A hero drinks red without leaving a bottle

Chapter 60 Opening a book on the issue of life experience is like repeatedly folding blank paper.

Chapter 60 Opening a book on the issue of life experience is like repeatedly folding blank paper.

After leaving the cave where the three of them were hiding, mounted his horse and started galloping towards the city that was not far away, Huang Lang finally had time to calm down and think about two issues.

The first question was naturally the settlement that he pushed repeatedly.

The previous wave where the elf king escaped with the eldest lady did earn a lot, but after that, a series of tricks including unlocking Titus basically cost the points almost bottomed out. Prince, the aliens sent another 80 points, and I barely have 85 points in my hand.

The game that allowed Titus to come [Warhammer 40K: Star Warrior 2] He only unlocked the basic characters, weapons and the Holy Seal of Purity; most of them were unsolved, including: gene optimization, organ enhancement, weapon enhancement, prayer, Rage, items, and call for fire support.

And the unlocking of subsystems in this game is not 10 points, but 20 points.

In other words, he has spent all his points now, and he is unlocking up to four subsystems.

But the second problem is that Titus should not be suitable for the next situation - after all, what he killed in the dungeon of the Elf King as Titus before was called a bloody storm .

And the shape of Titus, how should I put it... is even more eye-catching than some pork guy drinking Dry Martini at the butcher stand.

Now if no one is tracking Titus's appearance, he will not believe it.

It's not that Huang Lang didn't think about using Titus without saying a word, but considering that he still has two key oil bottles behind him, and he still has a good grasp of the world's top combat power. After not being very clear about these two points, Huang Lang decided to temporarily give up his plan to use the invincible second company commander to kill a future directly.

So what are these 85 points used for, and what to unlock to help the next series of actions——Huang Lang fell into deep thinking.

[There is a high probability that we need to consider sneaking into combat, but even if the sneaking is successful, how can we guarantee that the old rock sculpture's means of staying in the city will still be effective during martial law? What annoyance. 】

Huang Lang looked at the huge list of games in front of him, and scanned them back and forth while muttering in his heart. Finally, when his eyes fell on a game, his eyes lit up.

Light-Bulb!——Huang Lang felt that if he had special effects at this time, a light bulb must have lit up on his head.

Order soldiers and generals, who is my little soldier and general, wow, it really has to be you, my Pikachu!

"I want to unlock this game!" In the consciousness space, Huang Lang enlarged a game icon and said.

"55 points of sincerity!"

Listening to the voice of the alien program group, Huang Lang even felt that there was a [clicking] sound when the cash register was opened in his ears.

"Then this subsystem was unlocked for me." Huang Lang pointed to one of the subsystems.

"20 points of sincerity!"

"Save the remaining 10 points."

With one last confession, Huang Lang withdrew from the space of consciousness. After time began to flow again, Huang Lang continued to ride his mount forward and galloped towards the city of Isar Khan—he knew he had to hurry, because he I was really afraid that the eldest lady and the little prince who were left in the cave would mess with him again.

Meanwhile, in the cave...

"Don't come here, come here and I'll blow you to death!" Serena looked at Elantra who stood up and wanted to lean over, her fingers lit up red, and she sternly shouted to stop her.

"Miss, don't be too nervous. I just feel that your side is burning hot. I'm a little cold. I want to sit there." The little orc prince felt the restlessness of the unstable magic crystal tied to his stomach, and hurried to leave the place. stood still, then raised his hand, pointing to the pile of fire that was obviously closer to Serena.

"Just stay there for me." Serena stared at Elantra and replied coldly.

After the series of incidents just now, Serena, who had calmed down, finally began to grow. She recalled everything that happened, and felt very regretful about the many things she had done, so now she decided not to do anything on her own. Judgment-strictly according to James Dorn's confession.

In other words, no matter how friendly the orc prince in front of him is, he will keep the highest vigilance until Huang Lang returns.

If you dare to make a change, you will be killed directly.

"Okay, I'll stay here, but I'm really cold." Elantra sat down on the spot, with a helpless smile on his face.

The orc prince, of course, doesn't really feel the cold --- just as Serena warned, Elantra didn't want to get close to keep warm, but to find a chance to control Serena. If there is no chance, at least We also need to get closer to this half-elf, let her lower her guard, and leave room for future operations.

After experiencing the massacre in the royal capital, Elantra didn't believe anyone, let alone a human and a half-elf who happened to meet in the same boat.

