A hero drinks red without leaving a bottle

Chapter 70 Township love The end of the universe is Tieling, the end of material desire is showing o

Chapter 70 Township love The end of the universe is Tieling, the end of material desire is showing off

For this intelligent creature to live for a lifetime, there must be some pursuit, whether it is material or spiritual.

Spiritually, it is easier to last, but it is not easy to find;
In terms of material, it is easier to find, but it is not easy to last
But no matter whether it is material or spiritual, if a person has one last thing or a person or an ideal that he can hold on to all the time, if the passion goes to the end, then there are often rules, that is:

This person, either, has nothing but this thing/this person/this ideal; or, apart from this thing/this person/here, he needs nothing.

Subaru - Dead Fang, falls into the latter category.

He has been doing well in the past few years. He followed the boss of the underground world in Roan Lapune. He really tried everything—eating the best, drinking the best, playing the best, That can really be said to be eating, drinking, PD smoking, cheating, cheating and stealing, proficient in everything, and playing with everything.

As long as he Subaru-Dead Fang doesn't betray the big boss above and does his job well, he really has everything he wants.

At the same time, this orc didn't have any spiritual pursuits --- his identity as a mercenary and a knife-wielder in the underground world made him far away from any spiritual pursuits.

Because he has really witnessed too many dreams and ideals, being shattered by the clang of money colliding, melted and melted by the flash of magic, and flinched by the clang of the blade unsheathed...

So after all these years, Subaru really still has a passionate hobby left, just one——hunting, collecting the heads of prey, especially the heads of rare beasts.

Enough to enjoy everything else, tired of playing.

And he swore that he had never seen the beast in front of him in his life, whether it was hunted by himself, sent to him by someone else, or read in a book.

Seeing this beast that made the sound of Gnar, Gnar, Subaru's heart was suddenly aroused, but what he couldn't see through was that in the body of this "beast", there was actually a person who wanted to plot against him. guy.

The "beast" that made the Gnar sound was naturally transformed by Huang Lang, using the incomplete transformation card that was cooled down after a major settlement.

The object of his transformation is a hero in the hero arena game League of Legends in his hometown, the original yordle - Gnar, a very cute looking like a capybara when he is not transformed hero.

After seeing Subaru's file, he was keenly aware of the biggest weakness of the orc who was the leader of the thugs in the auction house --- rare animals, and immediately chose to temporarily transform into Gnar Come count Subaru.

You want to say that Huang Lang is a master of human weakness, no, but after he went to college and started working, didn't he see too many similar things?

When they were students, the sons and brothers drove luxury cars roaring past the dirty and messy student street at the entrance of the University City. Was it because they liked doing it?Definitely not, the broken ground in front of the school is full of affordable restaurants for poor students, mobile phone film, and Internet cafes in the early years, all kinds of crowded and messy.

City officials don’t even bother to go there, they can’t even drive there, and it’s impossible for the students to really understand luxury cars, so why did they go there?
In the final analysis, it's not because they know that there are people in the school's courtyard who like luxury cars.

The young masters are all hunters, and some of them are prey. When these prey come out and see a luxury car, they say "Wow, a luxury car."
[Got you, bitch! ]
In the final analysis, the thickness of the spiritual defense line in people's hearts is directly proportional to people's spiritual affluence and inversely proportional to people's material desires.

And breaking through the spiritual defense line, material or physical defense line is a matter of hand.

Subaru-Death Fang's spiritual defense line seems extremely thick, but it is actually strong on the outside, and there is one place that is really an absolute weakness...

"Little guy, what are you?" Subaru rushed over, grabbed Huang Lang and became Gnar, grabbed his neck and lifted him up, looking excitedly, "You...I really don't know you, you How did you come here, who didn't know the goods and didn't know how to see the goods, and you haven't noticed yet, ouch.... darling..."

With that said, Subaru grabbed Gnar and ran to his residence inside the auction house.

Given his status, status and trustworthiness within the group, although some people thought the thing he was carrying was a bit strange, no one said anything.

After all, in Roanna Lapuna, there are all sorts of new and strange things all over the world—it wasn’t yesterday, the boss ordered to cut off the legs of the elves and the tails of the murlocs, and insisted on combining something... What kind of fish is here?

Subaru carried Huang Lang into Gnar, rushed into the room, pulled out the weeping fairy beauty in the cage and threw it outside the door. After ordering the younger brother to take the elf away and deal with it, he locked Huang Lang in. .

