Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 337 Jing Ping Sheng comes out of seclusion, chaos is coming

Chapter 337 Jing Ping Sheng comes out of seclusion, chaos is coming
Bao Shan looked at Zhao Ya with hope, hoping that he could impress him with his attitude and gain a chance of survival.

But Zhao Ya's reaction next was far beyond his expectation.

Zhao Ya chuckled lightly and clasped his hands together suddenly.

With a pop, the poisonous insect was crushed to pieces with great force, and its green internal organs mixed with sticky juices splashed onto the ground, making a sizzling sound of corrosion.

Bao Shan screamed and vomited out a mouthful of black blood. Then his whole body began to decline at a speed visible to the naked eye, aging by as much as 20 years almost in the blink of an eye.

But even so, Bao Shan still didn't dare to show any resentment. He just looked at Zhao Ya with confusion on his face, as if he didn't understand why he did this.

"Do you think I haven't killed you yet because I covet this poisonous insect?" Zhao Ya said coldly, and then threw the shriveled insect skin on the ground.

For Zhao Ya, the poisonous path is just the icing on the cake.

Because with the growth of strength and realm, the effect of poison will inevitably become smaller and smaller.

Needless to say, top players like Guan Xuejiang and Guo Luming, let’s talk about Shen Yunshen.

Even if he stood still, no matter how Zhao Ya poisoned him, he probably wouldn't be able to break his defense.

Because after reaching his level of cultivation, he is already immune to most poisons.

Even if there are still some poisons that can work on him, these poisons are either extremely rare or have weak effects.

Therefore, among the truly top experts, poison attacks have become completely useless.

Therefore, the poisonous insect that was extremely precious in Bao Shan's eyes was nothing more than that to Zhao Ya.

Zhao Ya didn't even have much interest in the insect poison that was said to be domineering and strange.

Bao Shan's fat face became sweaty, and he said with a smile: "Yes, sir, I am just blind. I know what you want to ask, and I will tell you everything I know now."

"Oh, you know what I want to ask?" Zhao Ya raised his eyebrows slightly.

Bao Shan nodded vigorously, "You must want to know what Farewell Building plans to do next, right?"

"To tell you the truth, when I was waiting to set off, the building was already prepared, and we would launch a large-scale attack in three or four days at the latest. Now two days have passed, so it will only be within these one or two days."

After saying that, he looked at Zhao Ya quite appreciatively.

Zhao Ya's face was as sinking as water.

The information provided by Bao Shan is indeed very important.

But Zhao Ya's focus is not on this.

"So is Beicanglong also going to send out a large number of troops?" Zhao Ya asked in a deep voice.

Bao Shan's expression changed.

He didn't expect that Zhao Ya even knew this.

However, with his thoughts turning, he quickly nodded solemnly.

"Yes, otherwise Farewell Building would not dare to be so arrogant. Moreover, Beicanglong took the initiative to propose this matter, and he was very confident about it. Later I heard..."

"What did you hear?" Zhao Ya asked immediately.

"I heard that something unexpected happened among the Beicang Dragons. An extremely powerful being came out of seclusion." Bao Shan said hesitantly.

After hearing this, Zhao Ya's expression changed drastically.

If anyone among the Northern Canglongs could be called an extremely powerful being, it would be the genius who directly led to the split of Canglong Temple.

Zhao Ya recalled what he saw in the blue dragon picture on the cliff.

That young man was actually able to force the great elder of Canglong Temple to use a trick that would kill both of them, which shows how terrifying his strength is.

And that was 20 years ago.

Now twenty years have passed by in a hurry, and I don’t know what level this person’s strength has reached.

Zhao Ya realized the seriousness of the situation.

If things are really as what Bao Shan said, then Nan Cang Long is bound to face another catastrophe.

Must prepare early!
Zhao Ya immediately made up his mind and stretched out his hand to cut off all the meridians in Bao Shan's body, causing him to completely lose his ability to resist. Then he carried him back to the woods.

At this time, all ten teams that went down the mountain to search have gathered here.

Shen Yunshen was checking on Lai Cai and others who were dead at the edge of the woods. When he saw Zhao Ya returning with Bao Shan, he couldn't help but smile.

"I knew you wouldn't let these guys go."

As for Qiao Le, who had already lost all his cultivation by Shen Yunshen, after seeing Bao Shan, the last hope in his heart was shattered.

He thought Bao Shan could escape, but he didn't expect that he would also be captured.

At the same time, Zhao Ya came to Shen Yunshen with a solemn expression and roughly recounted what Bao Shan said.

