Chapter 154

"Hu, hu, hu..."

In the depths of the dense forest, several wood elf rangers leaned on the tree trunk in a state of embarrassment, gasping for breath and cheering each other up.

"It should be ok? It will be our territory soon, and that damned reptile must not dare to chase after it!"

"It's just a green dragon! When we get back, we must send out the high priest's elite to chop off its head and make a specimen!"

The elves cursed loudly, venting their anger and fear.

Suddenly, a female mage with a bronze dragon horn on her head came out from a big tree not far away, waved her hand with a sneer, and sprinkled a thorn seed.

The seeds grew long after falling to the ground, and turned into a ring-shaped Colosseum made of countless thorns.

"Long ears, your time of death has arrived."

She sneered and moved away, revealing a mechanical wolf cub with dragon horns.There is also a drone flying above the pups, and Dragon's voice comes from it.

"Rip them apart, Fenrir."

Hearing his father's order, the wolf cub immediately whined and rushed towards the elves.

"Fight the arrows!"

The elves who were besieged in the Colosseum could only do their best, and they didn't care about saving the tight spell slots, so they used all kinds of buff spells.

Flame arrows, magic weapons, lightning arrows, elemental weapons, warning arrows...

Arrows shining with various magical auras shot towards the wolf cub and Laila. Laila didn't even bother to move, but the wolf cub roared nervously and spit out a scatter ray.

In an instant, the arrows strengthened by the second-level spells and enchanted weapons lost their magic aura, and the magic aura on the rest of the arrows also became dim.

"Can dispel second-level spells just after birth? Are mechanical dragons all monsters..."

Laila couldn't help but look sideways, silently cursing in her heart.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen arrows all hit the wolf cub, and the fastest one was transformed into a lightning arrow by the spell, and the shining electric current directly covered the wolf cub.

Then the flaming arrows hit and exploded, and the violently rising flames instantly engulfed Fenrir, and finally there were a few ordinary stainless steel arrows.

But these are all useless!
Fenrir rushed out of the flames with his head down, except for the rising heat on the surface of his body, there was not even a white mark on his body.

"Damn! What kind of monster is this!"

Not afraid of magic arrows?This is no longer an ordinary monster, a powerful spell must be used!

But how can a ranger have powerful spells!
"Damn it! I hate constructs!"

They cursed and spread out while using various spells, trying to trap Fenrir.

Along the path of the wolf cubs, the ground with a radius of twenty feet was distorted and deformed, with uneven potholes and large groups of thorns.

But this kind of obstacle can't even scrape Fenrir. If you want to stop her dragon chariot, you have to be anti-tank and refuse horses, right?
The wolf cub jumped directly out of the 12-meter-long thorn belt. The rangers didn't want to fight this kind of steel lump, so they simply started to move.

A ranger released the jumping technique on himself, and then jumped nine meters high. When he was about to escape from the Colosseum, several thick and long thorns suddenly shot up into the sky, breaking out from bottom to top , Put him on directly.

The rest of the rangers immediately tightened their legs when they saw it, their cheeks were pale and bloodless.

It's brutal!It's really brutal!

"The evader dies."

Lila smiled coldly, "Long ears, if you want to take back your life, then try to defeat her."

Evasion is death, and death will be horrible and without reputation.

The rangers looked at each other and nodded with wry smiles.

"For the glory of His Majesty the God King!"

They roared angrily, drew out their daggers, and rushed towards Fenrir together.

The wolf cub tilted his head slightly, then rushed forward without fear.

At the same time, in another Colosseum.

The four-meter-high large metal can held a shield in one hand and a gun in the other, carrying three smaller metal cans, and fought head-on with the rangers who only wore light armor.

Ding Ding Ding!
Arrows were bounced off by the giant shield, and the ranger with only light weapons was helpless against metal cans.

"Despicable wild dogs! Don't you just hide in turtle shells!"

A ranger let out a desperate roar.


A small half-pound shell flew out of the gun, directly smashing half of his body.

"Who are you talking about wild dogs!"

Hogg scolded angrily, "We are the boss' regular employees!"

"Long live the Mechanical Dragon King!"

(End of this chapter)

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