Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 383: I’ll give you a fireworks display!

Chapter 383 I’ll give you a firework!
After the medicinal powder touched its body, the red color of the sea lizard quickly faded and became dull.

But its movements were not hindered in any way.

On the contrary, his body was violently swung, and his tail was whipped towards Kong Xiangdong like a steel whip.

Kong flashed eastward.

A fist-sized tumor on the tip of the tail was hitting the stone, and the hard bluestone fell apart instantly.


At the same time, Kong Xiangdong also yelled.

In fact, there was no need for him to urge him. Zhao Ya had already started taking action when the lizard used its tail as a whip and whipped it towards Kong Xiangdong.

When the stone was torn into pieces, a short knife suddenly rushed out from the rising powder mist and stabbed directly into the sea lizard's right abdomen.


The sea lizard finally couldn't bear it anymore and let out a roar of pain.

Along with its roar, wisps of purple-red mist quickly dissipated from its body.

The body, which had already become dull due to the medicinal powder, now became even more gray, no longer as bright as before.

Kong Xiangdong couldn't help but become energetic when he saw this, as if he had seen victory right in front of him.

But just when he was about to rush forward to harvest the life of this sea lizard, there was a sudden violent shaking under his feet, and then an indescribable roar came from the ground.

Like an old cow losing its calf, and like an eagle weeping blood.

After hearing this roar, Kong Xiangdong's expression suddenly changed.

"No, hurry up!"

In fact, he didn't need to remind him at all. Zhao Ya had already noticed that something was wrong as early as when the ground was shaking.

Because it all went too smoothly.

He stabbed the sea lizard into the belly with almost no effort.

If it only had this little strength, how did it infect Kong Xiangdong with poison and suffer a huge loss?
What's more, the poison contained in the large jungle of strange rocks outside is not something that a lizard less than two meters long like this can handle.

Therefore, as soon as the situation changed, Zhao Ya fled to a safe area far away at a much faster speed than when he came.

But at this moment, a purple-red mist suddenly rose from the ground that was too thick to dissolve.

Even though Zhao Ya was gifted with immunity to all poisons, the mist still turned his clothes and skin red in an instant, showing how powerful its poison was.

Not only that, but the level of this infestation increases with your movement.

In other words, the faster you run, the faster the fog will infect you.

Zhao Ya responded quickly. He immediately held his breath, stopped, and observed the surrounding situation.

At this time, everything around him was enveloped in this purple-red mist.

Even the sound was swallowed up.

When you are in it, you can only hear the sound of your own heartbeat. Apart from that, even the sound of distant waves crashing on the beach has disappeared.

Zhao Ya's eyes gradually narrowed, and all the muscles in his body tensed up to cope with the danger that might happen at any time.

Time passed by, and there was nothing unusual except for silence.

So Zhao Ya raised his feet and walked slowly in the direction he was facing before.

When this kind of perception is completely blocked, the experience of walking is no longer useful.

When normal people walk, due to the subtle differences between the two legs, they cannot walk in an absolutely straight line. They must rely on their sight to constantly correct their trajectory.

Therefore, if you blindfold a person and let him walk by himself, the result is likely to be walking out of a big circle, or even returning to where he started from the beginning, which is commonly known as ghost hitting the wall.

This is why "ghosts hitting the wall" only happen in dimly lit environments.

Zhao Ya naturally understood this.

Being in this purple-red mist at this moment, the situation you are facing is similar to being blindfolded.

So if you want to get out of this place, you must master a good method.

Zhao Ya abandoned all distracting thoughts and moved forward purely based on the thoughts in his heart.

But as he walked, Zhao Ya noticed something was wrong.

Because when he was trapped in the mist just now, he had already rushed far away, and he was about to enter the strange rock jungle in a few steps.

Logically speaking, he should have walked this distance long ago.

But now after walking for so long, I can't even see the shadow of the strange rock jungle.

This is obviously very wrong.

Zhao Ya immediately stopped, reciting the numbers in his heart, and then closed his eyes.

Reciting numbers silently is to keep your mind absolutely clear and stable, and closing your eyes is to avoid interference from external messages.

And just after Zhao Ya closed his eyes, the mist not far behind him suddenly became slightly disturbed.

Immediately afterwards, a purple-red lizard that almost blended into the surrounding fog appeared quietly behind Zhao Ya.