Then, the orc villain opened his limited-issue magic net terminal handcrafted by dwarves and elf masters, inserted the magic storage crystal, and began to prepare excitedly...
Show off.

The end of the universe may be Tieling, and the end of material desires may be a show.

Subaru is impatient to show off. This is roughly like Caldea Master who hurriedly posted a post without drawing out ten consecutive orders, or pretending to be a newcomer and posting pictures there asking [Oh, I just played for a few days I understand very well, this Richelieu and Missouri’s are easy to use, can’t they be used] Some of the commanders who need to be beaten.....
However, Subaru had no chance to show off. As soon as he was ready, he heard a deafening roar from behind:


It was the same unintelligible voice, but it was completely different.

The Gnar heard by Subaru before was like a kitten, but now the voice sounds like a kitten suddenly turned into a lion, as if you suddenly discovered that the girlfriend who is humming in your arms is actually a phantom in a dream, and in fact you I was hugging the teacher's thigh and violently rubbing it in class, and the teacher's "hmm" sounded the same.

One is soft and seductive but extremely illusory, and the other is full of anger but really wants to die.

As soon as Subaru turned his head, a fist in his field of vision magnified infinitely. This fist slammed into Subaru's stomach, and then the second punch directly knocked him out

After transforming into Danal, Huang Lang opened the cage and knocked the orc Subaru unconscious with two punches.

The temporary transformation card with a time of only 3 minutes has almost just come to an end.

Undoing the temporary Gnar transformation, Huang Lang turned back into the Viper in Metal Gear, took out the tranquilizer pistol, and shot Subaru directly in the chest a few times, directly anesthetizing Subaru.

Then he switched off the system in seconds, switched back to World of Warcraft, and at the same time he turned into a thief, he shot the legendary enhancement of the World of Warcraft system, that is, the link endowment, on Subaru, then took out a bottle of Nogfogg potion and even plugged it in. Subaru's mouth.

The huge orc turned into a huge skeleton in the next second, lying on the ground unconsciously.

After finishing these things, Huang Lang pulled down the cover of the vent on the ceiling again, and then sneaked away.

The bursting roar, the sound of breaking the cage, and the sound of beating Subaru were naturally not ignored. Just after Huang Lang entered the stealth state and hid close to the wall, the door of the room was opened.

Several guards who were patrolling nearby heard the sound and came to check, but when they opened the door, they saw the broken cage and the big skeleton on the ground.

They all saw Subaru returning to the room carrying the strange beast, but when they opened the door, they saw the skeleton shelf but no one else. Their first reaction was that the skeleton shelf was Subaru.

They looked at the open iron cage again, sounded the alarm immediately, and then retreated——if something could turn Subaru, whose combat power is far above them, into a skeleton in such a short time, they would I don't want to fight that thing head-on.

After these people walked out, Huang Lang quickly switched back to the metal gear and turned into a poisonous snake. While unlinking the World of Warcraft link, he kicked Subaru hard on the head.

Then, he turned on the optical camouflage, entered a state of invisibility, and remained motionless against the wall.

In the game Metal Gear Solid, there is a mechanism, that is, no matter how much anesthesia you gave the target before, as long as you kick the target in the head, the target can wake up...
So Huang Lang's foot went down, and the fragments of the Nogfogg potion bottle that had lost the protection of the system were churning in his stomach. Subaru woke up in severe pain after another boss who had just changed shifts received the alarm and took the lead to fight back. coming.

"Subaru, you are...," the human leader who led the team looked at Subaru who was rolling on the ground in pain, and was puzzled for a moment, then suddenly turned his head and gave the two who had just reported that Subaru had turned into a skeleton a big slap in the face , "Isn't this person here? What the hell turned into a skeleton?! You said you can't drink before starting work, you two bastards, want to die?!"

"We don't have any..." The beaten human was confused and full of grievances.

They did see the big skeleton on the ground just now, that's right, why did the skeleton disappear and Captain Subaru reappeared?
Leaving these two unlucky guys aside, the humans who rushed over picked up Subaru and asked:
"Subaru, what's wrong with you?!"


Looking at his colleagues, the orc Subaru endured the severe pain in his abdomen, and told what happened just now.

This is a terrible statement. On the premise that there will be an absolutely important auction at night, there is a dangerous unknown beast in the building of the auction house. This is a big trouble.

"But how come, such a freshman, where did it go?"

