Chapter 372 Miracle Creation
"Is this...firearm ammunition?"

After Liang Xin'an took the paper, she almost glanced at it and saw the clues in it.


Zhao Ya also knew that he could not hide it from an expert like Liang Xin'an, so he admitted it straightforwardly.

Liang Xin'an instantly became less interested, "I don't have much research on firearms. It's all done by the guys from the Thunder and Fire Department, but judging from this picture, this thing is not difficult."

"It's not difficult?" Zhao Ya was a little surprised.

"Of course, the reason I'm not interested in firearms is because they are too simple and crude. The one with more gunpowder will be more powerful. It can be said that there is no technical beauty at all, which is very boring."

Zhao Ya was thoughtful when he heard this.

If this thing is as simple as Liang Xin'an described, then the problem will arise.

Why are the firearms made in the Outer Land not so powerful?

After all, Zhao Ya relied on this firearm seized from Ye Xunhua to severely injure Jing Pingsheng.

Seemingly sensing Zhao Ya's doubts, Liang Xin'an asked patiently again: "Are there any other questions? If not, please leave quickly, we have to continue working."

Zhao Ya smiled and did not continue to disturb him, but turned around and exited the room.

Now is not the time to bring out the firearms.

When Liang Xin'an has almost repaired and renovated the crossbow workbench, he can take it out and ask for advice.

After all, if you want to keep someone like Liang Xin'an, you can only do what he likes and keep playing with his curiosity.

In the next few days, Liang Xin'an didn't go anywhere. She stayed in her room every day, tinkering with the crossbow platform with Gui Xuanqing and Jin Fu.

The level of obsession with forgetting food and sleep even made young people Gui Xuanqing and Jin Fu a little unable to bear it.

Fortunately, with the unremitting efforts of the three people, the transformation progress of the crossbow workbench can be said to be rapid.

Finally, five days later, Gui Xuanqing and Jin Fu slumped on the ground weakly, looking at the brand-new machine in front of them, their faces full of confusion.

Logically speaking, they should be excited and excited.

But the high-intensity work these days has exhausted all their passion, so at this time they can only stare with bloodshot eyes.

In comparison, Liang Xin'an's condition is much better.

Although his hair was messier than before, and there were more oil stains on his clothes.

But this change is insignificant and cannot hinder his full passion at all.

"Whatever you are doing in a daze, come here and give it a try and see the results of our hard work for so many days." Liang Xin'an said happily.

Gui Xuanqing and Jin Fu almost struggled to get up from the ground and staggered to the stage.

Seeing their appearance, Liang Xin'an simply hated iron.

"Too weak. Although you two are quite talented in mechanical manufacturing, your bodies and cultivation are too weak."

"You have to know that for people like us, a good body is very important, otherwise you won't be able to stay up even if you stay up late."

"Ah? Do you have to stay up late in the future?" Gui Xuanqing almost lamented.

"Of course!" Liang Xin'an said with a matter-of-fact expression.

"Staying up late is a basic skill. Sometimes when I'm busy, it's normal not to eat for three to five days."

"Ah!" Gui Xuanqing let out a sigh of despair.

On the other hand, Jin Fu was relatively calm. Of course, it might be that he was too tired to speak.

Liang Xin'an first adjusted the machine and then started making crossbow arrows.

Looking at the excited look, it's like a child playing with his favorite toy.

As the high-precision gears rotate, the embryo of a crossbow arrow gradually takes shape.

First the arrow body, then the arrowhead….

In this scene, which was only half a cup of tea, a smooth and shiny crossbow arrow was completely formed.

When Liang Xin'an took down the crossbow arrow from the workbench, he looked at it carefully with a critical eye, and then a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

Because even by his standards, this crossbow arrow fully meets the requirements.

Although the arrow may be less durable than the original version due to its material, the straightness of the arrow body is even better than the original version.

You must know that for machine crossbows, the straightness of the crossbow arrow is a crucial indicator, which is directly related to the success rate of sniping targets from long distances.

And this also means that, at least in terms of performance, this crossbow workbench is already more advanced than the equipment used in the machine sect.

After Liang Xin'an looked at it with interest, she handed it to Gui Xuanqing.