Looking at Zhao Ya standing quietly in the mist, the lizard's vertical pupils showed a trace of cruelty and cunning, and then it slowly crawled over.

Because the fog blocks sound, there is no sound during the entire process.

Even the few wisps of slightly disturbed mist entangled the lizard and never dispersed.

Soon, it came not far behind Zhao Ya, then suddenly opened its mouth and stuck out its tongue.

The tongue flew out like a bullet and went straight to Zhao Ya's back.

The scary thing is that even during this process, there is still no sound.

Seeing that the tip of his tongue was about to touch Zhao Ya's back, at this moment, Zhao Ya suddenly reacted.

He didn't turn around, just waved his hand behind his back.

A flash of knife light cut through the fog, and at the same time, the tongue of the sea lizard was cut open.

The blood spattered and fell on the ground, quickly eroding a big hole in the stones.

The sea lizard opened its mouth and wanted to roar in pain, but in the next second, a short knife had penetrated its mouth, penetrated its throat, and then emerged from its thick neck.

The sea lizard trembled feebly a few times, and its eyes that were originally full of cruelty and jest were full of terror.

Doesn't seem to understand how this man found himself.

At this time, Zhao Ya suddenly pulled out the knife, and the lizard's body fell to the ground.

Then Zhao Ya let out a breath.

He didn't hear the sound just now, and he discovered the danger purely by relying on his strong perception.

However, despite killing the sneak attack sea lizard, Zhao Ya did not relax, but felt heavy in his heart.

Because there was no wound on the belly of this sea lizard, this also confirmed Zhao Ya's guess.

That is, this sea lizard is not a single species at all, but a group.

Because only in this way can we explain the poison of the strange stone jungle and the origin of such a huge fog.

And if this was the case, why didn't Kong Xiangdong inform himself of such important information in advance?

There are only two possibilities. One is that Kong Xiangdong did it on purpose to deceive himself.

But if you think about it carefully, this possibility is not very likely.

Because doing so will not do any good to Kong Xiangdong.

And judging from his actions against the sea lizard just now, it didn't look like he was faking it.

If he knew that these sea lizards were not one but a group, even if he wanted to deceive himself, he should not have risked his life like this.

Then there is only the second possibility, that is, he does not know the real situation.

This can actually be explained.

You must know that Zhao Ya seemed to have an easy time dealing with these sea lizards. He seriously injured one and killed another as soon as he took action.

But in fact, these sea lizards are very powerful. Not only do they have the strength to open the veins, but they are also full of poison, which makes many warriors hesitate to deal with them.Only Zhao Ya, who has the talent of being invulnerable to all poisons and has extraordinary perception, is their natural nemesis.

But whether it's the first or the second possibility, it doesn't matter now.

The most important thing is to get out of this weird fog as soon as possible.

Zhao Ya raised his hand and took a look at the short knife in his hand.

One has to admit that the Jiajia Sect's attainments in forging knives are not inferior to their mechanical proficiency in the slightest.

After killing two poisonous lizards in a row, the blade was soaked in highly corrosive blood. As a result, the steel mouth was still shiny and showed no trace of corrosion.

The rest is up to you.

Zhao Ya waved the dagger in his hand, then silently adjusted his breathing, and suddenly jumped out.

Suddenly, the fog surged.

Even Zhao Ya felt the severe pain of burning his skin and eyes.

But Zhao Ya didn't flinch at all and rushed out at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, several more lizards rushed out of the thorns and headed straight for Zhao Ya in the air.

Obviously, this group of beasts was not affected by the fog. They had been hiding in the dark since just now. Even when Zhao Ya slashed the lizard with his sword, they did not move, just to prepare for a sneak attack.

But Zhao Ya's sudden flight disrupted their plan, so they could only launch an attack in advance.

A few flashes of light flashed, and then one of the lizards was seen having its head chopped off, and its dead body fell from the air.

But these lizards don't know fear, and even seeing blood actually arouses their ferocity.

One of them opened its big mouth and bit Zhao Ya's right arm holding the knife.

The other two launched attacks from behind and from the sides.

The tacit understanding of cooperation seemed to have been rehearsed countless times.

But just when the three sea lizards thought they were sure to win, Zhao Ya suddenly tapped the air with his toes.

Then the whole person used his strength to jump out more than a foot high again.

The whole process was smooth and natural, as if a lotus flower appeared out of thin air and was stepped on by Zhao Ya to gain strength.

