The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 44 The Times Have Changed, Elf!

Chapter 44 The Times Have Changed, Elf!
But it is indeed a bit difficult to make this ten-meter-high monster mature.

"It seems that the whole blast furnace is really in trouble...Go back to the Bloodclaw Tribe first."

Dragon grabbed Dapeng's paw helplessly, "Huh?"

On the paw of this roc, there is actually a palm-wide silver-white metal claw ring.

This thing is actually domesticated?
Dragon tried to scrape the claw ring, it was very hard, not like silver, but a bit like platinum.

The two dragon girls also noticed the claw ring and exclaimed in unison.



Dragon was also taken aback. According to the inheritance of the dragon, mithril is an important material for making magic equipment, and it is much more valuable than silver and gold.

"What kind of family, use mithril to make claw rings for pets."

Dragon turned the claw ring and found that the same paragraph was engraved on it in seven languages ​​including Common, Dragon, Elvish, Giant, Celestial, Abyss, and Purgatory.

"Please don't hurt Bibi, it has been trained and will not take the initiative to attack intelligent creatures. If it hurts your animals, please take off the claw ring. If the compensation is not enough, my address is engraved inside the claw ring, and I have the ability to compensate For all the damage caused by Bibi. Sincerely, Bessie."

After reading this passage, the three young dragons couldn't help but look at each other. After a brief silence, Dragon suddenly sneered.

"What does it mean not to attack intelligent creatures actively? Isn't an attack without survivors considered an attack!"

Nesario looked at the iron-clad Dragon, the elder brother of a dragon-shaped construct who was more like a dragon than a giant dragon, and forced a smile to ask, "Is there a possibility that it doesn't regard you as an intelligent creature?"

"Go! Go! Go!"

Well, he was expelled from the intelligent creature status, and the more Dragon thought about it, the more angry he was, and he would be sorry for the energy he consumed if he didn't make this broken bird into a full-fledged one.

"Go away!"

He grabbed the big roc's claws and activated the six nozzles with all his strength. He used all his strength to eat ore, and finally lifted the roc into the sky and slowly flew towards the blood claw tribe.

Shortly after he left, a party of elven rangers appeared among the jungles.

"There's blood everywhere, what happened here?"

"Go look for clues, be careful."

At the order of the leading ranger, the elves scattered around, because Dragon had no intention of destroying the evidence at all, and they quickly pieced together the truth of the matter.

"There are roc feathers everywhere, and the internal organs of huge birds are scattered in the forest. It seems that the roc raised by that monster has really been killed."

"The first scene should be in the air, some kind of creature cut open the belly of the roc in a certain way."

"That roc won't attack intelligent creatures, maybe because it competes for hunting grounds?"

"But where is Dapeng's body? Eat it up? That's [-] pounds of meat!"

"It may be a creature with storage habits..."

Hearing the comments of his subordinates, the ranger captain only felt a headache. The monster's pet died in his patrol area, which was really a scapegoat.

"Let's look for it again, at least we have to figure out what kind of creature killed Dapeng."

But this time it was difficult for the elves to find clues. Dragon didn't land from the beginning to the end, and the smell was even more nonsense.

After searching carefully for more than half an hour, the elves gathered to discuss new discoveries.

"Look at this deer," an elf pointed to the elk that Dragon had killed. "The weapon that killed it was very strange, a bit like a blow dart, but it was a metal cone."

"That's it." He spread out his hands, and in his palms were three bullets dug out of the soil.

The ranger captain took over the warheads, and because they did not collide with hard objects, all three warheads were in good condition.

"The machining accuracy is very high..."

He stroked the surface of the bullet, then looked at the elk's wound.

"Piercing wounds, shooting metal arrows, this kind of damage is a bit like a dwarf's toy."

"Come here!"

Another elf shouted, and the elves hurried past.

"A lot of branches here are broken, and there is a lot of blood on the ground. It should be the place where the roc fell."

The ranger captain touched the blood-soaked ground and was about to get up when he suddenly discovered that part of the ground had been burned by flames.

"A fire-breathing creature that can fly and has the ability to hunt and kill rocs. Could it be a red dragon?"

The Ranger Captain frowned, but what about the deer?There are no dwarves in the Premi Forest, so it's impossible for a giant dragon with a dwarf gun to kill Dapeng, right?
This is also outrageous.

Forget it, this kind of thing is still a headache for the higher-ups.

He got up and gave the order.

"We are going back to Oak Town, and we must let the elders know about this immediately."

"But our mission," a young elf said hesitantly, "the elder asked us to investigate the development of those monster tribes..."

"Don't be silly, little guy." A ranger patted the young elf's shoulder, laughed and said, "There will be no change. Those monsters are like pests in the garden. There are always several kinds. More than 30 years ago What they were, what they will be now."

"There will be no change. Even if their numbers increase, can they still resist our bows and arrows?"

"You don't need to refund the mission subsidy, right? I'm going to Sister Sera's tavern to have a good drink."

"Are you going to drink? I don't even mean to expose you!"


A group of old fritters hooked up shoulder to shoulder and brought Xiaomengxin back to the city, and Xiaomengxin was still a little uneasy.

"Is it really okay to leave the wolf man alone?"

"Of course, let me tell you, as long as you kill the leader, the gnoll is easier to kill than the goblin. At least the gnoll can't make holes..."

In the Bloodclaw tribe, the old gnoll who was busy counting the loot sneezed, and then heard Dragon's shout.

"Old Torres, old Torres."

The old jackal hurried out of the cabin, "What's the boss' order?"

"Take someone to dig some carts of clay for me and come back."


Old Torres wouldn't ask what clay was like Hogg did, so he summoned a group of burly Gnoll warriors and headed straight to the river.

This is the efficiency that a good dog leg should have. Hogg needs to practice more.

Dragon nodded with satisfaction, and began to think about how big a blast furnace to build.

Dapeng is ten meters long from head to tail, so the height of the earthen blast furnace should not be lower than 12 meters at least, and it should be higher to 15 meters.

The furnace body is supported by rough wood and covered with clay, it should be fine.

Diameter, Dragon tried to roll the roc, but found that the wings were too big and had to be cut into sections. In this way, the diameter of the upper part of the blast furnace should be eight meters, and the lower part can be narrowed to allow the hot air to go upward.

That's it, try it out first.

Although it was the first time for Dragon to fix the oven, he was idle anyway, and there were gnolls in the dirty work.

He is in charge of directing and building, it feels like playing a real-life version of Minecraft, not to mention how interesting it is.

(End of this chapter)

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