Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 358 Canglong Temple was expelled and broke through the Fengchi Cave

Chapter 358 Canglong Temple was expelled and broke through the Fengchi Cave
Nangong Yanran was stunned for a moment, then nodded hesitantly.

"Yes, my family and the Gui family are indeed very close to each other."

"Then you have a very good relationship with Gui Xuanqing, right? They are also commonly known as... childhood sweethearts?" Pei Quan'an asked with a smile.

When Pei Quan'an mentioned this, Nangong Yanran's face instantly turned pale, and then she hurriedly explained.

"Senior brother, that was all in my childhood. I..."

Pei Quan'an waved his hand impatiently, interrupting Nangong Yanran's explanation.

He didn't bother to care about such trivial matters as whether he was a childhood sweetheart or not.

It is true that Nangong Yanran is really good-looking, but after such a long time, no matter how good-looking she is, she has long been tired of it.

If it weren't for the negative impact of just kicking her away, he would have given this bitch away long ago.

But now this Nangong Yanran has come in handy again.

"You don't need to explain so much, senior brother, can I still not believe you?" Pei Quan'an forced a smile on his face and said softly.

"I just remembered that you mentioned before that the Mohai City controlled by the Gui family is extremely wealthy, so I wanted to ask you."

Hearing what Pei Quan'an said, Nangong Yanran breathed a sigh of relief, then nodded and said, "That's true."

"Then based on your understanding of the Gui family, do you know any powerful masters in their Mohai City?"

Nangong Yanran thought for a moment, then shook her head.

"If we talk about ordinary masters, of course there are some, but I have never heard of extremely powerful masters."

Pei Quan'an's eyes lit up when he heard this, and then he couldn't wait to ask: "Isn't that strange? If there is not enough strength, how can the Gui family hold on to such a large industry?"

Nangong Yanran shook her head, "Then I don't know."

Pei Quan'an fell into deep thought.

Nangong Yanran didn't dare to ask out loud, so she could only stand there and wait.

It was not until a long time later that Pei Quan'an raised his head and said, "I remember your family once sent someone to deliver a letter, saying that your mother was seriously ill and wanted you to go back..."

Before she finished speaking, Nangong Yanran fell to her knees and said with panic on her face.

"Senior brother, those are the actions of those in my family who make their own decisions and have nothing to do with me. Please don't expel me from the school. In that case, I really have nowhere to go."

"Oh Yanran, what are you doing? I didn't say I would expel you from the school."

Pei Quan'an pretended to help Nangong Yanran up, and then pretended to sigh.

"I just think that she is your mother after all. Now that she is seriously ill and dying, it is only natural for her to want to see your daughter."

"I don't want to see her, she is not my mother." Nangong Yanran said in panic.

"Don't worry, I mean since I have something to do at home, I will go back with you. What do you think?"

Nangong Yanran is not stupid.

After spending these days together, she knew Pei Quanan's character very well.

So of course I understand that the so-called going home with me is just an excuse.

Combined with the fact that he suddenly asked about the Gui family before, Nangong Yanran already had some suspicions in her heart.

However, she did not dare to speak out these speculations. Instead, she nodded obediently and pretended to shed tears of gratitude.

"Senior brother, you are so good to me!"

Looking at Nangong Yanran, whose face was still stained with tears and looked even more charming, Pei Quan'an suddenly felt an evil fire rising in his heart, and he immediately wrapped his arms around Nangong Yanran's waist.

Nangong Yanran groaned, but she didn't dare to resist, but closed her eyes in submission.

After burning the incense, Pei Quan'an walked out of the house refreshed and felt that the previous confusion had been swept away.

If Pei Quan'an before, because of the death of his master Shen Jiu, he felt like a bereaved dog and was in constant panic all day long.

Now Pei Quan'an has found his goal.

Very simple.

That is to attack the Gui family in Mohai City.

There are several reasons for this.

The first is of course money.

Because it is adjacent to Mohai and rich in aquatic products, Mohai City is very prosperous.

From this, one can imagine how wealthy the Gui family, who was in charge of Mohai City, must be.

This is a huge asset.

It was so big that even Pei Quan'an was jealous of it.

The second reason is because of profit.

This benefit is not money, but real benefit.

Pei Quan'an knew very well that after his master's death, there had been enmity between Wanghai Tower and Canglong Temple.