It was Zhao Ya who had practiced hard for a long time before he was able to break through Dacheng's leg skills and plant flowers in the fire.

After flying over these sea lizards, Zhao Ya slashed them down with a single blow in the blink of an eye.

He directly cut off the head of the lizard that was trying to bite his arm with its mouth wide open.

Then, without losing power, the knife turned over and cut open the belly of another lizard.

Internal organs mixed with blood were scattered on the floor.

Finally, the lizard finally realized it was scared when it saw this, and turned around in the air to escape.

Zhao Ya kicked it out and hit it in the back.

With a click, the huge force of the foot directly shattered the lizard's spine, and then it was cleared away in three strokes.

After killing several lizards in a row, in addition to the burning smell of purple-red mist, there was also a lot of bloody smell in the air.

Then Zhao Ya didn't stop at all and continued running towards the distance.

I don't know if these sea lizards were afraid of being killed or what happened, but Zhao Ya was not hindered by any obstacles this time.

Soon, the fog in front of me gradually became thinner.

Although I still couldn't see clearly, at least the shadows and outlines of some things were vaguely discernible.

Not only that, there was no longer silence in my ears, the sound of the tide in the distance could already be faintly heard.

Zhao Ya speeded up again.


It was as if he had passed through an invisible boundary, and his eyes suddenly became clear.

The white mist of the Wuwang Sea in the distance was clearly visible, the sound of the tide, the snow that had dried together due to the cold, and the sound of rolling down also came to my ears.

Zhao Ya slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and felt that his whole body was burning.

When he raised his arm, he saw that the skin on it was purple-red, which looked very strange.

But at this time, Zhao Ya's liver was also working at full capacity, so the purple-red color was quickly fading away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But in the blink of an eye, Zhao Ya's condition returned to its original state.

Zhao Ya was completely relieved and then turned around to look.

You can see that a large area including the strange rock jungle has been shrouded in this purple-red mist.

This color looks very dazzling in this almost pure white world of ice and snow.

Especially against the backdrop of the white mist of Wuwu Sea that blocks out the sun, it looks like a red flag.

Zhao Ya's eyes gradually narrowed.

I thought it would be a simple journey, and I would just have to leave in the worst case.

I didn't expect to face such danger.

To be honest, these lizards are not really a big threat. Even though they are highly poisonous, to Zhao Ya it is just a difference between one more sword and one less sword.

Only this strange mist made Zhao Ya very afraid.

Especially the feeling that his hearing and vision were forcibly blocked made Zhao Ya feel frightened when he thought about it now.

But where does this fog come from?
Could it really be accumulated by these lizards?

How many lizards would it take to do that?

Also, what about the roaring sound underground and the violent shaking on the ground?

Zhao Ya finally realized the mystery and terror of Wuwanghai.

If nothing else, Kong Xiangdong is probably in danger.

Even Zhao Ya would have had a hard time escaping if he hadn't been gifted with talent.

If it were anyone else, he would have run as far as he could by now.

But Zhao Ya didn't do this.

On the contrary, he looked at the purple-red mist, his eyes changing, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while, Zhao Ya seemed to have finally made up his mind, and whispered: "Leader Kong, you are in danger now anyway. With your character, I guess you don't want to leave like this, so I send you A fireworks display can be regarded as a farewell to you."

Having said this, Zhao Ya took out a dozen extra-large thunderbolts from the package he carried with him.

These were all things Jing Rou forced on Zhao Ya when they arrived, saying they were for him to use for self-defense.

But looking at these thunderbolts, which were as big as a baby's head, Zhao Ya suspected that one of them could flatten a dirt bag, so it was overkill for self-defense.

But I didn't expect it to come in handy now.

Since it was said that a fireworks display was going to be sent, it was natural to send a big one.

Zhao Ya simply put the dozen thunderbolts together, ignited one of them, and threw it into the purple mist with all his strength.

Then Zhao Ya turned around and ran away.

Because he didn't know how powerful it would be if so many oversized thunderbolt bombs were detonated together.

To be on the safe side, it’s better to run farther away.

But just after walking more than ten feet, there was a sudden loud noise behind him, and the huge shock wave even knocked Zhao Ya away.

When Zhao Ya looked back again, he couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded.


"The Guan Sect is a bunch of ruthless people!"

(End of this chapter)

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