Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 397 The secrets hidden in the Black Fox Jade Code

Chapter 397 The secrets hidden in the Black Fox Jade Code
It has to be said that Zhao Ya's current medical skills are the same as his attainments in the poisonous path. Although it is not to the point of lifting dead people's flesh and white bones, it can be said to be superb.

After applying the medicine, in just a few moments, the injuries of these women were greatly improved. Although they were not completely healed, at least they were no longer hindered from walking.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Ya led the group of people out of the valley.

As for the corpses of these Python God followers, it is up to the wild beasts in the mountains and forests to clean them up.

Coming out of the Python God Tribe and heading south, after passing through an unknown amount of jungle, the front suddenly opened up and a large open space appeared.

The surface of this open space is dusty, but the smell of decaying animals and plants in the air, as well as the suspicious puddles mixed in, all prove that this is a large swamp.

"After passing through this swamp, we will be where our Xuanhu tribe used to be." Liu Yujiao said softly, with a complicated expression on her face.

There is the sadness of revisiting the old place but the things have changed, and there is also the anger and fear of recalling the tragic experience.

Zhao Ya nodded, and then followed the footsteps of these women and walked along the path between the swamps.

This swamp is very wide and full of dangers.

If you are not careful, you may fall into it and be swallowed up by the soft mud.

Zhao Ya is naturally not afraid.

With his current attainments in Qinggong, he can guarantee that he will not fall even if he is walking on a swamp.

But it wouldn't work if it were anyone else.

Without these women who are familiar with the terrain to lead the way, it would be really difficult for ordinary warriors to break in.

So how did the Python God tribe attack in the first place?

It seemed that he had guessed Zhao Ya's doubts.Or maybe it was just out of emotion, Liu Yujiao whispered: "When Jingping Sheng attacked our tribe, he broke in single-handedly and relied on his super strength."

"We are convinced of our defeat, but the people of the Python God Cult are different. They bribed a traitor, and then sneaked in while we were not paying attention, and then launched a sneak attack."

Speaking of this, a strong look of disgust appeared on Liu Yujiao's face, and then she said gloatingly: "But that traitor doesn't know that after the Python God Cult achieves its goal, she will be the first to die. And he was thrown into the python cave and fed to the snake while he was extremely conscious."

In fact, Zhao Ya never asked about this at all. Liu Yujiao was narrating all this.

Zhao Ya just listened quietly the whole time.

Finally, the group of them passed through this large swamp and came to a high ground.

Surrounded by mountains, the scenery is very beautiful.

In addition, there is a swamp in the front and mountains in the back, making it an excellent place to live.

And just on this highland, there are large areas of burned ruins.

It can be seen from the scale of this ruins that the Xuanhu tribe was very powerful back then.

It's a pity that after successive disasters, only these weak women were left.

Seeing their former homes in this state, these women all looked sad.

However, Liu Yujiao quickly calmed down and said in a deep voice: "Don't cry anymore, let me find the Jade Code for you first!"

After saying that, she led the people behind the ruins.

When she came to a huge rock, Liu Yujiao began to lean over and search.

After a long time, she seemed to have found the exact location and immediately started digging with her hands.

The women helped, and soon a deep hole was dug.

Zhao Ya was watching not far away.


He caught a glimpse of a stone box appearing at the bottom of the pit, and his eyes lit up.

Is this what Liu Yujiao said, the sacred artifact passed down from generation to generation by the Xuanhu tribe?

At this moment, Liu Yujiao and several women struggled to lift the stone box out of the pit.

"Sir, our high priest had a premonition that something bad was going on, and ordered me and a few others to bury this jade tome."

"Because I am the only one who knows the exact location, the people from the Python God Sect searched for it many times but found nothing. Now I dedicate it to you as a token of our gratitude."

With that said, Liu Yujiao opened the lid with difficulty.

Then Zhao Ya's eyes lit up instantly.

Because when the lid of the box was opened, he felt a simple and desolate atmosphere blowing towards his face.

This also proves that Liu Yujiao is not lying.

This Jade Code is indeed a sacred object passed down from generation to generation by their Xuanhu tribe, otherwise it would not have such a majestic and vast aura.

Zhao Ya became interested and came forward to watch.

Inside the stone box was a jade slip that looked like a book, with many complex and mysterious lines engraved on it.

