knew something was wrong.

"Come here!" he called weakly.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter with you?"

"Pass the decree, Xuan Yanxi will enter the palace."

 My daughter has a fever, and the doctor said it was positive. Everyone should pay more attention. Recently, there are a lot of people in Sanyang. Let’s do it today. If there is nothing wrong, I will update it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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