Shen Yunshen, who was originally smiling, couldn't help but change his expression after hearing what Zhao Ya said.

"What? That bastard Jing Pingsheng is actually coming out of seclusion?" He growled, his eyelids twitching uncontrollably.

As someone who was once as famous as Saint Jingping and later personally experienced the splitting war, he naturally knew how terrifying this Saint Jingping was.

Otherwise, the name Jingping Sheng would not have become a taboo in Nan Canglong over the years.

Unless they have no choice, most people will not mention him at all, and even if they do, they will try to call him by that person.

Even if the Jingping Saint hadn't been injured back then and had been in seclusion since then, Nan Canglong wouldn't have been able to remain calm to this day.

Now that he heard that he was released from seclusion, Shen Yunshen knew that another bloody storm was about to begin.

In comparison, the so-called Farewell Building is nothing more than a scabies problem.

"Xiao Ya, take this person back with me and report the situation to the Great Elder."

The matter was so important that Shen Yunshen did not dare to make a decision, so he said in a deep voice.

"it is good!"

Zhao Ya picked up Bao Shan and told Tian Yixin and others to return to Canglong Temple as soon as possible after cleaning the battlefield, and then hurriedly left with Shen Yunshen.

Soon, Zhao Ya and Shen Yunshen returned to Canglong Temple and met Guan Xuejiang.

After listening to Zhao Ya's story and the supplement from Bao Shan, Guan Xuejiang's face sank like water and he didn't speak for a long time.

Shen Yunshen was a little anxious.

"Great Elder, the situation is urgent now. Should we prepare in advance to deal with the war that may occur at any time?"

That's right!

It is war.

There is no country in the alien land, only sects one after another.

The Northern and Southern Canglong are like two divided countries. Once a dispute occurs, the scale will be no less than a war.

Guan Xuejiang sighed.

"Yun Shen, don't worry. I understand all these principles and of course I have to make preparations. I'm just thinking about one thing."

"I made a mistake." Shen Yunshen also realized that he had made a mistake and apologized quickly.

His attitude just now was clearly to blame the great elder. Fortunately, Guan Xuejiang had a good temper. For someone with a narrow mind, these words alone would be enough to cause trouble.

Guan Xuejiang smiled and waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, you are here for our Canglong Temple too."

"So Great Elder, what are you thinking about?" Zhao Ya asked at this time.

"I was thinking that the martial arts cultivation of Jing Ping Sheng back then was the best in the world. Otherwise, as a disciple, he would not be able to cause the split of Canglong Temple, which was in its heyday at that time." "Now that another 20 years have passed, his strength must be even deeper. Guess, but in that case, why didn’t he just come over after he got out of seclusion, instead of getting entangled with someone like Farewell Building and doing something unworthy of publicity?”

I have to say that, as the Great Elder, although Guan Xuejiang is a bit too gentle in temperament, he has enough vision.

With just the trivial information he obtained, Guan Xuejiang directly grasped the key point.

After hearing his analysis, Shen Yunshen's eyes lit up.

"You mean this news is false?"

"You can't say that. Beicanglong has been dormant for 20 years. Although it has occasionally had friction with us, it can be regarded as getting along well. Now it suddenly makes such a big move, it is obviously relying on something."

"It's just that I guess Jing Pingsheng's retreat shouldn't go as smoothly as expected. Otherwise, with his character, he would have killed him single-handedly, and how could he have done these things."

Shen Yunshen nodded sincerely.

"That's the truth. According to what you mean, Great Elder..."

"Even so, we can't take it lightly, Xiaoya!"

"The disciple is here!"

"You have taken the greatest credit this time, but I will have to trouble you more in the future. Since Farewell Building and Beicanglong are colluding together and planning to launch a large-scale attack, we naturally can't be idle. We have to give them a surprise."

At the end, Guan Xuejiang's eyes flashed with cold killing intent.

No matter how gentle his temper was, Guan Xuejiang still showed the decisiveness that a superior person should have when faced with this kind of thing.

"Disciple obeys."

Zhao Ya was also sincerely convinced.

In fact, what Guan Xuejiang said was also what Zhao Ya was thinking, and even understood it more deeply than Shen Yunshen.

After all, he had seen "with his own eyes" how powerful Jing Pingsheng was back then.

So after hearing the information provided by Bao Shan, Zhao Ya was also a little confused.

Why would such a powerful being use such despicable methods?
If it were Zhao Ya, he would have killed him by himself.

