The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 21 Occasionally because of gambling games, flying at the speed of sound, destroying the firs

Chapter 21 Occasionally because of gambling, the first peak of the dense forest was destroyed by flying at the speed of sound

Of course, the speed of 7.62 meters per second is just the normal flying speed of the red dragon, which is similar to the speed of human walking.When flying at full strength, the speed can be increased by four times, that is, 30.48 meters per second, a quarter of Dragon's current speed.

"It feels like we can increase the thrust," Dragon murmured, turning his head to look at the two dragon girls, "How are you doing? Do you feel cold?"

Nero shook his head, while Nelthario hugged his ji... thorn, screaming with excitement.

"It's not cold at all! Dragon, can you go any faster!"


After confirming that the two dragon sisters were all right, Dragon turned his head, the steam power furnace was running at full capacity, the mechanical base blood vessels also quickly converted the magic power into flames, and there was also the clean water needed by the steam power furnace.

boom! ! !
The flame steam burst out at the same time, and Dragon's speed increased rapidly, one hundred fourteen, one hundred sixteen, one hundred eight... until it reached 240 meters per second, Dragon felt a little tired.

"It seems that this is my top speed." Dragon looked down at the ground, his heart was so excited.

Two hundred and four per second, 860 kilometers per hour, the cruising speed of civil aviation airliners is just like this.Although it is still not as good as a supersonic fighter, it is also better than a flapping fire-breathing lizard.

Now there is no need to worry about safety issues at all, can't you beat or run?As long as you don't get overwhelmed by the caster, then Dragon can really go wherever he wants. This morning he was still eating steamed buns in the Eastern Continent, and tomorrow he can go to the New Continent for coffee at noon.

What does it mean to travel to the North Sea at dusk and Wu Cangwu, the tungsten rod in the blunderbuss is bold?

Just one minute later, Dragon, who was flying along a tributary of the great river, saw three simple primitive tribes, one big, two small, and a few kilometers apart.

Dragon reduced the thrust, adjusted the direction of the dragon wings, and circled back and forth a thousand meters above the wolf tribe.

The excellent vision sensor enabled him to clearly see the wolf man tribe on the ground at this height.

As the old Torres said, this is an ordinary primitive tribe under the tribal chieftain system.Weapons are in line with the times, but ordinary steel cold weapons can't hurt Dragon.

The only threat in this tribe is the gnoll priest. As long as the gnoll priest is eliminated, Dragon will not be broken even if he stands and let them fight.

Dragon stretched out his left paw indifferently, aiming at the most conspicuous wooden houses.Although I don't know which house the gnoll priest lives in, it must be in these wooden houses.

Who told other gnolls to live in shacks?
However, although killing the gnoll priest in this way killed the hidden danger in advance, it seems that it can't deter other gnolls?

Is there any way to get rid of the Gnoll Priest while maximizing its death?

After a short thought, Dragon withdrew his left paw and turned straight back along the way he came.

"What's wrong, Dragon? Didn't you want to kill that priest? Has it succeeded?"

It was windy at high altitude, so Nesario could only shout and ask.

"Not yet!"

Dragon replied casually: "Remember Nesario, killing is a very simple matter, it only takes a second, but it takes decades for a life to grow."

"So killing is a loss, and unnecessary killing is a blood loss. When we have to kill, we must let the lives that are killed contribute the most value, otherwise we will lose a lot!"

"If you lose too much, keep grabbing!"

The violent stupid loli laughed loudly: "Dragon is so stupid, as long as we keep robbing, we won't lose money!"

This stupid loli was hopeless, but Nero's eyes lit up when he heard it.

"Like the labor dispatch you said before?"

She asked enthusiastically: "You can only make money once by selling slaves, but you can make money continuously by dispatching labor!"

"It's about the same," Dragon said earnestly educated them: "Don't always think about fighting and killing, you have to work hard, how can you make money if you work hard? We are dragons, and we can use money and fear to drive other people. The monster is fighting for me."

"Huh? You still need to pay for driving monsters?"

Nesario patted Dragon's back vigorously, "Are you crazy, Dragon, we have never been the only dragons to collect money from monsters by robbing their houses, how can there be any reason for dragons to throw money out?"

"I really"

Dragon was speechless. He finally knew why there were so many giant dragons who could become legends by lying down and eating dirt, but they were slaughtered at a young age.

It's unreasonable for everyone to have an open eye for money and risk their lives for money, so that they don't die.

"Do you understand what it means to save money and lose your life? You lose your life. If you save your life and lose your money, you keep your life?"

After a few words, he had returned to the starting point and saw the old wolf man walking along the river.He simply slowed down and prepared to land, while teaching the little stupid dragon an economics lesson.

"Money that is not in circulation has no value at all, it is metal minerals. If you send money to monsters, the money will only stay in their hands temporarily, and sooner or later it will be spent."

"We can use various methods to get the money back, but this is meaningless. Only the money in circulation can create value."

This kind of thing can't be explained in a few words at all, and Nesario, who is already a tyrant at a young age, doesn't bother to listen.

Nero nodded again and again, wishing he could take out a notebook and discuss it with Dragon, how to exploit better, ahem, let monsters create value better.

When approaching the ground, the dragon wings flipped, and the powerful thrust of the flame steam jet counteracted the inertia, and landed slowly.

The old Gnoll who had just set off and hadn't gone far hurried over and bent down, "Dear Boss Dragon, is it because my previous description was not clear enough?"

"No, after the field trip, I have a new plan."

Dragon grinned, "Listen to me..."

He roughly talked about his script, and the old wolf man felt that there was no problem after listening to it.Moreover, this script also made the old jackal who was already suffocated feel excited.

Dragon specially set the lines for the old wolf man, and then the old wolf man began to cut down trees to make canoes.But that speed...

"Forget it, let me do it", I can't wait to watch the fantasy version. Don't bully the old and poor Dragon, just do it yourself, chop off a few big trees with dragon wings, remove the crown, drill holes, and fix them with pins. Soon he Just made a wooden raft.

After pushing the raft into the water and letting the old wolf man hold it steady, Dragon grabbed the end of the raft and slowly activated the dragon wings.

call! ! !
Flames burst into steam, pushing the raft down the river.

Alas, to exploit a monster, the first thing to do is to exploit yourself.

For the whole job, Dragon also worked hard.

(End of this chapter)

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