Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 389 Witnessed with my own eyes, the Sea Dragon King went on patrol!

Chapter 389 Witnessed with my own eyes, the Sea Dragon King went on patrol!

"So now this big bird has recognized you as its master and become your pet?" Jing Rou asked.

Zhao Ya nodded, "Yes!"


Seeing this free-for-all leader occupying almost the entire backyard, Jing Rou couldn't help but admire it.

Zhao Ya smiled, then seemed to remember something, and asked: "Senior Brother Jing rushed over suddenly, but he also gained something?"

This sentence happened to hit Jing Rou's itchy spot, and he said with joy, "That's right, look at what this is."

After saying that, Jing Rou took out a small notebook from her arms and handed it to Zhao Ya.

Zhao Ya took it and took a look. It contained all kinds of weird patterns, and he was wondering.

Jing Rou said: "This is the pattern on the miraculous creations I have collected over the years. Please turn to the last page."

Zhao Ya turned to the end as he was told, and then he saw a very new picture.

"This is the pattern on the miraculous creation you brought back from the giant bird's nest." Jing Rou said, then she pointed at a certain place in it with gleaming eyes.

"Look at this, is it the same as page No. 15?"

How could Zhao Ya recognize this, but since Jing Rou is so excited, it must mean that this matter is of great significance.

"So what does it mean to be the same?" Zhao Ya asked.

"It means something extraordinary. You have to know that since I started collecting this information, I have never seen the same pattern. And do you know where the pattern on page No. 15 comes from?"

"From what?" Zhao Ya asked tirelessly, because he knew that this was what Jing Rou needed most at this time.

"Comes from a firearm!" At this point, Jing Rou was so excited that she almost jumped up.

"Combined with the shape of this miraculous creation, I made a bold guess, that is, it is likely to be matched with the firearm, and it is a mold specially used to make bullets for it."

Zhao Ya couldn't help but be moved when he heard this.

Because if Jing Rou's guess is true, it is indeed an extremely important discovery.

"Now I just want to rush back to the Guanzong as soon as possible to verify whether this guess is correct, so when should we leave?"

Speaking of this, Jing Rou was already a little restless, looking like she wanted to fly back to the Guan Sect right now.

"Let's wait another three to five days. When Kong Xiangdong and I have sorted out the remaining things, we will leave." Zhao Ya said.

Although she was very anxious, after hearing what Zhao Ya said, Jing Rou had no choice but to be patient and nodded.

"Okay, just do it as soon as possible. In fact, within ten days at most, these people who are rushing to the sea should evacuate. Otherwise, once it enters the polar night time, it will be difficult to evacuate the northern border."

What Jing Rou said was indeed the truth.

Every year, the only time people can barely survive in Wuwanghai is the two months of summer. Once this window period passes, even the native snow wolves will have to migrate some distance south and dare not stay at the beach forever.

One can imagine how harsh the environment is.

Now that there is not much time left, the atmosphere in the town has become tense.

Even the most greedy and lustful beachgoer has no choice but to cheer up and run to the beach every day.

After all, there are only a few days left. If you can't take advantage of this last opportunity to earn enough for the next year, you may not even have the chance to come here next year.

Zhao Ya and Kong Xiangdong also stepped up their work.

You must know that the things you get back from the free bird's nest are not just octopus suckers.

And after successfully subduing the freeloader leader, Zhao Ya and Kong Xiangdong took it to the nest and searched it carefully.

But the result left both Zhao Ya and Kong Xiangdong a little disappointed.

Because of the remaining things, none of them are as wonderfully toxic as the octopus suckers.

Only a few of them have some hallucinogenic effects and are barely usable, while the rest are all rubbish.

However, Zhao Ya and Kong Xiangdong soon adjusted their mentality.

It is extremely difficult to gain so much this time. People cannot be too greedy.

As the date of departure was approaching, Zhao Ya and Kong Xiangdong immediately put aside all chores and concentrated on refining the medicinal properties of this octopus sucker.

With previous experience, I am naturally familiar with it this time.

In just one day, the essence of the octopus sucker was completely refined.

Then Zhao Ya and Kong Xiangdong simply prepared these shells into medicinal powder.

The final income is divided equally between the two.

After doing this, five full days had passed, and Jing Rou was already impatient with waiting.