No wonder it is called the Jade Code.

Zhao Ya stretched out his hand and gently touched the jade scripture.

The moment he came into contact, Zhao Ya felt countless images flashing through his mind.

But when he tried to capture these scenes in detail again, there were no traces to be found.

It was as if the power suddenly went out.

Apart from this, there are no other abnormal phenomena, not even the ability to directly absorb and absorb the power of faith stored in it like when it comes into contact with the statue of the Python God Religion.

But Zhao Ya became more and more curious.

Because although he couldn't see clearly the many pictures that flashed by just now, Zhao Ya still felt the unusualness of this jade slip at a glance.

Is it because my perception ability is not strong enough that I can't figure out the secret?
Zhao Ya's interest increased greatly.

This alone is worth the price of admission.

It is even more valuable than what was obtained from the Python Cult.

Liu Yujiao, who was on the side, watched Zhao Ya's words and expressions, and couldn't help but feel relieved when she saw Zhao Ya's expression of joy and curiosity.

To be honest, she had been a little uneasy before this.

Because although this jade slip has been a sacred object that has been passed down by the tribe for many years, its specific purpose has long been unknown. Even the high priest does not know what the purpose of this thing is. He just keeps enshrining it out of habit.

At that time, she thought of it in order to thank Zhao Ya and also to establish this relationship.

But she had no idea whether this thing was actually useful or whether it could satisfy Zhao Ya.

If he wasn't interested, wouldn't all his plans be in vain?

Fortunately, Zhao Ya's performance made Liu Yujiao let out a sigh of relief.

At this time, Zhao Ya also raised his head, looked at Liu Yujiao and said, "I want this thing, so... what do you want?"

Zhao Ya knew it very well.

The reason why Liu Yujiao suddenly offered the treasure was certainly not just to thank herself, but for something else.

Sure enough, after hearing Zhao Ya's question, Liu Yujiao and the women looked at each other, and suddenly they all fell to their knees.

Liu Yuhuan was left standing there with a blank look on his face, hesitated for a moment, and then knelt down as well.

Zhao Ya frowned, "Why do you always kneel down when you have something to say?" Liu Yujiao did not stand up, but said very solemnly: "Sir, we do have a request, and I hope you can agree to it."

"Tell me about it, let me see if I can do it." Zhao Ya did not directly agree, but left room for maneuver.

"This will be easy for you, you can definitely do it."

Speaking of this, Liu Yujiao looked sad.

"Sir, you have also seen the situation of our Xuanhu tribe now. It can be said that it has completely ceased to exist. It is not a pity for us people to die, but Yuhuan cannot die. This child is the last hope of our Xuanhu tribe, so I I hope you can take her away and leave this place.”

Liu Yuhuan was shocked when he heard this. He immediately raised his head and looked at Liu Yujiao in disbelief.


"Stop talking, sister, this is for your own good!" Liu Yujiao scolded Liu Yuhuan in a very rare way, and then looked at Zhao Ya with a pleading look on her face.

Not only her, but other women also looked eager.

Zhao Ya was silent for a long time and then suddenly said: "This matter is indeed not difficult, but I have two things to ask clearly."

"Please speak!"

"This Liu Yuhuan is not your biological sister, right? What is her true identity?" Zhao Ya said lightly.

"So you have noticed it a long time ago, so let me tell you the truth. She is indeed not my biological sister. As for her true identity..."

Liu Yujiao was silent for a moment, and then she said: "She is actually the next high priest of our Xuanhu tribe."

"Oh? The next priest?" Zhao Ya asked in surprise.

"Yes, the creation of the high priest of our Xuanhu tribe is very special. Whenever the current high priest reaches old age, a gifted person will appear among the newborns of the tribe, and he will show extraordinary qualities after his birth. Come, this will be the next high priest."

"And Yuhuan is the next high priest!"

Hearing Liu Yujiao's words, Zhao Ya was a little surprised.

It sounds like the way the high priest of the Xuanhu tribe was created is very similar to the reincarnated soul boy in Tibetan Buddhism!

The difference is that the reincarnated soul boys of Tibetan Buddhism are often involved in the interests of all parties.

