The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 156 Flooded by water, at a loss

Chapter 156 Flooded by water, at a loss

"Die monster!"

The ranger who cast the stoneskin spell on himself stood in front of Fenrir, the dagger in his hand was shining with a strong white-hot light.

Can stop it!It must be blocked!

He watched closely the wolf cub charging headlong, dodged to avoid the dragon chariot collision, and at the same time swung his short sword vigorously.

Ding Dang!

The dagger was directly bounced off, and the ranger was frozen. Fenrir stopped and turned around suddenly, and swept off the ranger's legs with his tail. At the same time, he raised his front paws, and slapped him on the head whistling.

Blood and brains flew together, and bone dregs shattered all over the ground.

After getting the first kill, the wolf cub became more and more excited, bright electric current emerged from his body, and he looked up to the sky and howled.

"Wow woof woof woof!!!"

Dragon, who was observing the situation through the drone, directly patted his face with his paw.

"Wow woof woof? Who did this unlucky bastard learn from..."

The action speed of Fenrir in the supercharged state has been greatly improved, and the running speed has directly reached 180 miles.

Although she is not big, her weight is outrageous, she is crippled with a small slap, and the elf hit by the dragon car is like being run over by a steamroller, and it is directly broken into pieces.

In less than three minutes, all five elf rangers went to see Corellon.

Dragon is very satisfied with the fighting power of the wolf cubs, but it would be better if the battle roar could be a little more majestic.

"Come back first."

He was going to correct Fenrir's bad habits today.

Leila walked to the big tree indifferently, preparing to use spells to bring the wolf cub back.Fenrir ran over happily, and the bloody smell rushed directly into her face.

"Really, don't make yourself so dirty even in close combat!"

The female mage, who was somewhat of a clean freak, felt helpless, and stretched out her hand to summon a ball of non-stop spinning water, and directly buried the wolf cub in it.

"Wow woof woof woof!"

Fenrir, who was submerged in the water, was at a loss for a moment, and ran around sullenly, but managed to clean himself up.

Seeing the little wolf cub becoming clean again, Lila nodded with satisfaction, and then took her back to the Bloodclaw Tribe.

After the wolf cub stepped out of the tree, it threw itself directly on Dragon's face.

"Fenrir, great job!"

"Well, yes, great."

Dragon grabbed the little wolf cub and put it on his back, then looked at the female mage again.

"Lady Lyra, what do you think of the fight with the Wood Elves?"

Lila replied blankly: "It depends on your will. If you think it's necessary, I can summon a tsunami again and flood the entire Premilin."

"There's no need to be so exaggerated..."

Dragon murmured and said, "Passive defense is not an option either. I want to build a fortress in the elves' territory to force them to take the initiative to attack and continue to bleed the elves."

"Can you build a fortress out of plants?"


A gleam of pleasure flashed in Lyra's eyes at the thought of seeing the elf die.

"How many soldiers do you intend to place in the fortress?"

That’s a good question, Dragon was deep in thought.

It doesn't take many people to defend the city with muskets and artillery. A few hundred kobolds are enough.

But ordinary kobolds can't resist wood elves' spellcasters. If anyone in the Puri Milin is best at harming elves, it has to be drow.

Thinking of this, Dragon looked around, and soon saw a spider.

"Kestri? Can you hear me?"

"Of course, I am always waiting for your call."

The drow holding a spider bone umbrella walked out from behind the tree and looked at the mechanical dragon with a smile.

"What do you want me to do?"

"How many drows do you have now? I mean the kind that doesn't hurt after death."

"Five hundred. They can be rushed to the ground within two hours. They are all veterans with at least 50 years of service."


Dragon called both women over and began to lay out his evil plan.

"I plan to build a fortress in the jungle across the river, and use the Horns of the Bloodclaw tribe to force the elves to give up their terrain advantage and take the initiative to fight a siege battle with us."

Lyra recalled the terrain, frowning slightly.

"This is at least [-] kilometers away from the core territory of the wood elves. What if the elves also build fortresses?"

"Then I'm going to let them see what fire coverage is."

Dragon grinned grimly, "In a word, our offensive strategy is to form a solid formation and fight dull battles. One bunker for one mile, and one fortress for two miles! Even if we fight for 100 years, we must go to the lair of long ears!"

If humans were to fight this battle, three generations would have to be replaced after the battle. Fortunately, these few are all long-lived species.

"I understand."

Lyra began to think about what plants to use to build the fortress.

The main body must be hardwood, and some huge nuts that directly parasitize on the trunk can be cultivated on the outermost side. In order to prevent fire attacks, a vine that can directly suck out groundwater should also be cultivated.

A normal druid would definitely not do such a thing that distorts natural plants, but she is a green dragon and has the natural ability to transform plants, so there is no problem.

Dragon then drew her a schematic diagram of the bastion, and then asked her to help transform the Bloodclaw tribe first.

After all, Jackals are also full-time employees of the Iron and Steel Machinery Dragon United Chamber of Commerce. Although they are only security guards, they can't just live in primitive tribes, right?

But dignified adult green dragons, deep forest shadows, legendary druids, and chosen ones of the god of black water want to build a house for a group of scumbags?
Lila is very resistant to this kind of humiliating task, and has the urge to fight Dragon.

Then Keszhuo looked at her with great interest, his gaze was like a poisonous spider thread, instantly giving Laila the illusion that her soul was bound and melted.


A cry of horror and anger resounded in her heart, and then the divine power of Ketayat poured out from the water god codex, swallowing and melting the curse attached to Lyra's soul.

"What do you want to do!"

The investment almost lost everything, and the copy of the water god was so angry that it was about to steam!
"A little warning," Kestrel's hoarse voice sounded in Laila's mind, "Take care of your contractor, Water Elemental, or don't blame me for turning her into a spider."

"??? You are not the God of Spiders yet!"

"So I just gave her a little warning."

Keszhuo raised the corners of his mouth with a sneer, turned to look at Dragon, and smiled softly.

"Need me to surprise the wood elves?"

"Uh, no, no, no."

Dragon didn't want to make too much trouble, after all, there were tens of thousands of wood elves, no matter how arrogant Corellon was, he would not sit back and watch them be wiped out by the drow.

Just a little bloodletting.

"Go, take you to eat delicious food."

Dragon soared into the sky with the wolf cub on his back, Keszhuo smiled at Lila, turned and disappeared into the shadows.

The object of the quarrel left, and the water god copy fell into silence again.

Leila regained control of her body, her eyes were gloomy and she remained silent for a long time.

Elf!Another elf!
She must gain more power!

But before that, she glanced at the noisy Bloodclaw tribe, her expression gradually distorted.

"Build a castle for a pack of wild dogs!"

"What's going on in that guy's mind!"

(End of this chapter)

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