Chapter 276 No Man's Land

The bitter cold wind whizzed past with the dust on the ground. Although it was daytime, the light was as dim as evening.

The temperature had already dropped below freezing, and there were not even a single bird to be seen on the bare peaks seen along the road, let alone beasts.

As far as the eye can see, there is nothing except a dilapidated road that extends deep into the mountains.

Zhao Ya, wearing a cloak, looked at everything outside and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

No wonder that although this land is vast, it has not formed a strong force for so many years.

In this doomsday-like hostile environment, it is not surprising that anyone with a weaker mental capacity will easily fall into a vortex of sadness and despair, or even go crazy.

So unless it is really desperate, most people will never come to this kind of place.

The road that Zhao Ya is taking now is the shortest road from Dayan to the Land of Huawai.

Before coming here, he had inquired about the route in detail, and also asked Mo Qi and Lu Dingtai.

They all said that there are several roads between Dayan and Huawai Land, but most of them are very dangerous, and there are only a few that can pass.

Among them, the shortest road has to pass through a large no-man's land, and it is usually passed in groups, and it is rare for a single person to walk this way.

After all, such a large no-man's land, if you walk alone, if you encounter any danger, it will be over.

But the road that is feared by ordinary people like a natural moat is completely unobstructed to Zhao Ya.

After all, with Zhao Ya's current strength, he can be said to be invincible below the level of opening his pulse. Normal opening of his pulse is equivalent to one.

So facing such a no-man's land, Zhao Ya didn't care at all.

Now Zhao Ya has walked along this road for half a day, probably more than 100 li.

This is a terrifying number, because the road is rough and difficult, and most people can only travel sixty or seventy miles in a day of exhaustion, which is considered fast.

If it is a caravan carrying goods, it will only travel forty or fifty miles a day.

However, caravans generally don't go here, they would rather go around the distance than take the risk.

It was just over two o'clock in the afternoon, and it was getting dark.

The wind is blowing more and more fiercely, and there are also a little snowflakes in it.

In an instant, heavy snow fell, and the distant peaks quickly turned white.

This bad weather not only did not faze Zhao Ya, but instead aroused his inner pride.

With a light tap of his toes, he jumped up and ran against the wind and snow like this.

Under the full use of body skills, Zhao Ya's speed was as fast as a ghost, moving rapidly in the darkness.

Often a vertical leap can fly tens of feet away, and when in the air, Zhao Ya will try his best to take advantage of the wind.

Only when you are really exhausted will you lightly step on the ground with your toes to borrow strength.

At this time, if someone observes the footprints left by Zhao Ya, they will find that there is only a shallow imprint on the thin snow, which does not seem to be left by someone passing by.

Although it is not true that there is no trace of stepping on the snow, it is quite impressive.

In fact, Zhao Ya has been thinking about how to improve his lightness kung fu and agility by one level.

If it can be upgraded from back to basics to extraordinary and holy, the speed of movement will definitely increase by a large amount.

It's a pity that I haven't found an opportunity.

After all, in terms of body speed, there are not many in Dayan who can compare with Zhao Ya.

How can this be improved?

It seems that we still have to go to other places to find the target.

In this way, Zhao Ya galloped for more than an hour, drove another 100 miles, and then gradually slowed down.

Not because of being tired.

Instead, Zhao Ya saw a little fire in front of him.

After getting closer, Zhao Ya could even hear human voices coming along the wind.

It's a caravan!
Zhao Ya did not expect that his luck would be so good that he would meet a caravan in this wild place.

It's just that they don't know what this caravan is transporting, and they dare to take the risk to cross the no-man's land.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and the snow on the ground was more than half a meter deep, and it was still falling.

Zhao Ya slowed down and quickly came closer.

After getting closer, Zhao Ya finally understood why the caravan was stationed here.

It turns out that this is a mountain depression surrounded by several peaks, which can shelter the wind and snow to the maximum extent, and it is a perfect camping place.

From a distance, Zhao Ya found that the caravan was not too big, but the strength of the guards was quite impressive.

There are seven or eight warriors of the four realms that can be seen on the bright side, and the rest are all at the peak of the three realms.

