The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 145 This thing is much easier to use than bows and arrows

Chapter 145 This thing is much easier to use than bows and arrows

In the Premi Forest, above the Bloodclaw Tribe, an eagle silently observed the actions of the Gnoll.

"It's so strange, why would the gnolls be equipped with dwarf muskets?"

The elf druid was very puzzled, but the high priest ordered them to look for any signs of abnormality, maybe this was the clue.

Thinking of this, the eagle quickly flew away to find the rangers who were on the same team as him.

Seeing the druid who fell from the sky and returned to his original form, the ranger captain hurriedly spoke.

"Did you find anything special?"

"A group of gnolls with dwarf muskets, is that special enough?"

"Dwarf musket?"

The Ranger Captain, who suddenly remembered something, became more and more puzzled, "It's strange, those stone-headed people haven't degenerated to the point of collaborating with wild dogs, right?"

"Who knows, maybe it's a duergar. Wait, a duergar?!"

The two elves looked at each other, and instantly had a terrifying guess.

The missing moon elf-gnoll-dwarf musket-dwarf-drow, is there a more complete chain of evidence than this?

The elf ranger laughed dryly, "No, it's impossible, right? I haven't heard that there is a passage leading to the Underdark in Primmel..."

"Who knows where the rats will come from?"

Druid looked cold, "We must obtain more accurate information."


Why do you say he's fine?
This is all right, there is such a deep pit, if you are not careful, you will fall into the pit to your death...

The ranger captain took out an enchanted arrow with a bitter face, bent the bow and shot it into the sky.

The enchanted arrow roared straight into the sky, and exploded into a ball of gorgeous flames amidst ear-piercing screams.

This is a signal to gather a large force. What should I do if I encounter a scapegoat who can't bear it?Of course, it is to pull more people to stand together!
Within a radius of tens of kilometers, all elves who saw the signal immediately began to gather.

At the same time, Old Torres, who was assigning tasks to the Wolf Man, looked at the sky in astonishment.

What a familiar firework, 30 years ago, not long after the same firework went up, everything about it was destroyed.

After a short silence, it turned to look at the cubs who didn't know what happened.

"Get ready to fight, the elves are about to attack. The eyes of the dragon are watching us, don't embarrass the boss!"

The jackals, who had been idle for a long time, immediately cheered when they heard the words, raised their shotguns and muskets high, and roared loudly.

"Long live the Mechanical Dragon King!"

"The Bloodclaw tribe is always loyal!"

"Blood Sacrifice Dragon God! Skull Sacrifice Main Seat!"

A group of gnolls went to put on their equipment in a mess. Old Torres shook his head helplessly, and called Hogg, the only one he could trust.

"Take a team of hunters to fetch the gnolls from the other two tribes. Remember, throw away everything that can't be lifted, as long as you can bring them back alive!"

"I see!"

Hogg nodded, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something, and turned to look at old Torres.

"Old chief, why don't you take the cubs and use the teleportation array to go first."

"I'm not going anywhere!"

Old Torres patted the revolver that Dragon gave him to shoot the big soldier, and said coldly.

"I've lived here my whole life, and even if I die, I'll die here too. I must never let that bastard old Sack see the joke!"

"Hurry up and bring back all the wolf men! Before the last adult wolf man is killed in battle, there must be no accidents in the teleportation array invested by the boss!"

"Don't worry."

Huoge Yigao was bold and did not bring any personal guards. He carried a shield and carried two spears and went to organize the retreat.

It is not afraid of any wolf man who dares to stab. There is no giant wolf man in the entire Bloodclaw tribe who is more than three meters tall and has explosive muscles.

Even in the security group of the Iron and Steel Mechanical Dragon United Chamber of Commerce, it is the unworldly wolf second only to the professional mentor of Ai Lumao.

With Hogg moving himself, the first camp was quickly withdrawn to the main tribe, but when it arrived at the second camp, it saw a few elf rangers occupying a high place to slaughter wantonly.

The reason why Old Torres set up two camps was mainly to accommodate the extra survivors. There were not many mature gnolls in the camp, so they were naturally no match for the elves.

Seeing the wood elves shooting arrows into the camp unscrupulously, Hogg raised his needle gun with bloodshot eyes.

"Damn long ears! I'm going to tear you apart!"

The gunshot rang out, and before the elf could hear the death knell, the 11mm caliber lead bullet had penetrated the enchanted chain mail on an elf's body, disturbing his chest.

The wood elf fell to the ground without saying a word, and the expressions of the other wood elves suddenly changed.

The Wood Elf, who is best at bows and arrows, was attacked by a jackal with a musket, which would make the dwarf laugh to death!

"Fight back immediately!"

The wood elves looked angrily in the direction of the bullets, trying to regain their glory with bows and arrows.

More than 300 meters away, Hogg hid behind an ancient tree, only revealing a musket.

There was another gunshot, and this time the elves saw the muzzle flame, but trying to avoid the supersonic flying bullets was a little out of line.

An elf's sky cap was blown off by lead bullets, and Hogg hated to hit the tree with a hammer.

"Damn it! I forgot to present the boss again!"

In Camp No. [-] of the Gnolls, the wood elves looked ugly.

"At least a thousand feet, how can the range of a musket be so far?"

"Maybe it has been enhanced by enchantment."

"Aren't you crazy? Who would give the gnolls an enchanted musket? Such a musket is worth more than their entire tribe!"

The elves turned over angrily and jumped into the gnoll camp.

Hogg loaded the needle gun with a bullet bayonet, a shield in one hand and a musket in the other, and strode towards the camp.
Its height and size were too obvious, and when it entered the range of the bow and arrow, the elves immediately launched an attack.

The densely packed arrows were nailed to the surface of the tower shield, none of which could penetrate the shield.

"Be careful! It's a jackal who has awakened the blood of the devil!"

An elf reminded loudly, and then he shot an arrow, and more than half of the arrow sank deeply into the tower shield, but even the +1 magic arrow could not completely penetrate the iron-wood hybrid shield that was at least three centimeters thick.

Two rangers had already pulled the rope at the entrance of the camp, but Hogg had no intention of going through the main entrance.

He stared at the elf who fired the magic arrow, and laughed grinningly.

"Weak tricks! Go to hell!"

The giant Gnoll who was in a rage broke through the wall directly against the shield, making the elves feel at a loss for a moment.

"A wild dog is a wild dog! Even the fence is a pile of rubbish?"

The ranger who was hiding behind the wall was devastated. He was directly knocked out by Hogg, his arms were broken, and blood spat all over the floor.

This elf has been crippled for a short time, and Hogg moved his attention to several other elves.

There are a total of ten elf rangers in this team. If two of them die and one is seriously injured, there will be only one dead left.

Three bullets, two bayonets, one punch, just right.

It smirked and raised its musket, aiming at the wood elves who subconsciously raised their bows and arrows.

"Idiot, this thing is much easier to use than your bows and arrows!"

ps: Readers, please be sure to read this chapter of this sentence

(End of this chapter)

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