Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 297: Working hard to practice the true power of swallowing stars, hiding murderous intention

Chapter 297: Working hard to practice the true power of swallowing stars, hiding murderous intentions

Fudo Meiou Fist?
Zhao Ya was stunned for a moment, then a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Because according to Buddhist teachings, King Fudo is the first of the eight great kings. The teachings of the Buddhas are the wrathful appearance of the Great Sun Tathagata, and they have great power.

Nowadays, the three styles of boxing are integrated together and promoted to Fudo Myoou Boxing. Its power can be imagined.

However, it is not suitable to practice this boxing technique now, because it is late at night, and the power of this Fudo Myoou Boxing is very huge. If it is practiced, it will make too much noise and it will easily cause unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, Zhao Ya slowly exhaled, settled the move, and then opened the attribute panel.

Other martial arts skills have basically remained unchanged, except for the Five Tiger Fist, the Great Vajra Fist and the Little Arhat Fist, which have all disappeared and been replaced by a new line of prompts.

Fudo Meiou Fist (return to nature 13%)

At that time, Wuhu Quan had reached 99% return to nature, and it was only one step away from transcendence and becoming a saint.

The level of the Great Vajra Fist is slightly lower, but it has also reached 99% of the ultimate level.

Coupled with the Little Arhat Fist that I learned later, the three superpositions can only bring the Fudo Mingou Fist to the state of returning to nature.

But Zhao Ya knew very well that the power of his boxing skills was now many times more powerful than before.

This is a qualitative leap, like a reincarnation, reshaping Zhao Ya's understanding of boxing.

Before this, among the martial arts that Zhao Ya knew, the strongest one was the wind-cutting sword technique. After all, this was the only skill that could reach the realm of transcendence and sainthood.

But now Zhao Ya feels that in terms of lethality alone, his boxing technique has far surpassed others and has become a unique existence.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yaqiang suppressed his inner excitement, and then began to use the starlight in the sky to practice the power of swallowing stars.

Because Zhao Ya knows that the improvement of boxing skills is just the beginning. If he wants to truly gain a firm foothold, only the improvement of his realm is fundamental.

As long as he can successfully open up his meridians and become a real meridian-opening state, Xia Jiye will no longer have the power to control himself.

Along with the long breathing, strands of starlight slowly penetrated into Zhao Ya's body, and the starlight in his dantian became brighter and more intense.

Before this, the seeds of Zhao Ya's star-swallowing true power had been gestated. Now with the continuous influx of starlight, the star-swallowing true power in his dantian began to move.

This is a sign that the meridians need to be opened.

Zhao Ya was neither sad nor happy, and instead of guiding him, he continued to attract starlight into his body.

For any warrior who has reached this point, this is a long process that cannot be completed overnight.

But this is where the power of Swallowing Star's true power is overbearing. The speed at which it can attract starlight far exceeds other true power cultivation methods.

Even the true power of Canglong Temple's secret sect, Canglong, is far inferior to it.

Zhao Ya also thought about why there was such an obvious difference.

Later, Zhao Ya had a vague feeling that the most different point between Swallowing Star Zhenli and other Zhenli cultivation methods should be in this fundamental map.

I have said before that there are countless methods of cultivating true power in the world, but they are always the same. No matter what kind of method of cultivating true power, they need to have a fundamental plan.

Everyone needs to visualize the fundamental picture when getting started, and gain different true powers through their own insights.

But Zhao Ya did not take this step when he was cultivating the true power of swallowing stars.

Zhao Ya was a little confused at the beginning, but it was not until later that he understood that the true power of Swallowing Stars did not have no fundamental picture, but that its fundamental picture was the sky full of stars.

After discovering this, Zhao Ya's hair stood up.

Zhao Ya has nothing but admiration for Fu Dongjun, who originally founded the star-swallowing true power method.

Because it takes such great generosity and courage to think of using the stars in the sky as a fundamental diagram to practice.

It is precisely because of this that Zhao Ya's cultivation of the true power of swallowing stars has progressed so quickly.

Even in just a few months, he has reached a level that others cannot practice in several years.

However, Zhao Ya also understands that the early stage of cultivation of swallowing star's true power is fast, but it will slow down later.

Because compared to others, Swallowing Star's true power has one more step, which is to refine the acupoints.

However, Zhao Ya did not have any fear of difficulties, but was full of confidence.

If one could really refine all the acupuncture points all over the body as Fu Dongjun said in the secret book, would he really become a being like a land god?
While Zhao Ya was intensifying his training in the courtyard, in a courtyard not far from Chuanwu Hall, Xia Jiye and several familiar elders were sitting around drinking.

Xia Jiye's face was so gloomy that he could almost drip with water. He drank glass after glass of wine without saying a word the whole time.

The elders here all understood Xia Jiye's character and knew that he was still brooding about what happened during the day, so they did not persuade him, but just accompanied him silently.


Xia Jiye suddenly squeezed the wine glass in his hand.

With a bang, the porcelain cup was crushed to pieces.

Then Xia Jiye said in an extremely cold voice: "If this son is not eliminated, my heart will not be at ease." As he said that, he looked at the elders and asked, "What do you think?"