What Jiang Shengwu said was not a lie, he really wanted to destroy Canglong Temple.

In this case, anyone who has anything to do with Canglong Temple will become Wanghailou's target.

As we all know, Gui Xuanqing, who shone in this battle with his elusive archery skills, was the direct son of the Gui family.

Therefore, it seems justifiable to deal with Mohai City by myself.

And as long as this matter can be successfully settled, his status in the building will definitely increase greatly. Who will dare to look down on him then?
Thinking of this, Pei Quan'an felt more and more that he was so clever.

But he was not dazzled by the immediate benefits, but was very sober.

It stands to reason that in this alien land where the weak can prey on the strong, the Gui family, which has huge wealth but does not have the same power to protect them, should have become a piece of meat on other people's chopping boards.

However, they have always been safe and sound, which is worth pondering.

That's why he decided to follow Nangong Yanran to Nangong's house just to get some news.

Secondly, Pei Quan'an also knows very well that such a huge benefit cannot be swallowed by himself.

There is only one word difference between windfall and misfortune.

What's more, he has just transferred to Zhen Juncheng's sect. If he doesn't show some results, it will probably be more difficult to get ahead.

Thinking of this, Pei Quan'an turned around and left.

Zhen Juncheng lives in a huge mansion, and the servants inside are all outer disciples of Wanghai Tower.

When he heard that Pei Quan'an was outside asking for a meeting, Zhen Juncheng, who was drinking tea with some acquaintances in the study, was stunned for a moment and then started laughing.

"This Pei Quan'an is quite interesting. He just became a disciple during the day and came here at night. It seems he wants to get me a certificate of nomination."

An elder next to him sneered: "I know this boy. He used to rely on Shen Jiu's strength to dominate, and his reputation among the disciples was very bad. Now that his backer has fallen, he is deeply afraid of being liquidated, so he behaves It’s normal to be so impatient.”

"I'm curious about what this guy can come up with. As far as I know, except for a beautiful female disciple, there is nothing he can offer."

Zhen Juncheng doesn't value beauty, let alone as a disciple of his own. If this happens to her, it will be very bad for her reputation.

I wanted to refuse directly, but then I thought about it and just listened to what he had to say.

If he really planned to dedicate that female disciple to himself, he would just use this excuse to expel her from the house.

In this way, even if the poster knew it, he wouldn't be able to say anything.

He nodded at the thought.

"Then let him in."

The two elders who were good friends with Zhen Juncheng stood up and prepared to say goodbye and leave.

But for the sake of multiple witnesses, Zhen Juncheng deliberately left them behind.

"Don't leave in a hurry. Listen to what this Pei Quan'an wants to do." The two of them really wanted to hear it, so they both stayed.

Soon, Pei Quan'an trotted into the room and respectfully treated Zhen Juncheng as a disciple.

Zhen Juncheng smiled and nodded, and then they exchanged very polite greetings.

Finally Zhen Juncheng asked: "Quan An, you are up so late, why did you come to me all of a sudden? Is there something wrong?"

When Pei Quan'an saw that there were two elders present, he really didn't want to say anything, so he showed a trace of hesitation and looked at the two elders.

The meaning was obvious, he wanted to avoid these two elders.

Zhen Juncheng's face darkened when he saw this, "These are my close friends and your elders. Is there anything you can't say in person?"


In desperation, Pei Quan'an could only tell his thoughts exactly.

When they heard that the Gui family was so wealthy, the eyes of the three of them, including Zhen Juncheng, all lit up.

At the same time, Zhen Juncheng felt very regretful.

If he had known that such huge interests were involved, he could not have kept these two elders no matter what.

But it's too late to regret now.

Zhen Juncheng could only say helplessly: "Is everything you said true?"

"Of course it's true. The only thing that my disciple is confused about now is how the Gui family kept their wealth. As long as the truth behind it is found out, wouldn't this wealth be at your fingertips?" Pei Quan'an said with a flattering face.

Zhen Juncheng pondered for a moment, then looked at the two elders.

"Do you know what kind of backstage the Gui family has?"

The two elders were also intrigued by Pei Quan'an's words, so they thought hard for a while and finally shook their heads together.

"I don't know. In fact, we didn't even care about the Gui family in Mohai City before, let alone that this small family actually has such huge wealth."

This is true.

After all, Huawai Land is vast and full of powerful forces.

