The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 143 I have at least 9 ways to help them look good, 9 ways!

Chapter 143 I have at least nine ways to help them look good, nine ways!

After arranging jobs for the two maids, Dragon set his sights on the innocent half-deer girl again.

"Your name is Ina, right?"

The half-deer girl looked at the mechanical dragon warily, and nodded slightly.

"What specialties do you have?"

The Iron and Steel Dragon Union Chamber of Commerce does not support idlers, whether it is a prisoner or a maid, they must create value for the Full Metal Dragon King!
"My specialty is to fight against evil people who wantonly destroy nature!"

The girl spoke the hardest words in the softest voice.

Dragon's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked, "Are you a druid too?"

"Yes, yes, what's wrong?"

Ina took a step back somewhat uneasy.

"That's great! I'm an environmentalist, to tell you the truth! What I hate most in my life are bad guys who destroy nature!"

Dragon smiled kindly, revealing a mouthful of dragon teeth more terrifying than any pulverizer.


Yi Na looked suspiciously at the mechanical dragon, which didn't look like a good dragon at first glance, and there was [-] points of disbelief in her eyes.

"That must be true. I'm already eating ore, isn't it environmentally friendly?"

It seems to be the same, the half-deer girl who has not gone to school nodded stupidly.

"Since everyone is an environmentalist, I don't have to be embarrassed. Are you interested in joining my IUCN?"

"IUCN? What's this?"

"It is a non-profit organization that will have many druids in the future to protect the natural environment together."

Dragon used an intermediary-like voice to tempt, "Think about it, how many forests can you protect from exhaustion alone? But if we have more partners, wouldn't it be easier?"

"Moreover, how serious is the damage to the natural environment by humans now? I heard that the Frankish Kingdom is going to build a large factory, which will do even more harm to the environment. Have you heard of industrial wastewater? One ton of industrial wastewater can make Not a single acre of grass will grow!"

"Should we stop this kind of behavior that destroys nature?"

"Of course it must be stopped!"

Ina clenched her fist firmly.

"That's right." Dragon sighed pretendingly, "But it is a country, and we can't do it with our own strength, so we must contact more like-minded partners."

"It seems so..."

The little girl who had been living in the woods was led astray by the mechanical dragon after a few words, and she followed his words to think.

"But how can we find more companions?"

"It's all about propaganda."

Dragon grinned happily, "I'll build a radio tower in two days, and then you will be in charge of hosting the environmental protection column."

"You memorized the lines, how dare you, remember!"

After arranging jobs for the three maids, Dragon turned around and walked out of Star Castle, heading towards the weapons factory.

Of course, manpower is needed to form an expeditionary force. Grassroots soldiers can use captives who surrendered, but the main combat force must be the employees of the chamber of commerce.

Dragon swaggered and flew to the factory to land, and called the captured spellcasters who were on the main assembly line of the factory.

"Who is familiar with Linhai City's information?"

Several spellcasters looked at each other, and the mage who owed the most debts spoke first.

"Linhai City is the most prosperous city in the western region, with a total population of 6 near the city."

"We are all familiar with Linhai City."

"That's good, get ready, I'll arrange a paid leave for you."

"For a multi-day trip to Linhai City, at least [-] bodyguards will escort you personally, including pick-up, delivery, food and lodging. Go prepare your luggage."

This is going to war, and several spellcasters are happily preparing for it.They produce gunpowder on the assembly line every day, and their minds are going to be stiff.Now being able to go out to smash and rob with the mechanical dragon is simply a bonus.

"By the way, stop for a moment."

Dragon called to Tiefling Warlock, "What's your name?"

"Boss, my name is Ampapila."

After appearing in dozens of chapters, the tiefling warlock who finally had a name answered with a low eyebrow.

"Well, okay, Xiao An, I have a task for you."

Dragon lowered his voice and whispered softly: "Your mission this time is to escort Earl Bain's eldest daughter back to Linhai City and inherit the title of Earl."

