The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 150 Mechanical Illegal Daughter!

Chapter 150 Blood Claw Battlegroup

[Collection task: Blood of dragons]

[Where does the powerful power of dragons come from?I'm so curious, what's the secret in their blood? ——The generous dragon girl]

[Need to pay different types of dragon blood X1]

Well, Gu Long sending missions to hunters is a feature of the monster world, and I have to taste it.It would be a waste not to use a thug as good as a hunter.

Dragon picks up Nero, and then returns to the multiverse.

The main body of this world is all kinds of dragons, and the number of human beings is too small, so there is no market for them.

The two dragon girls who have been raised by the modern society don't care about this little money at all. Instead of wasting time here, they might as well go back and embezzle Dragon's little money.

Nero and Celeste teamed up to open the space-time channel and returned to Star Fort. It took less than a day to go back and forth. Julia was a little surprised by the speed. She originally thought that Dragon would have to wander for at least a few days.

"Is that world desolate?"

"It's wild, mainly because there are few people and no market, but the natural environment is still very interesting."

Dragon was about to invite the rich woman to go for a walk together, when Celeste suddenly ran to Julia and complained in a whisper.

"Yes, Mom, it's interesting, you don't even know what he did in that world!"

"Mr. Dragon forcibly grabbed a female dragon that looked very similar to him, grabbed the female dragon's wings from behind, and injected a strange white liquid into the female dragon's body!"


Dragon was furious, "No, she slandered! She slandered me!"

"What do you mean grabbing and injecting fluid? I'm just collecting its genetic information!"

"Then why are you collecting its genetic information?"

Celeste proudly raised her little nose.

"Of course it is to make mechanical baby dragons..."

Dragon's voice gradually decreased, but Julia was full of smiles, as if she didn't hear Celeste's fire, and only looked at the mechanical dragon gently.

"Mr. Dragon, it's getting late, what would you like for dinner?"

No, it's getting late?

Dragon immediately felt his legs go limp when he heard the words, and said quickly, "Uh, I'm going back to Ailu Cat Academy to discuss with them about developing Monster Hunting World, why don't you eat it?"

Julia gently pulled his armor with charming eyes. "Flying at night is very dangerous. There's no need to be in a hurry. Let's go tomorrow morning."

"It's not that late, is it?"

Dragon smiled dryly and looked at the window, only to realize that at some point, the sky outside the castle was already full of stars.

Just now, the sun has not yet set in the west!You don't even have to act now, do you?

Dragon sighed and looked at Julia helplessly.

The older girl lowered her head shyly, but she didn't relax her fingers holding the mechanical dragon at all.

"Okay, give me ten tons of metal ingots first!",
Dragon is going to add a little more energy in advance to save trouble later, but before that, he has to get the two baby dragons out first.

"Does this have mithril and cold iron?"

"Of course, Teriki!"

Julia had already prepared many different types of ores for Dragon, and they didn't need to consume divine power, just connect directly to the elemental plane of earth and let Teriki go to dig it.

Shoggoth with infinite evolution ability is very suitable for mining.Soon the purple-haired maid and Alpha came over pushing two large carts of ore.

Dragon stretched out his front paws, and a large number of nanomachines poured out of his body and fell into the mine cart, the most important of which were two silver-white balls, which contained metal dragon cells.

Next, the nanomachine will first create an eggshell, and then provide the metal dragon cells with absorbable substances, making it gradually grow into a mechanical baby dragon.

This process takes longer than normal dragon eggs from gestation to hatching, and it takes a long time, but Dragon believes that by tomorrow's sunrise, the two mechanical baby dragons will be able to run and jump.

After one night, when the sun rose the next day, Dragon was lying on the ground like a salted fish, letting two very energetic mechanical dragonlings climb up and down on him, bouncing around.

Both young dragons were successfully bred. The first to break the shell was the mechanical Tianhui dragon. She had the same bright silver armor as Dragon, but her breath was not plasma sparks, but similar to Mithril dragon, half flame and half The high-energy rays of a laser.

And unlike Dragon, which is insulated from spells, the mechanical Tianhui dragon casts innate spells just like normal metal whelps once it breaks its shell.

It's a pity that she is still too young, and the fusion furnace is not mature enough to use Zhenjiang's radioactive heat breath.

The second one to break the shell is the Mechanical Thunder Wolf Dragon, which is about the same size as Tian Huilong, but because it does not need to consider the flight factor, its weight is directly several times that of its sister.

【Mechanical Thunder Wolf Dragon Type II】

【Gender: Female】

[total length: 240CM]

[Shoulder height: 80CM]

【Weight: 1020KG】

[Material: stable high-pressure phase ultra-dense β-iron-tungsten alloy]

[Energy: metal-based blood vessels, magnetically confined deuterium-tritium nuclear fusion furnace]

She also has the true dragon talent, a powerful anti-magic aura, and a breath that can dispel magic effects, which can bring the greatest surprise to any spellcaster who underestimates this wingless true dragon!
Two young dragons, one for air combat and the other for land combat. If there is another aquatic dragon, then after they grow up, the commanders of the three armies of the security team of the Iron and Steel Dragon United Chamber of Commerce will be complete.

"What kind of battle group should be prepared for them..."

Dragon was lost in thought, and Thunder Wolf Cub had nothing to say, so the gnoll threw it to her.

Thunder wolf cub commanding the wolf man, can't be said to be like a tiger with wings added, it is also a strong soldier.But Tianhuilong is in trouble, and there is no flying race under his command...

Fortunately, the Tianhui dragon cub is not yet old enough to work, and Dragon still has enough time to think about this issue, but Thunder wolf cub can no longer be playful.

Like most metallic dragons, she was born with the spell-like ability to transform herself.

In fact, among the [-] or [-] kinds of real dragons in the huge metal dragon family, it seems that only a very small number of dragons do not have the ability to transform, and they must use spells to transform themselves.

What kind of metal dragon is it, Dragon will not name it.

"Yeah QIU!"

Mesriel, who was eating, drinking and having fun, suddenly sneezed and muttered to himself suspiciously.

"Is there a dragon speaking ill of me? It must be Dragon!"

Angrily, she sat up from the big bed, walked out of the guest room and went straight to the main hall, and saw the mechanical dragon with a casual attitude at a glance.

"Dragon! Are you sneaking again?"

The voice gradually fell, Miss Mithril Dragon stared dumbfoundedly at the silvery white little dragon lying on top of Dragon's head, her eyes gradually became dull.

"That's it? A baby dragon? But why does it have the breath of a Mithril dragon on it..."

The Tianhui dragon cub also looked at Mesriel, she could feel that this big sister's aura was very similar to hers.

After a short thought, she directly spread her wings and took off, plunged into the arms of Mithril Dragon Big Sister, and smiled sweetly.

"Mom! Are you my mother?"

The innocent big sister Long who has no experience of breeding is dumbfounded. She doesn't even have a partner, so why did she have such a big child?

But looking at the bright silver dragon cub whose aura was exactly the same as that of the Mithril dragon except for the dragon wings, she slowly raised her head and glared at the mechanical dragon with a murderous look.

"Dragon! What have you done!"

(End of this chapter)

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