A chubby elder laughed when he heard this, and then nodded: "I have no objection. After all, if he humiliates you in public, it is equivalent to humiliating all our elders who teach the power. If there is no explanation for this, how can we continue to be disciples in the future?" Time to gain a foothold?”

A tall and thin elder next to him also nodded in agreement, "I have no objection, but what are you going to do? Do it directly in the temple?"

"That's absolutely not possible."

Before Xia Jiye could say anything, a gentle elder next to him categorically rejected the proposal.

"After all, he is also a disciple of Canglong Temple, and he was recruited by Qin Jianji himself. If he does it in the temple, there will be too much noise, and it will easily cause unnecessary trouble."

"Elder Yu, what do you mean?" Xia Jiye obviously valued what Elder Yu said and asked immediately.

"What I mean is, not only can't this matter be done in the temple, it's best not to take action even if we don't do it, so as not to let people lie."

"But if you and I don't take action, who will kill this officer?" asked the chubby elder.

"Haha, isn't this simple? Just spend some money to find a few more powerful killers and kill him when he goes out?" Yu Zhang said.

The elders nodded after hearing this, "This is a solution, but what if this kid knows the benefits and doesn't go out?"

"He has to go out sooner or later, and I don't recommend taking action now. After all, there was a conflict just now, and Zhao Ya died the next day. Anyone will be suspicious. Although we are not afraid of the Great Elder, these rumors still have to be I have some scruples." Yu Zhang analyzed rationally.

Xia Jiye still felt a little stuffy in his chest and said hoarsely: "So during this period of time, you can only watch this kid live happily in front of your eyes?"

Yu Zhang laughed and said, "Brother Xia, let's get angry for the moment. I know you feel that you are embarrassed today, but this is actually nothing. And I also want to advise you, it is best not to make things too obvious. .”

"What do you mean?" Xia Jiye was stunned.

"Zhao Ya didn't give you a gift in the martial arts hall. You felt unhappy, so you found an excuse to prevent him from coming down as punishment. This idea is good, but you shouldn't do it in such a big way. Because this will only be counterproductive." Yu Zhang persuaded patiently.

Xia Jiye's face looked a little ugly, "I am doing this for our common interests. After all, everyone else has paid tribute, but this kid is indifferent. If this continues, there is no guarantee that other disciples will not have second thoughts."

"I understand, but sometimes you have to pay attention to your methods. Although the opinions of these disciples are not worth a lot of money, we still have to consider the feelings of the great elder."

"Oh? Did you hear something?" Xia Jiye and the elders were a little moved.

"I haven't heard much about the details, but the Great Elder has been busy outside recently. Later, after I inquired in every possible way, I heard that the Great Elder seemed to be thinking of rebuilding the outer gate."

"Rebuilding the outer door?"

Xia Jiye and the elders looked at each other with doubts on their faces.

"How come you suddenly thought of rebuilding the outer gate?" the fat elder asked.

"I don't know, but the Great Elder's actions are definitely not without purpose. He must have some intentions. He tried to interfere with our martial arts hall several times before, but we pushed him back. Now he does it again at this juncture. There is something wrong with this matter after all, so we’d better be more careful these days.”

Everyone's expressions became a little solemn.

Xia Jiye also felt a little chill down his spine.

Compared with Zhao Ya's "offense" against him, this is the real event worthy of attention.

"Okay, then let's wait until the limelight has passed before we come to settle accounts with Zhao Ya." Xia Jiye said bitterly.

"That's right. Besides, he is just a small five-level person. He has only joined our Canglong Temple for a few days. Now that he has taken the initiative to offend you, you will no longer teach him any skills from today on. .”

"It won't take more than a year and a half. Once his cultivation level drops, he will be disheartened and may even quit on his own initiative," Yu Zhang said.

Xia Jiye then turned from anger to joy, "Of course it's the best, come on, come on, have a drink!"

Early the next morning, Zhao Ya was awakened by a knock on the door. When he opened the door, he saw Gui Xuanqing standing at the door with a complicated expression.

There is guilt, admiration, and worry.


"Well, it's Junior Brother Gui, what's wrong?"

"Senior brother, Xia... Elder Xia asked me to bring a message, saying that since you can complete the master's tasks independently, it means that you have become a disciple and you don't have to go to the martial arts hall in the future."

At the end of the speech, Gui Xuanqing's tone was very low, and he didn't even dare to look directly at Zhao Ya.

When he thought about it, Zhao Ya might have been very sad after hearing the news.

After all, being deprived of the qualification to study in Chuanwu Hall means that Zhao Ya will have to rely on himself for future training.

The difference in this can be imagined.

But he never expected that Zhao Ya seemed to have expected this, he didn't even blink his eyelids, and then smiled.

"Oh, so that's it. It just so happens that I don't want to see this Xia Jiye, so this saves trouble."

 It’s 100 million words, take a moment to commemorate it!At the same time, I would like to thank all the book friends for their rewards. Because there are too many, I will not thank them one by one. Moonlight will work hard!

(End of this chapter)

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