Zhao Ya observed for a while, and finally decided to rest here too.

After all, with such a heavy snowstorm, continuing on the road will consume a lot of energy, which is not worth the gain.

So he emerged from the darkness.


A guard standing guard at a high place found Zhao Ya immediately, and he was so frightened that he yelled and asked, and at the same time he held a knife in his hand, ready to deal with the enemy.

Not only him, but the rest of the guards in the camp also responded instantly.

Some people assembled into a battle formation, ready to fight, while others rushed to the side of the car immediately and took precautions.

Zhao Ya stopped in his tracks and said loudly: "I am also a person on the road. I saw a fire in the night, so I hurried over."

Hearing what Zhao Ya said, the vigilance of these people still hasn't diminished in the slightest.

After all, in the middle of the snowy night, a person suddenly appeared and said that he was on the road.

How strange this sounds.

"I don't intend to disturb you either, I just want to camp and rest in a sheltered place for the night." Zhao Ya explained again.

The guards looked at each other in blank dismay, and one of the older men clasped his fist.

"My friend, I'm really sorry. We have already occupied this place. Please move up a step and choose another place."

Zhao Ya frowned slightly.

This mountain depression is very wide, and the caravan only occupied one corner of it, leaving the rest empty, but it does not allow others to camp here, which is a bit overbearing.

However, Zhao Ya was not angry.

After all, in this barren mountains and wild mountains, his appearance was a bit abrupt, and it was normal for these people to be more vigilant.

But before Zhao Ya could speak, a man in his thirties walked out of a tent.

"Old Chen, forget it. It's freezing cold, and it's not easy for him to travel alone. Let him camp nearby to rest."

"But Master, this person's origin is unknown, what if he is a spy of a thief?" said the guard leader, Old Chen.

The man smiled, "In this snowy night, no bird dares to fly, and thieves are all nesting in their nests. Who will come out?"

As he spoke, the man cupped his hands towards Zhao Ya.

"My friend, I'm really sorry. Logically speaking, I should let you into the camp, but it's really inconvenient, so please do it yourself."

Zhao Ya also laughed.

This man is not old, but he has a broad mind.

So he also returned a salute.

"Thank you."

Then Zhao Ya chose a clean and leeward corner and started to build a camp under the eyes of this old Chen.

It is said to be a camp, but it is actually a simple triangular frame built with a few dead woods, and then a tarpaulin is placed on it.

Then Zhao Ya swiftly lit a bonfire, and heated the dry food he was carrying with him by the fire.

Even if Zhao Ya's current digestion ability is abnormal because of his gastrointestinal talent, even if it is frozen into ice lumps, it can still be digested.

But if it is comfortable to eat, who would like to eat ice lumps?

Just as Zhao Ya was roasting hot dry food and was about to eat it, a guard suddenly came over with two things.

"This is from our boss."

Speaking of which, the guard put the things on the ground, turned and left.

One of them was a roast chicken wrapped in dried lotus leaves, and a small jar of wine.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Ya couldn't help but raise his head and look towards the camp not far away.

I saw that man was also looking here.

Zhao Ya smiled, then clasped his hands together.


The man smiled and waved his hands, then turned and went back to the tent.

Zhao Ya picked up these two things. Although he didn't eat them, he knew there was nothing wrong just by smelling them.

Roast chicken is pre-cooked, now just heat it up.

Zhao Ya found a long wooden stick and put it on, put it on the fire to roast, then opened the cork of the wine and took a slow sip.

The wine was strong.

It must be at least 70 degrees.

After the entrance, it slid down the throat like a red-hot knife.

But after the belly fell, the whole person was refreshed, and even the cold air seemed to dissipate a lot.

From these two things, it can be seen that this caravan has a lot of walking experience.

Roast chicken can not only be stored for a long time after being processed, but also has a very good taste when it is heated for a while.

Secondly, this high-strength wine can not only be drunk, but can also be used to disinfect after injury, and even be used as a fire starter at critical moments.

I just don't know why such an experienced caravan took such a huge risk to take this trip?

But Zhao Ya quickly put this doubt behind him.