But he didn't dare to rush, so he could only wait patiently.

It wasn't until Zhao Ya and Kong Xiangdong divided all the medicinal powders that he couldn't help but ask: "Xiao Ya, are you done? When should we leave?"

Zhao Ya smiled.

"Don't worry, Leader Kong said, let's go together tomorrow."

"Huh? Are you going to evacuate too?" Jing Rou looked at Kong Xiangdong.

Kong Xiangdong nodded, "Yes, the harvest this year is good, and there will be no more than a day or two. Leave early and save yourself the worry on the road."

Jing Rou is capable of everything.

It will be more convenient on the road if we leave together.

At this time, Kong Xiangdong smiled and said: "I have already ordered my men to prepare a banquet. Let's have a good meal tonight. It can be regarded as practicing it for ourselves."

But just as the banquet was being served, there was suddenly the sound of chaotic footsteps outside, and then a man bursting in sweating profusely. After entering the room, he fell to the ground with a plop. Apparently, he had already Out of strength.

Kong Xiangdong's expression changed drastically and he asked sharply: "What's wrong?"

The person who came was none other than one of his men, who usually guarded the beach for Kong Xiangdong.

There are two types of catching the sea. One is what Zhao Ya once participated in, which is to go down to the seabed to pick up things when the tide is low in the morning.

This way of catching the sea has the most rewards, but it also has the greatest risks.

Because a large number of seaside animals will also go to the beach to look for food at this time.

In addition, you can also stay at the beach.

After all, fish and crabs will inevitably be washed up on the shore by the waves.

Although the rewards of this method are far less than those of catching the sea in the morning, and it is a bit of a lucky draw, it is better than being safe, so some older people with a stable temperament like to choose this method.

And this subordinate usually followed those old sailors to the beach. Now that he ran back in such a panic, something obviously happened.

"Fog... heavy fog!" The man said out of breath, his face full of horror that was hard to describe in words.

When they heard the word "dense fog", the expressions of all three people in the room changed drastically.

Because they thought of one thing almost at the same time, that was the death of the boss.

You must know that the old leader and his seamen disappeared after encountering a mysterious fog.

Kong Xiangdong's face turned pale, "What's going on? Tell me in detail!"

At this time, the messenger finally calmed down and spoke in a trembling voice.

"I was squatting at the beach at the time, but I didn't expect that the fog suddenly surged and instantly trapped all the people on the beach."

"If I hadn't run fast, I might have gotten stuck in it."

Hearing this, Kong Xiangdong had no time to say anything else, picked up his belongings and ran out.

Zhao Ya also said in a deep voice: "Senior Brother Jing, please stay here while I go and see what's going on." Jing Rou looked solemn, "Okay, but you must be careful. After all, Wuwuhai is very evil, especially that Don’t mess with the mist casually.”


As he spoke, Zhao Ya had already rushed out of the house. By the time these two words were dispersed, everyone else had already left the town and caught up with Kong Xiangdong who was running ahead.

With the strength of the two of them, they arrived at the Wuwu Sea in just a few moments as they hurried on with all their strength.

Then they stood still.

Because at this time, nowhere can we see the Wuwang Sea.

Although the fog covered the entire sea area before, at least the coastline and black waves could be seen.

But at this time, the white mist shrouded everything, and the situation ahead could not be seen at all.

Kong Xiangdong's face was ashen, even his lips were trembling, and his eyes seemed to have lost focus, standing there blankly.

Zhao Ya was much calmer. He carefully identified the surrounding environment, and finally confirmed through the rolling snow hills that this place was at least more than a mile away from the coastline.

This discovery also made Zhao Ya's expression become extremely solemn.

"Has this situation ever happened before?" Zhao Ya asked in a deep voice.

Kong Xiangdong, who was originally helpless, finally regained his composure at this time.

"No!" He shook his head firmly and then added.

"At least in all the years I've been traveling to sea, I've never encountered anything like this."

"Even the death of the boss happened in the morning when we were rushing to sea. I have never heard of fog rolling up to the coast before."

"That's weird!" Zhao Ya looked at the endless mist in front of him, his eyes flashing with brilliance.

If it is true as Kong Xiangdong said, then the rising fog this time is really unusual.

Just when Zhao Ya was deep in thought, a strange voice suddenly came from the mist.

