Chapter 162

chug chug...

Accompanied by the roar of the engine, the metal beast with a total weight of [-] tons roared out of the Ailumao factory and headed north.

Although the car has a rigid suspension, the huge elastic wire tires have excellent performance. Even when running in the wilderness, the interior of the body is quite stable.

Looking at the scenery passing by the car window, the wolf cub laughed excitedly.

"The car is amazing! Fenrir wants to play too!"

"Okay, come here."

Anyway, there is no traffic law in this world, so Dragon will naturally come as he pleases.

He asked Fenrir to sit in the co-pilot, taught him a few words, and then gave up the driver's seat to the wolf cub.

"Fenrir, full speed forward!"

Fenrir cheered, and directly increased the power to the maximum, and the speed of the armored car instantly exceeded [-] miles per hour.

At this speed, even the huge tires can’t save the stability. Because of the road surface, the RV is ups and downs like a roller coaster. Fortunately, the passengers in the car will not get motion sickness. Dragon is holding on to the handrail and laughing loudly .

"Good job Fenrir! Keep accelerating!"

"Wow woof woof!"

Encouraged by Dragon, the wolf cub abruptly drove the armored car out of the momentum of a husky, and ran around in the wild, taking the most uneven road.

Mesriel was very tired and asked helplessly, "Can you two be more stable?"

"What's the point of being safe? The waves are over!"

It's a pity that there are no monsters near the city. Dragon wanted to find something, but he couldn't find any targets.

The RV at a speed of [-] mph was extremely fast, and Sanhe City was soon left far behind.

Dragon suddenly realized that he didn't know anything about the Western Territory, so he simply looked at Mesriel.

"Is there any place worth taking risks in the western region?"

"you ask me?"

Mithril Dragon rolled his eyes at him, "I came here to look for you just after arriving in this rural area, you don't even know how could I know?"

"that's true……"

Dragon is quite distressed. This matter is so complete that he can't find a place to take risks. What should he do?

"Forget it, don't worry about it, just go wherever you go."

He simply let Fenrir drive around in the car, as long as he didn't fall into the water.

Then at night, the car was still wandering in the wilderness, and I saw a few villages in the middle, but Dragon didn't bother to stay, so he just camped.

At this time, the importance of the mage is highlighted. With a snap of her fingers, a seven-ring spell slot is consumed, and a luxury house in a different dimension is created directly with the mansion spell.

"You guys go in and clean it first, the compartment is suffocated..."

Mesriel let Xilin and Fenrir go in first, and Alpha looked at Dragon.

"Father, I don't need to rest, I can stay and guard the RV."

"Look at the car, let's go in together."

Dragon waved his hand casually, how could anyone steal a car in this wilderness?
And even if it is really stolen, the car will still have its location, and the Full Metal Dragon King will be able to justifiably go crazy by then!
"Let's go in together, do you want me to strengthen you?"

Alpha's combat power is a bit low, and he plans to try transplanting some metal dragon cells into her to see if she can be transformed into a dragonborn.

One dragon and one robot walked to the teleportation entrance. Mesriel put Alpha in, but stopped Dragon and said with a smile.

"Women's bathroom, men are not allowed. Dragon, you'd better stay outside and watch the car!"

As she spoke, she walked directly into the demiplane and closed the entrance from the inside.

Dragon dragons are stupid, what's the matter?Why is it the women's bathroom?

(End of this chapter)

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