After Gui Xuanqing took it in his hands, his tired spirit was refreshed.


In addition to his interest in mechanical manufacturing, he is also extremely obsessed with machine crossbow shooting.

Therefore, as soon as I started using it, I realized how extraordinary this crossbow arrow was.

Then Jin Fu also took it in his hand and looked at it carefully. You can imagine the excitement in his heart.

After all, the three of them cut out this workbench one gear at a time, and it can be regarded as the culmination of the hard work of the three of them.

Now that I finally have something to gain, I am naturally very excited.

But just when Jin Fu and Gui Xuanqing were in high spirits, Liang Xin'an suddenly became less interested, stretched for a long time, and then yawned.

"Nothing interesting, I went to bed."

After speaking, Liang Xin'an walked to the bed in the corner and fell asleep.

In the blink of an eye, thunderous snoring sounded, and the whole process was neat and smooth, without any sloppiness.

Jin Fu and Gui Xuanqing were not surprised.

After these few days of getting along, they have also figured out Liang Xin'an's temper.

This person's biggest hobby is machinery. Especially when he encounters a mechanical problem that is difficult to solve, he becomes so excited that he seems to be on drugs, and he can even stay awake for days and nights.

But once the problem is solved, his interest will quickly ebb, and then he will yawn profusely and become too lazy to even move.

At this time, the two of them looked at each other and saw that each other was also unkempt and looked tired, so they couldn't help but laugh.

But the two of them had no intention of sleeping.

"Go and notify senior brother first!" Gui Xuanqing said.

"Yes!" Jin Fu nodded in agreement.

Zhao Ya learned the news quickly.

In fact, he has been paying attention to the progress of the three people's work these days, and he knows that it is almost completed.

So as soon as he heard the news, he rushed over immediately.

As soon as he entered the house, Zhao Ya couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

I saw a brand-new machine placed in the room. Compared with the ugly and thick machine before, this workbench is obviously much more beautiful now.

In fact, this is what Liang Xin'an means. In his words, if a machine cannot give people a sense of beauty, then it will most likely not be useful.

So the three of them put a lot of effort into the appearance.

"Done?" Zhao Ya walked around the machine a few times. Although he couldn't understand much, he was still shocked by what was revealed in some of the details.

The precise and complex gear structure revealed in the gap, the smooth and moving shape lines.

All of them gave Zhao Ya a great shock, and even gave him a trace of doubt.

Is this thing really possible with today’s world’s technological level? "What is its power source?" Zhao Ya asked.

The previous workbench had two obvious transmission shafts that looked like millstones, and power could be provided by manually shaking the one.

But with this machine now, Zhao Ya turned around several times and didn't see any similar device.

"It still relies on manpower, but it's much less labor-intensive than before."

As he spoke, Jin Fu pulled out a pedal from under the machine, stepped on it with a little force, and the machine started running.

Zhao Ya suddenly realized it and had a feeling of déjà vu.

Isn't this the foot-operated sewing machine I saw in my previous life?
"How efficient is it?"

"Under normal circumstances, fifty crossbow arrows can be produced in one hour!"

"So fast?"

"This is still refined. If I lower my standards a little, I can make seventy or eighty pieces in an hour." Jin Fu said with confidence.

Zhao Ya felt reassured, turned his head and glanced at Liang Xin'an, who was sleeping soundly in the corner, and then said.

"You have worked hard these past few days, and the temple will give you a heavy reward, but now you go down and rest."

Zhao Ya could see that the two of them were exhausted to the extreme, so he didn't talk too much.

After the two of them were ordered to go down to rest, Zhao Ya did not leave. Instead, he came to the corner and looked at Liang Xin'an who was sleeping soundly. He spoke for a long time.

"Thank you."

The next second, Liang Xin'an, who was snoring like thunder, opened his eyes.

"You're welcome. I also benefited a lot from this production process."

After saying that, he sat up and looked at Zhao Ya.

"To be honest, I wanted to try your hand before, but in the past few days I suddenly changed my mind. Do you know why?"


"The first reason is because I will most likely not be able to beat you, and the second reason is that I think you are quite a good person." Liang Xin'an said very frankly.

