Chapter 48

Zhao Ya did not take the main road, but left the city by an extremely secret route.

For such a route, Zhao Ya knew at least three routes, all of which were explored by Zhao Ya secretly, in order to prevent the city from being able to withdraw quickly if there was any change in the city.

When Zhao Ya climbed out from an inconspicuous gap in the city wall, the sun had already risen.

The Elephant Dance City is surrounded by mountains, and not far from it is the huge Wild Elephant Mountain, where wild beasts are rampant, and there are even more powerful strange beasts infesting. On weekdays, except for professional hunters, few people dare to go deep into it.

Zhao Ya didn't dare to rush in, he stepped on the outside first, and made a signpost in the hidden place to return, then packed his bags, then covered his face with a mask, and slowly went in.

At the beginning, there was still a road, but as it went deeper, the vegetation became more and more vigorous, and in the end, the road could not be seen at all.

Zhao Ya pulled out the dagger, chopped the grass and thorns in front of him, and opened a path with difficulty.

Although he knew that hunting was difficult, he still didn't expect it to be so difficult.

After walking for so long, Zhao Ya didn't encounter anything except one unlucky hare.

But Zhao Ya was not discouraged.

He didn't imagine that he would be able to return with a full reward when he went hunting for the first time. This time, he was more about exploring the road and getting familiar with the familiar environment.

In this way, Zhao Ya walked for more than an hour, and did not really enter the interior of Wild Elephant Mountain until around noon.

There are large tracts of virgin forest everywhere, and it is easy to get lost if you don't pay attention.

Zhao Ya also became more careful, leaving hidden road signs every time he walked.

There were more wild animals here, but most of them took the initiative to avoid Zhao Ya.

For these animals, Zhao Ya's exuberant vitality and the short knife in his hand all represent danger, so naturally they should stay away from them.

Zhao Ya was not in a hurry to chase after him, instead he took out a notebook from time to time and wrote down something in it.

Lunch consisted of a piece of dried earthworm meat and clear water. After Zhao Ya finished eating, he prepared to walk a little further and headed back home.

Otherwise, he would not be able to leave the Wild Elephant Mountain before the sun went down.

Even Zhao Ya, who is already a second-level martial artist, is absolutely unwilling to spend the night in this wilderness, because it is too dangerous.

As he was walking, Zhao Ya suddenly stopped in his tracks because he noticed that the grass and trees in front of him had been trampled on.

This mark is very fresh, but also mixed with a few drops of blood.

Zhao Ya immediately took precautions.

It seems that it should be the traces left by the hunters chasing their prey. During this journey, Zhao Ya also encountered hunters who entered the mountain, but he avoided them all by far.

After all, in this deep mountain, no one can guarantee whether the other party is good or evil.

Especially these hunters are in groups of three or four once they are dispatched, and they have extremely rich experience in the field.

I am alone again, if I meet someone with evil intentions, it will always be a trouble.

However, this place is already located in the depths of Wild Elephant Mountain, and he didn't expect to meet Orion, so Zhao Ya couldn't help but follow the traces and chase him down.

He wants to see what prey is worth taking risks in this deep mountain, so that he can prepare for it next time he comes.

After walking for more than a mile, the traces became more and more obvious, but Zhao Ya's expression suddenly changed.

Because he vaguely heard the sound of fighting ahead.

Zhao Ya immediately used lightness kung fu and ran towards the source of the voice.

At this time, behind a boulder a few hundred meters away, three people were besieging a man, and there was a huge deer lying on the ground.

These people were all dressed as hunters, and the besieged were already injured, but the machete in their hands did not show any sign of weakness, and even forced the three of them back again and again.

Seeing this situation, the three of them simply stopped attacking and adopted a strategy of fighting instead.

Because they knew that with the passage of time, the Orion's injuries would become more and more serious, and it would be no effort to deal with him by then.

Not only that, but the three of them also used words to stimulate the besieged people while they were fighting.

"Niu Yuan, I advise you to save your energy and surrender this giant deer to us as soon as possible. We can spare your life."

"That's right, if you keep fighting like this, you will definitely die. Why bother for a giant deer?"

The besieged man's face was livid, and his eyes were full of anger.

"Fart, it took me many days to hunt this giant deer, why should I let it go to you?"

"And even if I give it up to you, you won't let me go, Deng Daqiang, we all eat Orion food, do you really think I'm a three-year-old?"

Deng Daqiang chuckled, "It's good that you know it. I blame you for being too greedy and wanting to swallow this giant deer all by yourself. Then it's no wonder our brothers are so cruel."

The three of them continued to swim and fight without giving Niu Yuan any chance to get close.

Niu Yuan's heart gradually sank.

Because he could feel that with the passage of time, his physical strength was constantly declining.

The wound on the back was also bleeding non-stop, and sooner or later he would be consumed to death by these three people.

But Niu Yuan has nothing to do about it.

Because it is located in this deep mountain and old forest, force is the fundamental solution to everything.

Blame only my own negligence for a moment, being successfully attacked by the three of Deng Daqiang, otherwise, how could the three of them have won me.

Niu Yuan gradually fell into despair, suddenly staggered, and almost dropped the machete in his hand.

Deng Daqiang's eyes lit up when he saw this, he immediately rushed forward at the right time, and chopped it up with a knife.

Niu Yuan felt miserable and was about to die.

At this moment, there was a sound of "Xu", and then an arrow flew through the air and nailed Deng Daqiang's throat.

Deng Daqiang's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe it.

At the same time, a figure jumped out from behind the boulder like a tiger.

The remaining two were flustered by this unexpected turn of events, and they didn't think about fighting back until this figure got close.

But when it was too late, two saber lights flashed across, and the heads of the two people flew out immediately.

The dead body fell to the ground.

All these changes happened in a flash of time.

Niu Yuan was also stunned.

Zhao Ya unhurriedly took off the sleeve arrow nailed to Deng Daqiang's throat, put it in his pouch, and then turned around to look at Niu Yuan.

"Are you the hunter in this mountain?"

Only then did Niu Yuan wake up, and hurriedly nodded, "Yes, yes, yes!"

Then he looked at Zhao Ya with some fear, not knowing what this warrior who appeared suddenly wanted to do.

In fact, Zhao Ya saw everything that happened just now from behind the boulder.

The reason why he made the move was of course not to uphold justice, but he suddenly felt that Niu Yuan was a very suitable candidate.

After all, being able to capture an obviously alienated giant deer in this deep mountain and old forest shows its superb hunting skills.

And this is what I lack the most.

 Thanks to Taoist Heiyun for the 100 book coins and Qing Yuhuan for the reward of 100 book coins

(End of this chapter)

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