At this time at least, Elantra only believes in cooperation based on mutual interests.

That human and this half-elf are obviously dominated by humans, but through the divine power lie detector tool he wears, he knows that humans care about elves—no matter why they care, they really care of.

So, Elantra, I want to attack the half-elf in various senses.

But I didn't expect that the hamster-like half-elf just now was really unmoved at this moment, and was extremely nervous and vigilant.

Seeing Serena's serious eyes, the little taxi prince knew that he couldn't go any further. If he went any further, the half-elf in front of him would really blow him up.

And I can't die no matter what, I have to go back to the capital, tear my uncle Wang into pieces, let his blood flow across the hall, let his head be pierced on the spear, and all this It all happened after his Uncle Wang personally watched his own ambitions be destroyed, and watched his own family members being cut into several large pieces one by one in front of him!
The tyrannical thought drove the orc blood in Elantra's body to boil, but the blood given to him by his human mother calmed him down—he knew that he couldn't be in a hurry, especially at times like this, the more he couldn't be in a hurry.

So he sat down.

At this moment, he saw two flint stones being thrown in front of him.

"Here, you can hold these two pieces to keep warm first, but stay where you are and don't move."

A half-elf's cold voice came from not far away.

Picking up the flint stone on the ground and holding it in his arms, feeling the heat from it, Elantra nodded to Serena to express her gratitude.

When he felt that the half-elf in front of him had a good heart and was still a little soft, Elantra suddenly saw the inscription engraved on the metal ring around the fire spar when he lowered his head.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, Elantra almost shivered in fright and threw the two crystals in his arms on the ground.

"What do you want to do?!" Seeing Elantra trembling violently, Serena asked in a raised voice.

"No, no, no, no, don't get me wrong, I just suddenly became warm and shivered." Elantra waved his hand quickly.

"be honest!"

"Okay, okay, I'll be honest."

As Elantra said, he obediently stood there and didn't move.

If his response before was completely calculated and cunning, at this moment Elantra's answer to Serena already has some sincere awe.

There is no other reason, it is the iron ring around one of the two crystal stones, or more precisely, the inscription engraved on the iron ring.

Until a few decades ago, when the production of spar was monopolized by masters and master apprentices, masters who regarded spar as works of art liked to leave their personal marks on spar.Just by looking at the imprint, one can more or less know where the spar came from.

These imprints have more or less become props for people to compare.

If Huang Lang was here, he would definitely say with emotion [ah, I know this well, isn't this the same as girls' bags and my limited edition cards, I understand this).

However, in recent years, with the optimization of spar infusions and the emergence of mass-produced infusion machines, the processing speed of magic crystals by mages has been greatly accelerated, and the door has been greatly lowered --- it used to be that at least level 2 mages could do it. The gate of imbuing magic has been lowered to the level of mage academy graduates, and the speed of imbuing magic is also faster than the previous mages dared to imagine.

Therefore, under this background, there are fewer and fewer imprints carved on the iron ring around the magic crystal.

After all, in your original handicraft workshop, you still have the mind to engrave a seal if you fill one per hour, but now there is a tendency for mages to enter the factory, and TM fills dozens of them an hour, who still has the mind to engrave a seal, right?
So, going further, there are fewer and fewer people studying seals for comparison with seals.

But Elantra knows it. On the one hand, he is a battle mage himself, and he has studied hard and systematically. On the other hand, the royal family is somewhat [No matter how well you industrialize, I just want to eat and use handmade products] Therefore, there are more opportunities for Elantra to come into contact with these handcrafted boutiques and customize high-end things when they are young.

Elantra knew the imprint on the iron hoop outside the spar—that flower, the mage represented by the elf's love flower imprint is...
Human race saint - Alan - Snape.

The magician Snape has been reclusive for many years, not to mention making magic crystals and selling them, and there are few opportunities to show up.

Now that a magic crystal made by the Dharma Saint suddenly appeared, Elantra had to think about it—was it made by the Dharma Sage many years ago, or was it an exception made by the Dharma Sage in recent years.

The magic crystal made by Fasheng many years ago has already been sold at sky-high prices in the market. If there is one piece, the natural background will not be simple.

If it had been made by the Dharma Saint in recent years, the background of the half-elf in front of him would be even more unbelievable!
[MD, is this somewhat nervous half-elf in front of me a prince or princess? It doesn't look like it. I don't know any big country that has a half-blood princess? ! 】

Rubbing the imprint of the Dharma Saint with his fingers, Elantra fell into deep doubts about the world.

