Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 378: The heart of a human bear increases again, and the strength increases again

Chapter 378: The heart of a human bear increases again, and the strength increases again

At this moment, the tent was blown away by a huge force.

The wind and snow rushed in violently.

And in the midst of the flying snow, there stood a monster that was three meters tall, white in color, and standing like a human being.

Although the light was very dim, the monster's face could still be clearly seen through the reflection of the snow.

It was a creepy face.

Although it was covered with white hair, it had human features, especially the eyes, which were just like those of a baby.

But there was no innocence that a baby should have in his eyes. Instead, he was full of violence and madness.

And on its shoulder, there was a dagger stuck in it, the same one that Zhao Ya was throwing away.

On such a snowy night, it was really creepy to see such a monster suddenly appear.

At least Jing Rou's face turned very ugly and she murmured.

"It shouldn't be, it's not the season for bears with human faces yet!"

No wonder he was so shocked.

It turns out that this human-faced bear is a famous ferocious beast in the snowy plains of the north.

It has a cruel and bloodthirsty temperament and often appears in groups.

It is difficult for people who encounter it to escape unscathed.

Therefore, there is a saying circulating in the snowy plains of the north that one would rather encounter a pack of wolves than hear the cry of a baby.

It’s this human-faced bear I’m talking about.

However, this kind of ferocious beast usually lives in the far north, near the Wuwu Sea.

Only after the extreme winter comes, these ferocious beasts will be forced to go south in search of food.

I don’t know what happened this year, but I actually encountered it in front of the snowy mountains in this season.

Jing Rou complained secretly, but after all, she was the senior brother in charge of the first department in the Guan Sect, so she quickly calmed down, then raised her crossbow and patrolled the snowy night with vigilant eyes.

At the same time, he did not forget to warn Zhao Ya in a low voice.

"Be careful, this beast is extremely powerful and attacks extremely fast. It should be waiting for an opportunity now. Once it finds an opportunity, it will immediately launch an attack."

Although Zhao Ya didn't know what this thing was, judging from Jing Rou's performance and the sense of oppression brought by this ferocious beast, it was obvious that this thing was not easy to deal with.

However, Zhao Ya was not timid, but looked at the human-faced bear with great interest.

Obviously, this is also an alienated beast, and its IQ is very high.

It can be seen from the fact that it hides in the distance and is not in a hurry to attack.

It obviously wanted to take advantage of the extreme cold to cause harm to the two of them.

It waits until its hands and feet are frozen to the point of stiffness before it starts harvesting easily.

Not only that, Zhao Ya also vaguely sensed that there were several powerful auras lurking in the darkness.

"You are skimming the formation from behind!"

Zhao Ya warned Jing Rou in a low voice, and then disappeared silently into the darkness.

Jing Rou's eyes widened instantly, with a look of disbelief on her face.

Because the Qinggong and body skills shown by Zhao Ya at this time have exceeded his imagination.

There was almost no warning, and he suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Is this really something humans can do?
Just when he was stunned, there was a loud noise in the distance.

With snowflakes flying, Zhao Ya retreated directly to his original position, and then a faint smile appeared on his face.

"It's kind of interesting!"

Just now, after Zhao Ya approached the human-faced bear, he tentatively launched an attack.

As a result, this seemingly stupid human-faced bear reacted surprisingly quickly.

As soon as Zhao Ya got close, the human-faced bear noticed it.

When Zhao Ya punched out, it also waved its huge bear paw to meet him.

Then Zhao Ya was shocked and flew back.

However, Zhao Ya did not panic because he knew that the human-faced bear was obviously not feeling well either.

as predicted.

At this moment, the human-faced bear let out a roar of pain, and then could no longer maintain its composure and rushed over angrily.

But when it charged forward, one of its bear paws was obviously twisted at an abnormal angle.

It was obviously destroyed by Zhao Ya's punch just now.

But after being injured, the human-faced bear is even more terrifying than usual.

Its eyes were red, and its huge body rushed over like a land tank. If nothing else, the terrifying momentum alone was enough to scare ordinary warriors.

Jing Rou's expression was even more solemn.

Because this human-faced bear was more powerful than anything he had seen before, and was actually a ferocious beast in the Pulse Opening Realm.

You must know that even if they are at the same level, there is still a huge gap in strength between warriors and alien beasts.

Especially for the human-faced bear who has lived in this northern snowfield since he was a child, it is even more advantageous at the right time and place.