Therefore, Zhao Ya also believed that there must be something wrong with Jing Ping Sheng.

At the same time, Zhao Ya still had a doubt in his mind.

That is how Jing Pingsheng practices.

You must know that Zhao Ya's talent is already outstanding. Coupled with the blessing of Golden Finger, personal perseverance, and several years of daily practice, he finally reached such a height at the age of 21.

This is already an almost unreplicable success.

But this Jingping Sheng's performance was even more exaggerated. He was actually able to defeat the great elder blessed by the power of the blue dragon at the age of thirty.

This can no longer be explained by simple talent.

Unless this Jing Ping Sheng has another adventure, or... there is something wrong with his cultivation method.

The reason for this conjecture is that when Zhao Ya was looking through materials in the library, he found some fragments about the separatist war that year.

The split war that year seemed to be related to the conflict in cultivation concepts.

But there is no more detailed explanation.

Nan Canglong seemed to be very secretive about this matter, and even Guo Luming was unwilling to mention it too much.

Zhao Ya could only guess, but it was not known exactly what conflicts in cultivation concepts could lead to conflicts between roommates.

After receiving the order from the great elder, the entire Southern Canglong became busy.

Especially when they learned that Farewell Tower actually colluded with Beicang Long and prepared to launch a large-scale invasion, everyone was filled with indignation.

Even Xia Jiye's former comrades have temporarily put aside their prejudices and worked together.

Because these people also understand that the previous conflicts were only internal. If Xia Jiye hadn't gone too far, he wouldn't have died.

But the conflict with Beicang Long is real and there is no mercy.

Failure even means death.

Therefore, these people rarely cooperate.

As the commander, Zhao Ya was even more busy.

But fortunately, Shen Yunshen helped him in the battle, and with the prestige Zhao Ya had accumulated before, each measure was implemented smoothly.

On the attic on the top floor of the library, Guan Xuejiang and Guo Luming stood in front of the window looking at Canglong Temple below.

From time to time, disciples can be seen walking past quickly, with expressions of excitement and nervousness on their faces.

"You are really lazy. Shouldn't you, the great elder, be sitting in command at this time, but instead you came to my place to drink?" Guo Luming said helplessly.

Guan Xuejiang chuckled, drank all the wine in the jar, and said happily.

"Isn't it Xiao Ya who is taking command for me? This little guy did an excellent job. Even if it were me, I wouldn't be able to do as well, so naturally I have to let Xian do it."

"Lazy is lazy, don't make excuses." Guo Luming scolded with a smile, and then handed Guan Xuejiang a jar of wine.

Guan Xuejiang looked at Guo Luming in surprise.

"What are you looking at? Drink."

Guan Xuejiang smiled, took the jar, knocked off the lid, and took a big gulp.

"Good wine!" Guan Xuejiang praised.

At this time, Guo Luming looked at the scenery outside the window and said leisurely: "This time Jingping Sheng comes out of seclusion, I guess he has completely repaired the internal injuries he suffered back then, and his skills have even improved. How do you plan to deal with this?"

"How else can we deal with it? Naturally, the soldiers will come and cover up the water and the earth." Guan Xuejiang said calmly.

Having said this, he turned to look at Guo Luming, and then said with a smile: "Brother, are you worried about me?"

Unexpectedly, Guo Luming nodded seriously after hearing this.


Guan Xuejiang was startled, then smiled and said: "Don't worry, senior brother, I have a sense of discretion."

"And I estimate that Saint Jingping is still stabilizing his cultivation and won't come in a short time."

Despite this, the worried look on Guo Luming's face did not dissipate.

He hesitated for a moment and then suddenly said: "How about I..."

But before he could finish speaking, Guan Xuejiang interrupted him directly.

"Senior Brother, I know what you want to say, but ever since Master handed over the position of Great Elder to me, I have already thought that such a day would come."

"This is my responsibility as the great elder. Even if you are my senior brother, you cannot share it for me."

"This library is the foundation of our Canglong Temple. With you guarding it, I can rest assured. As for the rest, you don't have to worry about it."

Guan Xuejiang knew what Guo Luming wanted to say, but he refused directly before Guo Luming finished speaking.

Guo Luming was silent.

Guan Xuejiang smiled, "And I'm not necessarily any worse than that Jing Ping Sheng. Master disrupted the true power in his body back then, and maybe he hasn't recovered yet."

"Besides... if it doesn't work out, I still have the blessing of the power of the blue dragon, so I may not lose to him."

(End of this chapter)

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