But this method of the Xuanhu tribe is real!
Liu Yujiao was afraid that Zhao Ya wouldn't believe it, so she continued to add: "The successive high priests of our Xuanhu tribe are all women, and they all look very similar. Yuhuan is still young, so it may not be obvious, but I think you can also see it. Here are some clues."

Zhao Ya nodded.

This is true.

When he saw Liu Yuhuan for the first time, he felt that this little girl had a strange appearance and seemed rather foxy.

It turned out to be the reason.

"Second question, if you entrust such an important person to me, aren't you afraid of something happening?" Zhao Ya asked.

Liu Yujiao smiled bitterly, "What accident could be more miserable than us being captured by the Python God Sect and used as sacrifices?"

"Now the Xuanhu tribe is actually finished. We are all a group of unclean people. Life or death doesn't matter anymore!"

"But Yuhuan is different. She is still young, and she has the blood of Xuanhu flowing through her body, so she cannot be lost in this vast mountain forest, so sir..."

Liu Yujiao looked at Zhao Ya again with a pleading look on her face, "Take her away, leave this place, even if you become an ordinary person outside, it is better than living alone here all your life!"

The other women also prayed together.

As for Liu Yuhuan, she was already in tears.

But in the face of these people's pleas, Zhao Ya suddenly shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I can't take her away."

Liu Yujiao's heart suddenly fell to the bottom, and she asked with confusion: "Why?"

"Because I have my own things to do, and it's always inconvenient to have a little girl with me."

Speaking of this, Zhao Ya explained immediately without waiting for Liu Yujiao to refute.

"But I have another way. Not only can she leave this mountain forest, but you can also have a foothold. If it develops well, it may even be possible to restore the glory of your Black Fox tribe."

"What can I do?" Liu Yujiao was stunned for a moment, and then a bright light appeared in her eyes.

No one really wants to end their lives with a withered heart.

It's just that the situation she faced before forced Liu Yujiao to do this.

Now that he heard that Zhao Ya actually had other methods, a fire of hope naturally ignited in his heart.

"Do you know about the Guan Zong?" Zhao Ya asked.

"Of course I know. It is a large sect that is famous throughout the Huawai Land. How could we not know about it," Liu Yujiao said.

"It just so happens that I'm very familiar with the people from the Guan Sect, so as long as you stay near the Guan Zong's station and with their help, I believe no one will dare to provoke you."

Liu Yujiao's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Because if things are really as Zhao Ya said, that is indeed an excellent solution.

But the question is, is the Guanzong really willing to accept this group of people?

Zhao Ya just smiled slightly at this, "Don't worry, others may not be able to do it, but with me stepping forward, there will be no problem."

Zhao Ya is not talking big words.

With his current relationship with the Guan Sect, it is indeed not difficult for them to accept a group of weak women who have nowhere to go.

After hearing this, Liu Yujiao and others were naturally overjoyed.

Liu Yujiao felt even more grateful for her previous decision.

Although the Jade Code is precious, the tribe is gone, and no matter how precious it is, it is just a piece of stone.

It is better to offer it actively in exchange for a precious opportunity.

It was already getting late at this time. Although Zhao Ya was fine, these women were recovering from old injuries and had traveled for such a long time. If they continued to operate overnight, they would not be able to do it.

So the group simply started to set up camp in a corner of the high ground.

After waiting for the pot to be cooked, Zhao Ya simply rejected Liu Yujiao's suggestion that someone would accompany him and went back to his tent to rest.

These women were all exhausted and soon fell asleep.

Zhao Ya sat in the tent and sorted out all the trophies he had obtained from the Python Cult.

I don't know if I don't take an inventory, but I'm startled when I take an inventory.

The items scavenged from that hall were already valuable, but the most important ones were the snake gall meat field and the complete snake skin.

Zhao Ya picked up the snake gall and observed it carefully under the lamp. Even after a day of running around, the snake gall still did not shrink in any way, but became more and more alive.

The same goes for this snake skin, which feels delicate and smooth and has an excellent feel.

The key is to be able to withstand Zhao Ya's strong pull.

You must know that Zhao Ya's current strength is enough to tear steel into pieces, but this snake skin can hold it without any deformation, which shows its strong toughness.

But these things are not as valuable as the jade book obtained in the end.

Although he couldn't see it yet, Zhao Ya's intuition told him that this thing was extremely important.

(End of this chapter)

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