Therefore, unless absolutely necessary, the sea-driving people will never provoke such ferocious beasts.

Sometimes when they see this ferocious beast foraging for food on the beach, they will take the initiative to retreat.

The dried fish washed up on the coast by the waves of Wuwang Sea not only feed many people who travel to the sea, but also feed countless exotic animals.

Some of them are even more powerful and weird than human-faced bears.

Jing Rou raised her crossbow and pulled the trigger.

Although he is the senior brother of the Thunder Fire Branch of the Machine Sect, his archery skills are still very good.

Especially at such a close distance, there is no reason why the shot cannot be missed.

But he still miscalculated a little.

That is the weather.

This extreme cold not only greatly slowed down people's movements, but also the crossbow strings and bow blades could not withstand it, and their elasticity was greatly reduced.

Along with this, the power of the crossbow arrows was also greatly weakened.

After flying lightly for a distance, the crossbow arrow only pierced the fur between the eyebrows of the human-faced bear, and was then blocked by the hard skull.

The human-faced bear didn't care about the skin injury at all. At this moment, it only had Zhao Ya in its eyes.

It couldn't wait to bite the guy in two who suddenly attacked and broke one of his palms.

But at this moment, a palm that looked like it was carved from sapphire suddenly stretched out from its thorns and pressed directly on the crossbow arrow.


This crossbow arrow made of fine metal iron sank directly into the man-faced bear's eyebrows.

The human-faced bear's eyes widened instantly, as if he couldn't believe the scene before him.

But at this time, it couldn't help but not believe it.

Zhao Ya smiled and turned the crossbow arrow in his hand, and the arrow violently stirred up the human-faced bear's brain.

This human-faced bear was shaken all over, and then the light in its eyes quickly went out.

No one can survive with their brains in a mess.

Neither can alien beasts.

The huge body of the human-faced bear collapsed to the ground.

Zhao Ya also landed lightly on the ground, and then with a tap of his toes, he flew out.

After a while, the roars of bears and the cries of babies were heard one after another in the darkness.

But in the blink of an eye, all sounds disappeared.

Then Zhao Yashi returned calmly.

"Okay, even the five human-faced bears hiding in the darkness and ambush have been eliminated now." Jing Rou was shocked.

He knows that this young master who has been the most popular in recent years is very powerful.

But I didn't expect it to be so strong.

Several human-faced bears with the strength of the Pulse Opening Realm seemed to be defenseless in front of him, and they were killed as if they were chopping melons and vegetables.

"Do you have a knife?" Zhao Ya asked.


Even if you are not good at using knives, a sharp knife is a must for Jianghu people when you go out.

When Zhao Ya took over the short knife, which was over [-] centimeters long, from Jing Rou, he was very surprised to find that this knife was no less than those of those in terms of its sharpness, flexibility and workmanship. A so-called magic weapon made by skilled craftsmen.

As if sensing Zhao Ya's surprise, Jing Rou said proudly: "Forging weapons is actually a branch of mechanics, and it is closely related to the production of crossbows."

"So for us, the Machine Sect, forging weapons is just a trivial matter, not worth mentioning at all."

Zhao Ya ignored Jing Rou's bragging and waved the short knife briefly. The few snowflakes falling in the air suddenly stopped, and then divided into four pieces of equal size, which were blown away by the wind.

Jing Rou was already a little numb.

I don't even think this is surprising.

After all, Zhao Ya is so strong, it seems natural that his sword skills should be better.

Zhao Ya came to the body of the human-faced bear with a short knife in hand.

At this time, the body of the human-faced bear has not yet been frozen, so it is a good time to dissect it and look for meat fields.

After a while, the body will be frozen into a lump, and it will be difficult to dissect it at that time.

Although he had never dissected a bear, Zhao Ya successfully dissected the huge bear carcass with his superb knife skills and experience.

The result did not disappoint him.

Zhao Ya found a high-level meat field on the human-faced bear that was the first to launch a sneak attack.

This is a bright red and hot heart that is still beating slightly in the hand even after it is taken out.

Somehow, when he came into contact with this heart, a strong sense of hunger suddenly arose in Zhao Ya's belly.

It felt like being hungry for several days and suddenly a sumptuous banquet was placed in front of you.

Zhao Ya was slightly startled, then understood.

This should be his talent for turning blood into power.

You must know that except for those mysterious dried fish picked up at Wuwei Beach, all dried meats are cultivated in meat fields.