There are large and small families in many obscure corners.

These elders are high-ranking officials in Wanghai Tower, so it is normal for them to have never heard of the Gui family in Mohai City.

Zhen Juncheng regretted more and more, but he could only nodded helplessly, and then said to Pei Quan'an.

"Okay, it seems that you, Quan An, are indeed loyal, and what you said before is very close to my heart. When you go to Nangong's house, you must find out the truth. As long as you don't have a background like the Thirteen Sects, I can help you." You take action."


After hearing these words, Pei Quan'an became energetic and knew that he had made the right bet.

Then Zhen Juncheng took out another waist card and handed it to Pei Quan'an.

"This is my pass here. I wanted to give it to you during the day, but I forgot about it. With it, you can come directly to see me in the house without going through the notification."

Of course Pei Quan'an didn't believe any nonsense that he had forgotten during the day.

That is obviously not for myself.

But at this moment, he had no time to think about it. Instead, he took the badge with great excitement, and then saluted Zhen Juncheng heavily.

"My disciple, thank you, Master."

"Go!" Zhen Juncheng waved his hand.

Pei Quan'an put his waist badge carefully, then turned and left.

The reason for being so solemn is that one is to show it to Zhen Juncheng, and the other is that he knows it very well.

This is not a popular waist card, but a gold medal to avoid death in the future.

After he left, the two elders said to Zhen Juncheng jealously.

"Brother Zhen, it seems that your apprentice has really got it right."

"Yes, if I had such a shrewd and capable disciple who knew how to find financial resources for his master, I would laugh out of my dreams."

Zhen Juncheng was a little happy when he heard this.

After all, he thought Pei Quan'an was a burden before.

If it weren't for the host Jiang Shengwu's request by name, I wouldn't have accepted him.

It was also for this reason that he deliberately refused to give his disciple a badge later on.

But he didn't expect that Pei Quan'an would soon give him a huge surprise.

Thinking of this, he smiled slightly.

"Come, drink tea, drink tea!"

With Zhen Juncheng's support, Pei Quan'an suddenly became much more confident.

He moved very quickly, packed up the things that day, and took Nangong Yanran down the mountain the next day.

And just as the two of them embarked on the journey to Nangong's house, another big event happened in the land of Huawai.

That is, Canglong Temple was officially removed from the Thirteen Conghuawai Sects.

As soon as the news spread, it immediately attracted many sighs and sighs.

After all, Canglong Temple has always been ranked among the thirteen sects outside of Huawai.

Although there have been many ups and downs since then, and the rankings have fluctuated, they have never been removed from the list.

For a time, many forces related to Canglong Temple began to cut off one after another.

But Canglong Temple, which was at the center of the storm, was calm at the moment.

Except for the huge mountain closure order at the foot of the mountain, everything seems to be the same as before, and nothing has changed.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that whether they are elders or disciples, the expressions on these people's faces are very solemn, and some even look angry and sad.

But for the sects in Huawai Land who were adding insult to injury, they had nothing better to do except anger and sadness.

Because Zhao Ya said that after the mountain is closed, no one is allowed to enter or exit except under extremely special circumstances.

But just when the entire Canglong Temple was filled with a very low mood, Zhao Ya was not affected at all.

At this time, he was practicing in the main hall.

He was seen sitting cross-legged, with the true power in his body traveling rapidly through his meridians.

Wherever it passed, Canglong's real power was as powerful as breaking the acupoints along the way.


Zhao Ya's body trembled slightly, and then he felt as if a passage had opened in the back of his head, and his whole body felt chilly.

Fengchi Cave!
A very important acupoint in the gallbladder meridian of Foot Shaoyang was successfully breached.

You must know that the Gallbladder Meridian of Foot Shaoyang is the largest meridian in the human body after the Bladder Meridian of Foot Shaoyang.

There are as many as 44 acupuncture points.

The Fengchi point is located at the bottom of the back of the head and is connected to the neck. Its location is extremely important, so it is very difficult to break through.

It took Zhao Ya several days to break through it.

At this moment, the surging Canglong's true power did not weaken after breaking through the Fengchi Point, but continued to rush towards the Jianjing Point below.

The true power of Swallowing Star followed behind him, firmly occupying the Fengchi acupuncture point, and began to refine it rapidly.

The two work together seamlessly, as if they were born from one body.

(End of this chapter)

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