Zhao Ya smiled.

It saves trouble to talk to this kind of science and engineering man.

"The reason why you think you can't beat me is quite reasonable, but why do you think I'm a nice person?"

"Because of the attitude of the two boys Gui Xuanqing and Jin Fu towards you, whenever they mention you, they will respectfully call you senior brother. This attitude cannot be faked."

Speaking of this, Liang Xin'an said very relaxedly: "So don't worry, I will not only make the crossbow arrows, but also the repair method of the mechanical crossbow."

At this moment, Zhao Ya suddenly said: "Don't you plan to take Gui Xuanqing and Jin Fu away with you?"

"Huh?" Liang Xin'an was stunned, and then looked at Zhao Ya with a puzzled look.

"What? Do you have any plans to let go?"

Zhao Ya smiled and said, "I never said I wanted to keep them from the beginning to the end?"

"But in that case, your crossbow production..."

"The arrows required by the crossbow team are actually rationed, and now that we have this machine, with a little training, we can train people who can make crossbow arrows."

"The same goes for the repair of mechanical crossbows. Send a few people to learn it. Even if they are not as good as the two of them, it should be enough to deal with some small daily problems."

Hearing Zhao Ya's words, Liang Xin'an took a deep look at him and then said suddenly.

"So what do you want?"

"It's simple. I want to know how this thing is made."

As he spoke, Zhao Ya reached out and took out the firearm from his arms.

"Isn't this just a firearm? What..."

He didn't finish his words, because when Liang Xin'an took the firearm, he immediately noticed something was wrong with it.

The first is that this firearm is far more delicate than ordinary ones, and it is also much heavier.

If that's all it is, it's not a big deal.

Liang Xin'an has seen too many strange firearms in the Thunder Fire Department, and there are countless more exquisite ones than this one.

The most important thing is that Liang Xin'an discovered that except for the place where ammunition is loaded at the back, the rest of the firearm was completely integrated, as if it was cut out of a solid piece of steel.

As a member of the Qigong Technology Department, he certainly understands how difficult it is to do this.

In fact, when making this crossbow workbench, Liang Xin'an spent a lot of effort to obtain iron gears with up to standard accuracy.

That's just a gear.

The firearm in hand now has an exquisite shape and complex lines. If it were to be molded in one piece, one can imagine how difficult it would be.

The more he looked, the more serious Liang Xin'an's expression became.

"Where did you get this?"


When he said these three words, Zhao Ya stared at Liang Xin'an and watched his expression change.

as predicted.

Upon hearing the words "Wuwanghai", Liang Xin'an was shaken all over, and her expression instantly became solemn.

"It really comes from there!"

"Why, do you know?" Zhao Ya immediately asked.

"Of course I do, and I also know that this thing was probably picked up from the sea by a sea picker, right?"


Zhao Ya then told the origin of this firearm.

After listening, Liang Xin'an sneered, "Oh, this Ye Xunhua got lucky. He actually bought such a treasure for only a little money."

Then he said very solemnly: "In the Guan Sect, there are actually several things flowing out from the Wuwu Sea, each of which has an extremely high technical level. It is not at the level that this world should have. It is like a miracle. .”

"In addition, its origin is extremely mysterious, so we also collectively call this kind of thing...miracle creation!"

"Miracle creation..." Zhao Ya murmured softly.

Liang Xin'an continued: "So the ammunition you showed me before was that the ammunition depicted on that piece of paper was from this firearm?"


"Don't bother, even if you make usable ammunition, it won't reach its original power." Liang Xin'an said.

Zhao Ya was stunned when he heard this.


"Why?" Liang Xin'an smiled bitterly, "This is a question that not only you want to ask, but also me and everyone in the Guanzong Sect wants to ask it."

"Especially those lunatics in the Thunder Fire Branch. If you can know the reason, they are even willing to pay any price for it."

"But the reason why Miracle Creation is Miracle Creation is that it is completely unreasonable."

"Even if the ammunition you make is exactly the same as before, the power after loading is far less than the original."

"Otherwise, do you think that if firearms can achieve the power of miracle creations, how many people will bother to practice martial arts like Bala?"

(End of this chapter)

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