It’s not that no one thought about directly devouring the meat fields, but without exception, they all failed in the end.

Because the meat of alien beasts often contains strong poison, if it is swallowed directly, it will be a big trouble even if it does not die.

But these concerns are nothing to Zhao Ya.

But considering that Jing Rou was right there, she would probably shock him if she ate the meat directly in front of him.

So Zhao Ya first put the heart in a package, and then went into the darkness to dissect the other four bear corpses.

On these four bear corpses, Zhao Ya found two more pieces of meat, one piece of bear liver and one piece of bear bile.

Five human-faced bears produced three high-grade meat fields. This harvest even shocked Zhao Ya.

Is it just my luck, or is this human-faced bear of a high level?
Otherwise, why would the explosion rate be so high?
Jing Rou didn't care about Zhao Ya's behavior of searching for trophies.

He even turned a blind eye to Zhao Ya's natural behavior of putting the dagger into his bag after dissecting the bear corpse.

It's nothing more than a short sword. It might be a valuable magic weapon outside, but it's not unusual for the Guan Sect.

"The bloody smell here is too strong, and it is expected that snow wolves and other strange beasts will soon be attracted. It is no longer suitable for camping. Why don't we continue on the road and find a suitable place to camp ahead?" Jing Rou said.

"it is good!"

Zhao Ya naturally had no objection.

In this demanding environment, the most important thing is to follow the advice of professionals.


Jing Rou packed up all the things that could be used in the camp and moved on.

At this time, the snow was getting heavier and heavier.

Every step seemed very difficult.

Jing Rou said in surprise as she walked: "It's strange. Logically speaking, this season, although it's cold here in the north, it won't snow so much."

"Is there a change in the climate?"

Jing Rou had many suspicions in her heart.

Especially when the human-faced bear that was supposed to be in the far north suddenly appeared in front of the snowy mountains, Jing Rou felt that something was wrong.

But we are already here, and we have to go on even if we bite the bullet.

Fortunately, with this guy with unpredictable strength by his side, it should be okay even if he encounters danger.

After traveling a long way forward, Jing Rou finally found another suitable place to camp.

The previous tent was no longer usable.

Fortunately, Jing Rou was well prepared and brought a spare one.

After setting up the tent and lighting the stove, Jing Rou's pale face finally turned red.

"You should rest first, I will keep watch overnight." Zhao Ya said.

Jing Rou did not refuse.

After working hard for most of the night, he was indeed exhausted, so he nodded and fell asleep.

Soon, he fell into a deep sleep.

Zhao Ya stood by the brazier, listening to the increasingly violent wind outside. After a moment of silence, he took out the bear's meat field from the package.

Even though a long time had passed, the three pieces of meat were still warm, and even the heart was still beating slightly.

Zhao Ya put it to his mouth, hesitated for a moment, then opened his mouth and bit it.

Unexpectedly, there was no fishy smell at all, only the aroma of meat that was so strong that it couldn't be dissolved.

After swallowing the heart in three or two mouthfuls, Zhao Ya felt as if a hot sun appeared in his belly.

Immediately afterwards, the talent of the spleen and stomach began to activate with all its strength, converting the hot qi and blood into essence and blood.

Then the talent of turning blood into power continuously transformed this essence and blood into the true power of the blue dragon.

This process lasted for a long time, which is far beyond what eating dried meat can match.

After a full hour, Zhao Ya slowly opened his eyes, a flash of joy flashing in his eyes.

Because in just this moment, the real power in his body increased significantly, and the originally empty meridians were also filled up a lot.

"Panel!" Zhao Ya muttered silently in his heart.

Name: Zhao Ya.Age: 21 years old.Remaining life: 11082 (+232 days) years

Skill: Eight Parts of Vajra Longevity Skill (Return to Nature 51%)

Chopping Wind Saber Technique (Extraordinary and Saintly)

Fudo Meiou Fist (return to nature 99%)

Stepping on the snow without leaving a trace (becoming a saint)
Turtle dormancy (99% back to basics)

Big Smashing Steleman (Peak 99%)

Golden Body and Armor Art (Back to Basics 99%)

Planting lotuses in the fire (returning to nature 99%)

[Brain unlocking progress: 18%]

Just this human-bear heart increased Zhao Ya's lifespan by hundreds of years.

Not only that, the brain unlocking progress also increased by ten percent instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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