Because who doesn't have a few secrets these days.

He and the other party just met by chance, so why should he be so curious.

At this time, the roast chicken was ready, and Zhao Ya began to feast on it.

And just as he was eating meat and drinking, in the camp, the leader of the guards, Old Chen, said with some dissatisfaction.

"Boss, I know you have a good heart, but you really shouldn't allow such a person of unknown origin to camp nearby. What if something happens to you?"

"Old Chen, I know you are a little worried, but this man is definitely not a spy of a thief, he is just a pedestrian."

"Besides, on this freezing snowy night, if he misses this shelter, he might freeze to death."

"If you are really worried, just send a few people to watch him."

Old Chen didn't dare to say anything.

At this moment, the guard who delivered the things came in.

"Things have been delivered."

"Did he accept it?" the man asked.

"Not only have I received it, but I've already eaten it."

The man was taken aback when he heard the words, then smiled and said: "Did you see that, if this man is really a spy of a thief, how dare he eat what we gave him?"

Old Chen frowned slightly when he heard this.

In his opinion, if he dares to eat other people's food casually, this person is either a young boy who has just left the rivers and lakes, or he has something to rely on.

But would a young boy who just came out of the rivers and lakes dare to walk in such a desolate no-man's land?
He always felt that this pedestrian who appeared suddenly was a little weird.

So after the man returned to the tent, he called a few guards and told him, "Tonight, you will take turns to be on duty. Pay special attention to this person who came suddenly. If there is any change, please report to me immediately."


Late at night.

The snow has lightened, but the wind has not stopped.

Sitting in the tent made of tarpaulin, Zhao Ya suddenly felt lonely when he heard the howling wind outside.

For a while without Zui'er by his side, he really didn't feel used to it.

But soon, this feeling was interrupted by the secret breathing method that swallowed the power of the morning star.

Zhao Ya closed his eyes and meditated, bit by bit cultivating the foundation of true power in his dantian.

Unlike other secret methods, the process of cultivating Dantian seeds using the power of swallowing stars is very long.

This is also a preparation for opening up meridians and refining acupuncture points in the future.

Zhao Ya was not in a hurry, because he hadn't been proving the five realms for a long time, so he just took this opportunity to sharpen his own strength.

But at this moment, Zhao Ya seemed to notice something, his ears twitched slightly, and then he slowly opened his eyes.

It was pitch black outside.

The bonfire that Zhao Ya had had before had also been extinguished long ago.

But at this moment, Zhao Ya suddenly picked up the cold iron knife in front of him, and stabbed backhand.


After the cold iron knife pierced through the oilcloth, it pierced directly into a soft place.

There were groans of pain and the sound of bodies falling to the ground outside, but they were quickly drowned out by the whistling wind.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Ya lifted the tarpaulin and jumped into the darkness.

Behind the tarpaulin tent, there was a person crouching, the blood dripping from his body had been frozen, and he couldn't die anymore.

Zhao Ya narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at the darkness in the distance, and then at the camp behind.

"Forget it, I should thank you for the jar of wine."

Saying that, Zhao Ya hid in the darkness again.

At the same time, in a corner not far from the col, several men in black were lurking.

"What's going on, let the third child go to investigate the reality, why haven't you come back yet?" someone said.

"I guess they came across a sentry post. These caravans should be cautious now, just wait and see." Someone nearby responded.

But these people didn't notice at all that a black shadow had quietly approached them.

The next moment, a flash of knife light flashed.

The man lying at the very back had his throat slit without even a groan.

Blood bubbled out.

He clutched his neck and wanted to shout, but he couldn't.


The remaining people finally realized something was wrong and drew their weapons to fight the enemy.

But they didn't even see Zhao Ya's appearance, so they were thrown to the ground neatly.

Finally, Zhao Ya stepped on a man in black and said coldly, "Who are you?"

The man in black was startled.

He never thought that this seemingly inconspicuous caravan actually had such a powerful presence.

"Sir... Sir, we are from Heifeng Village not far ahead. We saw a caravan passing by during the day, so we came over to see what was going on."

 Kawenka is here now, tomorrow is [-]D

(End of this chapter)

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