And at this moment, in the tallest mage tower in the capital of the Eternal Empire, the finger of the human mage Alan Snape who was chanted by Elantra was also rubbing a mark that he himself had left.

The imprint was not on the iron ring that held the magic crystal, but on the forehead of a familiar in the form of a flying bird.

"I haven't seen you for so many years," Fa Sheng's fingers touched the mark, and his words were full of desolation that can only be left by time, "I never thought that you appeared again because of..."

The magic pet tilted his head to look at Fa Sheng, and said:

"Sorry, my reply options are limited, I don't recognize your command, please repeat your command."

Fasheng knew that this magic pet he made many years ago did not have many functions and could not recognize too many languages, so he sighed and said:

"Play the message you're carrying."

"Command confirmation, now start to play the carried information, the information was recorded on..."

"Play now!"

"Command confirmation, play immediately."

The magic pet mechanically responded, and immediately, a nice female voice rang out in the room:
"It's been a long time since we saw each other, my dear Ellen..."

"Yeah, long time no see, Robelia..." Fa Sheng sighed heavily when he heard that voice.

"If you are listening to Didi playing this news, it means that I should have left this world for a special reason..."

"Robelia..." The holy man held the staff tightly in his hand. At this moment, he had already heard the news of the elf queen's fall, and he had already burst into tears because of it, but at this moment he heard the news again. He was still in tears when he heard the voice of the Elven Queen.

"Hey, this is really weird, I don't know what killed me, but anyway, well, since you received the message, it means that something killed me, aha, ahaha... cough cough cough …….”

Listening to the somewhat awkward smirk, Fa Sheng vaguely felt that what appeared in his vision blurred by tears was not the elegant and dignified elf queen, but the elf who would hug him, bite his head and grab his staff girl.

"Uh, so, you should have already guessed, you are so smart, right? I left this message to ask you for something--one thing I just want to ask you, and I can only ask you, take care of me My niece, listen, I know you're angry that my sister's abdication of her inheritance and her royal duties caused me to have to inherit the throne and that we were separated, but... wait, I said this, did I offend you? Remembered..."

Hearing this, Fa Sheng showed a doting but sad smile on his face.

"But Arwen, she is different. She needs your care and guidance. Little William has been teaching her, but I know that one day in the future, Little William will not be able to continue to guide her. I originally planned to take care of her personally." I passed the baton, but now that I can't do it, I need you to take over for William."

her niece?Why?A trace of doubt flashed in Fa Sheng's eyes.

"Didi should still be carrying a magic crystal, which stores her information. You have to look at it yourself. After reading it, you will understand. Alan, find her, take care of her, and guide her. She should not be difficult to find, because I specially handed her a lot of magic tools from your past through my sister, within a certain distance, you should be able to lock her easily."

"Also, Alan, when we parted years ago, the answer to your question...my answer has always been.....Always...."

Fasheng's memory suddenly returned to the dawn of parting many years ago. After embracing each other for a night, facing the envoys of the elf kingdom who came to greet him, he looked at the beautiful woman in his arms and asked a series of questions:
【Will you always love me?Will you always remember me? Will you work as hard as I do for the possibility of being together again someday in the future】

"Always..." With tears in his eyes, Fasheng touched the crystal spit out of the familiar's mouth with his hand.

The next moment, the memory of the Elf Queen flooded Alan Snape's mind.

Fa Sheng's eyes suddenly widened!
 I would like to use this chapter to commemorate Alan Rickman, probably the vast majority of people here know him because of Harry Potter
  But for me, the opportunity to know this actor is his play "The Seagull" and later the movie Die Hard.

  The original title of this chapter is [Opening a book on the issue of life experience is like repeatedly folding blank paper. After seven times, you may really not be able to roll it anymore. That's why the One Piece who keeps on making life and blood is getting worse and worse]

  But it's too long, stand up
  I received the news yesterday that the editor said that it has entered the fourth round
  So, in the fourth round, did you break through the fantasy zone barrier?
  Thank you readers for your continued support

  The readers I want to talk about today are [Yu Qian wants to burn his head after hearing this] and [Uncle BJ]

  Ah, Mr. Yu, what are you going to do with the other two hobbies? Are you right, Mr. Jingcheng over there?


(End of this chapter)

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