The sound was not sharp, on the contrary, it was somewhat dull, but it was extremely penetrating.

At least Kong Xiangdong, standing in front of the fog, felt like his ears were going to be deafened.

Then Kong Xiangdong's expression changed drastically.

As the leader of the sea chasers who has been in Wuwanghai for many years, he naturally knows what this sound is.

The Sea Dragon King is on patrol!
A name that seems to have magical powers, once it appears, will make countless seafarers tremble with fear and even worship it.

Kong Xiangdong has not seen this phenomenon before. He heard it once when he first entered the industry.

But the sound that time was far from comparable to this time.

Compared to Kong Xiangdong, Zhao Ya was even more shocked.

Because the sound seemed familiar, almost like the whistles of those big ships on the sea in the previous life.

Could it be that there is some kind of giant wheel hidden in the mist of the Wuwu Sea?

This guess is too shocking, but if you think about it carefully, it is somewhat reasonable.

After all, it can be seen from the miraculous creation that there must be some unknown civilization in this Wuwu Sea.

But the question is, if the speculation is true, where does this civilization come from, whether it is an enemy or a friend, and what is happening with this fog?

Zhao Ya had a lot of thoughts in his heart.

At this moment, these surging mist suddenly receded like a tide.

Also receding together was the deafening sound of the "whistle".

In the blink of an eye, only Zhao Ya and Kong Xiangdong were left on the empty snow.

After a long time, Kong Xiangdong gradually regained his senses.

But when he looked ahead, he saw nothing on the ground except the snow that was frozen together like a mirror.

There were no people and no bloody remains.

It's as clean as if the missing sailors never existed.

Kong Xiangdong's face turned pale, and regardless of the danger, he quickened his pace and rushed towards the seaside.

Zhao Ya followed closely and came to the beach.

Everything is as usual here, the black sea water is lapping at the coast as always, and the mist is like a curtain hanging between the sky and the earth, blocking all inquiring eyes and hiding countless secrets within it.

"No more!" Kong Xiangdong murmured softly, his eyes a little straight.

Those missing this time were all experienced seafarers, which was a great loss to Kong Xiangdong.

But that's not the main thing.

The most important thing is that Kong Xiangdong has no idea what happened.

It was as if suddenly, the fog that never came ashore surged onto the coast, and then his own people mysteriously disappeared.

In folk words, you can’t see people alive but you can’t see dead bodies.

This makes Kong Xiangdong, who has been living on the beach all year round, feel uneasy.

Unlike the lost Kong Xiangdong, Zhao Ya has been carefully observing the surrounding environment.

Then he discovered a strange phenomenon.

That's these snow fields that freeze into ice.

You must know that in this northern land with extremely low temperatures, the falling snow will remain as snow for a long time without external intervention.

At most, as time goes by, they gradually condense together to form hard snow.

It is quite difficult to turn it into ice.

Because this requires a suitable temperature to melt into water first and then freeze into ice.

When the houses in the town were being built, the snow had to be molded together first, then heated to burn the outer layer, and the snow water that penetrated would freeze it together, so that ice cubes could be made.

But at this time, a wide river-like ice surface appeared on the ground.

Zhao Ya squatted down and gently touched the ice with his hands. He felt that it was extremely smooth, as if something heavy had slid across it, smoothing out all the unevenness.

Could it be that as I guessed, a giant wheel was gliding by?

But that doesn't make sense either.

Because as far as Zhao Ya knew, such a huge ship, let alone ashore, would not dare to approach shallower ports for fear of running aground.

So if this giant ship can really climb ashore, how does it get back?

At this time, a figure flashed in the distance, and then Yang Zhan and some people from the town were seen coming after hearing the news.

After seeing the scene and learning what happened, the people in the town were in a commotion.

"First the old leader, then the leader Kong, my God! Does it mean that the Sea Dragon King no longer allows the sea chasers to exist?" Someone whispered softly with a pale face.

Everyone was silent.

Zhao Ya didn't say a word, but kept lowering his head and thinking about something.

Suddenly, he felt a chill on his cheeks. When he looked up, he realized that snowflakes had drifted from the sky at some point.

Snowing?Zhao Ya was slightly startled.

Just then, someone trembled: "Look at the sun!"

(End of this chapter)

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