"But now there is a problem, that is, Earl Bain is not the only daughter of her."

"You know what I mean?"

Ampapila, who was used to doing bad things, immediately understood, nodded vigorously and said: "Don't worry, Earl Bain will only have Miss Pamela's daughter soon!"

"What is this called?"

Dragon suddenly looked serious, and spoke righteously.

"I've already killed her father, should I kill her brothers again?"

"Remember, our Steel Machinery Dragon United Chamber of Commerce is a legal business organization, and we must do things decently."

"I heard that Miss Pamela's brothers are all decent people, so you can find a way to ask them to give up their titles and come to the Premier Forest to play. The Premier Forest is quite big, and they happened to be in the forest when they were tired. Stay."

Well, to support the puppet, there must be a backup option.

Although Pamela didn't look like someone who had the courage to fight against the mechanical dragon, Dragon still habitually defended himself.

But this made tiefling warlocks a bit difficult.

To do things decently, this touched his blind spot of knowledge.

"Boss, that is the Earl of the Western Region..."

He tried to insinuate in a tactful tone.

"Miss Pamela's brothers may not be as respectable as you think."

"Then you can help them."

Dragon grinned with a sneer, "If they are decent, you will make them decent. If they are not willing to be decent, you will help them to be decent."

"do you understand."

"I understand!"

Ampapila nodded suddenly, it turned out that he is so decent, then he is really good at it!
Before he came to the Western Territory, he was dedicated to helping the noble lord to solve the problem decently. Now it seems to be very simple to change the camp and solve the noble lord decently.

Warlock tiefling confidently compared a number, "Don't worry, I have at least nine ways to help them look good, nine ways!"

"Well, let's go."

Dragon nodded slightly, and Anpapila was about to retreat when he suddenly remembered something and asked casually: "By the way, I heard that there were many tieflings making trouble in Sanhe City before, do you know those A tiefling?"

Hearing the mechanical dragon's question, Ampapila swallowed hard. He didn't know what Dragon's words meant, but he didn't dare to lie. After thinking over and over again, he answered cautiously: "Maybe I can recognize you."

"Huh? What do you mean maybe we can know each other?"

Warlock tiefling breathed a sigh of relief when he found that Dragon hadn't lost his temper, and didn't intend to take him to the knife, and sold those compatriots without hesitation.

"They should all be spies from the Chaos Society. The Chaos Society is very powerful in the Western Territory. I was invited by them when I first arrived in the Western Territory. Of course, I rejected it immediately!"

"Disorder meeting?"

Dragon was a little curious about this unheard of force.

"I don't know much about this. I just heard that the main members of the Chaos Society are all hybrids with the blood of creatures from the lower realms."

"They believe that the source of chaos and the source of order in the multiverse are dynamically balanced. As long as someone can be selected by both sources at the same time, he can become the strongest existence beyond the Lord of the Nine Prisons."

This statement seems a bit familiar...

Trying to obtain the power of two sources of power, the big guy behind this force can't be Astimos, right?But this is too obvious, and it cannot be ruled out that there is a possibility of big shots fishing.

Ragon pondered, and after a short thought, he looked at the tiefling warlock again.

"Xiao An, you are a good employee. You are hardworking and positive. I want to add more burdens to you. How about you? Are you confident?"

Ampapira was very excited,
"As much as you order!"

"I'm going to make you the leader of the Chaos Society."

Dragon sneered, "Dare to make trouble on the territory of our Iron and Steel Dragon United Chamber of Commerce? The bones are squeezed out of oil for him!"

"I'll organize all the troublemakers later, and you'll be in charge of the command. Remember, don't take the initiative to contact people from the Chaos Society, and wait until they take the initiative to pull you into the water."

Catching up is not a business, and high-end hunters often appear as prey.

"Oh, that's it, I see."

Tiefling naturally understood this truth, but his performance was still flawless, as if he had just been instructed.

If such a talent does not make progress, who will make progress?
Dragon is very satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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