"That thing can become bigger and smaller," Subaru said, enduring the pain in his stomach. "When I first found out, it was very small, but after I brought it in...Damn it, it was calculated, it must be for Our plot is to disturb Huang's important auction tonight..."

The orc was right about one thing—there were people who wanted to fuck them, but he thought it was the enemies of the Order who wanted to fuck them.

"In other words, this thing got smaller and got into the ventilation hole again." The human mercenary security known as Flint looked at the ventilation hole on the ceiling and frowned, "This is a big trouble, We must catch that thing as soon as possible, I will go to the main control room, check the internal surveillance, organize the arrest, and I will send someone to take you to the treatment room."

"Please, Flint."

After all, a group of thugs split into two groups, two supported the orc Subaru for treatment, and the other followed the human Flint to the main security control room of the entire auction house.

The two people supporting Subaru didn't notice that behind them, there was a small lump with red lights flashing.

Flint, who was in a hurry, didn't notice that the people behind him were also labeled with this thing.

Huang Lang was wearing optical camouflage, and put C4 bombs on several people. He followed Flint to the main security control room. After several people entered, Huang Lang took out a high-explosive grenade and threw it in. Then he slammed the detonation button of the C4 bomb.

There was a violent explosion, and several C4 bombs destroyed the main security control room, the medical room, and the people in them.

After the explosion stopped, Huang Lang rushed directly into the main security control room, took off the crystal card used to verify his identity and open the door from Flint's stump, and rushed to the elevator leading to the slave dungeon.

The entire auction house fell into panic and chaos due to the explosion, but because the two security directors and the main control room were killed, it was impossible to organize effective and orderly actions for a while. Huang Lang took advantage of this chaotic window and rushed to the elevator After strangling the necks of two guards, he used Flint's verification card to open the elevator and descend into the dark slave dungeon.

This is an underground space that has been repeatedly reinforced and completely cut off from the outside world. The only way to the outside world is the elevator.

Not too many cages were placed in the dungeon in an orderly manner. The cages were all clean and hygienic, and the slaves locked in them were all in good condition—all of them were relatively high-end slaves.

In the dim light, the slaves watched in amazement as the man who had arrived in the dungeon amidst explosions and fighting opened their cell door with what looked like a dwarven musket, and gathered them together.

"I'm here to take you out, but I need to check your identities first, so tell me."

More than a dozen slaves began to reveal their names and identities one after another. Huang Lang was startled when he heard that—this group of slaves really included everyone, from famous artists to former rich men, from the army The generals and local officials are not simple characters...

... Most of them lost their power and were harmed to this point.

Listen, when we were about to reach the bandit trio, a Goblin who had been in a hurry from the beginning yelled:
"Me! Save me! I am the goblin trade prince Avihu-Gold Bar, save me out, help me kill my brother, I will give you money you can't spend!!!"

Hearing the goblin's shout, Huang Lang's eyes lit up, and he was about to say something when an elf slave next to him, the famous elf anti-slavery trade philosopher Leonard, shouted loudly:

"So you are that Avihu-gold bar!!! You are a villain full of evil!!! Hahahaha, good! You are a villain who sold countless slaves, and you are here! Killed by your own brother?! Haha Hahahaha, good!!!"

"Is he a famous slave trader?" Huang Lang asked.

"The most famous....."

The elf philosopher said through gritted teeth, and quickly described to Huang Lang how many things this elf had done.

"Okay, I see, we don't have much time," Huang Lang stopped the elf philosopher, and waved at the goblin, "Mr. Gold Bar, come here."

After the goblin walked up to him arrogantly, Huang Lang raised his assault rifle and shot the goblin in the head!
Under the astonished eyes of other slaves, when the goblin's blood and brains were flying in the air, Huang Lang really heard a familiar voice coming from his consciousness:

[Congratulations to Mr. Huang for coming to the major plot settlement again]

Hearing the somewhat reluctance in that voice, Huang Lang felt happy: Didn't he just figure out this pattern?
 today is much better
  Readers said don't worry, I saw it, thank you, really
  Yesterday, there was no way. After I updated it, it was put on the shelves for me. You said that it won’t work if you don’t update it anymore, right, no problem

  Yesterday's title, in fact, is somewhat ironic that the cost of love and marriage is too high now
  Let's laugh and curse, relaxed and happy, ah, okay

  Lao Huang began to feel the rules of settlement.

  thanks for your support

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(End of this chapter)

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